• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Elevation Data

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Traffic Vulnerability Analysis of Rural Area using Road Accessibility and Functionality in Cheongju City (도로 접근성과 기능성을 이용한 통합청주시 농촌지역의 교통 취약성 분석)

  • Jeon, Jeongbae;Oh, Hyunkyo;Park, Jinseon;Yoon, Seongsoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2015
  • This study carried out evaluation of vulnerability in accessability and functionality using road network that was extracted from Intelligent Transportation System(ITS) and digital map. It was built in order to figure out accessability that locational data which include community center, public facilities, medical facilities and highway IC. The method for grasping functionality are Digital Elevation Model(DEM) and land slide hazard map provided by Korea Forest Service. The evaluation criteria for figure out accessability was set to related comparison of average time in urban area. Functionality value was calculated by the possibility of backing the vehicle possibility of snowfall and landslides. At last, this research computed weighting value through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), calculated a vulnerable score. As the result, the accessability of rural village came out that would spend more time by 1.4 to 3.2 times in comparison with urban area. Even though, vulnerability of the road by a snowfall was estimated that more than 50% satisfies the first class, however, it show up that the road were still vulnerable due snowing because over the 14% of the road being evaluated the fifth class. The functionality has been satisfied most of the road, however, It was vulnerable around Lake Daechung and Piban-ryung, Yumti-jae, Suriti-jae where on the way Boeun. Also, the fifth class road are about 35 km away from the city hall on distance, take an hour to an hour and a half. The fourth class road are about 25 km away from the city hall on distance, take 25 min to an hour. The other class of the road take in 30 min from the city hall or aren't affected of weather and have been analyzed that a density of road is high. In A result that compare between distribution and a housing density came out different the southern and the eastern area, so this result could be suggested quantitative data for possibility of development.

Analysis of large-scale flood inundation area using optimal topographic factors (지형학적 인자를 이용한 광역 홍수범람 위험지역 분석)

  • Lee, Kyoungsang;Lee, Daeeop;Jung, Sungho;Lee, Giha
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.481-490
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    • 2018
  • Recently, the spatiotemporal patterns of flood disasters have become more complex and unpredictable due to climate change. Flood hazard map including information on flood risk level has been widely used as an unstructured measure against flooding damages. In order to product a high-precision flood hazard map by combination of hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, huge digital information such as topography, geology, climate, landuse and various database related to social economic are required. However, in some areas, especially in developing countries, flood hazard mapping is difficult or impossible and its accuracy is insufficient because such data is lacking or inaccessible. Therefore, this study suggests a method to delineate large scale flood-prone area based on topographic factors produced by linear binary classifier and ROC (Receiver Operation Characteristics) using globally-available geographic data such as ASTER or SRTM. We applied the proposed methodology to five different countries: North Korea Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand and Myanmar. The results show that model performances on flood area detection ranges from 38% (Bangladesh) to 78% (Thailand). The flood-prone area detection based on the topographical factors has a great advantage in order to easily distinguish the large-scale inundation-potent area using only digital elevation model (DEM) for ungauged watersheds.

Spatial-Temporal Interpolation of Rainfall Using Rain Gauge and Radar (강우계와 레이더를 이용한 강우의 시공간적인 활용)

  • Hong, Seung-Jin;Kim, Byung-Sik;Hahm, Chang-Hahk
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.37-48
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to evaluate how the rainfall field effect on a runoff simulation using grid radar rainfall data and ground gauge rainfall. The Gwangdeoksan radar and ground-gauge rainfall data were used to estimate a spatial rainfall field, and a hydrologic model was used to evaluate whether the rainfall fields created by each method reproduced a realistically valid spatial and temporal distribution. Pilot basin in this paper was the Naerin stream located in Inje-gun, Gangwondo, 250m grid scale digital elevation data, land cover maps, and soil maps were used to estimate geological parameters for the hydrologic model. For the rainfall input data, quantitative precipitation estimation(QPE), adjusted radar rainfall, and gauge rainfall was used, and then compared with the observed runoff by inputting it into a $Vflo^{TM}$ model. As a result of the simulation, the quantitative precipitation estimation and the ground rainfall were underestimated when compared to the observed runoff, while the adjusted radar rainfall showed a similar runoff simulation with the actual observed runoff. From these results, we suggested that when weather radars and ground rainfall data are combined, they have a greater hydrological usability as input data for a hydrological model than when just radar rainfall or ground rainfall is used separately.

Noise Simulation of Road Traffic in Urban Area Using LiDAR Data for U-City Construction (U-City 건설을 위한 LiDAR 자료를 이용한 도심지 도로교통소음 영향의 시뮬레이션 분석)

  • Cho, Jae-Myoung;Lee, Dong-Ha;Yun, Hong-Sic;Lee, Seung-Huhn
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.199-205
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    • 2007
  • In this study, we have intended to precisely analyze the aspect of propagation and the extent of damage due to the traffic noise as hon as a main source of noise in urban area. The propagation of traffic noise has a strong relationship between distance and shape of surface. Thus, it is necessary to consider the distribution of buildings for estimating effects of noise in urban area because noise propagations will be affected by buildings. For this, we developed the DEM and DBM using the airborne LiDAR data in the study area and compared with results from the noise simulations using the each model. The extent of damage occurred by the traffic noise above 60 dB(A) from the case of DEM were shown at the 60% of a whole study area, whereas the extent from other case of DBM were shown at the 30% of a whole study area. Also, the extent of the noise levels between 45 dB(A) and 50 dB(A) will be generally recognized as calm environment was increased(the 0% to the 43%) in the case which simulated with building informations. These results indicated that the shape informations of buildings like a DBM is a essential source to simulate the propagation of traffic noise in urban area especially. With results in this study, the effect of traffic noise at a specific area will be easily and precisely estimated if we have the LiDAR data and a traffic census for Korea. Furthermore specific area's traffic noise simulation could be possible using only road traffic information once we have DBM data from LiDAR surveying. This also could be applied as a base data for noise pollution petitioning, traffic planning, construction, etc. in huge city planning projects like a U-City.

The Utilization of DEM Made by Digital Map in Height Evaluation of Buildings in a Flying Safety Area (비행안전구역 건물 높이 평가에서 수치지형도로 제작한 DEM의 활용성)

  • Park, Jong-Chul;Kim, Man-Kyu;Jung, Woong-Sun;Han, Gyu-Cheol;Ryu, Young-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.78-95
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    • 2011
  • This study has developed various DEMs with different spatial resolutions using many different interpolation methods with the aid of a 1:5,000 digital map. In addition, this study has evaluated the vertical accuracy of various DEMs constructed by check point data obtained from the network RTK GPS survey. The obtained results suggest that a DEM developed from the TIN-based Terrain method performs well in evaluating height restriction of buildings in a flying safety area considering general RMSE values, land-type RMSE values and profile evaluation results, etc. And, it has been found that three meters is the right spatial resolution for a DEM in evaluating height restriction of buildings in a flying safety area. Meanwhile, elevation values obtained by the DEM are not point estimation values but interval estimation values. This can be used to check whether the height of buildings in the vicinity of an airfield violates height limitation values of the area. To check whether the height of buildings measured in interval estimation values violates height limitation values of the area, this study has adopted three steps: 1) high probability of violation, 2) low probability of violation, 3) inconclusiveness about the violation. The obtained results will provide an important basis for developing a GIS related to the evaluation of height restriction of buildings in the vicinity of an airfield. Furthermore, although results are limited to the study area, the vertical accuracy values of the DEM constructed from a two-dimensional digital map may provide useful information to researchers who try to use DEMs.

A Study on the Printing Optimization by considering Eco-Friendly Printing and Printing Standards: Prepress (친환경과 표준 인쇄를 고려한 인쇄 최적화에 관한 연구: 프리 프레스)

  • Kim, Jun-Gon;Cho, Ga-Ram;Koo, Chul-Whoi
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2012
  • According as the latest printing technology is converted from analogue to digital, life cycle of a printing technology is shortened and the existent printing companies were faced always in a new technology. Specially, way of foreign countries export opened because globalization of printing market is accelerated. But, printing buyers of advanced nation require standard printing process control. fect at product process step. Emphasized in IPA technical conference for past several years tendency about graphic art color proofing and technical analysis and comparison going through Color Proofing RoundUP. These researchers have developed a color management technology. A specially developed printing technology and reference characterization data brought certain high quality elevation in a graphic art proofing technology. When excessive GCR method application supervise printing, width of color conversion necks by requiring a lot of color conversions than proofing. But, these point is lacking relatively than a lot of effects that GCR gives. Therefore, correct interests of GCR algorithm and verification step to forecast beforehand result about actuality application are positively necessary. Therefore, this research forced into input file which is applied with different levels from input to print for printing optimization that consider standard printing with eco-friendly by method to solve these problem. And experimented using manuscript who GCR level is applied as is different in each field, and analyzed the result. Also, it is verification method by step to last printing from input file that solve been the various quality who generate in actuality field through these analysis result. ICC color management confirmed printing optimization process applying GCR algorithm improved to base.

Numerical Modeling for the Effect of High-rise Buildings on Meteorological Fields over the Coastal Area Using Urbanized MM5 (중/도시규모 기상모델을 이용한 고층건물군이 연안도시기상장에 미치는 영향 수치모델링)

  • Hwang, Mi-Kyoung;Oh, In-Bo;Kim, Yoo-Keun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.495-505
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    • 2012
  • Modeling the effects of high-rise buildings on thermo-dynamic conditions and meteorological fields over a coastal urban area was conducted using the modified meso-urban meteorological model (Urbanized MM5; uMM5) with the urban canopy parameterization (UCP) and the high-resolution inputs (urban morphology, land-use/land-cover sub-grid distribution, and high-quality digital elevation model data sets). Sensitivity simulations was performed during a typical sea-breeze episode (4~8 August 2006). Comparison between simulations with real urban morphology and changed urban morphology (i.e. high-rise buildings to low residential houses) showed that high-rise buildings could play an important role in urban heat island and land-sea breeze circulation. The major changes in urban meteorologic conditions are followings: significant increase in daytime temperature nearly by $1.0^{\circ}C$ due to sensible heat flux emitted from high density residential houses, decrease in nighttime temperature nearly by $1.0^{\circ}C$ because of the reduction in the storage heat flux emitted from high-rise buildings, and large increase in wind speed (maximum 2 m $s^{-1}$) during the daytime due to lessen drag-force or increased gradient temperature over coastal area.

Accuracy Improvements of DAM-Reservoir Storage Volume Estimation based on GIS (GIS기반에서 댐 저수량 산정의 정확도 향상)

  • Jeong, InJu;Moon, DooYoul;Jung, BeomSeok
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.136-144
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    • 2005
  • GIS analyzes various topographic feature in three dimensions using triangulated irregular network (TIN). This paper proposed a method that can analyze topographic features effectively in three dimensions. Method developed in this study can calculate earth-volume, the inundation volume, storage volume etc, effectively. We could reduce error than existing volume calculation methods in computing volume in addition to water level's change about each. Also, the develop method can improve accuracy in measuring the storage of reservoirs. Main result of this paper id to develop a efficient calculation method using contour and elevation data on digital map.

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Generation of 3-Dimensional Landscape Map from Aerial Photos (항공사진을 이용한 3차원 경관도 제작)

  • Yeu, Bock-Mo;Jeong, Soo;Kim, Won-Dae
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.1 s.5
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 1995
  • Three-dimensional landscape map is very useful in terrain analysis as it looks like real shape of terrain. When three-dimensional landscape map is needed, landscape photos achieved at a position of high elevation or by airplane are generally used. But, this approach can not fully satisfy the user's need to get pictures from various view points. In addition, because photos have some geometric displacement caused by the principle of central projection of camera, it is hard to get accurate locations from the photo. This paper aims to get three-dimensional landscape map similar to real terrain feature from vertical stereo aerial photos by digital photogrammetric techniques. This approach can provide a very useful data for three-dimensional terrain analysis as a function of Geo-Spatial Information System.

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The Development and Application of the Quasi-dynamic Wetness Index and the Dynamic Wetness Index (유사 동력학적 습윤지수와 동력학적 습윤지수의 개발과 적용)

  • Han, Ji-Young;Kim, Sang-Hyun;Kim, Nam-Won;Kim, Hyun-Jun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.961-969
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    • 2003
  • Formulation of quasi-dynamic wetness index was derived to predict the spatial and temporal distribution of the soil moisture. The algorithm of dynamic wetness index was developed through introducing the convolution integral with the rainfall input. The spatial and temporal behaviors of the wetness index of the Sulmachun Watershed was calculated using the digital elevation model(DEM) and the rainfall data for two years. The spatial distribution of the dynamic wetness index shows most dispersive feature of flow generation among the three assumptions of steady, quasi-dynamic and dynamic. The statistical distribution of the quasi-dynamic wetness index and the dynamic wetness index approximate to the steady state wetness index as the time step is increased. The dynamic wetness index shows mixed distribution of the normalized probability density function.