• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cyromazine

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Determination of cyromazine in commercial insecticides using HPLC-DAD

  • Kim, Young-Wook;Han, Bok Hee;Kang, Young Eun;Rhee, Chae Hong;Seo, Sang-Ji;Kim, Soohee;Jeong, Wooseog;Her, Moon
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.261-265
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    • 2020
  • Each commercial cyromazine insecticide has different HPLC conditions. The aim of this study was to establish a standardized chromatographic method for the determination of cyromazine in commercial insecticides. The separation was achieved on two C18 columns - Waters® Bondapak C (4×300 nm i.d., 10 ㎛) and X bridge (4.6×250 nm i.d., 5 ㎛) using a mobile phase composed of water/methanol/ethanolamine (76:24:0.1, v/v), with UV detection at wavelengths 230 nm and 254 nm. A total of six commercial cyromazine insecticides were analyzed. In this study, the optimal high-performance liquid chromatography conditions for the analysis of cyromazine were as follows: a mobile phase of water/methanol/ethanolamine (76:24:0.1, v/v) at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min and a detection wavelength of 230 nm using a X bridge C18 column (4.6×250 nm i.d., 5 ㎛) at a column temperature of 25℃. The calibration curve was linear in the concentration range of 5~50 ㎍/mL, with a correlation coefficient of 0.99995. The cyromazine detection limit was 0.2 ㎍/mL, and the limit of quantification was 0.59 ㎍/mL. The percentage recovery ranged from 99.8% to 101.0% for cyromazine, and the relative standard deviation was not over 2.0%. The cyromazine concentration ranged from 92.7% to 109.4% and was within the acceptable range (90~120%) for the percent of the labeled amount. This method was found to be suitable for determining cyromazine in commercial insecticides.

Selection of insecticides for controlling Lycoriella mali in Letinula edodes sawdust cultivation (표고 톱밥재배에서 긴수염버섯파리 (Lycoriella mali)의 방제약제 선발)

  • Kim, Gil-Hah;Yoo, Jeong-Su;Koo, Chang-Duck;Lee, Sang-Gil;Park, Ji-Doo
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.62-66
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    • 2001
  • The thirteen commercial insecticides to Lycoriella mali were investigated on their insecticidal activities and mycelial growth of two Letinula edodes strains. For the adults, insecticides showing over 95% insecticidal activity were chlorpyrifos-methyl, fenthion, fenitrothion, benfuracarb, furathiocarb and deltamethrin. For tile larvae, diflubenzuron and cyromazine showed over 90% insecticidal activity. Fenthion, benfuracarb, furathiocarb, deltamethrin, diflubenzuron and cyromazine did not affect the mycelial growth of L. edodes strain, in Imhyup 1 variety. And deltamethrin, diflubenzuron and cyromazine did not affect that in Sanlim-5. Insecticides showing over 80% residual effect for 14 days were benfuracarb to the adults and diflubenzuron and cyromazine to the larvae. Control effect of furathiocarb, fenthion, benfuracarb, deltamethrin, diflubenzuron and cyromazine against larvae of Lycoriella mali showed 90% ten days after application under sawdust cultivation. Among them, benfuracarb, fenthion and furathiocarb revealed excellent control effect against adults. These results indicate that benfuracarb, fenthion, and furathiocarb can be used for the control of Lycoriella mali in the field. However, further studies are needed on the effect of insecticides treatment oil fruit-body yield and chemical residue in the mushroom tissues.

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Determination of cyromazine residues in agricultural commodities using HPLC-UVD/MS (HPLC-UVD/MS를 이용한 농산물 중 Cyromazine의 잔류분석법)

  • Song, Lee-Seul;Kim, Young-Hak;Lee, Su-Jin;Hwang, Young-Sun;Kwon, Chan-Hyeok;Do, Jung-Ah;Oh, Jae-Ho;Im, Moo-Hyeog;Chang, Woo-Suk;Lee, Young-Deuk;Choung, Myoung-Gun
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.202-208
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    • 2012
  • A high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method was developed to determine residues of cyromazine, a triazine insecticide, in agricultural commodities. Cyromazine was extracted with 90% aqueous methanol from representative crops which comprised brown rice, oyster mushroom, oriental melon, watermelon, and Chinese cabbage. Following to evaporation of methanol in the extract, the aqueous concentrate was acidified to form the protonated cyromazine. Dichloromethane partition was then applied to remove nonpolar co-extractives in the aqueous phase. Strong cation-exchange chromatography using Dowex 50W-X4 resin was employed for final purification of the extract. Cyromazine was successfully separated on a Zorbax SB-Aq $C_{18}$ column showing high retention for polar compounds. Cyromazine was sensitively quantitated by ultraviolet absorption at 214 nm. Limit of quantitation (LOQ) of the method was 0.04 mg/kg irrespective of sample types. Each crops were fortified at 3 different concentrations of cyromazine for recovery test. Mean recoveries from samples fortified at LOQ~2.0 mg/kg in triplicate ranged 80.2~103.3% in five agricultural commodities. Relative standard deviations in recoveries were all less than 6%. A selected-ion monitoring LC/MS method with electrospray ionization in positive-ion mode was also provided to confirm the suspected residue. The proposed method was reproducible and sensitive enough to routinely determine and inspect the residue of cyromazine in agricultural commodities.

Activity and control effects of insecticides to American serpentine leafminer, Liriomyza trifolii(Diptera: Agromyzidae) (아메리카잎굴파리 (Liriomyza trifolii)에 대한 살충활성과 방제효과)

  • Kim, Gil-Hah;Lee, Young-Su;Park, Sun-Young;Park, Yong-Seong;Kim, Jeong-Wha
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.46-54
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    • 2001
  • These studies were carried out to investigate the toxicities of 33 registered insecticide to the American serpentine leafminer, Liriomyza trifolii. Insecticidal activities were evaluated by testing systemic action and residual effect in the laboratory, and control efficacy and phytotoxicity in the greenhouse. All insecticides used in this study did not effect on the egg of L. trifolii, although spinosad showed 70% of egg-hatch suppression. For L. trifolii larvae ($2{\sim}3$ instar), the insecticides with over 95% of insecticidal activity were abamectin, cartap, cyromazine, emamectin benzoate, diflubenzuron + chlorpyrifos. The Insecticide what showed over 90% of insecticidal activity or neonate larvae were abamectin, cartap, emamectin benzoate, diflubenzuron + chlorpyrifos and milbemectin. Only cartap + buprofezin showed over 95% insecticidal activity against L. trifolii pupae. Almost insecticides used in this study little or not effected on the adult of L. trifolii. Emamectin benzoate and milbemectin showed moderate foliar systemic effects on eggs of L. trifolii (53.3, 47.9%, respectively). However, other insecticides showed little systemic effect. For larvae and adults, all insecticides showed low systemic effects. Insecticides with over 90% residual effect for 10 days were abamectin, emamectin benzoate and milbemectin (91.4, 90.4, 91.9%, respectively). In the control efficacy test on L. trifolii 90% of control values were obtained at 14th day after treatment of the insecticides including abamectin, cyromazine, emamectin benzoate and milbemectin. Cartap and cartap + buprofezin showed slight phytotoxicity on kidney bean leaf, however, other insecticides showed no phytotoxic effects. These results indicate that abamectin, emamectin benzoate and milbemectin can be used for tile control of L. trifolii in field.

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Occurrence, Injury aspects and Effect of insecticide applications of Liriomyza trifolii Burgess on Tomato Cultivated in Plastic house (토마토에서 아메리카잎굴파리의 발생, 가해양상 및 살충제처리 효과)

  • Park, Jong-Dae;Uhm, Ki-Baik;Yoo, Jae-Gi;Kim, Sang-Chul
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.50-55
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    • 2000
  • Occurrence, Injury aspects and control effect of some chemicals were investigated on tomato in plastic house from 1997 to 1998. Adults trapped by yellow sticky trap and sweeping net were increased from late May abruptly. Survey of population densities by yellow sticky trap was more clear than sweeping net. Damaged leaves were found out all the year round in continuous cropping fields and rate of damaged leaves was below 20% in early April and increased gradually up to 80% level after late May. Otherwise, damaged leaves were appeared from 6 weeks after transplanting in first growing field and then damaged leaves was 80% level in spring culture. In autumn culture, rate of damaged leaves was maintained 80% level from transplanting to harvesting date regardless of cultivation years. Number of adults was trapped from late May and peak was late June but mature larva was $6{\sim}8$ individuals in spring culture. In autumn culture, adult and larval densities was maintained high for 3 weeks after transplanting but begun to decrease from 4 weeks(early September). Chlorfenapyr EC, cyromazine WP and abamectin EC could suppress larval populations of Liriomyza trifolii effectively.

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