• Title/Summary/Keyword: Database application

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The Application of Actual Database for building construction - Focusing on Commercial building - (건축공사 공사실적자료 데이터베이스 활용방안 - 상업시설물을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee Sung-Ho;Kim Tae-Hui;Han Choong-Hee;Kim Sun-Kuk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • autumn
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    • pp.428-433
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    • 2001
  • Commercial buildings are the mostly common ones to be constructed along with residential buildings. After economic inflation, So-called 'IMF era', construction market has been running low because of stagnancy of business activities and cost escalation, Thus the construction industry needs a study of higher productivity by means of using information infrastructure. To deliver a database of commercial buildings construction record, their major management has carried out analysis for database components, in an attempt to meet users' needs. The scheme study of application presented cost and resource in construction lifecycle.

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Development of the Transportation History DB System for the Scheduling and Seat Inventory Control (열차계획 및 열차좌석관리를 위한 수송실적 데이터베이스 시스템 개발)

  • 오석문;김영훈;황종규;김용규;이종우
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 1998.05a
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 1998
  • The construction of the transportation history database system is to serve the scheduling and seat inventory controling. Recently, lots of countries have been faced with the advance era because of the new railway transportation system, like the high speed railway and/or magnetic levitation vehicle system. This can be reasonably translated as those of operators are willing to provide the more various and high quality schedule to the customer. Those operators' these ideas make possible to forecast that scheduling process is going to be complicated more and more The seat inventory control, so to speak Yield Management System(YMS), goes a long way to improve the total passenger revenue at the railway business. The YMS forecasts the number of the last reservation value(DCP# END) and recommends the optimal values on the seat sales. The history database system contains infra-data(ie, train, seat, sales) that will be the foundation of scheduling and seat inventory control application programs. The development of the application programs are reserved to the next step. The database system is installed on the pc platform(IBM compatible), using the DB2(RDBMS). And at next step, the platform and DBMS will be considered whether they can meet the users' requirement or not.

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Database Design and Implementation for Vessel AIS Information Application (선박 AIS정보 응용을 위한 데이터베이스 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Seo-Jeong;Park, In-Hwan
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.343-348
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    • 2010
  • As the marine transportation has increased, the safe maneuvering system has been required. SOLAS obligated regulations for carrying AIS(Automatic Identification System) onboard. This system provides navigational information including identification, classification, position, a ship's course and voyage status from own vessel to ground and other vessels. Being utilized in the most development of application service for safe maneuvering, they are to be managed systematic. In this paper, we introduce a database system to manage the voyage status and navigational information of AIS message. It is classified by static or dynamic. An electronic navigational chart display system is implemented to verify the design.

Open Source Remote Sensing of ORFEO Toolbox and Its Connection to Database of PostGIS with NIX File Importing

  • Lee, Ki-Won;Kang, Sang-Goo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.361-371
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    • 2010
  • In recent, interests regarding open source software for geo-spatial processing are increasing. Open source remote sensing (OSRS) is regarded as one of the progressing and advanced fields in remote sensing. Nevertheless, analyses or application cases regarding OSRS are not enough for general uses or references. In this study, three kinds of OSRS software in consideration of international popularity, types of functionalities, and development environments are taken into account: OSSIM, Opticks, and ORFEO Toolbox (OTB). First, functional comparison with respect to these is carried out on the level of the preliminary survey. According to this investigation, OTB is chosen as the most applicable OSRS software in this study. Running on OTB, NIX format importing module and database connecting module are implemented for widely general uses and further application. As for an example case, airborne image of NIX format is used to region growing segmentation algorithm in OTB, and then the results are stored and retrieved in PostGIS database to test implemented modules. Conclusively, local customization and algorithm development using OSRS software are necessary to build on-demand applications from the developers' viewpoint.

A Review of Extended STR Loci and DNA Database

  • Cho, Yoonjung;Lee, Min Ho;Kim, Su Jin;Park, Ji Hwan;Jung, Ju Yeon
    • Biomedical Science Letters
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.157-169
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    • 2022
  • DNA typing is the typical technology in the forensic science and plays a significant role in the personal identification of victims and suspects. Short tandem repeat (STR) is the short tandemly repeated DNA sequence consisting of 2~7 bp DNA units in specific loci. It is disseminated across the human genome and represents polymorphism among individuals. Because polymorphism is a key feature of the application of DNA typing STR analysis, STR analysis becomes the standard technology in forensics. Therefore, the DNA database (DNA-DB) was first introduced with 4 essential STR markers for the application of forensic science; however, the number of STR markers was expanded from 4 to 13 and 13 to 20 later to counteract the continuously increased DNA profile and other needed situations. After applying expanded STR markers to the South Korean DNA-DB system, it positively affected to low copy number analysis that had a high possibility of partial DNA profiles, and especially contributed to the theft cases due to the high portion of touch DNA evidence in the theft case. Furthermore, STR marker expansion not only contributed to the resolution of cold cases but also increased kinship index indicating the potential for improved kinship test accuracy using extended STR markers. Collectively, the expansion of the STR locus was considered to be necessary to keep pace with the continuously increasing DNA profile, and to improve the data integrity of the DNA-DB.

The APIs Design for the Database Management of the Network Game Using Design Patterns (디자인 패턴을 적용한 네트워크 게임의 DB 관리 APIs 설계)

  • Kim Jong-Soo;Kwon Oh-Jun;Kim Tai-Suk
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2006
  • Developing a network game that is serviced on the internet requires a lot of work, time and manpower. Therefore, it is important to design a game in such a way so that existing design codes could be used. The database for the multi-player network game is accessed from many clients. To manage the resource effectively, it is required to design the APIs to be minimized the database access and to be dealt with the related data efficiently. For this, it is needed to apply the object-oriented design for the related software modules. In the paper, we propose the design patterns of GoF to implement the APIs thatis needed to deal with the database resource. The database design through the analysis of some game's GUI has the advantage to create the optimized schema set more quickly, because it minimize the review step and the modification step of the database design generally. In addition, we apply to the design patterns of GoF for the APIs design of the server-side database. These reduce the times of the program call between the game server and the database server. These also make easily the maintenance for the already developed APIs, and it makes easily the addition of new APIs.

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The construction of Underground Facility Unification System Using Web Base GIS (웹기반 GIS를 이용한 지하시설물 통합 시스템 구축)

  • 강준묵;강영미;이강원
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.287-290
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    • 2003
  • The base composition for a construction information union and application is insufficient, because the existent information driving for the underground facility is separately promoted from management organization. This Study is to analyze a accuracy by converting pre-constructive underground facility database to the unification database of digital map base and improve the accuracy for a field surveying. moreover, These results is to construct the information common system of web base GIS by jointing internet technology.

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EasyConnection : An Efficient Approach to Integrating Heterogeneous Databases (EasyConnection : 이질 데이터베이스들의 효율적 연동 방식)

  • 변광준
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.235-246
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    • 1999
  • There have been several approaches to integrating heterogeneous database systems in enterprises. Due to their inherent limitations, however, it has been difficult to apply them to actual situations in enterprises. In this paper, we propose EasyConnection, a system that is based on the flexible and extensible architecture and overcomes the limitations of the previous approaches, EasyConnection consists of Wrappers, Sharing Manager, and Clients, and the connections among these components are based on CORBA. It can also be used as the information management mechanism for such application systems as ERP, PDM, and EAI.

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TRANS FORM / Product Briefs

  • Korea Database Promotion Center
    • Digital Contents
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    • no.12 s.127
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    • pp.170-172
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    • 2003
  • 미네소타 에덴프레리에 소재한 스텔런트(www.stellent.com)는 최근 유니버셜 콘텐츠 매니지먼트 7.0을 발표했다. 이 제품은 하나의 공통 제품 아키텍처 내에서 문서 관리, WCM(웹 콘텐츠관리), 협업, 레코드 관리, DAM(디지털자산관리)을 통합하는 유일한 ECM(기업콘텐츠관리) 솔루션이다. 본질적으로 다른 기술들을 통합시킨 ECM 시스템을 활용한 최신 업그레이드 제품과 달리 이번에 내놓은 ECM 시스템 7.0 버전은 공 통 GUI(Graphical User Interface)와 공 통API(Application Programming Interface)를 통해 단일 서버에서 모든 애플리케이션 모듈을 지원한다는 게 회사측 설명이다.

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From The Discovery Challenge on Thrombosis Data

  • Takabayashi, Katsuhiko;Tsumoto, Shusaku
    • Proceedings of the Korea Inteligent Information System Society Conference
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    • 2001.01a
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    • pp.361-363
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    • 2001
  • Although data mining promises a new paradigm to discover medical knowledge form a database, there are many problems to be solved before real application is feasible. We had the chance to provide a data set to be analyzed as a discovery challenge by using various data mining techniques at the PKDD conference. As data providers, we evaluated and discussed results and clarified problems.

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