• 제목/요약/키워드: Dietary Concentrate

검색결과 280건 처리시간 0.026초

Different Sources and Levels of Copper Supplementation on Performance and Nutrient Utilization of Castrated Black Bengal (Capra hircus) Kids Diet

  • Mondal, M.K.;Biswas, P.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제20권7호
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    • pp.1067-1075
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    • 2007
  • Twenty eight 3-4 month old castrated Black Bengal kids (Capra hircus) were used to determine the effects of source and level of dietary copper (Cu) concentration on their performance and nutrient utilization. Cu was supplemented (0, 10, 20 and 30 mg/kg diet DM) as copper sulfate ($CuSO_4$, $5H_2O$) or copper proteinate (Cu-P). Kids were fed a basal diet containing maize (19.5%), soybean (17.0%), deoiled rice bran (56.5%), molasses (4.0%), di-calcium phosphate and salt (1.0% each) and mineral and vitamin mixture (0.5% each) supplements at 3.5% of body weight to meet NRC (1981) requirements for protein, energy, macro minerals and micro minerals, excluding Cu. The basal diet contained 5.7 mg Cu/kg, 122.5 mg Fe/kg, 110 mg Zn/kg, 0.26 mg Mo/kg and 0.32% S. $CuSO_4$ or Cu-P was added to the basal diet at the rate of 10, 20 and 30 mg/kg. Kids were housed in a well ventilated shed with facilities for individual feeding in aluminum plated metabolic cages. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein on d 0, 30, 60 and 90 to determine hemoglobin (Hb), packed cell volume (PCV), total erythrocyte count (TEC), total leukocyte count (TLC) and serum enzymes (alkaline phosphatase, alanine transferase and aspertate transferase). A metabolism trial of 6 days duration was conducted after 90 days of experimental feeding. Statistical analysis revealed that source and level of Cu supplementation improved live weight gain (p<0.04) and average daily gain (p<0.01). No significant contribution of source and level of Cu to alter serum serum enzymes was evident. Goats fed Cu-P tended to have higher Hb, PCV and TEC than with $CuSO_4$ supplementation. Cu-P increased digestibility of ether extract (EE, p<0.02) and crude fiber (p<0.05) and showed an increasing trend (p<0.09) for digested crude protein (CP) and crude fiber (CF). Supplemental dose of Cu linearly improved (p<0.02) digestibilities of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), EE and nitrogen free extract (NFE). Though the absorption of nitrogen (N) was not affected (p>0.10) by both source and dose of Cu, N retention was affected (p<0.04) and there was a significant $Source{\times}Dose$ interaction (p<0.05). Final body weight (BW) was not influenced (p>0.10) by the source of Cu but increasing dose of Cu increased (p<0.04) the BW of kids. TDN intake (g/kg $W^{0.75}$) was higher (p<0.05) with the increased dose of Cu and there was a significant $Source{\times}Dose$ interaction. It was concluded that supplementation of Cu from different sources and varying dose level in a concentrate based diet may improve performance, nutrient utilization and plane of nutrition in castrated Black Bengal kids. The effects on performance and nutrient utilization are more pronounced with Cu-P than $CuSO_4$ supplementation. Higher dose of Cu showed better result than lower dose.

Effect of Lipid Sources with Different Fatty Acid Profiles on Intake, Nutrient Digestion and Ruminal Fermentation of Feedlot Nellore Steers

  • Fiorentini, Giovani;Carvalho, Isabela P.C.;Messana, Juliana D.;Canesin, Roberta C.;Castagnino, Pablo S.;Lage, Josiane F.;Arcuri, Pedro B.;Berchielli, Telma T.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제28권11호
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    • pp.1583-1591
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    • 2015
  • The present study was conducted to determine the effect of lipid sources with different fatty acid profiles on nutrient digestion and ruminal fermentation. Ten rumen and duodenal fistulated Nellore steers (268 body weight${\pm}27kg$) were distributed in a duplicated $5{\times}5$ Latin square. Dietary treatments were as follows: without fat (WF), palm oil (PO), linseed oil (LO), protected fat (PF; Lactoplus), and whole soybeans (WS). The roughage feed was corn silage (600 g/kg on a dry matter [DM] basis) plus concentrate (400 g/kg on a DM basis). The higher intake of DM and organic matter (OM) (p<0.001) was found in animals on the diet with PF and WF (around 4.38 and 4.20 kg/d, respectively). Treatments with PO and LO decreased by around 10% the total digestibility of DM and OM (p<0.05). The addition of LO decreased by around 22.3% the neutral detergent fiber digestibility (p = 0.047) compared with other diets. The higher microbial protein synthesis was found in animals on the diet with LO and WS (33 g N/kg OM apparently digested in the rumen; p = 0.040). The highest C18:0 and linolenic acid intakes occurred in animals fed LO (p<0.001), and the highest intake of oleic (p = 0.002) and C16 acids (p = 0.022) occurred with the diets with LO and PF. Diet with PF decreased biohydrogenation extent (p = 0.05) of C18:1 n9,c, C18:2 n6,c, and total unsaturated fatty acids (UFA; around 20%, 7%, and 13%, respectively). The diet with PF and WF increased the concentration of $NH_3-N$ (p<0.001); however, the diet did not change volatile fatty acids (p>0.05), such as the molar percentage of acetate, propionate, butyrate and the acetate:propionate ratio. Treatments PO, LO and with WS decreased by around 50% the concentration of protozoa (p<0.001). Diets with some type of protection (PF and WS) decreased the effects of lipid on ruminal fermentation and presented similar outflow of benefit UFA as LO.

Milk Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Profile and Metabolic Responses of Dairy Cows Fed with High-temperature-micro-time (HTMT) Treated Diets Containing High Quantity Extruded Soybean (ESB)

  • Lee, H.G.;Hong, Z.S.;Wang, J.H.;Xu, C.X.;Jin, Y.C.;Kim, T.K.;Kim, Y.J.;Song, M.K.;Choi, Yun.-Jaei
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제22권11호
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    • pp.1504-1512
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    • 2009
  • A feeding trial was conducted to examine the effect of high-temperature-micro-time (HTMT) processing of diets containing extruded soybean (ESB) in high quantity on milk fat production, metabolic responses, and the formation of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and trans-vaccenic acid (TVA). Twenty-one multiparous Holstein cows in mid-lactation were blocked according to milk yield in the previous lactation. Cows within each block were randomly assigned to either normal concentrate or HTMT treated diets containing ESB (7.5% HTMT-ESB and 15% HTMT-ESB). It was hypothesized that the HTMT-ESB would affect the undegradable fatty acids in the rumen and, thus, would modify the fatty acid profile of milk fat. Both 7.5% and 15% HTMT-ESB did not affect milk yield, fat, protein, lactose and solid-not-fat (SNF), but the proportion of cis-9, trans-11 CLA in milk fat was significantly increased by these treatments. Content of TVA in milk fat was not affected by HTMT-ESB. The HTMT-ESB influenced the fatty acid profile in milk fat, but there was little difference between 7.5% and 15% of supplementation. HTMT-ESB feeding significantly decreased the concentration of plasma insulin and glucose, while plasma growth hormone (GH), triglyceride (TG), non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) and HDLcholesterol were increased by 7.5% and 15% ESB-HTMT supplementation in comparison to the control group (p<0.05). However, no significant difference was observed in plasma LDL-cholesterol, insulin like growth factor (IGF)-1, T3, T4, and leptin concentrations among treatments (p>0.05). The present results showed that cis-9, trans-11 CLA production was increased by HTMT treatment of dietary ESB without reduction of milk fat, and the unchanged milk fat and yield was assumed to be associated with the constant level of thyroid hormones, leptin, and IGF-1.

The Concept of Standardized Ileal Amino Acid Digestibilities: Principles and Application in Feed Ingredients for Piglets

  • Urbaityte, R.;Mosenthin, R.;Eklund, M.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제22권8호
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    • pp.1209-1223
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    • 2009
  • In this review, the terminology that is used to describe ileal amino acid (AA) digestibilities in piglet feed ingredients is defined. If one accepts that the determination of AA digestibilities should be based on the ileal analysis method, one should consider that ileal digesta contains variable amounts of endogenous crude protein (CP), which originates mainly from digestive secretions, sloughedoff epithelial cells and mucins. The ileal endogenous CP and AA losses are separated into basal ileal endogenous CP and AA losses ($IAAL_{B}$), which are not influenced by the feed ingredient composition, and specific ileal endogenous CP and AA losses ($IAAL_{S}$), which are induced by feed ingredient characteristics such as level and type of fiber and anti-nutritional factors (ANF). Depending how ileal endogenous CP and AA losses are considered in the measurement of CP and AA digestibilities, digestibility values are expressed as apparent (AID), standardized (SID), or true (TID) ileal digestibilities of CP and AA. The main concern associated with the use of AID values in diet formulation for pigs is that they are not additive in mixtures of feed ingredients. Consequently, the concept of standardized ileal CP and AA digestibilities was introduced by correcting AID values for basal ileal endogenous CP and AA losses ($IAAL_{B}$). The correction for both $IAAL_{B}$ and $IAAL_{S}$ yields TID values, however, routine procedures to measure $IAAL_{S}$ are not yet available. In principle, SID values should be preferred, because they represent the fundamental properties of the feed ingredient. There exist only few reports on SID of CP and AA in feedstuffs frequently used in piglet nutrition. These include soybeans (SB), soybean meal (SBM), soy proteins (SP), soy protein concentrate (SPC), soy protein isolate (SPI), corn gluten (CG), wheat gluten (WG), pea protein (PeaP), potato protein (PotP), fish meal (FM) and whey proteins (WP), but the results obtained are inconsistent. Differences in SID values within feed ingredients may, at least in part, be attributed to different processing conditions or inherent differences of the assay feed ingredients. Moreover, there is some evidence that the determination of SID values and $IAAL_{B}$ in piglets may be confounded by the dietary CP level of the assay diet, age and (or) body weight (BW), the level of feed intake or the methodological approach used to determine $IAAL_{B}$.

식이지방 수준에 따라 n6 와 n3 계 불포화지방산이 혈장 지질수준에 미치는 영향에 관한 비교연구 (Differential Effect of n6 and n3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Plasma Lipids in Rats Fed Low and High Fat Diets)

  • 남정혜;박현서
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.314-325
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    • 1991
  • 식이지방의 수준에 따라 n6 와 n3 불포화지방산이 혈장 지질조성에 미치는 영향과 또 그 기전이 다른지를 연구하고자 Sprague Dawley 종 수컷쥐에게 저지방(LF, 10% Cal)식이와 고지방식이(HF, 40% Cal)를 각각 6주동안 투여하였으며, 사용된 기름은 포화지방산 급원으로는 쇠기름, n6 linoleic acid(LA) 급원으로 corn oil, n3 ${\alpha}-linolenic$ acid(LL) 급원으로 perilla oil, n3 eicosapentaenoic acid(EPA)와 docosahexaenoic acid(DHA) 급원으로 fish oil이었다. Ultracentrifugation 방법으로 VLDL fraction을 분리하여 thin layer chromatography에 의해서 화학적조성을 구하였다. Plasma cholestere 수준은 LF 와 HF 모두 n6 LA에 의해서는 오히려 증가되었고 n3 LL과 n3 EPA에 의해서는 감소되었으며, HF 에서 n3 EPA가 가장 cholesterol 저하효과가 있었다. HDL-Chol 농도는 n6 LA에 의해서 증가되었으나, HF 경우 n3 EPA에 의해서 유의성있게 감소되었다. Plasma TG 농도는 n3 EPA에 의해서 가장 감소되었고 간의 lipogenic enzyme 활성을 억제하였으며 VLDL fraction의 TG상대적양(%)이 유의성 있게 낮아졌다. 이때 LF 군에서는VLDL fraction의 apo-B의 상대적양(%)이 감소되지 않았으나 HF군에서 n3 EPA에 의해서 유의성 있게 낮았다. 그러므로 n3 EPA의 hvpotriglyceridemic effect는 간에서 lipogenesis를 억제하여 plasma VLDL로 TG 분비가 억제되었을 것이며, HF일 경우는 간에서 apo-B 생성도 억제되었다. 관상동맥성심장질환의 예방적 차원에서 평상시에도 쇠기름과 corn oil 보다는 n3 PUFA가 풍부한 들기름이나 생선을 더욱 이용하는 것이 바람직하다.

  • PDF

Effects of Dietary Treatment, Gender, and Implantation on Calpain/Calpastatin Activity and Meat Tenderness in Skeletal Muscle of Korean Native Cattle

  • Choi, B.H.;Ahn, B.J.;Kook, K.;Sun, S.S.;Myung, K.H.;Moon, S.J.;Kim, K.H.;Kim, J.H.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제15권11호
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    • pp.1653-1658
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    • 2002
  • The objectives of this study were to examine calpain activity and meat tenderness by three different feeding patterns in Korean native cattle (KNC). Total forty-five animals were assigned each fifteen in long term restriction feeding (LTFR), long-term restriction feeding and hormone treatment (LTFR-tH), and short term non-restriction feeding (STFNR), respectively. Concentrate was restricted based on body weight in exp 1 and 2. However, it was fed ad libitum in exp. 3. Hormonal implantation was made with $M-PO^{TM}$ for bulls and with $F-TO^{TM}$ for heifers at 18, 20, 22 months of age in exp. 2. Animals were purchased (3-5 month old) from local cattle market and managed in two local farms and university research unit at three different years. Animals were slaughtered at 24 months for long-term trial and at 18 month for short term-trial. Loin and tender loin muscle was used for calpain activity and meat quality. Calpain proteolytic system was not changed by treatment. However, calpastatin activity was low in short-term trial. The calpain and calpastatin activity is reciprocal relationship, therefore, the high calpain activity may effect on quality grade. The shear force value was decreased as the processing of aging after postmortem. On the other hand, the cooking loss was significantly higher in short-term than in long-term trial, and then gradually decreased by the aging. Hormone implants to increase meat yield influenced to calpastatin activity more powerfully than calpain activity to meat tenderness. In meat color-a*, there was not significant difference in loin. Meat color-b* was decreased as postmortem aging time increased in tenderloin. Western blots were done to learn whether these proteins are degraded during postmortem storage and whether this degradation temporally parallels the decrease of shear force value. Vinculin was detected at 0 day and 1 day and degraded after 3 day. In conclusion, Calpain activity was affected slightly on meat tenderness. But meat tenderness was influenced by calpastatin, more effectively.

Effect of Scavenging and Protein Supplement on the Feed Intake and Performance of Improved Pullets and Laying Hens in Northern Vietnam

  • Minh, Do Viet;Lindberg, Jan Erik;Ogle, Brian
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제17권11호
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    • pp.1553-1561
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    • 2004
  • Two feeding trials were conducted with 128 pullets from 4 to 20 weeks of age and 96 laying hens from 23 to 63 weeks of age to evaluate the effects of scavenging and type of protein supplement on the feed intake and performance of improved pullets and laying hens. The experiments had a completely randomized design with four dietary treatments and four replicates. Treatments were: Control (Cont), scavenging but with access to a balanced concentrate at night; confinement (CF) and given the control feed ad libitum; scavenging and supplemented at night with the control feed, but with soybean meal replaced by cassava leaf meal (CLM); scavenging and supplemented at night with the control feed, but with fishmeal replaced y soybean meal (SBM). The mean daily dry matter (DMI), metabolizable energy (MEI) and crude protein intakes (CPI) of the pullets and laying hens, respectively, were 28%, and 18% higher for the confinement treatment (CF) compared to the scavenging treatments (p<0.001). The DMI, MEI and CPI of the pullets were not significantly different among scavenging treatments (p>0.05), but for the layers DMI, MEI and CPI were significantly higher for the CLM and SBM treatments compared to the Cont treatment (p<0.001). In the growing period, the average daily weight gain (ADG), supplement feed conversion ratio (FCR) and supplement feed cost/kg eggs (FCS) were not significantly different for CF compared to Cont, and among scavenging treatments (p>0.05). In the laying period, the hen-day production was significantly lower, and supplement FCR and FCS significantly higher for the CF compared to the scavenging treatments (p<0.001). Egg weight, and yolk, albumen and shell percentage and shape index were not significantly different among the scavenging treatments (p>0.05). However, shell and yolk percentages were significantly lower for the CF compared to the Cont treatment (p<0.01). Mortality was significantly higher for the CF compared to the scavenging treatments for pullets, and was significantly lower for the CF compared to scavenging treatments for laying hens (p<0.001). It was concluded that scavenging pullets and layers were getting around 28% and 18%, respectively, of their nutrient requirements from scavenging activities, resulting in correspondingly lower supplement feed conversion ratios and feed costs. Daily gains of the pullets were not affected by scavenging or protein supplement, but egg production and mortality were lower for the confined hens.

Growth Performance of Weaner Lambs Maintained on Varying Levels of Dietary Protein and Energy in the Pre-weaning Phase

  • Karim, S.A.;Santra, A.;Sharma, V.K.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제14권10호
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    • pp.1394-1399
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    • 2001
  • Influence of pre-weaning nutrition on post-weaning gain was assesses under intensive feeding in Malpura lambs. Thirty six Malpura (15 days old) lambs divided in to 3 equal groups were maintained on high (G1), medium (G2) and low (G3) energy and protein containing creep mixture with free suckling and ad libitum roughage (pala leaves: Ziziphus nummularia) up to 90 days of age. The lambs during post-weaning phase were fed on a 40:60 roughage and concentrate based composite diet to assess their post-weaning growth response. Total dry matter intake in pre-weaning phase was higher (p<0.01) in G3 than G2 and G1 while feed conversion efficiency was better in G1 than G2 and G3. The birth weight, 15 days body weight and weaning weight were however similar in the three groups. The finishing body weight, total body weight gain and average daily gain during post-weaning phase were higher (p<0.01) in G3 than in G1 and G2. The lambs in G3 consumed more (p<0.01) dry matter during post-weaning phase along with better feed conversion efficiency than other two groups. However, the DCP intake/kg body weight gain was higher in G1 than G2 and G3. Digestibility of DM, OM, CP, NDF, ADF and energy were similar among the three groups during post-weaning phase. Percent nitrogen retention as nitrogen intake was higher (p<0.01) in G3 (71.1%) than G1 (67.7%) and G2 (69.7%) during the post-weaning phase of study. The G1, G2 and G3 lambs in post-weaning phase consumed 8.1, 7.7 and 8.1 g DCP and 246.8, 227.2 and 246.1 kcal $DE/kg\;W^{0.75}/d$ and had 84.4, 80.0 and 111.1 g average daily gain, respectively. It is concluded that the lambs fed on low energy and protein containing creep mixture in pre-weaning phase showed improvement in growth during post-weaning phase under optimum feeding regime.

Effect of Feeding Ca-salts of Fatty Acids from Soybean Oil and Linseed Oil on c9,t11-CLA Production in Ruminal Fluid and Milk of Holstein Dairy Cows

  • Sultana, Halima;Ishida, Takeshi;Shintaku, Toshihiro;Kanda, Shuhei;Itabashi, Hisao
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제21권9호
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    • pp.1262-1270
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    • 2008
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary supplementation with calcium salts of soybean oil fatty acids (CaSO) and linseed oil fatty acids (CaLO) on c9,t11-CLA production in ruminal fluid and milk fat from Holstein dairy cows. Rumen fermentation, lactational performances and fatty acid profiles in ruminal fluid and milk fat were also investigated. Twenty multiparous Holstein dairy cows were allotted randomly into two groups consisting of ten cows in each group according to calving date and average milk yield. The first group of cows was fed a control (without calcium salts) diet and a treatment as 1.0% of CaSO (on DM basis) for 30 days in each period. In the second group, cows were fed the same control diet and 1.0% of CaLO as a treatment in the same manner. The forage: concentrate ratio was 52:48, and diets were formulated to contain 17% crude protein (DM basis) for both groups. Ruminal pH, protozoal numbers and the concentration of total volatile fatty acids were unchanged, however, the ruminal ammonia-N decreased by feeding CaSO or CaLO treatment compared to the control diet. The vaccenic acid (trans-11 C18:1; VA) in rumen fluid increased (p<0.01) by 169% and 153%, and the c9,t11-CLA content of rumen fluid increased (p<0.01) by 214% and 210% in the CaSO and CaLO treatments, respectively, compared to the control diet. In milk fatty acids, the VA content increased by 130% and 132% in the evening and morning milking times, respectively, and the c9,t11-CLA content increased by 125% in both milking times for the CaSO supplementation than that of control diet. In the case of CaLO supplementation, the VA increased by 117% and 114%, and the c9,t11-CLA increased by 96% and 94% in the evening and morning milking times, respectively, compared to the control diet. The contents of VA and c9,t11-CLA of milk fatty acids were numerically higher in the evening milking time compared to the morning milking time for control and both treatments. Finally, these results indicated that the supplementation of CaSO or CaLO treatment increased the VA and the c9,t11-CLA in both ruminal fluid and milk fat of Holstein dairy cows.

Measurement of Microbial Protein Supply in Murrah Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) Using Urinary Purine Derivatives Excretion and PDC Index

  • Dipu, M.T.;George, S.K.;Singh, P.;Verma, A.K.;Mehra, U.R.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.347-355
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    • 2006
  • A study was conducted to predict the rumen microbial protein production based on urinary excretion of purine derivatives in buffaloes fed a diet of wheat straw and concentrate (40:60) at four fixed levels of feed intake. (95, 80, 60 and 40% of preliminary voluntary feed intake) following experimental protocol of IAEA (Phase I). The buffaloes were allocated according to a $4{\times}4$ latin square design. The urinary allantoin, uric acid, total PD excretion (mmol/d) in treatments L-95, L-80, L-60 and L-40 was 20.13, 16.00, 12.96 and 9.17; 1.88, 2.12, 2.11 and 2.15; 22.01, 18.12, 15.07 and 11.32, respectively and were significantly (p<0.05) different among treatments except for uric acid. The rate of PD excretion (mmol/d) was positively correlated with the digestible organic matter intake. Variations were observed in PD and creatinine concentration in spot samples collected at 6-hour interval. However, daily PD:Creatinine ratio (PDC index) appears to be a reasonably good predictor of microbial-N supply. The contribution of basal purine excretion to total excretion of purine derivatives (PD) was determined in pre-fasting period followed by a fasting period of 6 d (Phase II). Daily PD and creatinine excretion (mmol/kg $W^{0.75}$) during fasting averaged 0.117 and 0.456 respectively for buffaloes. The excretion rates of PD decreased significantly (p<0.01) during fasting compare to pre-fasting period, the urinary creatinine excretion remained almost similar. Except for creatinine, plasma concentration of target parameters significantly (p<0.01) declined during fasting. Likewise, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and renal clearance of allantoin and uric acid also decreased. Based on the PD excretion rates during fasting and at different levels of feed intake obtained in this study, a relationship between daily urinary PD excretion (Y-mmol) and microbial purine absorption (X-mmol) was developed for buffaloes as Y = 0.74X+0.117 kg $W^{0.75}$. The microbial N supply (g/kg DOMI) remained statistically similar irrespective of dietary treatment. The results showed that excretion of urinary purine derivatives is positively correlated with the levels of feed intake in Murrah buffaloes and thus, estimation of urinary purine derivatives and PDC index could be used to determine microbial nitrogen supply when there is large variation in level of feed intake.