• Title/Summary/Keyword: DBH DISTRIBUTION

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Biomass and Net Production of Cryptomeria japonica and Chamaecyparis obtusa Plantation in Changsong District, Chonnam (전남 장성지방 삼나무 및 편백 인공림의 물질 생산량에 관하여)

  • Kim, Chong-Sik;Lee, Jyung-Seuk;Cho, Kyung-Jin
    • Journal of Korea Foresty Energy
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 1987
  • This study was carried out to estimate the aboveground biomass of Cryptomeria japonica and Chamaecyparis obtusa which was planted in Changsong district, the southern part of the Korean peninsula. Nine sample trees at each plot(20m x 20m drom C. japonica of 20-year-old and C. obtusa of 25-year-old, according to DBH distribution. were felled to measure the dry weights of stem, branches and leaves sectioned respectively. Since it is very difficult to separate leaves from twigs. all green parts including pure leaves and twigs were tentatively treated as 'leaves'. 1. The logarithmic regression equations between dry weight of each component (stem. branches. leaves land the variable of $(DBH)^2{\cdot}H$ were obtained (Table 6). The aboveground standing crops was estimated 108. 75ton/ha in C. japonica and 112.56 ton/ha in C. obtusa. Percentage of each part based on the aboveground standing crop in stand was and in order of stem >leaves>branches for C. japonica and in order of stem> branches> leaves for C. obtusa repectively. 2. Net production of each stand was estimated as 1:3.32ton/ha/yr in C. japonica and 11.69ton/ha/yr in C. obtusa. and its composition was in order of stem>leaves>branches for both species. 3The net assimilation rate was estimated as 1.10 and 1.2lkg/kg/yr, the efficiency of leaves to produce stem was 0.71 and 0.75 kg/kg/ha and biomass accumulation ratio was 8.16 and 9.63kg/kg/yr in each stand of C. japonica and C. obtusa respectively.

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Changes in Breeding Bird Community Caused by Thinning in Deciduous Forest (활엽수림(闊葉樹林)에서 간벌(間伐)에 의(依)한 번식기(繁殖期) 조류(鳥類) 군집(群集)의 변화(變化))

  • Rhim, Shin-Jae;Lee, Woo-Shin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.1
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    • pp.36-42
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    • 2001
  • Changes in breeding bird community and forest structure by thinning were investigated from April 1997 to August 1998 in 10ha ($400{\times}250m$) of temperate mixed hardwood forest in Mt. Gariwang which is located in National Forest, Pyoungchang, Kangwon Province, Korea. Bird community was surveyed by the territory mapping method and forest structure was done by analyzing the vertical structure of foliage, distribution of diameter at breast height (DBH) of trees and tree species composition. After the thinning, tree density, number of tree species and basal area were decreased from 195ea/ha, 18 species and 6.69 $m^2/ha$ into 100ea/ha, 13 species and 3.04 $m^2/ha$, respectively. Foliage coverages in upper and mid layer were decreased, but coverage in low layer was increased. Large trees (Over 40cm of DBH) were decreased. Number of breeding bird species and pairs were decreased from 14 species and 23 pairs into 8 species and 12 pairs after the thinning. Number of breeding pairs of Yellow-breasted bunting Emberiza elegans incresed. There were decrease in number of species in hole & bush-nesting and canopy & bush-foraging guild. The results suggested that the thinning affect the species composition of breeding bird community and the forest structure. Changes of habitat structure might influence in breeding bird's density, species diversity and habitat using pattern of breeding bird community.

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The Study on the Ultrastructure and Distribution of Dopaminergic Cells in the Brain of Mongolian Gerbil after Water Deprivation (절수에 의한 Mongolain gerbil 뇌 Dopamine성 면역반응세포의 분포와 미세구조의 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Chi-Won;Lee, Kyoung-Youl;Park, Il-Kwon;Kwon, Hyo-Jung;Kim, Moo-Kang;Lee, Kang-Lee
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.193-204
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    • 2000
  • Nowadays, mongolian gerbil is widely utilized in the research of brain and water deprivation because of congenitally incomplete Willis' circle, audiogenic seizure in low noise, and special cholesterol metabolism without water absorption for a long time. In this study, we intended to identify the time lapse changes in the general morphoogy and ultrastructure of the catecholaminergic neurons of mongolian gerbil brain in after long-term water deprivation. Fifteen mongolian gerbils were divided into 3 groups (5, 10, and 20-day water deprivation groups), each with 5 mongolian gerbils. Additional 5 mongolian gerbils which received water without limitation were used as a control. The brain sections were immunostained using tyrosine hysroxylase (TH), $ dopamine-\beta-hydroxylase$ (DBH), and phenylethanolamine-N-methyltrasferase (PMNT) antibodies. And immunoreactive cells were observed by electromicroscopy for the ultrastructural changes . The TH-immunoreactive (TH-IR) nerve cells were observed in the para- and peri-ventricular nucleus of the 3 rd ventricle in the hypothalamus and the substantia nigra. The number of TH-IR neurons in these areas was decreased from the 5th day of the water deprivation to the 10 th day and reincreased until 20 th day water deprivation. The shape and density of the dopamine-secreting cells identified by immunohistochemistry showed changes in the continuous water deprivation. Electron microscopy revealed a round nucleus in the neurons of control group but 5-day water deprivation group showed a dense and irregularly shaped nucleus. Also in the 5-day water-deprived group, mitochondria was decreased in number and junctins were disappered. Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex did not show changes after water-deprivation. In this results, we can conclude that dopamine are involved in the water metabolism in mongolian gerbil, and mongolian gerbil could be used as an animal model for the researches of water deprivation.

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Persistence and Distribution of Trunk-Injected Abamectin in Pinus thunbergii and Pinus koraiensis Tissues (수간주입한 아바멕틴의 곰솔과 잣나무 내 분포와 지속성)

  • Lee, Sang-Myeong;Kim, Dong-Soo;Kim, Chul-Su;Cho, Kyu-Seong;Choo, Ho-Yul;Lee, Dong-Woon
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.190-196
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    • 2009
  • The residues of abamectin 1.8% EC, resisted for control of pine wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus in pine tree were surveyed in tissue of Pinus thunbergii and P. koraiensis after injection of a liquid formulation. Limits of detection of abamectin in tissue of P. thunbergii were $0.05\;mg\;kg^{-1}$ and mean recoveries at $0.5\;mg\;kg^{-1}$ trunk injection were 90.9% and 93.1% respectively in stem and trunk of P. thunbergii. Abamectin 1.8% EC, trunk injected in 15 m height P. thunbergii were detected in all stem (edible part of carrier insect of pine wood nematode, Monochamus alternatus) from 0.29 to $0.73\;mg\;kg^{-1}$ after 150 days injection. Amount of residue of abamectin 1.8% EC in 12.6 cm mean breast height diameter (DBH) P. thunbergii were variable depending on individual trees in natural forest. Amount of residues in lower and middle part of trunk were reduced with the passage of the injection time. In upper part of trunk were detected $1.84\;mg\;kg^{-1}$ on 30 days after injection however $0.65\;mg\;kg^{-1}$ on 15 days after injection and under detection limit on 100 and 180 days after injection in P. thunbergii. Bottom and middle parts of crown were detected $0.183\;mg\;kg^{-1}$ and $0.173\;mg\;kg^{-1}$ respectively on 180 days after injection in P. thunbergii. Mean residues of abamectin in crown and trunk were $0.80\;mg\;kg^{-1}$ and $0.30\;mg\;kg^{-1}$ on 170 days after trunk injection in 20 cm DBH and 9 m height P. koraiensis. Mean residues of abamectin in crown and trunk were $0.67\;mg\;kg^{-1}$ and $0.36\;mg\;kg^{-1}$ on 170 days after trunk injection in 15 cm DBH and 6 m height P. koraiensis.

Analysis on the Growth Environment of Chionanthus retusus Community at the Wansanchielbong in Jeonju (전주 완산칠봉 이팝나무 자생지의 생육환경으로 본 자연유산 가치 분석)

  • Kim, Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.85-97
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    • 2010
  • This study analyzed the distribution, structure and environmental condition of the vegetation of the Chionanthus retusus Lindly et Paxton community at the Wansanchielbong in the Jeonju city to offer basic data for sustainable conservation and ecological management system. And the results are as follows; 1. The average pH of soil at the community was pH 5.69 and it was slightly higher than the average of forest soil pH of Korea. But if the degree of pH will be down, it will be needed some more fertilization of Calcium. 2. The total average for contents of organism was 4.98%. And the nitrate - nitrogen content(mg/kg) of A, B, C, D quadrat was 20.29%, 28.87%, 7.65%, and 23.3% respectively. And there were good condition except quadrat C which was contaminated by amount of earth and sand. 3. The flora of the Chionanthus retusus Lindly et Paxton community was listed as 60 taxa; 37 families, 50 genera, 47 species, 10 varieties and 3 forms. The average appearance species of each Quadrat were A sector 30, B sector 26, C sector 19 and D 19 taxa respectively. 4. Surveyed woody plants in the community were as follows : Chionanthus retusus, Zelkova serrata, Quercus variabilis, Cornus walteri, Robinia pseudo-acacia and those were mixed status. And Chionanthus retusus, Zelkova serrata, Robinia pseudo-acacia, Albizzia julibrisin, Cudrania tricuspidata, Symplocos chinensis for. pilosa were mixed in mid layer trees. Herbaceous plants were founded such as Chionanthus retusus, Zelkova serrata, Robinia pseudo-acacia, Grewia parviflora, Rosa multiflora, Trachelospermum asiaticum was dominant with 35~64% in the ground cover, and Commelina communis, Calamagrostis arundinacea, Dryopteris bissetiana, Lilium lancifolium were founded also. 5. The importance values of Chionanthus retusus was 40.2% in the quadrat A1, 50.2% at quadrat A, 50.0% B1, 45.2% B2, 22.4% C1, 73.6% C2, 33.2% D1 and the total average of I.V. was 44.9%. 6. The average height of surveyed Chionanthus retusus was 5.7m and the average DBH was 12.4cm. The number of trees higher than 2m were 107 and the number of trees lower than 2m were 63. The total numbers of Chionanthus retusus were 170. 7. The age of surveyed Chionanthus retusus were analyzed 42 thru 87 years old and that of Zelkova serrata were 42, Quercus variabilis were 60, Quercus aliena were 48, Robinia pseudo-acacia were 40. 8. The number of trees with DBH 40 through 50cm were 6, and that of 30~39cm were 3, and that of 20~29cm were 16, so the total number that was over 20cm was 25. And there were 70 trees under 10cm of DBH and 63 seedlings. It will be very important data to conserve the habitat that the structure and environmental condition of the Chionanthus retusus Lindly et Paxton community at the Wansanchielbong was stable, and sustainable monitoring will be needed. Now that community is nurse forest of Jeonju City but more positive preservation plan will be needed and assigning monument of city or province also be necessary.

Biomass, Net Production and Nutrient Distribution of Bamboo Phyllostachys Stands in Korea (왕대속(屬) 대나무림(林)의 물질생산(物質生産) 및 무기영양물(無機營養物) 분배(分配)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Park, In Hyeop;Ryu, Suk Bong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.85 no.3
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    • pp.453-461
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    • 1996
  • Three Phyllostachys stands of P. pubescens, P. bambusoides and P. nigra var, henonis in Sunchon were studied to investigate biomass, net production and nutrient distribution. Five $10m{\times}10m$ quadrats were set up and 20 sample culms of 2 years and over were harvested for dimension analysis in each stand. One year old culms and subterranean parts were estimated by the harvested quadrat method. The largest mean DBH, height and basal area were shown in P. pubescens stand, and followed by P. nigra var. henonis stand and P. bambusoides stand. There was little difference in accuracy among three allometric biomass regression models of logWt=A+B1ogD, $logWt=A+BlogD^2H$ and logWt=A+BlogD+ClogH, where Wt, D and H were dry weight, DBH and height, respectively. Analysis of covariance showed that there were significant differences in intercept among the linear allometric biomass regressons of three Phyllostachys species. Biomass included subterranean parts was the largest in P. pubescens stand(103.621t/ha), and followed by P. nigra var. henonis stand(86.447t/ha) and P. bambusoides stand(36.767t/ha). Leaf biomass was 6.3% to 7.8% of total biomass in each stands. The ratio of aboveground biomass and subterranean biomass in each stand was 1.87 to 2.26. Net production included subterranean parts was the greatest in P. pubescens stand(6.115t/ha/yr), and followed by P. nigra var. henonis stand(5.609t/ha/yr) and P, bambusoides stand(3.252t/ha/yr). The highest net assimilation ratio was estimated in P. pubescens stand(2.979), and followed by P. nigra var. henonis stand(2.752) and P. bambusoides stand(2.187). Biomass accumulation ratio of each stand was 2.679 to 5.358. Concentrations of N, P and Mg were the highest in leaves, and followed by subterranean parts, and culms+branches in all three species. Concentration of Ca was the highest in leaves, and followed by culms+branches, and subterranean parts in all three species. The difference in biomass among three species stands was caused by their culm size, leaf biomass, net assimilation ratio, and efficiency of leaves to produce culms.

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Analysis of Forest Vegetation in Chungcheongnam-do Provincial Park of Korea (충청남도 도립공원 산림 식생 분석)

  • Kim, Hyoun-Sook;Park, Gwan-Soo;Lee, Sang-Myong;Lee, Joongku;Kim, Junghyun
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.513-531
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    • 2018
  • This study compared forest vegetation in Chungcheongnam-do Provincial Park (Deogsan, Chilgabsan, and Daedunsan) from 2006 to 2016. The results of the analysis on the vegetation of the research sites by the phytosociological method showed that the Deogsan Provincial Park had Quercus mongolica community, Pinus densiflora community, Q. variabilis community, and Zelkova serrata community. Chilgabsan Provincial Park had Q. variabilis community, Q. mongolica community, P. densiflora community, and Carpinus laxiflora community. Daedunsan Provincial Park had Q. mongolica community, Q. variabilis community, Q. serrata community, C. tschonoskii community, C. laxiflora community, P. densiflora community, and Q. acutissima community. The importance value in each Provincial Parks was analyzed as follows. The importance value of Q. mongolica(72.35) was the highest in Deogsan Provincial Park, and followed by P. densiflora(70.25), Q. variabilis(53.11), Styrax japonicus(11.44), Prunus sargentii(11.17), and Fraxinus rhynchophylla(10.41). Q. variabilis(73.34) was the highest in Chilgabsan Provincial Park and followed by, P. densiflora(58.71), Q. mongolica(57.02), C. laxiflora(18.84), Q. serrata(13.48), and Prunus sargentii(13.31). The importance value of Q. mongolica(57.03) was the highest in Daedunsan Provincial Park and followed by Q. variabilis(31.98), Q. serrata(31.53), P. densiflora(16.80), C. tschonoskii(16.50), C. laxiflora(16.07), S. obassia(15.76), and Acer pseudosieboldianum(10.09). The results of DBH analysis of the major species having the high importance value showed the normal density distirbution of Q. mongolica, and Q. variabilis in Deogsan Provincial Park, so the dominance status of these species is likely to continue. Q. variabilis, Q. mongolica, and P. densiflora in Chilgabsan Provincial Park showed the normal density distribution showed the density of normal distribution, so the dominance status of these species is likely to continue. However, the dominance status of C. laxiflora, and Q. serrata is likely to be expanded in the future due to the high density of young individuals. Q. mongolica, and Q. variabilis in Daedunsan Provincial Park showed the density of reverse J-shaped curve, so the dominance status of these species is likely to continue, and C. tschonoskii, and P. densiflora had a formality distribution, suggesting continuous domination of these species over the other species for the time being. Additionally the dominance status of C. laxiflora, and Q. serrata is considered to be expanded in the future due to the high density level of young individuals.

Development of Stand Yield Table Based on Current Growth Characteristics of Chamaecyparis obtusa Stands (현실임분 생장특성에 의한 편백 임분수확표 개발)

  • Jung, Su Young;Lee, Kwang Soo;Lee, Ho Sang;Ji Bae, Eun;Park, Jun Hyung;Ko, Chi-Ung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.109 no.4
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    • pp.477-483
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    • 2020
  • We constructed a stand yield table for Chamaecyparis obtusa based on data from an actual forest. The previous stand yield table had a number of disadvantages because it was based on actual forest information. In the present study we used data from more than 200 sampling plots in a stand of Chamaecyparis obtusa. The analysis included theestimation, recovery and prediction of the distribution of values for diameter at breast height (DBH), and the result is a valuable process for the preparation ofstand yield tables. The DBH distribution model uses a Weibull function, and the site index (base age: 30 years), the standard for assessing forest productivity, was derived using the Chapman-Richards formula. Several estimation formulas for the preparation of the stand yield table were considered for the fitness index, and the optimal formula was chosen. The analysis shows that the site index is in the range of 10 to 18 in the Chamaecyparis obtusa stand. The estimated stand volume of each sample plot was found to have an accuracy of 62%. According to the residuals analysis, the stands showed even distribution around zero, which indicates that the results are useful in the field. Comparing the table constructed in this study to the existing stand yield table, we found that our table yielded comparatively higher values for growth. This is probably because the existing analysis data used a small amount of research data that did not properly reflect. We hope that the stand yield table of Chamaecyparis obtusa, a representative species of southern regions, will be widely used for forest management. As these forests stabilize and growth progresses, we plan to construct an additional yield table applicable to the production of developed stands.

Development of Diameter Distribution Change and Site Index in a Stand of Robinia pseudoacacia, a Major Honey Plant (꿀샘식물 아까시나무의 지위지수 도출 및 직경분포 변화)

  • Kim, Sora;Song, Jungeun;Park, Chunhee;Min, Suhui;Hong, Sunghee;Yun, Junhyuk;Son, Yeongmo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.111 no.2
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    • pp.311-318
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    • 2022
  • We conducted this study to derive the site index, which is a criterion for the planting of Robinia pseudoacacia, a honey plant, and to investigate the diameter distribution change by derived site index. We applied the Chapman-Richards equation model to estimate the site index of the Robinia pseudoacacia stand. The site index was distributed within the range of 16-22 when the base age was 30 years. The fitness index of the site index estimation model was low, but we judged that there was no problem in the application because the residual distribution of the equation had not shifted to one side. We used the Weibull diameter distribution function to determine the diameter distribution of the Robinia pseudoacacia stand by site index. We used the mean diameter and the dominant tree height as independent variables to present the diameter distribution, and our analysis procedure was to estimate and recover the parameters of the Weibull diameter distribution function. We used the mean diameter and the dominant tree height of the Robinia pseudoacacia stand to show distribution by diameter class, and the fitness index for dbh distribution estimation was about 80.5%. As a result of schematizing the diameter distribution by site indices as a 30-year-old, we found that the higher the site index, the more the curve of the diameter distribution moved to the right. This suggests that if the plantation were to be established in a high site index stand, considering the suitable trees on the site, the growth of Robinia pseudoacacia woul d become active, and not onl y the production of wood but al so the production of honey would increase. We therefore anticipate that the site index classification table and curve of this Robinia pseudoacacia stand will become the standard for decision making in the plantation and management of this tree.

Estimating the Spatial Distribution of Forest Stand Volume in Gyeonggi Province using National Forest Inventory Data and Forest Type Map (국가산림자원조사 자료와 임상도를 이용한 경기지역 산림의 임분재적 공간분포 추정)

  • Kim, Eun-Sook;Kim, Kyung-Min;Kim, Chong-Chan;Lee, Seung-Ho;Kim, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.99 no.6
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    • pp.827-835
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    • 2010
  • Reliable forest statistics provides important information to meet the UNFCCC. In this respect, the national forest inventory has played a crucial role to provide the reliable forest statistics for several decades. However, the previous forest statistics calculated by administrative district has not provided spatial information in a small scale. Thus, this study focused on developing models to estimate an explicit spatial distribution of forest growing stock. For this, first, stand volume model by stand types was developed using National Forest Inventory(NFI) data. Second, forest type map was integrated with this model. NFI data were used to calculate plot-level stand volume and basal area. The stand types of NFI plot including the species composition, age class, DBH class and crown density class are very crucial data to be connected with forest type map. Finally, polygonlevel stand volume map was developed with spatial uncertainty map. Average stand volume was estimated at 85.7 $m^3$/ha in the study area, and at 95% significance interval it was ranged from 79.7 $m^3$/ha to 91.8 $m^3$/ha.