• 제목/요약/키워드: Culture Belt

검색결과 88건 처리시간 0.037초

이족의 전통복식과 문양 (The Yi tribe's Traditional Costume and Pattern)

  • 이목결;조진숙
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.185-205
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    • 2015
  • The modern trend in costumes, influenced by postmodernism, is to use of various patterns and images borrowed from diverse cultures of many ethnic groups. The Yi tribe studied in this paper is miner ethnic group in China, whose traditional costume is very splendid and modern. In addition, its embroidery or $appliqu{\acute{e}}$ pattern have a high artistic value in that its shapes are diverse, splendid and each one has its own peculiar elegance. As for the research method, I examined the Yi tribe's history, culture, traditional costumes and patterns through related books, research papers and inter web sites. As for the result, the Yi tribe's costumes consisted of a jacket, trousers or a skirt, an apron and a belt. Although the favorite color of the costume is black color, there are splendid embroidery or $appliqu{\acute{e}}$ decorations with the colors of red, yellow, green and purple on the chest or shoulder part of a jacket, the adjusting lines, cuffs or a part of a trousers and aprons. Patterns in their traditional clothing also show details that depict traditional cultural ideas that have long been formed in various fields, such as aesthetics, religion, philosophy, and customs. Moreover, most patterns displayed in their traditional clothing contain nature motifs and represent unique and beautiful designs; some patterns are even reminiscent of abstract paintings by modern artists. In conclusion, the traditional patterns of Chinese ethnic minorities reflect the values and notions of these races as well as decorative magnificence and a unique spiritual image. In other words, traditional patterns indicate the spiritual depth or symbolic stories beyond mere formative beauty.

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6시그마 핵심구성요소 선정 (Selection of Six Sigma Key Ingredients)

  • 조지현;장중순
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.22-32
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    • 2006
  • In these days, most of Korean industries advocates and utilizes Six Sigma as an integrated innovation tool for all their business and manufacturing processes. Six Sigma is known to bring more financial and managerial achievements than other innovation methods and tools. However, such successes are not always guaranteed. To adopt and implement Six Sigma successfully, it is necessary to grasp and understand essential characteristics of Six Sigma and then identify suitable elements and complements in consideration of vision, strategies, capability, circumstance and environment of the company. Step by step implementation plan may be built based on those ingredients. This study is to find out key ingredients (KIs) of Six Sigma. Potential ingredients selected from previous studies of success factors and ingredients of Six Sigma and TQM, and criteria of quality awards like MBNQA, EFQM, Deming prize and Korean National Quality Awards (KNQA) are classified into 11 categories based on experts' opinion and affinity analysis: management leadership, belt system, training, six sigma system, compensation, organization, corporate culture, customer focused, project selection, management of project results, and managerial achievements. Irrelevant or ineffective potential ingredients are discarded using factor analysis for the questionnaires answered by champions, MBB's and BB's of 90 Korean companies that have more than 3 years experience of Six Sigma. Also from the factor analysis, 3 factors are derived for each categories respectively except the managerial achievement category. Those 11 categories and 30 factors are defined as KIs of Six Sigma. This study also reveals that there is difference according to enterprise size, type of business, and implementation time in terms of KI's, and prioritizes KI's that an enterprise to pursue Six Sigma successfully should consider according to its characteristics.

현대 에스닉 패션(Ethnic Fashion)의 특성 분석 (The Analysis of the Present Ethnic Fashion's Major Characteristics)

  • 최영옥
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제7권5호
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    • pp.481-493
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    • 2005
  • Reason for contemporary ethnic-look's remarkable world popularity is viewed as due to counteraction of disordered world conditions such as war, terror, and economic depression. These conditions led people to desire the returning to primitive human society where freedom and peace are preserved. The background of ethnic look emergence is influences of post-modernism, eastern and western culture hybrid, and ecology. This study will mainly focus on the analysis of present ethnic fashion trend and, with following to this, their images will be analyzed and categorized. The result of ethnic trend, especially that of Asian's and African's, from 2000 to 2005 is like this: representative Asian ethnic fashion tendency is focusing on Japanese and Chinese. In Japanese style, oversized silhouette was derived by Kimono and wide belt was appeared by influence of Kimono's Obi. Chinese ethic style are analyzed as adapting feministic silhouette and details from Chinese traditional clothes, Chipao. Additionally, in some of the Chinese ethnic-look, there are mixtures with Japanese, North American, and African's images. Mixing with pop images and ancient ones are also emerged. In the African ethnic look, people used colorful cloth and new materials which is considered as integration of primitives and modern science. From the study, it is possible to conclude that current modern ethnic fashion can be defined as blends with one country's image to the other, mixture with new technology, and acceptance to the multi-national folk fashion. These trends are widely revealed and extended in the world fashion. In the following result of the analysis, there were four outstanding images lying underneath in the present ethnic-look. That is eclectic, traditional, natural, and mysterious images.

한(韓)·중(中) 문화교류를 통한 전통조경의 비교 연구 (A Comparison Study of Traditional Landscape through Cultural Exchange between Korea and China)

  • 펑홍쉬;장징;장치엔두어;노재현
    • 한국전통조경학회지
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    • 제38권4호
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2020
  • 전통조경은 선현(先賢)들이 현대사회에게 남긴 문화적 자산으로, 고대의 전통문화를 이해할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 현대의 조경설계에도 새롭고 창의적인 소재를 제공할 수 있다. 한·중 양국은 고대부터 문화교류를 통해 전통 조경문화의 계승과 보호 및 발전을 이루었을 뿐만 아니라 '전통과 현대' 및 '지역성과 국제성'이 서로 어우러져 발전하여 왔음은 익히 잘 알려져 있다. 본 연구는 한·중 전통조경의 비교 연구를 목적으로 우선 양국 전통조경문화를 선행연구 문헌을 통해 분석하였다. 다음으로 양국의 문화적 배경을 종교사상, 전통문화, 자연관으로 나눠 해석하고 양국의 조경 역사와 원류관계를 조명하였다. 이를 바탕으로 한·중 조경 사조(思潮)의 비교 및 전통조경의 발전과정, 한·중 조경의 예술적 공간과 경지(境地) 등 세 방향에서 분석 고찰하였으며, 양국의 전통조경의 조성 방식에 있어 차이점을 분석하고, '의경조성' 및 '의경수법'을 구명하였다. 특히 본 연구에서는 전통조경의 이론적 배경 및 조경의 경의성(景意性)에 대해 전통조경의 배치 및 주변 환경과 형식 그리고 전통조경의 색채 등을 명·청시대의 '이화원(頤和園)'과 조선 시대의 '경복궁(景福宮)'을 사례대상으로 비교 분석하였다. 이를 통하여 한·중 조경의 특징을 토대로 국제화를 위한 전통적인 조경문화의 계승과 혁신방안을 모색하였다. 한·중 조경사의 발전 추세에 따른 양국 간 문화교류의 중요성은 아무리 강조해도 지나치지 않다. 앞으로 양국 조경의 발전은 전통문화에 대한 국제 간 협력 및 지역 특색의 창조적 결합, 화이부동(和而不同)한 전통조경 환경의 조성, 다양한 문화의 다층적 상생이 양국의 우호증진에도 기여할 것으로 기대된다.

서울 송현동 일대의 문화 헤게모니와 장소성 변화 분석 (An Analysis of Cultural Hegemony and Placeness Changes in the Area of Songhyeon-dong, Seoul)

  • 최지영;조경진
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제50권1호
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    • pp.33-52
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    • 2022
  • 서울 송현동에 역사문화공원과 이건희 기증관이 조성될 예정이다. 송현동의 역사성은 조선 시대부터 현대까지 정치적 판도에 영향을 받은 시련의 땅으로 인식되었다. 하지만 장소성 분석은 역사적 맥락보다는 토지소유자와 용도 변화에 국한해서 다루어졌다. 그래서 본 연구는 현대문화지리학과 비교역사학 관점을 활용하여 송현동의 장소성이 문화 헤게모니에 따라 변화한 맥락을 분석하였다. 분석결과, 역사적 이행과정에서 나타나는 중화주의, 대항해, 시민혁명, 제국주의, 민족자결주의, 민족주의, 대중예술, 신자유주의 같은 범세계 차원의 문화 헤게모니는 송현동을 비롯한 북촌 일대에 새로운 지식인층을 만들어냈고, 사회제도와 공간정책에 영향을 미쳤다. 이러한 사회적 관계 속에서 송현동의 장소성은 다음과 같이 변화했다. 첫째, 송현의 소나무숲은 이상적인 유교 국가를 목표로 했던 조선 건국세력이 왕조의 영속을 기원하며 만든 비보숲이었고, 내사산의 지맥을 보호하는 사산금표제로 관리되었다. 세계적으로 대항해시대를 맞이한 조선 후기에는 연행이 늘며 청나라 문화를 향유하는 경화세족의 정원이 들어섰다. 일제 강점기에 인구가 급증하면서 주택단지개발로 소나무 숲과 정원은 사라졌지만, 인공적인 정원과 외부의 자연을 조화롭게 연결했던 차경의 경관적 미학은 현대적으로 재해석할 가치가 있다. 둘째, 세계의 근대화 물결은 북촌 일대에 신식학교를, 친일파 소유의 송현동에는 하숙집을 만들었다. 송현동 옆의 안국동천길은 시민혁명과 민족자결주의를 접한 사상가들이 교류했던 장소였고, 최대규모의 하숙집이었던 송현동은 학생들이 3.1운동에 참여하며 학생운동문화가 발아한 계기가 되었다. 안국동천길은 옛길의 모습이 보존되어 있어 광화문-북촌-인사동-돈화문로를 연결하는 역사 도심 보행 재생의 한 부분으로 의의를 지닌다. 셋째, 조선총독부의 문화 통치기부터 군사 정권기까지 송현동은 조선식산은행의 서구식 문화주택과 미국대사관 직원 숙소가 들어서며 서구문화의 통로였다. 주변 지역은 고미술과 현대미술이 공존하며 근현대 미술시장이 형성되었다. 이건희 기증관은 북촌한옥마을, 공예박물관, 현대미술관, 갤러리와 문화벨트를 이루며 시민의 공간으로 변모할 것으로 기대되고 있다. 이같이 장소를 이루었던 숲과 정원, 시민탄생의 거리, 근·현대 미술의 진원지로서 의미가 새롭게 조성될 역사문화공원과 미술관 그리고 주변 보행 네트워크와 조화롭게 재창조될 수 있도록 담론과 도전이 필요하다.

Paraquat에 의해 유도된 Superoxide Dismutase 결핍 효모의 산소 독성 (Oxygen Toxicity of Superoxide Dismutase-Deficient Saccharomyces cerevisiae by Paraquat)

  • 김지면;남두현용철순허근
    • KSBB Journal
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    • 제10권5호
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    • pp.561-567
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    • 1995
  • 활성산소 소거 효소인 superoxide dismutase (SOD)가 결핍된 효소 변이주들을 대상으로 하여, 활성산소 유발물질인 paraquat을 배지에 첨가하여 배양하면서 산소 독성을 관찰하였다. 호기 상태에서 는 MnSOD (mitochondria SOD) 결핍 효모는 CuZnSOD (세포질 SOD) 결핍 효모보다 성장이 많 이 저하되었지만, 혐기 상태에서는 이들 SOD 결핍 효모 모두 성장 속도에서 야생 효모와 큰 차이를 보이지 않았다. Paraquat으로 처 리한 결과, 호기 배양 에서 CuZnSOD 결핍 효모는 O.OlmM 이상에서 성 장하지 않음을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 O.OOlmM paraquat을 배지에 첨가한 후 호기적으로 배양하면서 세포내 성분의 변화를 관찰하였더니, CuZnSOD 결핍 효모에셔는 catalase 역가가 떨어진 반면 glutathion peroxidase 역가와 세포막 지질의 과산 화물이 증가하였으며, MnSOD 결핍 효모에서는 catalase 역가와 glutathion peroxide 역가가 모두 조금씩 증가하면서 세포막 지질의 과산화물은 그다지 변화하지 않았다. 이러한 사실로부터 CuZnSOD 가 없는 경우 활성산소 소거계로써 catalase 보다 glutathion peroxidase가 훨씬 활성화되어지지만, 이렇게 활성화된 glutathion peroxidase로는 세포질내 산소 radical을 완벽히 제거하는데에는 다소 불충분 하다는 사실을 알 수 았었다. 한편, 혐기적 배양에서 는 SOD 결핍 효모들의 catalase 역가는 모두 감소 한 반면, glutathion peroxidase 역가는 다소 증가하였고, 또한 세포막 지질의 과산화물은 다소 감소하는 추세를 보였다. 이는 혐기 상태에서 산소 radical 이 소량밖에 생기지 않으므로, 활성화된 glutathion p peroxidase에 의해 어느 정도 극복되어지기 때문인 것으로 사료된다. 두 집단 간에 어느 정도 방향성은 있는 것으로 판단된다.ds for eagerness for lasting life not only in this world but also in the other world., Keun-Kap, Scarf, Pee-Bak, Hung-Kap, Pok-Kap, Yang-Dang-Kap, We-Yo-Kap, Kum-Kap, and caries arms. Lower-level officials wore Pe-Bal, Kun-Mo, gae, won-leung, very small sleve jacket, a long coat reaching up to the knee length, slacks, belt, loin cloth and apron. 5) Children's bind their hair up angle shape and wore a half long jacket raching up to the hip and slacks. 나) Women's wear; 1. hair style and hair dress; 1) High rank women's hair style was very extravaganceful. They made their hair top knot (one, two, or more knots) and decoraed precious stone, pan shape head dress, wheel shape head dress, and flower shape precious stone decorated head dress. 2. Clothes ; 1) High rank ladi's wore Kun-Kyun attached jacket, and jacket sleeves decorated pleats, and pleats decorated long skirt, apron, back apron, knot belt, scarf, this type is the same

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중국.고대 돈황가중의 복식 연구 (A comparative study of the Dunhuang Costume on the Folk Song's words in Dnag's period of the China.)

  • 김은주
    • 복식
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    • 제22권
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    • pp.159-176
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    • 1994
  • This study's purpose is to find the ancient costume of the folk song's words on Dunhuang manuscripts in the background wass-carvings sculptures and several art works. Dunhuang had played the part of major route between ancient China and Europe. It is located on kam-suksong the west of China. 1. In the aspect of costume arrangement hair Styling is represented by Naegagyo, Wangyesa, Kyongburak, Bonkwyun, Pogurak, Chonsonja, Namgaja, Tongson-ga, Ojesa, Chanboja in Dunhuang manuscripts. tugue is sim-ilar to Sabyokkwanja in Naegagyo as of that time these kinds of Kwan-ja was very popular. It was told that emperor's wife concubine and maid of honor would wear kwnaja favorably. And the kinds of Tugeu is PuyongKwyunkye, Aangunkye, Chunkye from Kyuwanjon except Sangunkye, Ounkye in Dunhuangsa. 2. Jangdaegy is guoted from Kyuw-anjon -A series of the chinese history book-tells us about women's make-up . The narmes of make-up are Hongjang Unjan--g, Yiljang chwejang, Tam-ajang Murgjang, Sanagjang, Light-make up are referred in Naegagyo is included as packjang Besides we can find other make-up skills Huphwaro and Rujang from the Kaewonch onbon-wisa which was Yangkwibi's episodes. We can find the a corpus of song's words about cosmetic custom in Kor-ea. Which is 'Haecho' folk song in the souther-en costal regions 'Jinggum' folk song in Kim-hae regions and so on.... It's words is similar to Dunhuangsa in China. 3. Bichun inherited to China with India Bud-dism art in the middle of Dunhuang wall-pain-tings is one of the important Buddist saint. Sometimes it is painted with Giakchun Its arms of fly-dnacing in heaven with colored belt on body has almost the form of play on the musical instrument, We can see seasily the form in the painting of Buddist ser-mon. It was progressed and changed with the background of chinese traditional culture. When Dang's period came the color was chan-ged lighting dark blue has rhythmical and viv-id power of life. 4. Among the corpus of song's words which express the singers' system and rites of their tradition or habits. Dunhuang manuscripts des-cribes on behalf of the folk song's words in tra-ditional costume. This is following: (1) Naegagyo o sabyokwanja o Chyrasam o Rashang (2) Wangyesa o Sokryugun o Costume for fisher man (3) Bungajang of the chanboja o Ajang (4) Pongkwyun o Chongui (5) Tongsongs o Junofore (6) Namgaja o thin-Rasam (7) Yuchungnang o Hongsam o Sokryugun : The color of red costume (8) Kyongburak o Hongrasam o Sokryugun : Costume for charming woman Therefore traditional costume could be extracted according to the Dunhuang folk song's words out of culture such as learning rit-es three-obedience four-virtues and in-struction. As the same time it reflects ancient China's characteristics directly. I would endeavor to development for the history of the costume furher creative design and participat-ed in research activity with concerns forward continuously.

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한국 폐슬에 관한 연구 (A Study of Korean-styled Pasul)

  • 이정옥;이경숙
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.37-55
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    • 1987
  • Pasul (Herein after referred to Korean-styled Pasul) to cover up the secrets, which has originated from Bool-an original mode of clothes is to put around a belt with a kind of towel. With the development of culture, it has been handed down the parts of ornamental and symbolic functions, losted its particular and original one. In general, we cannot exactly show when the Pasul has been used as a ritual dress, but, dare to maintain in this thesis, which has been used in Koguryu era. This thesis is summarized as follows: 1. The Bool, which is the first dress of all has its origin in the prehistory, and gradually has developed to a ceremonial dress with the help of man's intelligence. 2. Korean-styled Pasul has continuously been handed down from generation to generation (to adding up, from Koguryu era to Yi dynasty). Today, the color of the Pasul is known as a pink one, but I, herein, would like to refer that king Kojong in Yi dynasty had on a yellow-colored Pasul. 3. With becoming to be a form of ceremonial dress, the Bool has become to be complicated in style. For example, in the Koguryu era, the style is in the form of 'U,' and in Koryu era, it is the echelon formation tinting a pink color and weaving a mountain and flare shaped designs, and its dimension, the upper is one ja (a ja means a unit of length, 0.33 M), the lower, two ja, its length three ja. The Bool of Yi dynasty tints a pink color, and weaves a seaweeds, rices, axes and shaped designs. The Pasul which King Kojong in Yi dynasty put in, was a yellow-colored one weaving dragons and fire shaped design. 4. The Pasul is a ceremonial dress used a ritual or court dress. The purposes of wearing it are to distinguish the upper from the lower classes, to make them abide by regulations, and to respect courtesy. Accordingly, the Pasul. as the dress for special occassions does make us review the old and learn the new. 5. The reason that Pasul has been handed down are: 1) richness and fecundity. 2) symbol mark to represent classicalism. 3) to symbolize the authority by putting on it, for it is necessary to distinguish the upper from the lower classes along with the class consciousness in society. 6. On the basis of the study, the Pasul transition is to be handed down the function of the ornament and symbol. after losted its original functions, with the development of culture.

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페르시아 파르티아[Parthia]왕조 남자복식 연구 (A Study on Men's Costumes of the Parthian Period in Persia)

  • 장영수
    • 복식
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    • 제56권4호
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    • pp.65-81
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    • 2006
  • This is the study on the costumes of Parthian Period in Persia which had powerful influences on the Occidental and Western cultures in B.C 3 to A.D 3. With different types of Parthian costumes in each period, this study shows what types of costumes people used to wear and how they were co-related with its surrounding cultures. The ancient costumes of Korea had something to do with the elements of the Northern part at that time. To make an intensive study of Korean ancient costumes, these Parthian costumes which are known to those of northern nomadic tribes are studied to provide basis elements for study between the Korean styles and the exotic styles. The basic forms of the Parthian styles were jackets and trousers. They consisted of three kinds of jackets such as those to be adjusted In the front, tunics and coats. As for trousers, they were divided into three types such as those with horizontal pleats, round-side pleats and vertical pleats. 1) The jacket to be adjusted in the front was long enough to reach the hip and fit the body reasonably tight, and its neckline was shaped into V-type. It was a very popular style among the people of high and low classes. 2) The tunics had narrow sleeves. It was a one-piece pattern which reached the knees. It was settled with a belt on the waist. Its neckline was shaped into the round but its slit was not cleat. Its styles were into tight-fit and drapery ones. 3) The coats were almost similar to the jacket to be adjusted in the front with short length, but they were entirely long and open. They appeared later than the short jackets and the people of high class seemed to wear these styles. 4) 1'rousers with horizontal pleats - They had almost horizontal pleats on them, and they were a little tight. They seemed to be the early style in the Parthian period. 5) Trousers with round side-pleats - With saggy side pleats on them, these trousers had round pleats like a drapery style. This pattern was also considered Hellenistic elements shown in the Parthian costumes. The trousers consisted of the underdrawers and the leggings (called salwar or shalwar), which is thought to emphasize its functionality for its wearer to mount a horse with more ease. 6) Trousers with vertical pleats - With straight vertical pleats on them, these trousers had some volumes and bias decorations in the middle of them. These styles were thought to be worn by the ruling class of the Parthia from early to late period.

유라시아 지역 바지 구조의 계보 (The Genealogy of Trousers in the Eurasian Region)

  • 김문영;조우현
    • 복식
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    • 제53권7호
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    • pp.95-109
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    • 2003
  • The style of different styles of clothing have been developed by not only the natural environment and social effects. but also by various variables such as the peculiar cultures and religions of different ethnic groups. It is naturally accepted without question that the origin of trousers was derived from the Skytie race in the modern style of dress. And the style of those trousers has changed and developed throughout a long history in different environments and surroundings. As part of the research of the process in this styles of clothing, it is essential to know how the fabric of trousers has been developed and how the styles have been changed because of different weather conditions and different religions. Nowadays, Eurasian countries was scattered from western and eastern Asian countries to middle Asian countries such as Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Iran and China. These countries are located on the way to the Silk Road. They are fully developed in a cultural area among the different religions. In terms of cultural aspects within the different religions, men's trousers had developed the traditional style of this dress as one of the importnat items on the cultural basis. The ranges and types of these traditional trousers are divided by the regions, such as west and southern Asia, central Asia and China. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Israel was a part of the west and southern Asian countries which were located between western countries and eastern countries. This tribes wore Shalwar trousers which is a wide style of trousers. Shalwar in the western and eastern Asian region has a specific feature by the each nation but has the same distinctions such as by using very wide and loose style and tying a fine thread around the waist. Some central Asian countries consisted of part of China, Turkmenistan. the Republic of Tajikistan. the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and the Republic of Afganistan. These style of trousers are compound types which appeared with mixing Draperian Greek culture. So it can be inferred from this data that the horse-riding nomadic trousers which had been handed down from Skytie tribe through Persia. The style of the trousers in those regions has small pieces. The style of the trousers in China, which is located on the way to the far eastern countries, has developed new trousers put together two pieces of the textile. These widen trousers can be worn by using a sash belt. So we can find out that those trousers of countries which mentioned above have a common point and a rule.