• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Terrain Map

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An Analysis of Multi-path Propagation Characteristics Using DTM : Considering Slope of the Ground Surface (DTM을 이용한 다중경로 전파특성 분석 : 지면의 경사를 고려한 해석)

  • Lim, Joong-Soo;Chae, Gyoo-Soo;Kim, Min-Nyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2007
  • We suggest a multi-path propagation analysis method using DTM(Digital Terrain Map). Generally, the total signal strength at a target is calculated by adding the field propagated in free space and the field reflected from the ground surface. In this paper, we also consider the vertical reflections associated with the vertical surfaces such as precipitous cliffs and electricity pylons in the mountain area. In addition, we primarily take account the main slope of the ground surface to improve the accuracy of the total field density at the target.

An Study on anti-ARM technique using decoys considering DTM (DTM을 고려한 ARM 방어를 위한 디코이 레이다에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Nyun;Chae, Gyoo-Soo;Lim, Joong-Soo
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.341-344
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    • 2010
  • 본 논문은 디코이(Decoy) 안테나를 사용하여 레이다를 보호하기 위한 레이다 전파회피 기술에 대한 것이다. 2개 이상의 디코이를 사용하여 ARM을 방어하는 기술을 디코이의 배치 방법과 배치 거리에 따른 ARM의 요격효과를 시뮬레이션 하고, ARM 방어를 위한 효과적인 디코이 배치 방법 및 배치거리를 제안한다. 또한 실제 DTM(Digital Terrain Map)의 고도 좌표를 적용한 경우 ARM의 타격 오차 등을 시뮬레이션하였다.

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Performance Analysis of GLTF/GLB to Improve 3D Content Rendering Performance

  • Jae Myeong Choi;Ki-Hong Park
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 2023
  • 3D content rendering is one of the important factors that give a sense of realism when creating content, and this process takes a lot of time. In this paper, we proposed a method to improve rendering performance by reducing the vast amount of 3D data in the web environment, and conducted a performance test using DEM and 3D model elevation data. As a result of the experiment, the digital elevation model showed faster performance than the Blender-based 3D modeling, but when the screen was moved using OrbitControl, the fps dropped momentarily. In the case of Terrain, if the range is limited to a speed that maintains 24 to 60 fps using frustum culling and LOD techniques, it is considered that a higher quality map can be produced than GeoTIFF.

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Geographical and Equipment Modeling for 3D Excavation Simulation

  • Moon, Sungwoo;Jo, Hwani;Ku, Hyeonggyun;Choi, Sungil
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2017.10a
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    • pp.242-244
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    • 2017
  • Excavation for construction is implemented in natural geographical terrain using a variety of construction equipment. Therefore, 3D excavation simulation requires integration of geographical and equipment modeling. This paper proposes a technique that integrates geographical and equipment modeling for 3D simulations of construction excavation. The geographical model uses a digital map to show ground surface changes during excavation and the equipment model shows equipment movement and placement. This combination produced a state of the art 3D simulation environment that can be used for machine guidance. An equipment operator can use the 3D excavation simulation to help construction equipment operators with decisions during excavation work and consequently improve productivity.

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Prediction and Verification of Distribution Potential of the Debris Landforms in the Southwest Region of the Korean Peninsula (한반도 서남부 암설사면지형의 분포가능성 예측 및 검증)

  • Lee, Seong-Ho;Jang, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2020
  • This study evaluated a debris landform distribution potential area map in the southwest region of the Korean peninsula. A GIS spatial integration technique and logistic regression method were used to produce a distribution potential area map. Seven topographic and environmental factors were considered for analysis and 28 different data set were combined and used to get most effective results. Moreover, in an accuracy assessment, the extracted results of the Distribution Potential area were evaluated by conducting a cross-validation module. Block stream showed the highest accuracy in the combination No. 6, and that DEM (digital elevation model) and TWI (topographic wetness index) have relatively high influences on the production of the Block stream Distribution Potential area map. Talus showed the highest accuracy in the combination No. 13. We also found that slope, TWI and geology have relatively high influences on the production of the Talus Distribution Potential area map. In addition, fieldwork confirmed the accuracy of the input data that were used in this study, and the slope and geology were also similar. It was also determined that these input data were relatively accurate. In the case of angularity, the block stream was composed of sub-rounded and sub-angular systems and Talus showed differences according to the terrain formation. Although the results of the rebound strain measurement using a Schmidt's hammer did not shown any difference in topographic conditions, it is determined that the rebound strain results reflected the underlying geological setting.

GeoAI-Based Forest Fire Susceptibility Assessment with Integration of Forest and Soil Digital Map Data

  • Kounghoon Nam;Jong-Tae Kim;Chang-Ju Lee;Gyo-Cheol Jeong
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2024
  • This study assesses forest fire susceptibility in Gangwon-do, South Korea, which hosts the largest forested area in the nation and constitutes ~21% of the country's forested land. With 81% of its terrain forested, Gangwon-do is particularly susceptible to wildfires, as evidenced by the fact that seven out of the ten most extensive wildfires in Korea have occurred in this region, with significant ecological and economic implications. Here, we analyze 480 historical wildfire occurrences in Gangwon-do between 2003 and 2019 using 17 predictor variables of wildfire occurrence. We utilized three machine learning algorithms—random forest, logistic regression, and support vector machine—to construct wildfire susceptibility prediction models and identify the best-performing model for Gangwon-do. Forest and soil map data were integrated as important indicators of wildfire susceptibility and enhanced the precision of the three models in identifying areas at high risk of wildfires. Of the three models examined, the random forest model showed the best predictive performance, with an area-under-the-curve value of 0.936. The findings of this study, especially the maps generated by the models, are expected to offer important guidance to local governments in formulating effective management and conservation strategies. These strategies aim to ensure the sustainable preservation of forest resources and to enhance the well-being of communities situated in areas adjacent to forests. Furthermore, the outcomes of this study are anticipated to contribute to the safeguarding of forest resources and biodiversity and to the development of comprehensive plans for forest resource protection, biodiversity conservation, and environmental management.

A Study on the Coast Topography using Real-Time Kinematics GPS and Echo Sounder

  • Park, Woon-Yong;Kim, Jin-Soo;Kim, Cheon-Yeong
    • International Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology Speciallssue:Selected Papers
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 2003
  • This research aims at investigation of accuracy potential of RTK(Real-Time Kinematic) GPS in combination with Echo Sounder(E/S) for the coastal mapping. Apart from this purpose, the accuracy of ambiguity resolution with the OTF(On The Fly) method was tested with respect to the initialization time. The result shows that the accuracy is better than 1cm with 5-minute initialization in the distance of 10km baseline. The seaside topography was measured by the RTK GPS only, on the other hand the seafloor topography was surveyed in combination of RTK GPS and E/S. Comparing to the volume of seaside measured by RTK GPS and digital topographical map, the difference of only 2% was achieved. This indicates that the coastal mapping. As a result, it has been revealed that every possible noise in surveying could be corrected and the accuracy could be improved. The accuracy of GPS data acquired in real time was as good as that acquired by post processing. It is expected that it will be useful for the analysis of coastal geographic characteristics because DTM(Digital Terrain Model) can be also constructed for the harbor reclamation, the dredging, and the variation of soil movement in a river.

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A Study on the Coast Topography using Real-Time Kinematics GPS and Echo Sounder

    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.17 no.3 s.52
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2003
  • This research aims at investigation of accuracy potential of RTK(Real-Time Kinematic) GPS in combination with Echo Sounder(E/S) for the coastal mapping. Apart from this purpose, the accuracy of ambiguity resolution with the OTF(On The Fly) method was tested with respect to the initialization time. The result shows that the accuracy is better than 1cm with 5-minute initialization in the distance of 10km baseline. The seaside topography was measured by the RTK GPS only, on the other hand the seafloor topography was surveyed in combination of RTK GPS and E/S. Comparing to the volume of seaside measured by RTK GPS and digital topographical map, the difference of only $2\%$ was achieved. This indicates that the coastal mapping. As a result, it has been revealed that every possible noise in surveying could be corrected and the accuracy could be improved. The accuracy of GPS data acquired in real time was as good as that acquired by post processing. It is expected that it will be useful for the analysis of coastal geographic characteristics because DTM(Digital Terrain Model) can be also constructed for the harbor reclamation, the dredging, and the variation of soil movement in a river.

The Evaluation on Accuracy of LiDAR DEM by Plotting Map (도화원도를 이용한 LiDAR DEM의 정확도 평가)

  • 최윤수;한상득;위광재
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2002
  • DEM(Digital Elevation Model) is used widely in image processing, water resources, construction, GIS, landscape architecture, telecommunication, military operations and other related areas. And it is used especially in producing ortho-photo based on specific DEM and developing 3D GIS database vividly. As LiDAR(Light and Detection And Ranging) system emerged recently, DEM could be developed in urban area more efficiently and more economically, compared to the conventional DEM Production. Traditional method using check points for elevation has tome limitations in structure's height accuracy by LiDAR, because it uses only terrain height. Accordingly after the downtown of Chungju city was selected as a test field in this paper and DEM and digital ortho images was produced by way of LiDar survey, the accuracy was evaluated through analytical plotting map. The result shows that in case of buildings in LiDAR DEM, the accuracy is 0.30 m in X, 0.62 m in Y and RMS is 1.17 m. The difference distribution between DEM and plotting map in range of $\pm$10 cm was 36.2% and $\pm$10 cm $\pm$20 cm was 43.53%. The accuracy of LiDAR in this study meets 1/5,000 which is the regulation for map of NGI(National Geography Institute) and LiDAR can be possibly used in many other applied area.

Analysis on the Topographic Change in the West Coast Using Landsat Image (Landsat 영상을 이용한 서해안 지형 변화 분석)

  • Kang, Joon-Mook;Kang, Young-Mi;Lee, Ju-Dae
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.13 no.2 s.32
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2005
  • Upon the request of balanced development of the country and making inroads into the continent of China the development of the west coast was begun in the late 1980s, which has been being continued till recently under the blueprint of making the western part of the capital region to be the hub of northeastern Asia. As more lively development is expected to continue in the area, there are many occurrences of change in topology and terrain in the west coast. This study was done to detect the topographic and terrain change of the vicinity of the west coast. To make the basic map of the change in topology and terrain, the mosaic images were made using landsat images. The accuracy of the images was examined by comparing them with GCP through 1:25,000's digital map. After that, among the resultant images of the 1970s and 2000s, those of Sihwa, Hwaong and Ansan, the lands reclaimed by drainage were compared to observe the change in the area. From the results, it was concluded that, in case of the land the topological change was not so big due to the development in the reclaimed land or the bare land, and the area of agriculture and downtown increased, the drainage and bare land area decreased by comparing the change of land use.

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