• Title/Summary/Keyword: DBN model

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Fire-Smoke Detection Based on Video using Dynamic Bayesian Networks (동적 베이지안 네트워크를 이용한 동영상 기반의 화재연기감지)

  • Lee, In-Gyu;Ko, Byung-Chul;Nam, Jae-Yeol
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.34 no.4C
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    • pp.388-396
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    • 2009
  • This paper proposes a new fire-smoke detection method by using extracted features from camera images and pattern recognition technique. First, moving regions are detected by analyzing the frame difference between two consecutive images and generate candidate smoke regions by applying smoke color model. A smoke region generally has a few characteristics such as similar color, simple texture and upward motion. From these characteristics, we extract brightness, wavelet high frequency and motion vector as features. Also probability density functions of three features are generated using training data. Probabilistic models of smoke region are then applied to observation nodes of our proposed Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBN) for considering time continuity. The proposed algorithm was successfully applied to various fire-smoke tasks not only forest smokes but also real-world smokes and showed better detection performance than previous method.

A Delay-Bandwidth Normalized Scheduling Model with Service Rate Guarantees (서비스율을 보장하는 지연시간-대역폭 정규화 스케줄링 모델)

  • Lee, Ju-Hyun;Hwang, Ho-Young;Lee, Chang-Gun;Min, Sang-Lyul
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.529-538
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    • 2007
  • Fair Queueing algorithms based on Generalized Processor Sharing (GPS) not only guarantee sessions with service rate and delay, but also provide sessions with instantaneous fair sharing. This fair sharing distributes server capacity to currently backlogged sessions in proportion to their weights without regard to the amount of service that the sessions received in the past. From a long-term perspective, the instantaneous fair sharing leads to a different quality of service in terms of delay and bandwidth to sessions with the same weight depending on their traffic pattern. To minimize such long-term unfairness, we propose a delay-bandwidth normalization model that defines the concept of value of service (VoS) from the aspect of both delay and bandwidth. A model and a packet-by-packet scheduling algorithm are proposed to realize the VoS concept. Performance comparisons between the proposed algorithm and algorithms based on fair queueing and service curve show that the proposed algorithm provides better long-term fairness among sessions and that is more adaptive to dynamic traffic characteristics without compromising its service rate and delay guarantees.

Comparison of Deep Learning Frameworks: About Theano, Tensorflow, and Cognitive Toolkit (딥러닝 프레임워크의 비교: 티아노, 텐서플로, CNTK를 중심으로)

  • Chung, Yeojin;Ahn, SungMahn;Yang, Jiheon;Lee, Jaejoon
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2017
  • The deep learning framework is software designed to help develop deep learning models. Some of its important functions include "automatic differentiation" and "utilization of GPU". The list of popular deep learning framework includes Caffe (BVLC) and Theano (University of Montreal). And recently, Microsoft's deep learning framework, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, was released as open-source license, following Google's Tensorflow a year earlier. The early deep learning frameworks have been developed mainly for research at universities. Beginning with the inception of Tensorflow, however, it seems that companies such as Microsoft and Facebook have started to join the competition of framework development. Given the trend, Google and other companies are expected to continue investing in the deep learning framework to bring forward the initiative in the artificial intelligence business. From this point of view, we think it is a good time to compare some of deep learning frameworks. So we compare three deep learning frameworks which can be used as a Python library. Those are Google's Tensorflow, Microsoft's CNTK, and Theano which is sort of a predecessor of the preceding two. The most common and important function of deep learning frameworks is the ability to perform automatic differentiation. Basically all the mathematical expressions of deep learning models can be represented as computational graphs, which consist of nodes and edges. Partial derivatives on each edge of a computational graph can then be obtained. With the partial derivatives, we can let software compute differentiation of any node with respect to any variable by utilizing chain rule of Calculus. First of all, the convenience of coding is in the order of CNTK, Tensorflow, and Theano. The criterion is simply based on the lengths of the codes and the learning curve and the ease of coding are not the main concern. According to the criteria, Theano was the most difficult to implement with, and CNTK and Tensorflow were somewhat easier. With Tensorflow, we need to define weight variables and biases explicitly. The reason that CNTK and Tensorflow are easier to implement with is that those frameworks provide us with more abstraction than Theano. We, however, need to mention that low-level coding is not always bad. It gives us flexibility of coding. With the low-level coding such as in Theano, we can implement and test any new deep learning models or any new search methods that we can think of. The assessment of the execution speed of each framework is that there is not meaningful difference. According to the experiment, execution speeds of Theano and Tensorflow are very similar, although the experiment was limited to a CNN model. In the case of CNTK, the experimental environment was not maintained as the same. The code written in CNTK has to be run in PC environment without GPU where codes execute as much as 50 times slower than with GPU. But we concluded that the difference of execution speed was within the range of variation caused by the different hardware setup. In this study, we compared three types of deep learning framework: Theano, Tensorflow, and CNTK. According to Wikipedia, there are 12 available deep learning frameworks. And 15 different attributes differentiate each framework. Some of the important attributes would include interface language (Python, C ++, Java, etc.) and the availability of libraries on various deep learning models such as CNN, RNN, DBN, and etc. And if a user implements a large scale deep learning model, it will also be important to support multiple GPU or multiple servers. Also, if you are learning the deep learning model, it would also be important if there are enough examples and references.