• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Elevation Models(DEM)

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Estimation of the Amount of Mining and Waste Rocks at Musan Mine in North Korea Using a Historical Map and SRTM and Copernicus Global Digital Elevation Models (조선지형도와 SRTM 및 Copernicus 글로벌 수치지형모델을 이용한 북한 무산광산의 채광량 및 폐석 적치량 추정)

  • Yongjae Chu;Hoonyol Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_1
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    • pp.495-505
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    • 2023
  • The Musan mine, situated in Musan County, Hamgyong Province, North Korea, stands as a prominent open-pit iron mine on the Korean Peninsula. This study focuses on estimating the mining and dumping activities within the Musan mine area by analyzing digital elevation model (DEM) changes. To calculate the long-term volume changes in the Musan mine, we digitized and converted the 1:200,000-scale third topographic map of the Joseon published in 1918 and compared with interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) DEMs, including Shuttle Radar Topography Mission DEM (2000) and Copernicus DEM (2011-2015). The findings reveal that over a century, Musan mine yielded around 1.37 billion tons of iron ore, while approximately 1.06 billion tons of waste rock were dumped. This study is particularly significant as it utilizes a historical topographic map predating the full-scale development of Musan mine to estimate a century's mining production and waste rock deposition. It is expected that this research provides valuable insights for future investigation of surface change of North Korea where the acquisition of in situ data remains challenging.

Water Quality Modeling in the Delaware River Basin by SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tools) (SWAT를 이용한 델라웨어강 유역의 수질모델링)

  • Cho, Sung-Min;Lee, Myung-Woo
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.39-57
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    • 1995
  • The water quality model SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) was used in combination with GIS, Arc/Info and GRASS, to evaluate land use impacts in the Delaware River Basin in Pennsylvania. This paper describes application of GIS with the water quality model in the 250 square kilometer Brodhead Creek Watershed. Date used in water quality modeling include 1:250,000 digital elevation models (DEM), soil data, and monitored streamflow and curve numbers, and other input variables.

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Topography, Vertical and Horizontal Deformation In the Sulzberger Ice Shelf, West Antarctica Using InSAR

  • Kwoun Oh-Ig;Baek Sangho;Lee Hyongki;Sohn Hong-Gyoo;Han Uk;Shum C. K.
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2005
  • We construct improved geocentric digital elevation model (DEM), estimate tidal dynamics and ice stream velocity over Sulzberger Ice Shelf, West Antarctica employing differential interferograms from 12 ERS tandem mission Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images acquired in austral fall of 1996. Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) laser altimetry profiles acquired in the same season as the SAR scenes in 2004 are used as ground control points (GCPs) for Interferometric SAR (InSAR) DEM generation. 20 additional ICESat profiles acquired in 2003-2004 are then used to assess the accuracy of the DEM. The vertical accuracy of the OEM is estimated by comparing elevations with laser altimetry data from ICESat. The mean height difference between all ICESat data and DEM is -0.57m with a standard deviation of 5.88m. We demonstrate that ICESat elevations can be successfully used as GCPs to improve the accuracy of an InSAR derived DEM. In addition, the magnitude and the direction of tidal changes estimated from interferogram are compared with those predicted tidal differences from four ocean tide models. Tidal deformation measured in InSAR is -16.7cm and it agrees well within 3cm with predicted ones from tide models. Lastly, ice surface velocity is estimated by combining speckle matching technique and InSAR line-of-sight measurement. This study shows that the maximum speed and mean speed are 509 m/yr and 131 m/yr, respectively. Our results can be useful for the mass balance study in this area and sea level change.

Application of Improved Algorithm for Topographic Index Calculation (개선된 지형지수 산정 알고리즘의 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Hyeon;Lee, Ji-Yeong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.489-499
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    • 1999
  • This research investigated the applicapability of an improved algorithm to calculate the topographic index, ln($\alpha$/tan B), for the topography of Korea employing channel initiation threshold area(CIT) and an exponent for the gradient(H). hanjaechun subwatershed in Cheongdochun and Dongok subwatershed in Wichun test watershed were selected as study areas. The digital elevation models(DEM) of study areas have been made with the resolution from 10m to 100m. Application of CIT to the traditional algorithm provide reasonable computation method in considering channel pixel impact. Introduction of the gradient exponent(H) made it possible to obtain better flow convergence effect in concave topography comparing with the traditional multiple flow direction algorithm. The improved algorithm shows the capability to relax the overestimation problem of rising limb of hydrograph through reducing overestimated high value of topographic index.

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To Evaluate the Accuracy of DEMs Derived from the Various Spectral Bands of Color Aerial Photos (컬러항공사진의 밴드별 수치표고모형 정확도 평가)

  • Kim, Jin-Kwang;Hwang, Chul-Sue
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2007
  • In this study, Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) were constructed from color images, grayscale images and each bands (Red, Green, Blue) of color image, and the accuracies of each DEMs were evaluated, And then, correlation coefficients between left and right images of each stereopairs were analyzed. The DEM can be constructed conventionally from the digital map and stereopair images using image matching. The image matching requires stereo satellite images or aerial photographs. In case of rotor aerial photographs, these are to be scanned in 3 bands (Red, Green, Blue). For this study, 5 types of images were acquired; color, grayscale, RED band, GREEN band, and BLUE band image. DEMs were constructed from 5 types of stereopair images and evaluated using elevation points of digital maps. In order to analyze the cause of various accuracies of each DEMs, the similarity between left and right images of each stereopairs were analyzed. Consequently, the accuracy of the DEM constructed from RED band images of color aerial photograph were proved best.

A Wide DEM Generation Based on Orthoretification and DEM Data Fusion (직각정규화와 DEM 자료 융합을 이용한 광역 DEM 생성)

  • 예철수;전병민;이쾌희
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.99-108
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this paper is to combine digital elevation models (DEM) using SPOT satellite stereo images. After DEM extraction, a grid of longitude and latitude is generated using the results of DEM extraction. Heights at each grid location are determined from the obtained DEMs by using triangular image warping interpolation that uses the heights of the three nearest neighbors. The final heights at each grid location can then be determined by using the maximum likelihood as a fusion strategy. The input images used in this paper are two pairs of SPOT stereo images and experiments show that heights of DEM are successfully fused

SAR Clutter Image Generation Based on Measured Speckles and Textures (지표면 별 영상잡음과 영상질감을 이용한 SAR 클러터 영상 생성)

  • Kwon, Soon-Gu;Oh, Yi-Sok
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.375-381
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) clutter images are simulated based on the extensive analyses for radar backscatter characteristics of various earth surfaces, and the simulated images are compared with measured SAR images. At first, the surface parameters including soil moisture content and surface roughness parameters and other parameters for vegetation canopies are measured for various surfaces. The backscattering coefficients for the surfaces are computed using theoretical and empirical models for surface scattering and the radiative transfer for vegetation-canopy scattering. Then, the digital elevation map (DEM) and land cover map (LCM) are used for the SAR image generation. The SAR impulse response (correlation function) is also employed to simulated reliable SAR images. Finally, the appropriate speckle and texture parameters for various earth surfaces are used for generating the SAR clutter images.

Development and Use of Digital Climate Models in Northern Gyunggi Province - I. Derivation of DCMs from Historical Climate Data and Local Land Surface Features (경기북부지역 정밀 수치기후도 제작 및 활용 - I. 수치기후도 제작)

  • 김성기;박중수;이은섭;장정희;정유란;윤진일
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 2004
  • Northern Gyeonggi Province(NGP), consisting of 3 counties, is the northernmost region in South Korea adjacent to the de-militarized zone with North Korea. To supplement insufficient spatial coverage of official climate data and climate atlases based on those data, high-resolution digital climate models(DCM) were prepared to support weather- related activities of residents in NGP Monthly climate data from 51 synoptic stations across both North and South Korea were collected for 1981-2000. A digital elevation model(DEM) for this region with 30m cell spacing was used with the climate data for spatially interpolating daily maximum and minimum temperatures, solar irradiance, and precipitation based on relevant topoclimatological models. For daily minimum temperature, a spatial interpolation scheme accommodating the potential influences of cold air accumulation and the temperature inversion was used. For daily maximum temperature estimation, a spatial interpolation model loaded with the overheating index was used. Daily solar irradiances over sloping surfaces were estimated from nearby synoptic station data weighted by potential relative radiation, which is the hourly sum of relative solar intensity. Precipitation was assumed to increase with the difference between virtual terrain elevation and the DEM multiplied by an observed rate. Validations were carried out by installing an observation network specifically for making comparisons with the spatially estimated temperature pattern. Freezing risk in January was estimated for major fruit tree species based on the DCMs under the recurrence intervals of 10, 30, and 100 years, respectively. Frost risks at bud-burst and blossom of tree flowers were also estimated for the same resolution as the DCMs.

Assessment of the Effect of Digital Dlevation Model(DEM) Resolution on Simulation Results of the Physical Deterministic Lumped Parameters Hydrological Model (수치표고모형(DEM)의 해상도가 물리 결정 일괄 매개변수 수문모형의 모의 결과에 미치는 영향 평가)

  • Kim, Man-Kyu;Park, Jong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.151-165
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    • 2008
  • Ground slope and aspect are important parameters for physical deterministic water balance models like BROOK90 or hydrological models which attempt to calculate evapotranspiration, snowmelt, and net radiation. This study constructs a Digital Elevation Model(DEM) and examines how DEM resolution can change the average ground slope and aspect of a river basin and attempts to evaluate the effects on simulation results of BROOK90, a physical deterministic water balance model. The study area is Byungcheon river basin in Korea. DEM has been constructed using a 1:25,000 digital map with the methods of TIN and Topo To Raster. The total of 20 DEMs with 10m~100m resolution have been constructed, with a 10m interval. It was found that the higher the DEM resolution, the steeper the average ground slope value of the Byungcheon river basin. In turn, the direct solar radiation of a hilly area in the model increased the evapotranspiration and reduced the stream runoff in the Byungcheon river basin. On the other hand, a lower DEM resolution tends to move the average aspect from southeast to south in the Byungcheon river basin. Accordingly, it was found that stream runoff was reduced and evapotranspiration increased.

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Extracting DEM Using Kompsat Images (Kompsat 영상을 이용한 수치표고모델추출)

  • Choi, Hyun;Kang, In-Joon;Hong, Soon-Heun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.10 no.3 s.21
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    • pp.71-77
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    • 2002
  • DEMs(digital elevation models) are generally used to automatically map the channel network and to delineate subbasins. At present, most DEM data are derived from three alternative sources which are ground survey, pphotogrammetric data capture and digitized cartographic data sources. The accuracy of a DEM is dependent on the spatial resolution, quality of the source data, collection and processing procedures, and digitizing systems. weather conditions and nature environment.etc provide us satellite image of the highest quality. However, Match in error of the auto generation DEM was severely affected by physical and environmental conditions at shooting time. This paper shows that real-time operation analysis of applied hydrology after extracting DEM Using a pair of Kompsat images.

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