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Experience of Alopecia in Adults: A Grounded Theory Approach (성인의 탈모경험: 근거 이론적 접근)

  • Lee, Su Jung;Kim, Ae-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.185-196
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the alopecia experience in adults and to explain the process of their experiences. Methods: Using a grounded theory methodology, 18 interviews were performed with fourteen men and four women, 34~57 years of age, suffering from alopecia. Data were analyzed using the constant comparative analysis method. Results: The core category emerged as "inescapable fetters". adults with alopecia engaged in three stages: embarrassment, seeking solution, and acceptance phase. Causal conditions were a vicious cycle of stress, biological factors and poor life style. Contextual conditions were recognition of irreversibleness, negative social awareness, and marriage. The central phenomenon of the adaptation process among the adults with alopecia was withdrawn life due to negative body image. Action/Interaction strategies included rely on medical treatment, efforts to take good care of hair, research for information treatment, efforts to cover up hair loss, and mind control. Intervening conditions were time cost, economic cost, support of surrounding people. Consequences was burden of unfinished lifetime homework. Conclusion: When caring for these adults, it is important to identify needs, allow patients to express what they want at that moment and support them in maintaining a daily life.

Change Analysis of Forest Area and Canopy Conditions in Kaesung, North Korea Using Landsat, SPOT and KOMPSAT Data

  • Lee, Kyu-Sung;Kim, Jeong-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.327-338
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    • 2000
  • The forest conditions of North Korea has been a great concern since it was known to be closely related to many environmental problems of the disastrous flooding, soil erosion, and food shortage. To assess the long-term changes of forest area as well as the canopy conditions, several sources of multitemporal satellite data were applied to the study area near Kaesung. KOMPSAT-1 EOC data were overlaid with 1981 topographic map showing the boundaries of forest to assess the deforestation area. Delineation of the cleared forest was performed by both visual interpretation and unsupervised classification. For analyzing the change of forest canopy condition, multiple scenes of Landsat and SPOT data were selected. After preprocessing of the multitemporal satellite data, such as image registration and normalization, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was derived as a representation of forest canopy conditions. Although the panchromatic EOC data had radiometric limitation to classify diverse cover types, they can be effectively used t detect and delineate the deforested area. The results showed that a large portion of forest land has been cleared for the urban and agricultural uses during the last twenty years. It was also found that the canopy condition of remaining forests has not been improved for the last twenty years. It was also found that the canopy condition of remaining forests has not been improved for the last twenty years. Possible causes of the deforestation and the temporal pattern of canopy conditions are discussed.

Use of Support Vector Machines for Defect Detection of Metal Bellows Welding (금속 벨로우즈 용접의 결점 탐지를 위한 서포터 벡터 머신의 이용)

  • Park, Min-Chul;Byun, Young-Tae;Kim, Dong-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2015
  • Typically welded bellows are checked with human eye and microscope, and then go through leakage test of gas. The proposed system alternates these heuristic techniques using support vector machines. Image procedures in the proposed method can cover the irregularity problem induced from human being. To get easy observation through microscope, 3D display system is also exploited. Experimental results from this automatic measurement show the welding detection is done within one tenth of permitted error range.

Development of automatic search algorithm for optimal site determination of hydroelectric dam using satellite image (위성영상을 활용한 수력발전용 댐 적지산정 알고리즘 개발)

  • Jang, Wonjin;Lee, Yonggwan;Kim, Seongjoon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.71-71
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    • 2020
  • 최근 기후변화의 영향으로 극심한 가뭄과 홍수가 발생하고 기온 또한 꾸준히 상승하고 있으며, 이러한 변화에 대응하기 위해 전 세계에서 이산화탄소를 줄이고 국제 에너지 시장을 재구성하려는 시도가 꾸준히 이루어지고 있다. World Energy Outlook(2012)에 따르면 특히 에너지 시장에서 개발도상국의 수력분야 개발투자가 2035년까지 15,490억 달러에 이를 것으로 전망됨에 따라 국내에서 해외 수력발전사업에 적극적으로 나서고 있다. 그러나 국내와는 달리 댐 건설의 사전조사에 필요한 자료가 없거나 구축하는데 문제가 있어 손쉽게 구할 수 있는 자료로 사전에 수력발전 댐 적지를 조사할 수 있는 기술의 개발이 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 수력발전용 댐 위치 결정을 위한 예비 적지 분석 알고리즘을 개발하고, 분석 알고리즘에 위성영상자료인 30m 해상도의 ASTGTM(ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model)와 500m 해상도의 MCD12Q1(MODIS/Terra Aqua Land Cover) 토지피복자료를 사용하고자 한다. 예비 적지 분석 알고리즘은 DEM의 전처리, 하천망생성, 유역분할과 지형정보를 고려한 자동적지탐색과 댐 건설시 수몰면적에 따른 보상면적 산정 알고리즘을 포함하고 있으며 Python기반의 오픈소스 GIS로 구현되었다. 적지산정은 DEM으로부터 낙차, 도달시간, 내용적곡선과 같은 지형정보와 토지피복도를 통한 보상면적을 기반으로 순위를 매겨 사용자에게 최적의 위치들을 표출한다. 본 연구의 결과는 향후 해외 수력 댐 적지 예비분석 및 해외 수력산업 진출을 지원할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

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A Study on the Development of E-book Contents for Fashion Online Entrepreneurship Education (패션온라인창업 교육을 위한 전자책 콘텐츠 개발에 대한 연구)

  • Hwa-Yeon Jeong;Eun-Hee Hong
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2024
  • This study developed e-book content in order to use e-books as a tool to provide more efficient classes to learners who are familiar with smart devices and online spaces. E-book contents were produced using Sigil-0.9.10. The development process is as follows. Before e-book development, it is necessary to prepare manuscript files, image files to be inserted, fonts to be used, and e-book covers. After inserting the book cover images, it is necessary to register the table of contents using the title tag and register the free fonts. Also, a style must be created for text or images used in the main text connected to a file containing the entire text. Then, after separating the entire text file into separate files according to each chapter, the text is completed in turn. E-books were produced focusing on hyperlink functions so that educational content and various example images could be accessed. Currently, there is a lack of research on e-books as textbooks in universities within the fashion design major. In the future, if e-book contents are developed according to the characteristics of courses and the level of learners, they can be used as effective teaching tools.

Accuracy Assessment of Forest Degradation Detection in Semantic Segmentation based Deep Learning Models with Time-series Satellite Imagery

  • Woo-Dam Sim;Jung-Soo Lee
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2024
  • This research aimed to assess the possibility of detecting forest degradation using time-series satellite imagery and three different deep learning-based change detection techniques. The dataset used for the deep learning models was composed of two sets, one based on surface reflectance (SR) spectral information from satellite imagery, combined with Texture Information (GLCM; Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix) and terrain information. The deep learning models employed for land cover change detection included image differencing using the Unet semantic segmentation model, multi-encoder Unet model, and multi-encoder Unet++ model. The study found that there was no significant difference in accuracy between the deep learning models for forest degradation detection. Both training and validation accuracies were approx-imately 89% and 92%, respectively. Among the three deep learning models, the multi-encoder Unet model showed the most efficient analysis time and comparable accuracy. Moreover, models that incorporated both texture and gradient information in addition to spectral information were found to have a higher classification accuracy compared to models that used only spectral information. Overall, the accuracy of forest degradation extraction was outstanding, achieving 98%.

Determination of Stream Reach for River Environment Assessment System Using Satellite Image (위성영상을 활용한 하천환경 평가 세구간 설정)

  • Kang, Woochul;Choe, Hun;Jang, Eun-kyung;Ko, Dongwoo;Kang, Joongu;Yeo, Hongkoo
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.179-193
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    • 2021
  • This study examines the use of satellite images for river classification and determination of stream reach, which is the first priority in the river environment assessment system. In the river environment assessment system used in South Korea, it is proposed to set a stream reach by using 10 or 25 times the width of the river based on the result of river classification. First, river classification for the main stream section of Cheongmi stream was performed using various river-related data. The maximum likelihood method was applied for land cover classification. In this study, Sentinel-2 satellite imagery, which is an open data technology with a resolution of 10 m, was used. A total of four satellite images from 2018 was used to consider various flow conditions: February 2 (daily discharge = 2.39 m3/s), May 23 (daily discharge = 15.51 m3/s), June 2 (daily discharge = 3.88 m3/s), and July 7 (daily discharge = 33.61 m3/s). The river widths were estimated from the result of land cover classification to determine stream reach. The results of the assessment reach classification were evaluated using indicators of stream physical environments, including pool diversity, channel sinuosity, and river crossing shape and structure. It is concluded that appropriate flow conditions need to be considered when using satellite images to set up assessment segments for the river environment assessment system.

Land-Cover Change Detection of Western DMZ and Vicinity using Spectral Mixture Analysis of Landsat Imagery (선형분광혼합화소분석을 이용한 서부지역 DMZ의 토지피복 변화 탐지)

  • Kim, Sang-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.158-167
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    • 2006
  • The object of this study is to detect of land-cover change in western DMZ and vicinity. This was performed as a basic study to construct a decision support system for the conservation or a sustainable development of the DMZ and Vicinity near future. DMZ is an is 4km wide and 250km long and it's one of the most highly fortified boundaries in the world and also a unique thin green line. Environmentalists want to declare the DMZ as a natural reserve and a biodiversity zone, but nowadays through the strengthening of the inter-Korean economic cooperation, some developers are trying to construct a new-town or an industrial complex inside of the DMZ. This study investigates the current environmental conditions, especially deforestation of the western DMZ adopting remote sensing and GIS techniques. The Land-covers were identified through the linear spectvral mixture analysis(LSMA) which was used to handle the spectral mixture problem of low spatial resolution imagery of Landsat TM and ETM+ imagery. To analyze quantitative and spatial change of vegetation-cover in western DMZ, GIS overlay method was used. In LSMA, to develop high-quality fraction images, three endmembers of green vegetation(GV), soil, water were driven from pure features in the imagery. Through 15 years, from 1987 to 2002, forest of western DMZ and vicinity was devastated and changed to urban, farmland or barren land. Northern part of western DMZ and vicinity was more deforested than that of southern part. ($52.37km^2$ of North Korean forest and $39.04km^2$ of South Korean were change to other land-covers.) In case of North Korean part, forest changed to barren land and farmland and in South Korean part, forest changed to farmland and urban area. Especially, In North Korean part of DMZ and vicinity, $56.15km^2$ of farmland changed to barren land through 15 years, which showed the failure of the 'Darakbat' (terrace filed) project which is one of food increase projects in North Korea.

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Applicability of UAV in Urban Thermal Environment Analysis (도시 내 열환경 분석에서 무인항공기의 활용가능성)

  • Kang, Da-In;Moon, Ho-Gyeong;Sung, Sun-Yong;Cha, Jae-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.52-61
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    • 2018
  • Urban heat islands occur due to increases in the extent of artificial surfaces such as concrete, asphalt and high-rise buildings. In this regard, research into the use of satellite thermal infrared images for thermal environment analysis of urban areas is being carried out. However, such analysis of the characteristics of individual land cover with low-resolution satellite images suffers from limitations because land cover patterns in urban areas are complicated. Recently, UAV has been widely used, which can compensate for this limitation as it is able to acquire high-resolution images. In this paper, the accuracy of UAV infrared images is verified and the applicability of UAV in urban thermal environment analysis is examined by comparing the results with land surface temperatures from Landsat 8 thermal images. The results show a high positive correlation of temperature values at 0.95, and no statistically significant difference between the two groups. Comparisons of land surface temperature according to land cover showed that the largest difference observed was $4.63^{\circ}C$ in the Used area, and UAV images with small cell units reflected various surface temperatures. Furthermore, it was possible to analyze the surface temperatures of various green spaces such as wetlands and street tree areas, which can lower surface temperatures in urban areas, with street tree shadows reducing surface temperatures by about $4-6^{\circ}C$. UAV can easily and rapidly measure the surface temperature of urban areas and is able to analyze various types of green spaces. Thus, this is an effective tool for thermal environment analysis in urban areas to aid in the design or management of urban green spaces, as it can allow for land cover and the effects of the various green spaces.

A Comparative Study on the Possibility of Land Cover Classification of the Mosaic Images on the Korean Peninsula (한반도 모자이크 영상의 토지피복분류 활용 가능성 탐색을 위한 비교 연구)

  • Moon, Jiyoon;Lee, Kwang Jae
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.6_4
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    • pp.1319-1326
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    • 2019
  • The KARI(Korea Aerospace Research Institute) operates the government satellite information application consultation to cope with ever-increasing demand for satellite images in the public sector, and carries out various support projects including the generation and provision of mosaic images on the Korean Peninsula every year to enhance user convenience and promote the use of satellite images. In particular, the government has wanted to increase the utilization of mosaic images on the Korean Peninsula and seek to classify and update mosaic images so that users can use them in their businesses easily. However, it is necessary to test and verify whether the classification results of the mosaic images can be utilized in the field since the original spectral information is distorted during pan-sharpening and color balancing, and there is a limitation that only R, G, and B bands are provided. Therefore, in this study, the reliability of the classification result of the mosaic image was compared to the result of KOMPSAT-3 image. The study found that the accuracy of the classification result of KOMPSAT-3 image was between 81~86% (overall accuracy is about 85%), while the accuracy of the classification result of mosaic image was between 69~72% (overall accuracy is about 72%). This phenomenon is interpreted not only because of the distortion of the original spectral information through pan-sharpening and mosaic processes, but also because NDVI and NDWI information were extracted from KOMPSAT-3 image rather than from the mosaic image, as only three color bands(R, G, B) were provided. Although it is deemed inadequate to distribute classification results extracted from mosaic images at present, it is believed that it will be necessary to explore ways to minimize the distortion of spectral information when making mosaic images and to develop classification techniques suitable for mosaic images as well as the provision of NIR band information. In addition, it is expected that the utilization of images with limited spectral information could be increased in the future if related research continues, such as the comparative analysis of classification results by geomorphological characteristics and the development of machine learning methods for image classification by objects of interest.