• Title/Summary/Keyword: Database tables

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A Construction of Pointer-based Model for Main Memory Database Systems (주기억장치 데이터베이스를 위한 포인터 기반 모델의 구축)

  • Bae, Myung-Nam;Choi, Wan
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.28 no.4B
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    • pp.323-338
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    • 2003
  • The main memory database systems (MMDBMS) efficiently supports various database applications that require high performance since it employs main memory rather than disk as a primary storage. Recently, it has been increased needs that have the fast data processing as well as the efficient modeling of application requiring for a complicated structure, and conformity to applications that need the strict dta consistency. In MMDBMS, because all the data is located in the main memory, it can support the usable expression methods of data satisfying their needs without performance overhead. The method has the operation to manipulate the data and the constraint such as referential integrity in more detail. The data model consists of this methods is an essential component to decide the expression power of DBMS. In this paper, we discuss about various requests to provide the communication services and propose the data model that support it. The mainly discussed issues are 1) definition of the relationship between tables using the pointer, 2) navigation of the data using the relationship, 3) support of the referential integrity for pointer, 4) support of the uniform processing time for the join, 5) support of the object-oriented concepts, and 6) sharing of an index on multi-tables. We discuss the pointer-based data model that designed to include these issues to efficiently support complication environments.

Design and Implementation of a XML2RDB Middleware for Partition Storing of XML Documents (XML 문서의 분할저장을 위한 XML2RDB 미들웨어의 설계 및 구현)

  • 박성진
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2003
  • XML(Extensible Markup Language) is an emerging standard for data representation and exchange in e-commerce and internet-based information. However, to realize this potential, it is necessary to be able to extract structured data from XML documents and store it in a database, as well as to generate XML documents from data extracted from a database. Although many DBMS vendors are scrambling to extend their products to handle XML, there is a need for a lightweight, DBMS and platform-independent XML middleware as well. In this paper we describe such a XML2RDB middleware, that solves the following problems . generating relational schema from XML DTDs for storage of XML documents, importing data from XML documents into relational tables, creating XML documents according to a XMLQL(XML Query Language) from data extracted from a database.

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Database Table Management and Input/output Design System on the Web (웹 기반 서버 데이터베이스 테이블 관리 및 입출력 형태 정의 시스템)

  • 한순희
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.433-445
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    • 1999
  • Today's Web tends to change from simple guideline to more complex information Provider based on large amount of data, enabling a better understanding of the objects. It provides various information retrieval techniques. Therefore, these data have to be stored and maintained in a database system for efficiency and consistency. But database system absolutely requires systematic and consistent management techniques. As a consequence, a high trained and well-educated person should do it. In this paper, we design and implement a tool for easy and reliable database table creation and management on the web. If users log in this system, they can get a list of tables created by themselves and will find a hyper link per each table. Futhermore, they can view and manage it's contents.

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A Study on Extracting Ontology from RDBMS Tables (RDBMS 테이블에서의 온톨로지 자동 추출에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ki-Jung;Whangbo, Taeg-Keun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.125-127
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    • 2006
  • A number of museums and related parties have tangible heritage data and those data are collected by different types and formats. In these days, there are no service which connect each others so if a user wants to search a data, user have to log on certain homepage and search data. In general relational database systems have used for tangible heritage but sometime there is no ontology information for such relational database system. Therefore, for efficient searching of tangible heritage, we need a method which is extracting ontology information from relational database system. And we need a method which makes alignment between local ontologies extracted from relational database system and global ontology which has global information of tangible heritage. In this paper, we propose a system which can search tangible heritage efficiently using a method of extracting ontology from RDBMS and a method of aligning between local ontology and global ontology.

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An Online Terminology Dictionary of Traditional Korean Medicine (온라인 한의학 용어 사전 시스템 구축)

  • Kim, Sang-Kyun;Jang, Hyun-Chul;Yea, Sang-Jun;Kim, Chul;Song, Mi-Young
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : Our study aims to provide a collaborative Internet terminology dictionary like Wikipedia, where about 30,000 concept terminologies with respect to traditional Korean medicine (TKM) are shared and TKM experts can edit the terminologies. Methods : The concept terminologies have been collected and refined for three years by the terminology management system, a custom-made software built upon the Oracle database, where each terminology is divided and normalized into one or more tables. The operation of Wikipedia depends on MediaWiki, a free and open source wiki software built upon the MySQL database. The database schema of our terminology management system is different from that of MediaWiki so that MediaWiki cannot used as our terminology dictionary. Thus, we propose a way to share and edit TKM terminologies with wiki-like user interface. Results : We devise a new terminology dictionary system to search and edit terminology upon the database of the terminology management system. The online terminology dictionary of TKM has the user interface and functions which is similar to Wikipedia to support collaborative works. Conclusions : Wikipedia is operated on MediaWiki which is can be downloaded and used freely under the GNU General Public License. However, there occur problems to use MediaWiki upon the legacy system. Thus, other wiki projects start, they should be considered.

A Study on Selecting Bitmap Join Index to Speed up Complex Queries in Relational Data Warehouses (관계형 데이터 웨어하우스의 복잡한 질의의 처리 효율 향상을 위한 비트맵 조인 인덱스 선택에 관한 연구)

  • An, Hyoung-Geun;Koh, Jae-Jin
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.19D no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2012
  • As the size of the data warehouse is large, the selection of indices on the data warehouse affects the efficiency of the query processing of the data warehouse. Indices induce the lower query processing cost, but they occupy the large storage areas and induce the index maintenance cost which are accompanied by database updates. The bitmap join indices are well applied when we optimize the star join queries which join a fact table and many dimension tables and the selection on dimension tables in data warehouses. Though the bitmap join indices with the binary representations induce the lower storage cost, the task to select the indexing attributes among the huge candidate attributes which are generated is difficult. The processes of index selection are to reduce the number of candidate attributes to be indexed and then select the indexing attributes. In this paper on bitmap join index selection problem we reduce the number of candidate attributes by the data mining techniques. Compared to the existing techniques which reduce the number of candidate attributes by the frequencies of attributes we consider the frequencies of attributes and the size of dimension tables and the size of the tuples of the dimension tables and the page size of disk. We use the mining of the frequent itemsets as mining techniques and reduce the great number of candidate attributes. We make the bitmap join indices which have the least costs and the least storage area adapted to storage constraints by using the cost functions applied to the bitmap join indices of the candidate attributes. We compare the existing techniques and ours and analyze them in order to evaluate the efficiencies of ours.

Standardized Surveying Method of Rural Amenity Resources with Database Normalization Technique (자료정규화를 통한 농촌어메니티자원 조사표의 표준화)

  • Kim, Sang-Bum;Rhee, Sang-Young;Jung, Nam-Su;Lee, Ji-Min;Cho, Soon-Jae;Lee, Jeong-Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.10 no.4 s.25
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2004
  • In Korea, rural community has been becomming unstable by declining of agriculture. In order to solve this problem, there were some trials to activate rural communities by maintaining rural amenities. But, it is difficult to use rural amenities as a development factor to promote rural communities because there are few researches about quantifying rural amenities. In this study, a method fer quantifying rural amenities is suggested using database normalization technique. Previous thirty seven surveying items of rural amenity resources are formally reduced to five common surveying items, seven resources, and eleven surveying tables. Finally, big picture of rural amenity resource map with surveying data for rural development is suggested.

A Case Study on the Web Publishing of Relational DB Via XML (XML을 이용한 관계DB의 웹출판에 관한 사례)

  • 우원택
    • Proceedings of the Korea Association of Information Systems Conference
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    • 2001.12a
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    • pp.64-82
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    • 2001
  • HTML revolutionized the way we specify the appearance of data on the Internet. Today, XML (the eXtensible Markup Language) is changing the way we specify the meaning of data. XML, lets document authors define their own markup tags and attribute names to assign meaning to the data elements in the document. Further, XML elements can be nested and include references to indicate data relationships, as Listing One. Unlike HTML, XML markup tags do not describe how to render the data. Rather, they provide descriptions of data, allowing software to understand the meaning of the data automatically For publishing, instead, XSL, the eXtensible Stylesheet Language as a separate language , is in charge of specifying the presentation of XML documents. The purpose of this study is to discover how to transform your organizations relational data into potential e-commerce, business-to-business, and web application with XML and XSL documents. For this purpose, the literature survey, first of all, was undertaken to understand the basic structures of XML documents. Second, one case implementation was performed to understand how to transform Access 2002 XML Files into HTML with XSLTand VB script. The results come out to be successful, more or less. But the limitations of it still exist. One immediate limitation is that XML documents are essentially tree structure, as dictated by the nesting of elements. However, relational database tables are two dimensional matrix structure. In addition, real-world data often is graph structured-a single data element may be referenced in multiple ways. However, this study is useful for understanding how to convert relational database into XML documents and to publish them using XSL or VB script.

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Ice Hockey Research Data Platform from Official Records Data and Verification

  • Jin, Seung-kyo;Jang, Ji-hyun;Kim, Hye-young;Kim, Sun-tae
    • International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.31-45
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    • 2019
  • In this study, a database was established by analyzing the record data research produced in ice hockey sports. The deployed data verification with Ice hockey reference service was demonstrated with ice hockey officials and players. This research utilized the data stored in the KNSU Datanest data repository and developed PDF parsers for batch processing of records. Among the types of records, the game summary, team roster, team statistics, and player statistics files were collected, and tables were extracted from the records. PDF records were converted to text in CSV format which are converted to DataFrame and loaded into the database. Out of the total 22 types of records, 4 types were constructed with OO data parsed as element values. Data verification has found no problems with the quality of the data deployed, showing a high satisfaction with providing 66 factors against the 30 factors provided by the service previously used.

Design and Implementation of an Unified Cursor Considering Synchronization on the Android Mobile Platform (안드로이드 플랫폼 상에서 동기화가 고려된 통합 커서의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hwan;Ha, Jo-Ho;Won, Jong-Pil;Lee, Uee-Song;Kim, Joo-Min;Son, Jin-Ho
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.190-200
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    • 2011
  • Android platform provides a content provider and a cursor mechanism to access the internal SQLite engine. Content providers not only store and retrieve data but also make it accessible to applications. Applications can only share data through content provider, since there's no common storage area that Android packages can access. Cursor is an interface that provides random read-write access to the result set returned by a database query. However, this cursor possesses two major limitations. First, a cursor does not support a join clause among cursors, since the cursor can only access a single table in the content provider. Second, the cursor is not capable of creating user-customized field in the predefined content providers. In this paper, we propose the unified cursor architecture that merges several cursors into a single virtual cursor. Cursor translation look-aside buffer (TLB), column windowing mechanism and virtual data management are the three major techniques we have adopted to implement our structure. And we also propose a delayed synchronization method between an application and a proposed unified cursor. An application can create a user-customized field and sort multiple tables using a unified cursor on Android platform.