• 제목/요약/키워드: Die Design Variables

검색결과 109건 처리시간 0.021초

딥 드로잉 벽면 만곡에 미치는 소재 및 가공조건의 영향 (Effects of sheet and stamping process variables on side wall curl)

  • 박기철;한수식;조태현;황상무
    • 한국소성가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소성가공학회 1998년도 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.53-57
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    • 1998
  • In order to investigate the effects of the variables during the stamping process upon the side wall curl behavior, experiments and finite element analyses were done using a 90 degree draw-bending test. The variables considered were the die radius, the forming speed, the restraint force, the lubrication and the sheet grade. The experiments and simulation conditions were selected according to the design of experiment (DOE) approach. The effects of the restraint force, the lubrication and the forming speed were the same for both high strength and mild steels, but the effects of the die radius on the side wall curl were dependent on the magnitude of the die radius and the sheet grade. A straight side wall was observed for both high strength and mild steels when the die radius was about 2∼3 times of the sheet thickness. It was recommended that the restraint force, the forming speed and the friction be increased in order to reduce the side wall curl.

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셰이빙 정밀도 향상을 위한 예비전단 가공에서의 가공여유와 틈새의 영향 (Influence of shaving allowance and clearance in pre-shearing process for improving shaving accuracy)

  • 오솔길;조대일;강병두;김종호
    • Design & Manufacturing
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    • 제2권3호
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    • pp.40-44
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    • 2008
  • Shaving in sheet metal forming is defined as a finish process to make the sheared surface clean which was blanked or pierced in the previous shearing stage. In this study the new shaving technique is applied to the progressive operation. The specimen is automatically fed by continuous movement of the strip. Which improve the positioning accuracy higher. For this study a square part which consist of blanking and piercing is selected for investigation and the progressive die which includes pre-piercing, pierce-shaving, half-blanking and blank-shaving etc is prepared for specimens of steel sheet(SPCC) and aluminum alloy sheet(AL5052). Experiments are carried out for several working variables such as shaving allowance, pre-shearing clearance and relative half-blanking depth. Consequently it was confirmed that the shaving by progressive die can be successfully employed to produce the clean parts requiring shaving process and optimum working conditions for shaving SPCC and AL5052 sheet metal are shaving allowance of 0.2mm(1.3% of thickness) and pre-shearing clearance of 5%.

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요인분석법을 이용한 파인 블랭킹 공정의 파단면 최소화에 관한 연구 (A study on minimization of fracture surface in fine blanking process using factorial analysis)

  • 이범순;김옥환
    • Design & Manufacturing
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2021
  • The Fine Blanking process is an effective precision shearing process that can obtain a smooth cutting surface and high product precision through a single blanking process. It is widely used in various manufacturing fields. However, shearing through this fine blanking process is only intended to minimize burrs, die rolls and fracture surfaces and does not completely remove them. Therefore, it is necessary to study the minimization of burrs, die rolls and fracture surfaces in the fine blanking process. In this study, a study was conducted on the relationship between the fracture surface and process conditions that occurred during product production using the fine blanking process. For this purpose, the shape of the V-ring indenter, the distance to the punch, and the pressure force, clearance, shear rate, and physical properties of the material were selected as process and design variables, and the relationship with the fracture surface according to each process and design condition was tested. It was analyzed through the Experimental Design Method.

자동차패널 성형공정의 3차원 유한요소해석에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Forming Processes of an Automotive Panel)

  • 이종문;김종원;안병직;금영탁
    • 한국소성가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소성가공학회 1996년도 자동차부품 제작기술의 진보
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 1996
  • Three-Dimensional finite element analysis is performed using PAM-STAMP for design evaluation of automotive back door inner panel die. Gravity process by blanks own weight, binder-wrap process, and drawing process in the forming operations are sequentially simulated with Virtual Manufacturing Method. The most valuable result in this research is that 3-D FEM analysis can be applied to the design evaluation of draw die in the die try-out, though effects of mesh size and drawbead resistance force on the numerical accuracy are much sensitive. For the intensive application to draw-die design and try-out, the experimental know-hows about the forming variables such as friction coefficient, punch velocity, drawbead force, etc are necessary.

AZ3l 판재의 온간 사각컵 디프드로잉에서 금형 설계에 대한 성형성 민감도의 평가 (Evaluation of Formability Sensitivity to Die Design in Warm Square Cup Deep Drawing of AZ31 Sheet)

  • 김기덕;김흥규
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.120-125
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    • 2007
  • Magnesium alloy has low formability at room temperature and therefore, in many cases, forming at elevated temperatures is necessary to obtain the required material flow without failure. Tn the present study, square cup deep drawing tests using the magnesium alloy AE31 sheet were experimentally conducted using the porches and dies with different edge radius to evaluate the formability sensitivity to the die design variables. The experimental results showed that the fracture position over the cup wall moved from the punch nose to the flange as the die temperature increased, and that the drawing depth change was more affected by the punch radius than the die radius.

마멸모델을 이용한 금형마멸 예측에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Prediction of Die Wear using Wear Model)

  • 박종남
    • Design & Manufacturing
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.28-33
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    • 2013
  • During the cold forming, due to high working pressure acting on the die surface, failure mechanics must be considered before die design. One of the main reasons of die failure in industrial application of metal forming technologies is wear. The mechanisms of wear are consisted of adhesion, abrasion, erosion and so on. Die wear affects the tolerances of formed parts, metal flow, and costs of process. The only way to control these failures is to develop a prediction method on die wear suitable in the design state in order to optimize the process. The wear system is used to analyse 'operating variables' and 'system structure'. In this study, with AISI D2, AISI 1020, AISI 304SS materials, a series of the wear experiments of pin-on-disk type to obtain the wear coefficients from Archard's wear model and the upsetting processes are carried out to observe the wear phenomenon during the cold forming process. The analysis of upsetting processes are performed by the rigid-plastic finite element method. The result of the analysis is used to investigate the die wear the processes, and the analysis simulated die wear profiles are compared with the experimental measured die wear profiles.

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1.2GPa급 강판 판재 성형에서 스프링백 감소를 위한 금형 보상 설계 (Compensation Design to Reduce Springback in Sheet Metal Forming of 1.2GPa Ultra High Strength Steel)

  • 권순호;이호성;이영섭;김승완;정철영;홍석무
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제25권5호
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    • pp.301-305
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    • 2016
  • The manual modification of stamping die has widely been used in order to reduce springback after sheet metal forming. When UHSS (Ultra High Strength Steel) is used in sheet metal forming, the die design considering springback compensation is more difficult because higher strength sheet has more springback. In this study, the optimization method was used in order to design die geometry considering springback compensation after forming of 1.2GPa UHSS. Die geometries were defined as design variables and the springback distance from the die surface was conducted as object function in optimization process. The optimized die geometry considering springback compensation was performed using finite element and optimization analysis. The simulation results such as thickness distribution and springback amount were compared with measured data using 3D optical measurement system (GOM ARGUS, ATOS). And the prediction of springback amount showed a good agreement within test results.

유한요소해석 및 다구찌법을 이용한 접합실 내 접합압력 향상을 위한 포트홀 압출 금형 설계 (Design of Porthole Extrusion Die for Improving the Welding Pressure in Welding Chamber by using the FE Analysis and Taguchi Method)

  • 이성윤;이인규;정명식;고대철;이상곤
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제28권6호
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    • pp.347-353
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    • 2019
  • The porthole extrusion process is a classic metal forming process to produce complex cross-section shaped aluminum profile. It is very difficult to design porthole die and extrusion process because of the complex shape of extrusion die and internal metal flow. The main variables in this process are ram speed, initial billet and tool temperature, and die shape. In general, the metal flow of porthole extrusion process can be divided into two steps. During the first step, the billet is divided into several parts in the porthole die bridge. During the second step, the divided billets are welded in the welding chamber. In the welding chamber, the level of welding pressure is very important for the quality of the final product. The purpose of this study is to increase the welding pressure in the welding chamber by using a two stage welding chamber. The porthole extrusion die was designed by using the Taguchi method with orthogonal array. The effectiveness of the optimized porthole die was verified by using the finite element analysis.

준축대칭 제품의 냉간단조 공정설계 및 금형설계 자동화 시스템 개발 (An Automated Process Planning and Die Design System for Quasi-axisymmetric Cold Forging Product)

  • 박종옥;이준호;정성윤;김철;김문생
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.107-118
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    • 2002
  • This paper deals with an automated computer-aided process planning and die design system by which designer can determine operation sequences even if they have a little experience in process planning and die design of quasi-axisymmetric cold forging product by cold former working. The approach to the system is based on knowledge-based rules and a process knowledge base consisting of design rules is built. Knowledge for the system is formulated from plasticity theories, empirical results and the empirical knowledge of field experts. Programs for the system have been written in AutoLISP for the AutoCAD using a personal computer. An attempt is made to link programs incorporating a number of expert design rules with the process variables obtained by commercial FEM softwares, DEFORM and ANSYS, to form a useful package. The system is composed of three main modules and five sub-modules. The process planning and die design module considers several factors, such as the complexities of preform geometry, punch and die profiles, specifications of available cold farmer, and the availability of standard parts. As the system using 2D geometry recognition is integrated with the technology of process planning, die design, and CAE analysis, the standardization of die parts for wheel bolt requiring cold forging process is possible. The developed system makes it possible to design and manufacture quasi-axisymmetric cold forging product more efficiently.

다단포머-볼트류 공정 및 금형설계 자동화 시스템 개발 (A Study of Automated Process Planning and Die Design for Multi Former-Bolt Products)

  • 박철우;강정훈;이준호;김철;김문생;최재찬
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2003
  • This paper deals with an automated computer-aided process planning and die design system with which designer can determine operation sequences even after only a little experience in process planning and die design of multi former-bolt products by multi-stage former working. The approach is based on knowledge-based rules, and a process knowledge base consisting of design rules is built. Knowledge fur the system is formulated from plasticity theories, empirical results and the empirical knowledge of field experts. Programs for the system have been written in AutoLISP for AutoCAD with a personal computer. An attempt is made to link programs incorporating a number of expert design rules with the process variables obtained by commercial FEM softwares, DEFORM and ANSYS, to form a useful package. The system is composed of four main modules. The process planning and die design module considers several factors, such as the complexities of preform geometry, punch and die profiles, specifications of available multi former, and the availability of standard parts. It can provide a flexible process based on either the reduction in the number of forming sequences by combining the possible two processes in sequence, or the reduction of deviation of the distribution and the level of the required forming loads by controlling the forming ratios. The system uses 2D geometry recognition and is integrated with the technology of process planning, die design, and CAE analysis. The standardization of die parts for multi former-bolt products requiring a cold forging process is described. The system developed makes it possible to design and manufacture multi former-bolt products more efficiently.