• Title/Summary/Keyword: Description Logics e-Catalog

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Analysis and Modeling of Semantic Relationships in e-Catalog Domain (전자카탈로그에서의 의미적 관계 분석과 모델링)

  • Lee, Min-Jung;Lee, Hyun-Ja;Shim, Jun-Ho
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.243-258
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    • 2004
  • Building a domain-suited ontology, as a means to implement the Semantic Web, is widely believed to offer users the benefit of exploiting the semantic knowledge constrained in the application. Electronic Catalog, shortly e-Catalog, manages the information about the goods or conditions play an important role in e-commerce domain. Consequently, semantically enriched yet precise information by the ontology may elaborate the business transactions. In this paper, we analyze the semantic relationships embodied within the catalog domain, as the first step towards the ontological modeling of e-catalog. Exploring ontology should leverage not only the representation of semantic knowledge but also provide the inferencing capability for the model. We employ the EER(extended Entity Relationships) for the basic model. Each modeling construct can be directly translated by DL(Description Logics). Semantic constraints that can be hardly represented in EER are directly modeled in DL.

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Ontological Modeling of E-Catalogs using Description Logic (Description Logic을 이용한 전자카타로그 온톨로지 모델링)

  • Lee Hyunja;Shim Junho
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.111-119
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    • 2005
  • Electronic catalog contains ich semantics associated with products, and serves as a challenging practical domain for ontology application. Ontology is concerned with the nature and relations of being. It can play a crucial role in e-commerce as a formalization of e-Catalogs. Description Logics provide a theoretical core for most of the current ontology languages. In this paper, we present an ontological model of e-Catalogs in DL. We take an Extended Entity Relationship approach for conceptual modeling method, and present the fundamental set of modeling constructs and corresponding description language representation for each construct. Additional semantic knowledge can be represented directly in DL. Our modeling language stands within SHIQ(d) which is known reasonably practical with regard to its expressiveness and complexity. We illustrate sample scenarios to show how our approach may be utilized in modeling e-Catalogs, and also implement the scenarios through a DL inference tool to see the practical feasibility.