• Title/Summary/Keyword: Design pattern

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A Study on Fashion Design Applying Traditional Patterns in Northeastern Asia - Focusing on the Costumes of Korea, China and Japan in the $16^{th}-19^{th}$ Centuries - (동북아시아지역의 전통문양을 응용한 패션디자인 연구 - 한국, 중국, 일본의 16~19세기 복식을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Ji-Hyun;Kan, Ho-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.59 no.9
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2009
  • This study aimed to create a new costume design suitable for publicizing our traditional patterns in the world by using the traditional patterns of Northeast Asia region. The result of this study can be summarized as follows. First, China is characterized by a strictly fixed configuration and a realistic description, Japan a simplistic modality and an abstract-geometrical pattern, and Korea a eclectic type, whole-pattern, and part-pattern. This study aimed to make the pattern by using harmoniously these characters. Second, Korea, China, and japan have many similarities concerning a symbolism and a type of pattern. In the modern fashion, they often use dragon patterns, various flower patterns like peony, plum blossom, or mum, and geometrical patterns. This study focused on expressing patterns which contain the ornamental symbolism of Oriental Look, aside from an existing symbolism, and show a traditional sentiment of Northeast Asia. The method for expressing traditional patterns usually included weaving, dyeing, embroidery, or gold foil. Although these methods have been used in all the three nations, even rubbed metal foil and patchwork have been widely used in Japan.

A Study on the Figuration of Floral Pattern of Baroque Textiles (Baroque직물에 나타난 floral 패턴의 조형성)

  • 이선화;권영숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.52 no.7
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2002
  • The shape of floral Pattern in the Period of Baroque could be divided single. bunch and vine. The style of representation was stylized, abstract and realistic. the most of style was stylized. The type of composition was fullness, independent and scattered. Floral patterns were shaped simple and complex and components of design could be classified into flower and leaf. flower and fruit. flower and band. bunch of flower, flower and geometry. flower and pot, flower and animal. flower and crest. Kinds of flower were tulip. common marigold, lily, carnation, small bel]flower. lotus, acandus leaf, pomegranate, strawberry. pine cone and abstract anonymous flower which were unfolded by repeat. Characters of floral Pattern were classical elegance, taste of royalty and lively and damask, velvet, brocade which made with gold and silver so, those were a very brilliant and gorgeous. Characters of design were illustrated plane style and stylization where developed arranged on front by repeat or repeat symmetric of vertical. Art, costumes and textiles in this era were a very rich and colorful. The result of study on Baroque's floral pattern will be used to develope a various textile design and chance to be adopted classical pattern into aesthetic value in our time.

Design of Secant Pattern Radiator with Septum Circular Polarizer (격벽 구조형 원형 편파기의 시컨트 패턴 방사체 설계)

  • Yim, Jung-Min;Son, Jae-Ki;Lee, Taek-Kyung;Lee, Jae-Wook;Lee, Woo-Kyung
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.32-38
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we design a secant pattern antenna combined with a septum circular polarizer to be used in the satellite data communications. To generate a radiation pattern with secant type, Fourier relationship between current distribution and space factor is applied and the circular symmetric structure of the aperture simplifies the design. The optimization process is performed by combining the radiator with the septum circular polarizer, and it is confirmed that the designed radiation pattern, axial ratio, and return loss characteristics satisfies the required performance of the antenna.

The Design of a Class Diagram Authorization Tool based on the MVC Design Pattern (MVC 디자인 패턴에 기반한 클래스 다이어그램 저작도구의 설계)

  • Kim, Jae-Hoon;Kim, Yun-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.2707-2715
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    • 2010
  • This paper suggests a implements and a design of class diagram authorization tool based on the MVC pattern. It defines and descries the structure of ClassInformation, ScreenDisplay and ToolManager. ClassInformation is responsible for processing or handling information of a diagram. ScreenDisplay is responsible for GUI to configure the screen of the authorization tool. ToolManager is responsible for event handling to process I/O of the authorization tool. Based on MVC pattern, ClassInformation, ScreenDisplay and ToolManager of the authorization tool are assigned each role independently. It is flexible to new requirement, because of loose coupling.

Study on Correlation of Outsole Pattern of Sports Shoes and Frictional Coefficient (운동화 바닥창 무늬형태와 마찰계수의 상관관계 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Nyun
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2008
  • One of the major factors affecting maneuverability of an athlete is frictional force caused at an outsole of his shoe. The magnitude of the frictional force is closely related to pattern and hardness of outsole and roughness of ground or floor. This study then focuses on the effect of outsole pattern of sports shoes on the frictional force. After surveying outsole patterns of sports shoes in markets, we select 4 types of outsole patterns, such as straight, W, O, and wave as primary outsole patterns of sports shoe and we also select depth, pitch and slope as design parameters of each pattern. Corresponding to those patterns and design parameters, various outsole specimen are prepared for frictional experiments. After performing frictional tests with those specimen, coefficients of friction(COF) are collected and analyzed with a statistical tool to draw useful conclusion.

A Study on the Rule for Creation of the Pattern Language of Christopher Alexander (크리스토퍼 알렉산더의 패턴언어 생성규칙에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Sung-Wook;Kim, Moon-Duck
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2017
  • This study reviews the process of creating the patterns through the Christopher Alexander's books to discover the fundamental rules for creation of the pattern language. The essential ideas of 11 rules describing the characteristics of the pattern language are organized by keyword depending on the characteristics of each rule. Then, this study analyzes which keyword was applied importantly and how it had been developed chronologically in the Alexander's books. As a result, 5 keywords - reflection of cultural difference, reflection of human desires, solving the repeated problem, function suitable for principal purpose, and network structure - are applied to his early books in which the pattern language was theoretically developed, the pattern of traditional society was discovered and the network structure was developed. Another 5 keywords - user participation method, new problem solving, structure preserving transformation, post-mechanization method, and central invariant structure - are applied to the books in his mid-term after completion of the pattern theory which discover new pattern for contemporary society and apply the pattern language to time and space. In his later books which organize the theory of pattern language and suggest the direction for using the pattern language, 5 keywords - wholeness, post-mechanization method, user participation method, new problem solving, and structure preserving transformation - are applied. Users may use the pattern language more precisely if he/she considers the keywords of the early period in searching the patterns of existing environment, the keywords of the intermediate period in searching the patterns of new environment or in regard to time and space, and the keywords of the later period in considering direction of the application of the pattern language.

Application and Development of Korean and Vietnamese Traditional Patterns on Necktie Design (한국 및 베트남 전통문양을 응용한 넥타이 디자인 개발)

  • Mai Anh, Pham Ho;Lee, Youn-Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.61-76
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    • 2010
  • 세계적으로 넥타이는 착용자의 이미지를 표상하게 됩니다. 따라서 특히 넥타이 디자인에 각국의 문화적 요소를 활용하는 것이 문화적 이미지의 패션 상품 디자인과 함께 매우 중요하다. 본 연구의 목적은 한국 및 베트남의 전통문양을 학습에 적용 및 전통적인 문양에 관심을 더 이해할 수 있게 도와 연구팀은 이러한 문양을 활용하여 특별하고 양국의 문화를 내표한 고유하고 세련된 넥타이를 개발하고자 함이다. 우리는 또한 한국 및 베트남 전통문양 사이의 상징성 의미가 특히 유사한 문양을 설계도면 방법차이를 발견했다. 따라서 한국 및 베트남 문양 사이의 조합의 경우, 본 연구뿐만 아니라 국가의 특정 문화에 기여하는 다른 나라에 한국 및 베트남문양에 대한 미학의 측면을 소개하였다. 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다: 첫째, 한국 및 베트남 전통문양이 미학적, 실용성 및 문화유산의 가치가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 한국 및 베트남 전통문양의 소재로는 식물, 동물(조류, 곤충, 상상의 동물, 길상형상 및 문자, 기하형태 등이 있다. 셋째, 한국전통 기하문양의 태극문양과 베트남의 전통기하문양의 특별한 기원과 행운, 창조의 조화 등 의미가 있으며, 이들 각각의 문양은 국기에 사용되어 현대에 이르기 까지 양국가를 상징하는 공통점이 있다. 넷째, 한국 및 베트남의 우호증진을 기원하고 국제경쟁력이 있는 양국의 고유한 문화가 깃든 국제경쟁력이 있는 독특한 넥타이 상품개발을 위해, 양국의 대표적 전통 기하문양인 태극문양과 별문양을 응용하여 넥타이디자인을 행하였다.

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Region-based Pattern Generating System for Maskless Photolithography

  • Jin, Young-Hun;Park, Ki-Won;Choi, Jae-Man;Kim, Sang-Jin;An, Chang-Geun;Seo, Man-Seung
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.389-392
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    • 2005
  • In the maskless photolithography based on the Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) by Texas Instruments Inc. (TI), the micromirror array works as a virtual photomask to write patterns directly onto Flat Panel Display (FPD) at high speed with low cost. However, it is neither simple to generate region-based patterns for the micromirror array nor easy to deliver sequences of patterns for the micromirror controller. Moreover, the quality of lithography yields the precise synchronization between generating sequence of patterns and irradiation rate off micromirrors. In this study, the region-based pattern generating system for maskless photolithography is devised. To verify salient features of devised functionalities, the prototype system is implemented and the system is evaluated with actual DMD based photolithography. The results show that proposed pattern generating method is proper and reliable. Moreover, the devised region-based pattern generating system is robust and precise enough to handle any possible user specified mandate and to achieve the quality of photolithography required by FPD manufacturer.

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Optimization of RC Plane Foames Based on The Principle of Divided Parameters (변수분리의 원리에 의한 철근콘크리트 평면 뼈대 구조물의 최적화)

  • 정영식;김봉익
    • Magazine of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.133-141
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    • 1997
  • This work presents a method of optimum design for reinforced concrete building frames with rectangular cross sections. To overcome difficulties arising from the presence of two materials in one element(concrete and steel) , the principle of divided parameters is adopted. The design variable parameters are divided into two groups - external and internal. The optimization is also divided into external and internal procedure. Several scarxh algorithms are tested to verify their accuracy for the external optimization. This work proposes a new search method, a modified pattern search, and sample problems prove its accuracy and uscf'ulness. The design obtained by this method is an optimum and in full accord with ACI Building Code Ftequirements(ACI'318-89).

Implementation of Information Retrieval and Management System Based on Ontology Using Object Oriented Design Pattern (객체지향 설계 유형에 의한 온톨로지 기반 정보검색 및 관리시스템 구현)

  • Lee, Hong-Ro
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.146-157
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    • 2009
  • In order to implement ontology data searching system, this paper uses some methods that effectively analyse searching options/key words with event process model and design pattern. I will propose some techniques on object-oriented process model that should improve reusability of system and reusability of ontology data which users can obtain more precise searching results. This paper shows that ontology-based data searching can assure users of the precision of searching results. Therefore, ontology-based data searching system on object-oriented design pattern is expected to show high stability and reliability, enhance reusability and scalability of modules and softwares and provide reliable data searching results to users.

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