• Title/Summary/Keyword: Detailed region model

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Modelling of RV Ledge Region for Dynamic Analysis of Coupled Reactor Vessel Internals and Core

  • Jhung, Myung J.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.164-172
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    • 1998
  • This paper presents the detailed modelling of reactor vessel ledge region for the dynamic analysis of the coupled internals and core model. The dynamic responses due to earthquake and pipe break are calculated using the input motions of reactor vessel taken from Ulchin nuclear power plant units 3 and 4. Two different representations for detailed and simplified models of the RV ledge region are made. The dynamic responses of the reactor internals components are compared between them. Response characteristics are reported and simplified model is suggested for earthquake and pipe break analysis for the future design of the reactor internals.

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Detailed-information Browsing Technology based on Level of Detail for 3D Cultural Asset Data (3D 문화재 데이터의 LOD 기반 상세정보 브라우징 기술)

  • Jung, Jung-Il;Cho, Jin-Soo;WhangBo, Tae-Keun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.110-121
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we propose the new method that offer detailed-information through relax the system memory limitation about 3D model to user. That method based on making LOD(Level of Detail) model from huge 3D data of structure cultural assets. In our method as transformed AOSP algorithm, first of all it create the hierarchical structure space about 3D data, and create the LOD model by surface simplification. Then it extract the ROI(Region of Interest) of user in simplified LOD model, and then do rendering by original model and same surface detailed-information after process the local detailed in extracted region. To evaluate the proposed method, we have some experiment by using the precise 3D scan data of structure cultural assets. Our method can offer the detailed-information same as exist method, and moreover 45% reduced consumption of memory experimentally by forming mesh structure same as ROI of simplified LOD model. So we can check the huge structure cultural assets particularly in general computer environment.

Analysis on Field Applicability of SWAN Nested Model (SWAN Nested model의 현장 적용성 분석)

  • Kim, Kang-Min;Dae, Nam-Ki;Lee, Joong-Woo
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.45-49
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    • 2011
  • The recent trend for numerical experiment requires more higher resolution and accuracy. Generally, in the wave field calculation, it starts with a large region formulation first and follows by a separated detailed region formulation by more denser grids for the main interest area considering the geographical and bathymetrical variation. The wave fields resulted from the large region calculation is being introduced into the detail region calculation as the incident waves. In this process there exists a problem of continuity. In order to get over such problem, method of variable gridding system or spectrum sampling, etc., is being used. However, it seems not enough to examine and analyze the related numerical errors. Therefore, it is investigated in this study the field applicability of the most pervasive use of wave model, the nested SWAN model. For this purpose, we made model experiment for two coastal harbours with different tidal environment, and compared and analyzed the result. From the analysis, it was found that both the extracted values, near the boundaries of the large and detail region and the nested formulation of SWAN model, show almost the same and no different between those with different tidal environment conditions. However it is necessary for reducing the numerical errors to set the boundaries for the detailed region outside of the rapid bathymetric change and deeper region.

An Integrated Region-Related Information Searching System applying of Map Interface and Knowledge Processing (맵 인터페이스와 지식처리를 활용한 지역관련정보 통합검색 시스템)

  • Shin, Jin-Joo;Seo, Kyung-Seok;Jang, Yong-Hee;Kwon, Yong-Jin
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.129-140
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    • 2010
  • Large portal sites such as Google, NAVER provide Various services based on the map. Thus, interest and demand of users who want to obtain the region-related information has been increased. And services that combine the regional information with the map are provided currently at the large portal sites. However, the existing services of large portal sites do not provide enough detailed information and are inconvenient because acquisition process of related information is repeated. Therefore, the system that enables users to obtain detailed information related on the specific region synthetically and easily is needed. In this paper, we propose a system model using map interface and knowledge-processing in order to build the system that is useful for acquiring regional information. The model consists of 3-Layers: 'Regional Information Web-Documents Layer', 'Unique Regional Information Layer', and "Map-Interface Layer'. The Integrated Region~Related Information Searching System based on the model is implemented through the following 4-steps: (1) extracting the keywords that represent specific region (2) collecting the related web pages (3) extracting a set of related keywords and computing an association between the keywords (4) implementing a user interface. We verified validity on the model we proposed. knowledge-processing algorithm using affinity matrix, and UI that help users conveniently search by applying the system to region of the Goyang City. This system integrates regional information existing merely individual 'information' and provides users the 'knowledge' that is newly produced and organized. Users can obtain various detailed regional information and easily get related information through this system.

An Axisymmetrical Study on the Secondary Reaction of Launch Vehicle Turbine Exhaust Gas Using the Detailed Chemistry Model (상세 화학반응 모델을 이용한 발사체 터빈 배기가스의 이차연소 해석의 축대칭 해석)

  • Kim, Seong-Lyong;Kim, In-Sun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2011.11a
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    • pp.857-862
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    • 2011
  • 3 dimensional turbine exhaust gas flow was simplified to an axisymmetrical flow and calculated with detailed chemistry models. GRI 35 species-217 reaction step model and simplified 11 species 15 reaction model was applied to the secondary reaction of the turbine exhaust gas and compared. All the model captured the secondary combustion on the base region, and the temperature was 600K higher than that without turbine exhaust gas. This means the local temperature of the base can be higher in the case of real 3 dimensional flow. The simplified model show the similar results to the GRI detailed chemistry model although the former affected the engine plume structure slightly.

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The Development and Application of Landscape Ecological Planning Model based on Biotop Mapping - A Case study of Large Residential Land Development Area - (비오톱 지도를 토대로 한 경관생태계획 모형개발과 적용 - 대규모 택지개발 예정지를 대상으로 -)

  • Ra, Jung-Hwa;Cho, Hyun-Ju;Kim, Jin-Hyo;Kwon, Oh-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.17-32
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    • 2013
  • Reckless development policy, which has continued during the past several decades, caused landscape damage. In order to solve this problem, it is very urgent to conserve the habitat and to establish systematic database. Recently, various researches related to landscape damage have been conducted actively and the necessity of landscape ecological planning based on the biotop mapping has been issued as one of the solutions. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to select the study area, which is located in Guji-meon, Dalseong-gun, Daegu and will be formed into Daegu Science Park, and then to develop and apply the landscape ecological planning model based on biotop mapping in district unit. The results are as follows. Fist of all, according to the results of biotop classification with field survey and literature review, total 13 biotop and total 63 biotop types were classified. According to the first evaluation with B-VAT, total 19 biotop types were classified I grade including natural river with abundant plants(BA) and so on. While V grade, which has lowest value, was classified 16 biotop types including vegetable garden adjacent to river(BC). Also the second evaluation, we analyzed total 30 areas such as 1a, 1b grades, which had special meaning for the conservation of species and biotop. Next, 2a, 2b, 2c grades were analyzed total 82 areas. Secondly, in the compliance with Ecological landscape planning, we divided landscape planning model into two parts such as setting of improvement goal and detailed implement plan. For instance, setting of improvement goal, we classified 9 parts such as conservation region and parts of detailed implement plan, we classified total 28 planning indicators with 4 view such as the region which should be special protected from nature and landscape. Lastly, with the developed landscape model we applied to research areas, made maps, and differentiate proposals in each region. Specially, the final master plan was made to help understand the contents of detailed landscape planning. This study will be a useful data, which can solve the landscape damage problem systematically and control it landscape-friendly with biotop classification, evaluation, landscape ecological planning model, and application method which we developed.


    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.267-270
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    • 2005
  • We investigate the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of low mass-loss rate O-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars using the infrared observational data including the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) data. Comparing the results of detailed radiative transfer model calculations with observations, we find that the dust formation temperature is much lower than 1000 K for standard dust shell models. We find that the superwind model with a density-enhanced region can be a possible alternative dust shell model for LMOA stars.

Multiple State Hidden Markov Model to Predict Transmembrane Protein Topology

  • Chi, Sang-Mun
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.1019-1031
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    • 2004
  • This paper describes a new modeling method for the prediction of transmembrane protein topology. The structural regions of the transmembrane protein have been modeled by means of a multiple state hidden Markov model that has provided for the detailed modeling of the heterogeneous amino acid distributions of each structural region. Grammatical constraints have been incorporated to the prediction method in order to capture the biological order of membrane protein topology. The proposed method correctly predicted 76% of all membrane spanning regions and 92% sidedness of the integration when all membrane spanning regions were found correctly.

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Modelling of shear deformation and bond slip in reinforced concrete joints

  • Biddah, Ashraf;Ghobarah, A.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.413-432
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    • 1999
  • A macro-element model is developed to account for shear deformation and bond slip of reinforcement bars in the beam-column joint region of reinforced concrete structures. The joint region is idealized by two springs in series, one representing shear deformation and the other representing bond slip. The softened truss model theory is adopted to establish the shear force-shear deformation relationship and to determine the shear capacity of the joint. A detailed model for the bond slip of the reinforcing bars at the beam-column interface is presented. The proposed macro-element model of the joint is validated using available experimental data on beam-column connections representing exterior joints in ductile and nonductile frames.

Numerical Investigation of Ram Accelerator Flow Field in Expansion Tube (Expansion Tube 내의 램 가속기 유동장의 수치 연구)

  • 최정열;정인석;윤영빈
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 1997.04a
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 1997
  • Steady and unsteady numerical simulations are conducted for the experiments performed to investigate the ram accelerator flow field by using the expansion tube facility in Stanford University. Navier-Stokes equations for chemically reacting flows are analyzed by fully implicit and time accurate numerical methods with Jachimowski's detailed chemistry model for hydrogen-air combustion involving 9 species and 19 reaction steps. Although the steady state assumption shows a good agreement with the experimental schlieren and OH PLIF images for the case of $2H_2$+$O_2$+$17N_2$, it fails in reproducing the combustion region behind the shock intersection point shown in the case of $2H_2$+$O_2$+$12N_2$, mixture. Therefore, an unsteady numerical simulation is conducted for this case and the result shows all the detailed flow stabilization process. The experimental result is revealed to be an instantaneous result during the flow stabilization process. The combustion behind the shock intersection point is the result of a normal detonation formed by the intersection of strong oblique shocks that exist at early stage of the stabilization process. At final stage, the combustion region behind the shock intersection point disappears and the steady state result is retained. The time required for stabilization of the reacting flow in the model ram accelerator is found to be very long in comparison with the experimental test time.

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