• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Clothes

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A Comparison of Upper Body Sizes and Body Types of Women in Their 20s and 30s-40s - Identifying Problems Generated by Preferences of Women in Their 30s and 40s for Young Casual Brands - (20대와 30~40대 여성의 상반신 신체치수 및 체형 비교 연구 - 30, 40대 여성의 영캐주얼 브랜드 선호 현상에 따른 문제점 파악을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Eun-Kyong
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.15-33
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    • 2016
  • Women in their 30s and 40s, who are at the center of "ageless" and "down-aging" consumer trends, are likely to encounter problems with fitting and size conformity when they wear casual clothes targeting women in their 20s. Hence, differences in upper body sizes and body types between women in their 20s and women in their 30s and 40s were analyzed. The data for this study was from the 6th Size Korea survey of body measurements of 1,675 female adults in their 20s-40s. SPSS 21.0 for Windows was used for analysis of the collected data. To examine differences in average upper body size between women in their 20s and women in their 30s and 40s, descriptive statistics and independent sample t-tests were conducted. Factor and cluster analyses were used to classify body types by age groups. Comparing direct measurement items showed that women in their 20s tend to have higher average values for most height-related items-including body height-and lower average values for circumference, thickness, and width than women in their 30s and 40s. Factors in determining the upper body shapes of women in their 20s to 40s were narrowed to five; through a cluster analysis, upper body shapes of women were classified into three body types as follows. Type 1 women are shorter and thinner with small frames; Type 2 women have the highest vertical values for their upper bodies and average values for obesity-related categories of circumference, thickness, and width. Type 3 women are the shortest and has the highest body mass index (BMI), verifiable as obese. By analyzing differences in body type distribution according to age groups, it was found that more than 90% of women in their 20s belong to Types 1 and 2. On the other hand, most women in their 30s and 40s are identified as Type 3.

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An Analysis of Street Fashion in Northeast 3-Sung, China(Part I) -Focusing on 2006 Spring in Dalian- (중국 동북 3성 스트리트 패션 분석(제1보) -2006년 봄 대련시를 중심으로-)

  • Bae, Soo-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.31 no.11
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    • pp.1554-1564
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    • 2007
  • In apparel industry, the production of clothing for the global market, has it#s origin in its characteristics depending on hands on working style, according to the globalization of a fashion industry. These days, however, the globalized production is unable to keep pace with the short cycle of production due to the unpredictable change of the taste or demands in the local area, as a result, the industry has come to take a focus on the production and consumption in the circumscribed region. In this stream, the northeastern area, specially, Dalian which is renowned for a center of fashion was designated as a city of this study as a representative. The cultural, racial and geographical uniqueness, asks for the analysis, based on the individual local area on the part of Korean fashion company desiring to launch into China fashion market. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the style, color, and items of street fashion in Dalian. I would contribute to the understanding the preference of fashion in northeastern area, thereby, affording a fundamental resources for designing strategies for Korean fashion brands in China. The period of investigation is about 5 weeks from 14 May 2006 until 18 June 2006, with combined use of camcorder and digital camera. The site was Victory Shopping Plaza, in center of city, also with Mycal, Ansung, Dasang department store situated in the Economic Development area. The result of this study are as follows: 1. Preferred clothing styles are casual styles(68%) rather than formal styles(32%). In the casual styles, sports casual(36.0%), character casual(29.5%), jean casual(2.6%) were listed. All kinds of clothes are tightly fitted due to the stretched fabric and knit fabric. 2. Preferred colors are white(31.1%), red(16.6%), black(15.8%) khaki(7.8%) and blue(7.6%) for tops, and black(34.6%), blue(27.2%), white(15.4%), brown(14.6%) for bottoms. 3. Preferred clothing items are T-shirt(36.5%), jumper(33.6%), jacket(20.0%), blouse(8.7%), etc.(1.2%) for tops, pants(91.4%), skirts(8.6%) for bottoms. In the pants, cigarette pants(34.6%), bell bottom pants(21.0%), cargo pants(19.9%), straight pants(15.9%) were listed respectively. In the skirts, flare skirt(3.9%), tight skirt(2.2%), semi tight skirt(1.7%), pleats skirt(0.8%) were listed.

Comparison of physical materials using the 3D Clothing Simulation Z-weave program and its feasibility in the sustainable fashion industry (3D 의류 시뮬레이션 Z-weave 프로그램을 이용한 실물 소재 비교와 지속 가능한 패션 산업에서의 실현성)

  • Heeju Chae;Doeun Kim;Yoonji Shin
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.80-89
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    • 2024
  • This study aims not only to address environmental issues caused by indiscriminate fashion consumption, specifically in the context of Fast Fashion but also to find an alternative and a sustainable solution that is 'Upcycling' using the 3D clothing simulation program Z-weave. Upcycling products have limitations in that it is difficult to produce samples since finished products must be produced directly with limited materials and resources like waste clothes. To overcome these limitations, a 3D clothing simulation program is introduced to effectively utilize the limited resources of waste clothing. The purpose of this study is to confirm the similarity between a virtual fabric created through Z-weave and a real fabric, through this, to evaluate the possibility of application in the actual fashion industry. As a research method, surveys and interviews were conducted with related majors on virtual clothing created as similar as possible to actual clothing by adjusting the physical properties within the Z-weave program. This study attempted to describe the impact of digital technology on the fashion industry and how 3D clothing simulation programs can be used in sustainable fashion production.

Mediating Roles of Attachment for Information Sharing in Social Media: Social Capital Theory Perspective (소셜 미디어에서 정보공유를 위한 애착의 매개역할: 사회적 자본이론 관점)

  • Chung, Namho;Han, Hee Jeong;Koo, Chulmo
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.101-123
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    • 2012
  • Currently, Social Media, it has widely a renown keyword and its related social trends and businesses have been fastly applied into various contexts. Social media has become an important research area for scholars interested in online technologies and cyber space and their social impacts. Social media is not only including web-based services but also mobile-based application services that allow people to share various style information and knowledge through online connection. Social media users have tendency to common identity- and bond-attachment through interactions such as 'thumbs up', 'reply note', 'forwarding', which may have driven from various factors and may result in delivering information, sharing knowledge, and specific experiences et al. Even further, almost of all social media sites provide and connect unknown strangers depending on shared interests, political views, or enjoyable activities, and other stuffs incorporating the creation of contents, which provides benefits to users. As fast developing digital devices including smartphone, tablet PC, internet based blogging, and photo and video clips, scholars desperately have began to study regarding diverse issues connecting human beings' motivations and the behavioral results which may be articulated by the format of antecedents as well as consequences related to contents that people create via social media. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, or Cyworld users are more and more getting close each other and build up their relationships by a different style. In this sense, people use social media as tools for maintain pre-existing network, creating new people socially, and at the same time, explicitly find some business opportunities using personal and unlimited public networks. In terms of theory in explaining this phenomenon, social capital is a concept that describes the benefits one receives from one's relationship with others. Thereby, social media use is closely related to the form and connected of people, which is a bridge that can be able to achieve informational benefits of a heterogeneous network of people and common identity- and bonding-attachment which emphasizes emotional benefits from community members or friend group. Social capital would be resources accumulated through the relationships among people, which can be considered as an investment in social relations with expected returns and may achieve benefits from the greater access to and use of resources embedded in social networks. Social media using for their social capital has vastly been adopted in a cyber world, however, there has been little explaining the phenomenon theoretically how people may take advantages or opportunities through interaction among people, why people may interactively give willingness to help or their answers. The individual consciously express themselves in an online space, so called, common identity- or bonding-attachments. Common-identity attachment is the focus of the weak ties, which are loose connections between individuals who may provide useful information or new perspectives for one another but typically not emotional support, whereas common-bonding attachment is explained that between individuals in tightly-knit, emotionally close relationship such as family and close friends. The common identify- and bonding-attachment are mainly studying on-offline setting, which individual convey an impression to others that are expressed to own interest to others. Thus, individuals expect to meet other people and are trying to behave self-presentation engaging in opposite partners accordingly. As developing social media, individuals are motivated to disclose self-disclosures of open and honest using diverse cues such as verbal and nonverbal and pictorial and video files to their friends as well as passing strangers. Social media context, common identity- and bond-attachment for self-presentation seems different compared with face-to-face context. In the realm of social media, social users look for self-impression by posting text messages, pictures, video files. Under the digital environments, people interact to work, shop, learn, entertain, and be played. Social media provides increasingly the kinds of intention and behavior in online. Typically, identity and bond social capital through self-presentation is the intentional and tangible component of identity. At social media, people try to engage in others via a desired impression, which can maintain through performing coherent and complementary communications including displaying signs, symbols, brands made of digital stuffs(information, interest, pictures, etc,). In marketing area, consumers traditionally show common-identity as they select clothes, hairstyles, automobiles, logos, and so on, to impress others in any given context in a shopping mall or opera. To examine these social capital and attachment, we combined a social capital theory with an attachment theory into our research model. Our research model focuses on the common identity- and bond-attachment how they are formulated through social capitals: cognitive capital, structural capital, relational capital, and individual characteristics. Thus, we examined that individual online kindness, self-rated expertise, and social relation influence to build common identity- and bond-attachment, and the attachment effects make an impact on both the willingness to help, however, common bond seems not to show directly impact on information sharing. As a result, we discover that the social capital and attachment theories are mainly applicable to the context of social media and usage in the individual networks. We collected sample data of 256 who are using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Cyworld and analyzed the suggested hypotheses through the Structural Equation Model by AMOS. This study analyzes the direct and indirect relationship between the social network service usage and outcomes. Antecedents of kindness, confidence of knowledge, social relations are significantly affected to the mediators common identity-and bond attachments, however, interestingly, network externality does not impact, which we assumed that a size of network was a negative because group members would not significantly contribute if the members do not intend to actively interact with each other. The mediating variables had a positive effect on toward willingness to help. Further, common identity attachment has stronger significant on shared information.

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Stage Costume Design for Performance Hamlet (II) - The Study on Pattern and Manufactured Product - (햄릿 공연을 위한 무대의상 디자인 (II) - 패턴 및 실물제작 -)

  • Kim, Soon-Ku;Hwang, Seong-Won
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2004
  • This research proposes the on-stage costumes for the play Hamlet of Shakespeare performed by Yunheedan Guhri Pae - the Street Theater Troupe. Stage costumes have an important role in displaying the characteristics of each characters to the audience and has big visual effects. However, in order to design the costumes in the object viewpoints of the audience, the survey on the images of the characters who had actually watched the performance was taken place and proposed the costume design according to the results of the survey. Hamlet a: This result was applied to propose a sweater in black color, black leather pants and vest. Hamlet b: This result was applied to propose hooded coat in purple in middle level of brightness and color spectrum and yellow coat. For free image, loose pants in blue and vest in the same color tone were proposed. Gertrude a: This result was applied to use purple (violet) with reddish tone to propose the formation of a dress applying tailored suit. Gertrude b: This result was applied to propose purple gown and the one-piece dress with black laces. Ophelia a: This result was applied to propose feminine white dress and cape in purple color tone. Ophelia b: This result was applied to propose dyed and weaved clothes. Through the surveys as above, the images of each character was driven in adjectives, and using the results driven from the brightness, coloration, and color, color images were proposed. Only one costume cannot make up for the stage costumes and because it exists as an element of stage production, it is true that costumes are limited in some areas. However, that limit can become the motive of the costume. There is a limit, which the designer cannot produce the costumes as he or she had designed but I believe it is the center of the on-stage customers to display the characteristics of the characters according to the given concept. The limit of this research is the fact that because the costumes were designed so they fit the conditions already given, thus it was difficult to regard the process of designing and producing the costume as a project done according to the interaction. And in the future, if it is possible, I wish for the joint research with the people responsible for stage art to take place as a practical stage art. It was possible to produce practical costume since they were produced for actual performance and the production of costumes considering the dance steps, line of flow, and acting, was able to reduce the trial and error on stage. Through this research, I felt that the understanding and smooth interaction on diverse other areas not limited to the costume design should be taken place and believe that this was a research that proposes new research method since there had been only a few previous research regarding the on-stage costumes for actual performances. Therefore, this research had depended on the surveys given to the audiences to endow objectivity, however, I wish this research can contribute to defining effective process and methods for the on-stage costumes with more active researches with diverse methods and in diverse areas. I am sorry that the costume production for all the characters and all the scenes in Hamlet couldn't be done due to many limitations. As the following research assignment, I am planning on designing the costumes for all the scenes.

Studies on the Physiological Chemistry of the Spring Growth Habits in Naked Barley V. Changes in the Isozyme Patterns and Activities of Peroxidase During the Differentiation (과맥의 파성에 대한 생리화학적 연구 V. 유수의 분화, 발육과정중 Peroxidase의 활성 및 Isozyme Pattern)

  • 최선영;이강수;박기훈
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.375-382
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    • 1986
  • This study was carried out to obtain the basic information for the clarification of spring growth habits mechanism of naked barleys. The isozyme patterns and activities of peroxidase in the young spike and leaf blade were analyzed during the differentiation and development of young spike. The characteristic differences between the normal and rosetted type were in c and g isozymes in young spike, and in i isozyme in the leaf blade. In the normal type, c and i isozymes disappeared at the stage of spi-kelet differentiation, g isozyme at the stage of flolet differentiation. But, in the rosetted type, those three isozymes remained in dark stained condition until the time of final sampling. Especially, those three isozymes were higher in the rosetted type than those in the normal type even at the stage of bract differentiation(BDS), just prior to the reproductive stage. The activities of peroxidase decreased slowly after BDS in the young spike and leaf blade in the normal type, While, in the rosetted type, increased linearly, and the degree of increasing was remarkable in the young spike. It was interesting that the degree of activities in young spike was higher in the rosetted type than that in the normal type even at BDS. From the above results, the remarkable differences of the isozyme patterns and activities at BDS between the normal and rosetted type were considered to be the physiological expression of the varieties concerned with the degree of spring growth habits.

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A Study on 21st Century Fashion Market in Korea (21세기 한국패션시장에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Hye-Young
    • The Journal of Natural Sciences
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 1998
  • The results of the study of diving the 21st century's Korea fashion market into consumer market, fashion market, and a new marketing strategy are as follows. The 21st consumer market is First, a fashion democracy phenomenon. As many people try to leave unconditional fashion following, consumer show a phenomenon to choose and create their own fashion by subjective judgements. Second, a phenomenon of total fashion pursuit. Consumer in the future are likely to put their goals not in differentiating small item products, but considering various fashion elements based on their individuality and sense of value. Third, world quality-oriented. With the improvement of life level, it accomplishes to emphasize consumers' fashion mind on the world wide popular use of materials, quality, design and brand image. Fourth, with the entrance of neo-rationalism, consumers show increasing trends to emphasize wisdom, solidity in goods strategy pursuing high quality fashion and to demand resonable prices. Fifth, concept-oriented. Consumers are changing into pursuing concept appropriate to individual life scene. Prospecting the composition of the 21st century's fashion market, First, sportive casual zone will draw attention more than any other zone. This is because interest in sports will grow according to the increase of leisure time and the expasion of time and space in the 21st century, and also ecology will become the important issue of sports sense because of human beings's natural habit toward nature. Second, the down aging phenomenon will accelerate its speed as a big trend. Third, a retro phenomenon, a concept contrary to digital and high-tech, will become another big trend for its remake, antique, and classic concept in fashion market with ecology trend. New marketing strategy to cope with changing fashion market is as follows. First, with the trend of borderless concept, borders between apparels are becoming vague, for example, they offer custom-made products to consumers. Second, as more enterprises take the way of gorilla and guerrilla where guerrillas who aim at niche market show up will develop. Basically, they think highly of individual creative study, and pursue the scene adherence with high sensitiveness. However this polarization becomes mutually-supplementing relationship showing gorilla's guerilla movement, and guerilla's gorilla high-tech. Third with the development of value retailing, enterprises pursuing mass merchandising of groups called category killers are expanded and amplified to new product fields, and expand business' share. Fourth, using outsourcing, the trend to use exterior function leaving each enterprise's strength by inspecting its own work is gradually strong. Fifth, with the expansion of none store sale, the entrance of the internet and the CD-ROM sales added to communication sales such as catalogues are specified. An eminent American think tank expect that 5-5% of the total sale of clothes and home goods in 2010 will be done by none store sale. Accordingly, to overcome the problems, First international, global level marketing, Second, the improvement of technology, Third, knowledge-creating marketing are needed.

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