• Title/Summary/Keyword: Department of Korean Philosophy

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The Relations Between Maternal Meta-Emotion Philosophy, Child Interpersonal Problem Solving, and Peer Competence (어머니의 상위정서철학과 아동의 대인 간 문제해결능력 및 또래 유능성 간의 관계)

  • Choi, Ranyi;Nahm, Eunyoung
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2016
  • Objective: This study examined the relations between maternal meta-emotion philosophy, child interpersonal problem solving, and peer competence among children aged 4-5 and their mothers and teachers. Methods: A total of 54 children from 24 kindergartens were assessed on their interpersonal problem solving and peer competence. Their mothers reported on meta-emotion philosophy. Their teachers were assessed on child peer competence. Results: The major findings of this study were as follows. First, maternal meta-emotion philosophy, child interpersonal problem solving, and child peer competence showed positive correlation patterns. Second, child interpersonal problem solving and peer competence was found to be influenced by maternal child-directed meta-emotion philosophy but not by maternal self-directed meta-emotion philosophy. Conclusion: Findings highlight the importance of maternal meta-emotion philosophy and that their emotion socialization play a significant role in identifying the mechanisms leading to child social cognitive ability and social adjustment. Furthermore, these results could lead to important basic studies in developing parent/teacher education programs.

Trend of Whitehead's philosophy in Mathematical philosophy (화이트헤드 철학의 수학 철학적 경향)

  • Yu, Chung-Hyun;Kim, Hye-Kyung
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.97-114
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    • 2009
  • Whitehead is a greatest mathematical philosopher who expanded mathematical concepts and method in philosophy. In view of Whitehead that he emphasizeson metaphysical perspective, mathematical truth and empirical connection of reality, it explicates that it tends to empiricism and rationalism of mathematical philosophy. In this paper, we try to research his unique perspective of mathematical philosophy. His perspective on organic philosophy is combination of empiricism trend and rationalism trend of mathematical philosophy.

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Congenital Cleft Lip Repair Based on Delaire Philosophy I ; Normal Anatomy and Physiology of the Labionasal Musculature and the Medial Septum of the Nose (Delaire 개념에 기반한 선천성 구순열의 치료 ; 구순 비근육과 비중격의 정상 해부학적 구조 및 생리기전)

  • Yu, Myung-Sook;Eo, Mi-Young;Lee, Suk-Keun;Lee, Jong-Ho;Kim, Soung-Min
    • Korean Journal of Cleft Lip And Palate
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.73-84
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    • 2009
  • The treatment of cleft lip and palate must be based on a complete knowledge of the anatomy, physiology and growth of the involved deformity, because of not only the appearance but also impaired functions such as phonation, mastication, respiration and lingual posture of the maxillomandibular complex. Delaire has long studied all these aspects, and has published many numbers of articles and constructed a philosophy concerning the significance and interrelationship of the various structures. The results obtained from its application seem to be particularly valid from a clinical point of view, although it has not all been scientifically supported by experimental data. For these reasons, Delaire's primary unilateral and bilateral cheilorhinoplasty procedures are particulary good, as is his secondary gingivoalveoloplsty procedure during the course of the surgical repair of the hard palate. In order to understand Delaire's philosophy, it is necessary to consider the normal and pathologic anatomy of the structures involved in the deformity, the role of some structures, such as nasal septum, musculature, and tongue, and some functions, such as dental occlusion or nasal respiration, which play important roles in maxillary and particularly premaxillary growth. Despite of important concept and meanings, Delaire's philosophy has not been introduced widely to our Korean cleft surgeons yet. So authors will summarize the basic concepts of Delaire's philosophy according to already published literatures and lectures based on our previous treatment outcomes.

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An Essay on Philosophy of Mathematics-Education with an Episode (라플라스변환 사례를 통한 수학교육철학(數學敎育哲學) 모색 시론)

  • Oh, Chae-Hwan
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.59-74
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    • 2010
  • Though considering of philosophy of mathematics can be optional to theoretical mathematicians, that of philosophy of mathematics-education is supposed to be indispensible to mathematics-educators. So it is natural for mathematics-educators to ask what kind of philosophy might be more desirable for mathematics-education. In this context, this essay reviews two kinds of major philosophy of mathematics, Platonism and formalism. However it shows that humanism could be more plausible alternative philosophy of mathematicseducation. In the course of entailing such a result it introduces an episode of lecture for Laplace-transformation as a speculative evidence from experience.

Congenital Cleft Lip Repair Based on Delaire Philosophy II: Functional Cheilo-rhinoplasty (Delaire 개념에 기반한 선천성 구순열의 치료 II: 기능적 구순비성형술)

  • Kim, Soung-Min;Seo, Mi-Hyun;Eo, Mi-Young;Lee, Suk-Keun;Myoung, Hoon;Lee, Jong-Ho;Choi, Jin-Young
    • Korean Journal of Cleft Lip And Palate
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2010
  • After introduction of Delaire's basic philosophy, to consider the normal and pathologic anatomy, the role of some structures, such as nasal septum, musculature, and tongue, and some functions, such as dental occlusion or nasal respiration, which play important roles in maxillary and particularly premaxillary growth, on the Korean Journal of cleft lip and palate in 2009, Delaire's primary functional cheilorhinoplasty (FCR) in the unilateral and bilateral cleft lip patients was summarized and introduced according to already published literatures and lectures. This paper will be the second publishment of Delaire philosophy with Korean language.

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Classification of Articles in the "Korean Philosophy Journal" and Analysis of the Articles of Two Scholars - From 1st to 55th edit (『한국철학논집』의 논문 분류 및 두 학자의 논문 분석 - 제1집에서 제55집까지 -)

  • Hwang, Kwang-Oog
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.58
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    • pp.97-137
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    • 2018
  • This paper analyzes the thesis classification of the "Korean Philosophy Journal" and the subject and characteristics of two representative scholars of the Research Society in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the 'Korean Philosophy History Research Society'. The "Korean Philosophy Journal" was published from the 1st edition in 1991 to the 55th edition until November, 2017, and introduced a total of 582 papers. In the meantime, the 'Korean Philosophy History Research Society' became a registered place after being nominated by the Korea Research Foundation. Among the 582 chapters, 297 papers deal directly with Korean philosophy, and 174 papers on Chinese philosophy. Among the Korean philosophical theses, the most popular one was the 198th issue, and the Chinese philosophical thesis was the most popular with the subject of theology. Among the Korean philosophers, Chung Yak - Yong and Chinese philosophers Chu Shi were the most studied. Among the writers who participated in the "Korean Philosophy Journal", 203 were all of them. Among them, Lee Sang Ik published the most articles with 28, and Choi Young Sung was the second with 23. Based on Lee Sang Ik 's thesis 28, Lee Sang Ik is a well - known neo - Confucianism scholar. His research is based on the theory of neo - Confucianism and the theory of secularism. On the one hand, he establishes his own moral theories and criticizes other moral theories. On the other hand he establishes his own governing theory and criticizes other governing theories. And theoretical proposals on various problems in modern society Based on Choi Young Sung 's thesis, 23, Choi Young Sung is the best researcher in the field of studying in Korea. His research focuses on correcting mistaken perceptions and descriptions in the history of study abroad in Korea, and developing the undeveloped parts. In addition, I am looking for a new perspective on the history of studying in Korea. In addition, he has been studying the philosophical thought of Choi Chih Won in order to establish a philosophical foundation for approaching the history of thought rather than just the study of the history of thought. The "Korean Philosophy Journal" has been advanced in quantity and quality, and has developed quantitatively and qualitatively. Revitalization of the SungKyunKwan university Korean Philosophy Department is indispensable for the continuous development of "Korean Philosophy Journal" and 'Korean Philosophy History Study Society' and to create excellent scholars.

Building a Philosophy Ontology based on Content of Texts and its Application to Learning (텍스트 내용 기반의 철학 온톨로지 구축 및 교육에의 응용)

  • Chung, Hyun-Sook;Choi, Byung-Il
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.257-270
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    • 2005
  • Researchers of humane studies including philosophy acquire knowledge from understanding of their texts. They spent a lot time and efforts to retrieve, read and understand many texts relevant to their research fields using a metadata-based text retrieval system. In this paper, we develop a philosophy ontology that enables researchers to retrieve knowledge in the content of texts of philosophy. Our philosophy ontology includes concepts and their hierarchical and associative relationships defined by philosophy researchers. We propose a methodology for constructing text-based ontology comprised of three phases and fourteen steps. This methodology may be used to construct another ontologies for learning. Also, we introduce a case study for applying our philosophy ontology to acquire and interchange knowledge of philosophy between a professor and students during philosophy classes.

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The Relationships between Maternal Meta-Emotion Philosophy, Adolescent's Psychological Adjustment and Depression : The Moderating Effects of Mother-Adolescent Communication Time (어머니 상위정서양육방식과 청소년 자녀의 심리적 적응 및 우울감의 관계 : 모-자녀 대화시간의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Nahm, Eun Young;Park, So Eun
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.153-170
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the moderating effects of mother-adolescent communication time on the relationship between maternal meta-emotion philosophy, adolescent psychological adjustment and depression. The participants for this study comprised 181 first and second grade high school students and their mothers, residing in Seoul. The results of the analyses indicated that, (a) maternal disapproving is negatively correlated to adolescents' positive world views, and that maternal laissez-faire is also negatively correlated to adolescents' emotional responsiveness. However, a positive correlation is revealed between maternal emotion-coaching and adolescents' positive self-esteem. (b) It is evident that adolescents' emotional responsiveness is influenced by maternal laissez-faire, and that adolescents' positive self-esteem is influenced by emotion-coaching. It also indicated that mother-adolescent communication time is influenced by dismissing as well as laissez-faire meta-emotion philosophy. (c) It revealed that mother-adolescent communication time, in part, has a meaningful moderating effect on the relationship between meta-emotion philosophy and adolescent depression. Therefore, the present study indicates that even if maternal disapproving, laissez-faire, or dismissing is practiced, adolescent depression levels decrease as mother-adolescent time lengthens.