• Title/Summary/Keyword: DSP-based Control Scheme

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Modeling and a Simple Multiple Model Adaptive Control of PMSM Drive System

  • Kang, Taesu;Kim, Min-Seok;Lee, Sa Young;Kim, Young Chol
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.442-452
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    • 2017
  • This paper deals with the input-output modeling of a vector controlled PMSM drive system and design of a simple multiple model adaptive control (MMAC) scheme with desired transient responses. We present a discrete-time modeling technique using closed-loop identification that can experimentally identify the equivalent models in the d-q coordinates. A bank of linear models for the equivalent plant of the current loop is first obtained by identifying them at several operating points of the current to account for nonlinearity. Based on these models, we suggest a simple q-axis MMAC combined with a fixed d-axis controller. After the current controller is designed, another equivalent model including the current controller in the speed control loop shall be similarly obtained, and then a fixed speed controller is synthesized. The proposed approach is demonstrated by experiments. The experimental set up consists of a surface mounted PMSM (5 KW, 220V, 8 poles) equipped with a flywheel load of 220kg and a digital controller using DSP (TMS320F28335).

Disturbance Rejection and Attitude Control of the Unmanned Firing System of the Mobile Vehicle (이동형 차량용 무인사격시스템의 외란 제거 및 자세 제어)

  • Chang, Yu-Shin;Keh, Joong-Eup
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.64-69
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    • 2007
  • Motion control of the system is a position control of motor. Motion control of an uncertain robot system is considered as one of the most important and fundamental research directions in the robotics. Some distinguished works using linear control, adaptive control, robust control strategies based on computed torque methodology have been reported. However, it is generally recognized within the control community that these strategies suffer from the following problems : the exact robot dynamics are needed and hard to implement, the adaptive control cannot guarantee the performance during the transient period for adaptation under the variation, the robust control algorithms such as the sliding mode control need information on the bounds of the possible uncertainty and disturbance. And it produces a large control input as well. In this dissertation, a motion control for the unmanned intelligent robot system using disturbance observer is studied. This system is affected with an impact vibration disturbance. This paper describes a stable motion control of the system with the consideration of external disturbance. To obtain the stable motion independently against the external disturbance, the disturbance rejection is strongly required. To address the above issue, this paper presents a Disturbance OBserver(DOB) control algorithm. The validity of the suggested DOB robust control scheme is confirmed by several computer simulation results. And the experiments with a motor system is performed to give the validity of applicability in the industrial field. This results make the easier implementation of the controller possible in the field.

High Performance Adjustable-Speed Induction Motor Drive System Incorporating Sensorless Vector Controlled PWM Inverter with Auto-Tuning Machine-Operated Parameter Estimation Schemes

  • Soshin, Koji;Okamura, Yukiniko;Ahmed, Tarek;Nakaoka, Mutsuo
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.99-114
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents a feasible development on a highly accurate quick response adjustable speed drive implementation fur general purpose induction motor which operates on the basis of sensorless slip frequency type vector controlled sine-wave PWM inverter with an automatic tuning machine parameter estimation schemes. In the first place, the sensorless vector control theory on the three-phase voltage source-fed inverter induction motor drive system is developed in slip frequency based vector control principle. In particular, the essential procedure and considerations to measure and estimate the exact stator and rotor circuit parameters of general purpose induction motor are discussed under its operating conditions. The speed regulation characteristics of induction motor operated by the three-phase voltage-fed type current controlled PWM inverter using IGBT's is illustrated and evaluated fur machine parameter variations under the actual conditions of low frequency and high frequency operations for the load torque. In the second place, the variable speed induction motor drive system, employing sensorless vector control scheme which is based on three -phase high frequency carrier PWM inverter with automatic toning estimation schemes of the temperature -dependent and -independent machine circuit parameters, is practically implemented using DSP-based controller. Finally, the dynamic speed response performances for largely changed load torque disturbances as well as steady state speed vs. torque characteristics of this induction motor control implementation are illustrated and discussed from an experimental point of view.

EPLD based Induction Motor Drives with a New Three-Phase Randomized Pulse Position PWM Scheme (새로운 3상 랜덤 펄스 위치 PWM기법에 의한 EPLD기반의 모터 속도제어 시스템)

  • Kim Hoe-Geun;Wi Seog-Oh;Lim Young-Cheol;Jung Young-Gook;Na Seok-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2002.07a
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    • pp.308-312
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, EPLD(Erasable Programmable Logic Device) based induction motor drives with a SRP-PWM(Separatley Randomized Pulse Position PWM) is proposed. In the proposed RPWM (Random PWM), each of three phase pulses is located randomly in each switching interval. Based on the space vector modulation technique, the duty ratio of the pulses is calculated. To verify the validity of the proposed RPWM, the experimental study was tried. Along with the randomization of PWM pulses, the space vector modulation is also executed in the TMS320C31 DSP(Digital Signal Processor). The experimental results show that the voltage and switching noise harmonics are spread to a wide band area. Also, the performance of the proposed SRP-PWM and the conventional SVM-PWM are nearly the same from the viewpoing of the v/f constant control.

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ZVS Operating Range Extension Method for High-Efficient High Frequency Linked ZVS-PWM DC-DC Power Converter

  • Sato S.;Moisseev S.;Nakaoka M.
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2003.07a
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    • pp.227-230
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, a full bridge edge-resonant zero voltage mode based soft-switching PWM DC-DC power converter with a high frequency center tapped transformer link stage is presented from a practical point of view. The power MOSFETS operating as synchronous rectifier devices are implemented in the rectifier center tapped stage to reduce conduction power losses and also to extend the transformer primary side power MOSFETS ZVS commutation area from the rated to zero-load without a requirement of a magnetizing current. The steady-state operation of this phase-shift PWM controlled power converter is described in comparison with a conventional ZVS phase-shift PWM DC-DC converter using the diodes rectifier. Moreover, the experimental results of the switching power losses analysis are evaluated and discussed in this paper. The practical effectiveness of the ZVS phase-shift PWM DC-DC power converter treated here is actually proved by using 2.5kW-32kHz breadboard circuit. An actual efficiency of this converter is estimated in experiment and is achieved as 97$\%$ at maximum.

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Stator Current Processing-Based Technique for Bearing Damage Detection in Induction Motors

  • Hong, Won-Pyo;Yoon, Chung-Sup;Kim, Dong-Hwa
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.1439-1444
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    • 2005
  • Induction motors are the most commonly used electrical drives because they are rugged, mechanically simple, adaptable to widely different operating conditions, and simple to control. The most common faults in squirrel-cage induction motors are bearing, stator and rotor faults. Surveys conducted by the IEEE and EPRI show that the most common fault in induction motor is bearing failure (${\sim}$40% of failure). Thence, this paper addresses experimental results for diagnosing faults with different rolling element bearing damage via motor current spectral analysis. Rolling element bearings generally consist of two rings, an inner and outer, between which a set of balls or rollers rotate in raceways. We set the experimental test bed to detect the rolling-element bearing misalignment of 3 type induction motors with normal condition bearing system, shaft deflection system by external force and a hole drilled through the outer race of the shaft end bearing of the four pole test motor. This paper takes the initial step of investigating the efficacy of current monitoring for bearing fault detection by incipient bearing failure. The failure modes are reviewed and the characteristics of bearing frequency associated with the physical construction of the bearings are defined. The effects on the stator current spectrum are described and related frequencies are also determined. This is an important result in the formulation of a fault detection scheme that monitors the stator currents. We utilized the FFT, Wavelet analysis and averaging signal pattern by inner product tool to analyze stator current components. The test results clearly illustrate that the stator signature can be used to identify the presence of a bearing fault.

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Design of a CHANCE Protocol for the ATM-Based Home Networking (ATM 기반 댁내 통신을 위한 CHANCE 프로토콜의 설계)

  • Hwang, Min-Tae;Kim, Jang-Gyeong
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.182-192
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    • 1999
  • The advance of the MPEG(Moving Picture Expert Group) and DSP(Digital Signal Processing) technologies lead the energence of the information appliances which are gradually digitalized and embedded the high-speed networking function. This paper proposes a CHANCE(Cost-effective Home ATM Network for the Consumer Electronics) protocol supporting the ATM-based high-speed networking between the information appliances within the home, and designs its specific functions including the network management and signalling function. The CHANCE protocol is basically based on the tree topology, and supports the plug-and-play function by using only the header field of the ATM cells. Unlike the existing ATM Warren protocol which uses the source routed addressing scheme to control the in-home devices from the Warren controller, the CHANCE protocol can support the inter-device controls as well as the controls from the CHANCE controller by using the switch and device identifier.

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Weld Quality Monitoring System Development Applying A design Optimization Approach Collaborating QFD and Risk Management Methods (품질 기능 전개법과 위험 부담 관리법을 조합한 설계 최적화 기법의 용접 품질 감시 시스템 개발 응용)

  • Son, Joong-Soo;Park, Young-Won
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.207-216
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    • 2000
  • This paper introduces an effective system design method to develop a customer oriented product using a design optimization process and to select a set of critical design paramenters,. The process results in the development of a successful product satisfying customer needs and reducing development risk. The proposed scheme adopted a five step QFD(Quality Function Deployment) in order to extract design parameters from customer needs and evaluated their priority using risk factors for extracted design parameters. In this process we determine critical design parameters and allocate them to subsystem designers. Subsequently design engineers develop and test the product based on these parameters. These design parameters capture the characteristics of customer needs in terms of performance cost and schedule in the process of QFD, The subsequent risk management task ensures the minimum risk approach in the presence of design parameter uncertainty. An application of this approach was demonstrated in the development of weld quality monitoring system. Dominant design parameters affect linearity characteristics of weld defect feature vectors. Therefore it simplifies the algorithm for adopting pattern classification of feature vectors and improves the accuracy of recognition rate of weld defect and the real time response of the defect detection in the performance. Additionally the development cost decreases by using DSP board for low speed because of reducing CPU's load adopting algorithm in classifying weld defects. It also reduces the cost by using the single sensor to measure weld defects. Furthermore the synergy effect derived from the critical design parameters improves the detection rate of weld defects by 15% when compared with the implementation using the non-critical design parameters. It also result in 30% saving in development cost./ The overall results are close to 95% customer level showing the effectiveness of the proposed development approach.

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Two-Switch Auxiliary Resonant DC Link Snubber-Assisted Three-Phase Soft Switching PWM Sinewave Power Conversion System with Minimized Commutation Power Losses

  • Nagai, Shinichiro;Sato, Shinji;Ahmed, Tarek;Nakaoka, Mutsuo
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.249-258
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents a high-efficient and cost effective three-phase AC/DC-DC/AC power conversion system with a single two-switch type active Auxiliary Resonant DC Link (ARDCL) snubber circuit, which can minimize the total power dissipation. The active ARDCL snubber circuit is proposed in this paper and its unique features are described. Its operation principle in steady-state is discussed for the three phase AC/DC-DC/AC converter, which is composed of PWM rectifier as power factor correction (PFC) converter, sinewave PWM inverter. In the presented power converter system not only three-phase AC/DC PWM rectifier but also three-phase DC/AC inverter can achieve the stable ZVS commutation for all the power semiconductor devices. It is proved that the proposed three-phase AC/DC-DC/AC converter system is more effective and acceptable than the previous from the cost viewpoint and high efficient consideration. In addition, the proposed two-switch type active auxiliary ARDCL snubber circuit can reduce the peak value of the resonant inductor injection current in order to maximize total system actual efficiency by using the improved DSP based control scheme. Moreover the proposed active auxiliary two-switch ARDCL snubber circuit has the merit so that there is no need to use any sensing devices to detect the voltage and current in the ARDCL sunbber circuit for realizing soft-switching operation. This three-phase AC/DC-DC/AC converter system developed for UPS can achieve the 1.8% higher efficiency and 20dB lower conduction noise than those of the conventional three-phase hard-switching PWM AC/DC-DC/AC converter system. It is proved that actual efficiency of the proposed three-phase AC/DC-DC/AC converter system operating under a condition of soft switching is 88.7% under 10kw output power.