• Title/Summary/Keyword: D3-28S

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Safe Network Technologies (세이프 네트워크 기술)

  • Song, J.T.;Noh, S.K.;Park, H.S.;Park, J.D.;Kim, S.G.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.28-36
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    • 2013
  • 사이버 테러의 급증으로 인해 사이버 공간에서의 네트워크 역할이 중요해 지고 있다. 이러한 사이버 공격, 정보 유출 등에 의한 국가적 차원의 사이버 안보 위협에 적극적으로 대처하고자 세이프 네트워크기술 개발을 추진 중이다. 본고에서는 (1) IP 주소 은닉기반 라우팅 기술, (2) 전역적 제어 관리 시스템 기술 (3) 폐쇄망용 프로텍티드 WiFi시스템기술, (4) 보안을 강화한 네트워크 SW 기술을 주축으로 하는 세이프 네트워크의 핵심기술 및 주요 시스템의 기술개발 동향에 대해 알아본다.

Sequence comparisons of 28S ribosomal DNA and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I of Metagonimus yokogawai, M. takahashii and M. miyatai

  • Lee, Soo-Ung;Huh, Sun;Sohn, Woon-Mok;Chai, Jong-Yil
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 2004
  • We compared the DNA sequences of the genus Metagonimus: M. yokogawai, M. takahashii, and M. miyatai. We obtained 288 D1 ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (mtCOI) fragments from the adult worms by PCR, that were cloned and sequenced. Phylogenetic relationships inferred from the nucleotide sequences of the 28S D1 rDNA and mtCOI gene. M. takahashii and M. yokogawai are placed in the same clade supported by DNA sequence and phylogenie tree analysis in 28S D1 rDNA and mtCOI gene region. The above findings tell us that M. takahashii is closer to M. yokogawai than to M. miyatai genetically. This phylogenetic data also support the nomination of M. miyatai as a separate species.

3D Printed Water Strider Robot with Environmental Monitoring (환경모니터링이 가능한 3D 프린팅 소금쟁이 로봇)

  • Shim, Ga-hyun;Lee, Kihak;Chun, Kyunghan;Cho, Chanseob;Kim, Bonghwan
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.407-413
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    • 2019
  • Using 3D printing technology, we created a biomimetic water strider robot that can monitor environments. We found ways to increase the bearing capacity of the fluid-driven water strider robot by conducting experiments then comparing with more stable robots. The controller of the robot is based on Arduino, and can be controlled wirelessly with a Bluetooth module. The speed of the robot is 7.37 cm/s, and the bearing capacity is 29 g. A lithium polymer battery that can be charged with a solar cell was used as a power source, and both the charging and driving times were also explored.

Scene Production using Unity Cinemachine (유니티 시네머신을 활용한 장면 연출 모색)

  • Park, Sung Suk
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.133-143
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    • 2021
  • Unity's Cinemachine, one of the game production technologies, can produce 3D images. However, since Cinemachine is a game production tool, video creators may find it difficult because the work process of Cinemachine is unfamiliar and complicated. However, it is necessary to learn new technologies for the future of video contents that will be advanced in the future. In order to understand Chinemachine as a video producer, I would like to embody the scene of the movie. We are going to produce a storyboard scene for storytelling in Cinemachine. We defined the workflow of Unity Cinemachine while directing the scene by creating a story, and also checked the advantages and cautions. I hope it will be an opportunity to enjoy using Unity Cinemachine, which is constantly evolving.

Change in Storage Protein during Germination of Peanut Seed (땅콩발아시 저장단백질의 변화)

  • 김종진;박재욱;신동현
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.564-570
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    • 1994
  • This experiment was conducted to determine seed storage protein pattern and structural character of differed peanut cultivars during germination. Soluble protein content in both Namdae and Daekwang cultivars remarkably decreased in cotyledon site at 2 or 3 days after incubation(DAI) and in embryonic axis site at 1 or 2 DAI, showing 28∼29% in cotyledon site and 10% in embryonic axis site at 5 DAI. Protein subunits such as 66, 43, 40 and 35.5kD bands in the cotyledon site of Namdae and Daekwang cultivars disappeared, but 21.5-23kD band disappeared slightly, but low polypeptide band such as 14-16kD increased gradually, and the same trend has been obserbed in embryonic axis site during 2 DAI. The amount of new protein formed during germination period was highest in cotyledon site at 3 DAI, and in embryonic axis site at 2 DAI. 16kD bend detected in cotyledon site of Daekwang cultivar during germination.

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Comparative Molecular Analysis of Freshwater Centric Diatoms with Particular Emphasis on the Nuclear Ribosomal DNA of Stephanodiscus (Bacillariophyceae)

  • Ki, Jang-Seu
    • ALGAE
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2009
  • DNA-based discrimination of species is a powerful way for morphologically otherwise similar species, like centric diatoms. Here, the author sequenced long-range nuclear ribosomal DNAs, spanning from the 18S to the D5 region of the 28S rDNA, of Stephanodiscus, particularly including a Korean isolate. By comparisons, high DNA similarities were detected from the rDNAs of nine Stephanodiscus (>99.4% in 18S rDNA, >98.0% in 28S rDNA). Their genetic distances, however, were significantly different (Kruskal-Wallis test, p < 0.01) compared to two related genera, namely Cyclotella and Discostella. In addition, genetic distances of 18S rDNAs were significantly different (Student’s t-test, p = 0.000) against those of the 28S rDNAs according to individual genera (Cyclotella, Discostella, and Stephanodiscus). Phylogenetic analyses showed that Stephanodiscus and Discostella showed a sister taxon relationship, and their clade was separated from a cluster of Cyclotella (1.00 PP, 100% BP). This suggests that Stephanodiscus has highly conserved sequences of both 18S and 28S rDNA; however, Stephanodiscus is well-separated from other freshwater centric diatoms, such as Cyclotella and Discostella, at the generic level.


  • Kim, Ki-Young;Park, Jeong-Kil;Hur, Bock
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.498-503
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the rewetting effect of water-based primer on the air-dried dentin. In this in vitro study, freshly extracted non-caries human molars and three-step adhesive system(SBMP) were used. Freshly extracted non-caries human molars and three-step adhesive system(SBMP) were used. Flat occlusal dentin surface were prepared using low-speed diamond saw, Prepared teeth were randomly divided into three groups. Group 1.(W): etched(35% phosphoric acid for 15s) and blot-dried, Group 2.(5D): 5s air-dried, Group 3.(30D): 30s ail-dried, To obtain color contrast in CLSM observation, primer was mixed with rhodamine B and bonding resin was mixed with fluorescein. Microscopic sample of each group were obtained after longitudinal section. Morphological investigation of resin-dentin interface and thickness of hybrid layer measurement using CLSM were done. Microtensile bond strength for each specimen was measured. Specimen were observed under microscope to examine the failure patterns of interface between resin and dentin. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The results(mean) of Thickness of hybrid layer were W:19.67, 5D:20.9, 30D:10$\mu\textrm{m}$. Only 30D had statistically significant differences to Wand 5D(P<0.05). 2. The results(mean) of Microtensile bond strength were W:16.02, 5D:14.69, 30D:11.14MPa. Only 30D had statistically significant differences to Wand 5D(P<0.05). 3. There were positive correlation between Thickness of hybrid layer and microtensile bond strength(P<0.05).

3D-printed titanium implant with pre-mounted dental implants for mandible reconstruction: a case report

  • Park, Jung-Hyun;Odkhuu, Michidgerel;Cho, Sura;Li, Jingwen;Park, Bo-Young;Kim, Jin-Woo
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.42
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    • pp.28.1-28.4
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    • 2020
  • Background: This clinical case presented a novel method of segmental mandible reconstruction using 3D-printed titanium implant with pre-mounted dental implants that was planned to rehabilitate occlusion. Case presentation: A 53-year-old male who suffered osteoradionecrosis due to the radiation after squamous cell carcinoma resection. The 3D-printed titanium implant with pre-mounted dental implant fixtures was simulated and fabricated with selective laser melting method. The implant was successfully inserted, and the discontinuous mandible defect was rehabilitated without postoperative infection or foreign body reaction during follow-ups, until a year. Conclusions: The 3D-printed titanium implant would be the one of the suitable treatment modalities for mandible reconstruction considering all the aspect of mandibular functions.

Studies on the Distribution of Ants(Formicidea) in Korea(6) -The Vegetation, the Species Composition and the Colony Density ants in Mt. Namsan, Seoul- (한국산 개미의 분포에 관한 연구(6) -서울 남산의 식생과 개미군집의 종조성 및 Colony 밀도-)

  • 최병문;박경숙
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.65-79
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    • 1991
  • In order to investigate the species composition and the colony density of ants in Mt. Namsan, Seoul, 39 quadrats were installed in 13 vegetations, 443 colonies of ants were collected from June, 1989 to October, 1990. As the result, 4 subfamilies, 23 genera, 28 species was confirmed. Among them, Cerapachys humicola $O_{GATA}$ is new to Korean fauna along with the subfamily Cerapachinae. For the species composition of ant communities in each vegetation, Robinia pseudoacacia vegetation(containing 3 subfamilies, 14 genera, 15 species-53.6% of all colonies collected in Mt. Namsan) and Quercus mongolica vegetation (3 subfamiles, 12 genera, 14 species -50%) showed relatively rich composition, while Platunus orientalis vegetation (3 subfamilies, 3 genera, 3 species) showed the simplest composition. Colony density was the highest in Prunus sargentii vegetation (7.875 colony /$m^2$) and the lowest in Platunus orientalis (1.000 colony/$m^2$). The relative density of Paratrechina flavipes proved to be the highest (RD = 0.422) and that of Cerapachys humicola $O_{GATA}$ Massor aciculatus was the lowest (RD = O. 002 respectively). In the analysis of the similarity of ant communities between each vegetation by S¢rensen's coefficient, Prunus sargentii was very similar to Sorbus alnifolia (0.745) and Pinus densiflora (0.736), but had the lowest similarity to Metasequoia glyptostoboides and Chamaecyparis pisifera vegetation (0.164 respectively). Dominance of ants in each vegetation analyzed by Simpson'formula was found to be high in Platunus orientalis ($\lambda$ = 0.393) and Sorbus alnifolia ($\lambda$ = 0.392) and the lowest in Metasequoia glyptostroboides vegetation($\lambda$= 0.067). The analysis of diversity by reverse Simpson's coefficient revealed that it was high in Metasequoia glyptostroboides ($d_s$ = 14.925), Pinus rigida ($d_s$ = 7.874) and was the lowest in Platunus orientalis vegetation ($d_s$ = 2.545). Evenness calculated by using d. and $d_{max}$(maximal diversity) was high in Metasequoia glyptostroboides ($E_s$ = 0.714) and Chamaecyparis pisifera vegetation ($E_s$ = 0.624). On the contrary, Quercus mongo/ica vegetation had the lowest value of evenness ($E_s$ = 0.182).

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Design of a 2.4GHz CMOS Low Noise Amplifier (2.4GHz CMOS 저잡음 증폭기)

  • 최혁환;오현숙;김성우;임채성;권태하
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.106-113
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we proposed low noise amplifier for 2.4GHz ISM frequency with CMOS technology. The property of noise and gain is improved by cascode architecture. The architecture, which common source output of cascode is connected to input of parallel MOS, reduce IM. The LNA results based on Hynix 0.35${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ 2poly 4metal CMOS processor with a 3.3V supply. It achieves a gain of 13dB, noise figure of 1.7dB, IP3 of 8dBm, Input/output matching of -31dB/-28dB, reverse isolation of -25dB. and power dissipation of 4.7mW with HSPICE simulation. The size of layout is smaller than 2 ${\times}$ 2mm with Mentor.