• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Elevation Data

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Landslide mapping using a combination of sentinel-2 multi spectral instruments and GIS data at Namwon, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea

  • Hwan-Hui Lim;Seung-Min Lee;Enok Cheon;Eu Song;Jun-Seo Jeon;Seung-Rae Lee
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.385-396
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    • 2024
  • With the recent development of satellite, aerial, and remote sensing technologies, it is easy to produce landslide inventory maps over a large area. In this study, the object-based framework was designed to address the limitations inherent in the pixel-based deep learning (DL) methodology. This framework explores the potential of combining Sentinel-2 MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI) satellite imagery and digital elevation models (DEMs) to enhance shallow landslide mapping across diverse terrains comprehensively. The study area for analysis and verification was selected as Jucheon-myeon, Namwon-si, and Jeollabuk-do, where significant large-scale landslides and slope failures occurred in 2020. As a result, the application of this framework led to the classification of 68 candidate sites spanning an area of 0.5 hectares or more. Site surveying was conducted on 20 random sites with a 1ha or more scale. Furthermore, six sites were selected where satellite imagery could discern the damaged areas. At these locations, the damaged area estimated by the framework was compared with the actual observed damaged area to assess accuracy. These rapid and cost-effective landslide mapping techniques can accurately estimate the location and extent of landslides and enhance the precision of sensitivity models and land management strategies.

A Study on Establishment of the Levee GIS Database Using LiDAR Data and WAMIS Information (LiDAR 자료와 WAMIS 정보를 활용한 제방 GIS 데이터베이스 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Choing, Yun-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.104-115
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    • 2014
  • A levee is defined as an man-made structure protecting the areas from temporary flooding. This paper suggests a methodology for establishing the levee GIS database using the airborne topographic LiDAR(Light Detection and Ranging) data taken in the Nakdong river basins and the WAMIS(WAter Management Information System) information. First, the National Levee Database(NLD) established by the USACE(United States Army Corps Engineers) and the levee information tables established by the WAMIS are compared and analyzed. For extracting the levee information from the LiDAR data, the DSM(Digital Surface Model) is generated from the LiDAR point clouds by using the interpolation method. Then, the slope map is generated by calculating the maximum rates of elevation difference between each pixel of the DSM and its neighboring pixels. The slope classification method is employed to extract the levee component polygons such as the levee crown polygons and the levee slope polygons from the slope map. Then, the levee information database is established by integrating the attributes extracted from the identified levee crown and slope polygons with the information provided by the WAMIS. Finally, this paper discusses the advantages and limitations of the levee GIS database established by only using the LiDAR data and suggests a future work for improving the quality of the database.

Creation of Vector Network Data with Considering Terrain Gradient for Analyzing Optimal Haulage Routes of Dump Trucks in Open Pit Mines (노천광산 덤프트럭의 최적 운반경로 분석을 위한 지형경사가 고려된 벡터 네트워크 자료의 생성 방법)

  • Park, Boyoung;Choi, Yosoon;Park, Han-Su
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.353-361
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    • 2013
  • Previous studies for analyzing optimal haulage routes of dump trucks in open pit mines mostly used raster data. However, the raster data has several problems in performing optimal route analyses: (1) the jagged appearance of haulage roads according the cell resolution often causes overestimation of the travel cost; (2) it difficult to trace the topological relationships among haulage roads. These problems can be eliminated by using vector network data, however a new method is required to reflect the performance characteristics of a dump truck according to terrain gradient changes. This study presents a new method to create vector network data with the consideration of terrain gradient for analyzing optimal haulage routes of dump trucks in open pit mines. It consists of four procedures: (a) creating digital elevation models, (b) digitizing haulage road networks, (c) calculating the terrain gradient of haulage roads, and (d) calculating the average speed and travel time of a dump truck along haulage roads. A simple case study at the Roto South pit in the Pasir open pit coal mine, Indonesia is also presented to provide proof that the proposed method is easily compatible to ArcGIS Network Analyst software and is effective in finding optimal haulage routes of dump trucks with considering terrain gradient in open pit mines.

Improvement of Air Temperature Analysis by Precise Spatial Data on a Local-scale - A Case Study of Eunpyeong New Town in Seoul - (상세 공간정보를 활용한 국지기온 분석 개선 - 서울 은평구 뉴타운을 사례로 -)

  • Yi, Chae-Yeon;An, Seung-Man;Kim, Kyu-Rang;Choi, Young-Jean;Scherer, Dieter
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.144-158
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    • 2012
  • A higher spatial resolution is preferable to support the accuracy of detailed climate analysis in urban areas. Airborne LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) and satellite (KOMPSAT-2, Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite-2) images at 1 to 4 m resolution were utilized to produce digital elevation and building surface models as well as land cover maps at very high(5m) resolution. The Climate Analysis Seoul(CAS) was used to calculate the fractional coverage of land cover classes in built-up areas and thermal capacity of the buildings from their areal volumes. It then produced analyzed maps of local-scale temperature based on the old and new input data. For the verification of the accuracy improvement by the precise input data, the analyzed maps were compared to the surface temperature derived from the ASTER satellite image and to the ground observation at our detailed study region. After the enhancement, the ASTER temperature was highly correlated with the analyzed temperature at building (BS) areas (R=0.76) whereas there observed no correlation with the old input data. The difference of the air temperature deviation was reduced from 1.27 to 0.70K by the enhancement. The enhanced precision of the input data yielded reasonable and more accurate local-scale temperature analysis based on realistic surface models in built-up areas. The improved analysis tools can help urban planners evaluating their design scenarios to be prepared for the urban climate.

Analysis of Time Series Changes in the Surrounding Environment of Rural Local Resources Using Aerial Photography and UAV - Focousing on Gyeolseong-myeon, Hongseong-gun - (항공사진과 UAV를 이용한 농촌지역자원 주변환경의 시계열 변화 분석 - 충청남도 홍성군 결성면을 중심으로 -)

  • An, Phil-Gyun;Eom, Seong-Jun;Kim, Yong-Gyun;Cho, Han-Sol;Kim, Sang-Bum
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.55-70
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    • 2021
  • In this study, in the field of remote sensing, where the scope of application is rapidly expanding to fields such as land monitoring, disaster prediction, facility safety inspection, and maintenance of cultural properties, monitoring of rural space and surrounding environment using UAV is utilized. It was carried out to verify the possibility, and the following main results were derived. First, the aerial image taken with an unmanned aerial vehicle had a much higher image size and spatial resolution than the aerial image provided by the National Geographic Information Service. It was suitable for analysis due to its high accuracy. Second, the more the number of photographed photos and the more complex the terrain features, the more the point cloud included in the aerial image taken with the UAV was extracted. As the amount of point cloud increases, accurate 3D mapping is possible, For accurate 3D mapping, it is judged that a point cloud acquisition method for difficult-to-photograph parts in the air is required. Third, 3D mapping technology using point cloud is effective for monitoring rural space and rural resources because it enables observation and comparison of parts that cannot be read from general aerial images. Fourth, the digital elevation model(DEM) produced with aerial image taken with an UAV can visually express the altitude and shape of the topography of the study site, so it can be used as data to predict the effects of topographical changes due to changes in rural space. Therefore, it is possible to utilize various results using the data included in the aerial image taken by the UAV. In this study, the superiority of images acquired by UAV was verified by comparison with existing images, and the effect of 3D mapping on rural space monitoring was visually analyzed. If various types of spatial data such as GIS analysis and topographic map production are collected and utilized using data that can be acquired by unmanned aerial vehicles, it is expected to be used as basic data for rural planning to maintain and preserve the rural environment.

Parameterization and Application of a Forest Landscape Model by Using National Forest Inventory and Long Term Ecological Research Data (국가산림자원조사와 장기생태연구 자료를 활용한 산림경관모형의 모수화 및 적용성 평가)

  • Cho, Wonhee;Lim, Wontaek;Kim, Eun-Sook;Lim, Jong-Hwan;Ko, Dongwook W.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.215-231
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    • 2020
  • Forest landscape models (FLMs) can be used to investigate the complex interactions of various ecological processes and patterns, which makes them useful tools to evaluate how environmental and anthropogenic variables can influence forest ecosystems. However, due to the large spatio-temporal scales in FLMs studies, parameterization and validation can be extremely challenging when applying to new study areas. To address this issue, we focused on the parameterization and application of a spatially explicit forest landscape model, LANDIS-II, to Mt. Gyebang, South Korea, with the use of the National Forest Inventory (NFI) and long-term ecological research (LTER) site data. In this study, we present the followings for the biomass succession extension of LANDIS-II: 1) species-specific and spatial parameters estimation for the biomass succession extension of LANDIS-II, 2) calibration, and 3) application and validation for Mt. Gyebang. For the biomass succession extension, we selected 14 tree species, and parameterized ecoregion map, initial community map, species growth characteristics. We produced ecoregion map using elevation, aspect, and topographic wetness index based on digital elevation model. Initial community map was produced based on NFI and sub-alpine survey data. Tree species growth parameters, such as aboveground net primary production and maximum aboveground biomass, were estimated from PnET-II model based on species physiological factors and environmental variables. Literature data were used to estimate species physiological factors, such as FolN, SLWmax, HalfSat, growing temperature, and shade tolerance. For calibration and validation purposes, we compared species-specific aboveground biomass of model outputs and NFI and sub-alpine survey data and calculated coefficient of determination (R2) and root mean square error (RMSE). The final model performed very well, with 0. 98 R2 and 8. 9 RMSE. This study can serve as a foundation for the use of FLMs to other applications such as comparing alternative forest management scenarios and natural disturbance effects.

Application of Snowmelt Parameters and the Impact Assessment in the SLURP Semi-Distributed Hydrological Model (준 분포형 수문모형 SLURP에서 융설매개변수 적용 및 영향 평가)

  • Shin, Hyung-Jin;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.40 no.8
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    • pp.617-628
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this paper is to prepare snowmelt parameters using RS and GIS and to assess the snowmelt impact in SLURP (Semi-distributed Land Use-based Runoff Process) model for Chungju-Dam watershed $(6,661.5km^2)$. Three sets of NOAA AVHRR images (1998-1999, 2000-2001, 2001-2002) were analyzed to prepare snow-related data of the model during winter period. Snow cover areas were extracted using 1, 3 and 4 channels, and the snow depth was spatially interpolated using snowfall data of ground meteorological stations. With the snowmelt parameters, DEM (Digital Elevation Model), land cover, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and weather data, the model was calibrated for 3 years (1998, 2000, 2001), and verified for 1 year (1999) using the calibrated parameters. The average Nash-Sutcliffe efficiencies for 4 years (1998-2001) discharge comparison with and without snowmelt parameters were 0.76 and 0.73 for the full period, and 0.57 and 0.19 for the period of January to May. The results showed that the spatially prepared snow-related data reduced the calibration effort and enhanced the model results.

Steep Slope Management System integrated with Realtime Monitoring Information into 3D Web GIS (상시계측센서정보와 3차원 Web GIS를 융합한 급경사지관리시스템)

  • Chung, Dong Ki;Sung, Jae Ryeol;Lee, Dong Wook;Chang, Ki Tae;Lee, Jin Duk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2013
  • Geospatial information data came recently in use to build the location-based service in various fields. These data were shown via a 2-D map in the past but now can be viewed as a 3-D map due to the dramatic evolution of IT technology, thus improving efficiency and raising practicality to a greater extent by providing a more realistic visualization of the field. In addition, many previous GIS applications have been provided under desktop environment, limiting access from remote sites and reducing its approachability for less experienced users. The latest trend offers service with web-based environment, providing efficient sharing of data to all users, both unknown and specific internal users. Therefore, real-time information sensors that have been installed on steep slopes are to be integrated with 3-D geospatial information in this study. It is also to be developed with web-based environment to improve usage and access. There are three steps taken to establish this system: firstly, a 3-D GIS database and 3-D terrain with higher resolution aerial photos and DEM (Digital Elevation Model) have been built; secondly, a system architecture was proposed to integrate real-time sensor information data with 3D Web-based GIS; thirdly, the system has been constructed for Gangwon Province as a test bed to verify the applicability.

DEM_Comp Software for Effective Compression of Large DEM Data Sets (대용량 DEM 데이터의 효율적 압축을 위한 DEM_Comp 소프트웨어 개발)

  • Kang, In-Gu;Yun, Hong-Sik;Wei, Gwang-Jae;Lee, Dong-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.265-271
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    • 2010
  • This paper discusses a new software package, DEM_Comp, developed for effectively compressing large digital elevation model (DEM) data sets based on Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression and Huffman coding. DEM_Comp was developed using the $C^{++}$ language running on a Windows-series operating system. DEM_Comp was also tested on various test sites with different territorial attributes, and the results were evaluated. Recently, a high-resolution version of the DEM has been obtained using new equipment and the related technologies of LiDAR (LIght Detection And Radar) and SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar). DEM compression is useful because it helps reduce the disk space or transmission bandwidth. Generally, data compression is divided into two processes: i) analyzing the relationships in the data and ii) deciding on the compression and storage methods. DEM_Comp was developed using a three-step compression algorithm applying a DEM with a regular grid, Lempel-Ziv compression, and Huffman coding. When pre-processing alone was used on high- and low-relief terrain, the efficiency was approximately 83%, but after completing all three steps of the algorithm, this increased to 97%. Compared with general commercial compression software, these results show approximately 14% better performance. DEM_Comp as developed in this research features a more efficient way of distributing, storing, and managing large high-resolution DEMs.

Estimating the Monthly Precipitation Distribution of North Korea Using the PRISM Model and Enhanced Detailed Terrain Information (PRISM과 개선된 상세 지형정보를 이용한 월별 북한지역 강수량 분포 추정)

  • Kim, Dae-jun;Kim, Jin-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.366-372
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    • 2019
  • The PRISM model has been used to estimate precipitation in South Korea where observation data are readily available at a large number of weather station. However, it is likely that the PRISM model would result in relatively low reliability of precipitation estimates in North Korea where weather data are available at a relatively small number of weather stations. Alternatively, a hybrid method has been developed to estimate the precipitation distribution in area where availability of climate data is relatively low. In the hybrid method, Regression coefficients between the precipitation-terrain relationships are applied to a low-resolution precipitation map produced using the PRISM. In the present study, a hybrid approach was applied to North Korea for estimation of precipitation distribution at a high spatial resolution. At first, the precipitation distribution map was produced at a low-resolution (2,430m) using the PRISM model. Secondly, a deviation map was prepared calculating difference between altitudes of synoptic stations and virtual terrains produced using 270m-resolution digital elevation map (DEM). Lastly, another deviation map of precipitation was obtained from the maps of virtual precipitation produced using observation data from the synoptic weather stations and both synoptic and automated weather station (AWS), respectively. The regression equation between precipitation and terrain was determined using these deviation maps. The high resolution map of precipitation distribution was obtained applying the regression equation to the low-resolution map. It was found that the hybrid approach resulted in better representation of the effects of the terrain. The precipitation distribution map for the hybrid approach had similar spatial pattern to that for the existing method. It was estimated that the mean annual cumulative precipitation of entire territory of North Korea was 1,195mm with a standard deviation of 253mm.