• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cover-image

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A Study on the Analysis and Application of the Satellite Data for Study of Urban and Region (도시 및 지역연구를 위한 인공위성 Data의 분석 및 그 활용방안에 관한 연구)

  • 안철호;윤정섭;안기원
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 1985
  • This study is about the analysis and application of the Satellite(in particular, LANDSAT) Data for the study of urban and region. Land cover maps and change of each classes for a period of years of Seoul, Daejeon, and Incheon cities were extracted by use of LANDSAT MSS Data and MSS Image Analysis System. From the results of this study, it was proved that Satellite data could be used on the study of urban and region to obtain fully fruitful results.

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A Study on the Subdivision of Water Body in Watersheds Classified by Remote Sensing

  • Choi, Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 2020
  • South korea has been developing and managing the complete dimensions, around the rivers to rapid economic growth. In Korea, where water resources are scarce, administration and work are complicated and diversified in the computerization of related facilities and hydrologic data due to the indiscriminate development of river facilities. In general, dividing the water system based on object in remote sensing is relatively accurate in the image with the same spectral characteristics. However, the distinction between the reservoir and the river must be made manually due to the characteristics of remote sensing. Therefore, this study performed three classifications using GIS (Geographic Information System) to classify reservoirs and rivers. For the purpose of accuracy analysis, the land cover map provided by EGIS (Environmental Geographic Information Service) was used to evaluate the accuracy, and the average of 85.63% was found to be 75.40% of rivers, 89.50% of reservoirs, and 92.00% of others.


  • Milne, A.K.;Tapley, I.J.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.441-441
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    • 2002
  • In order to ensure a balance between economic development and a healthy Mekong Basin environment supporting natural resources diversity and productivity critical to the livelihood of its 65 million inhabitants, the Mekong River Commission (MRC) has been investigating the use of radar to remotely characterize and monitor the diversity, complexity, size and connectivity of the Basin's aquatic habitats. The PACRIM AIRSAR Mission provided an opportunity to evaluate the usefulness of radar technology to derive information for assessing, forecasting and mitigating possible cumulative and long-term impacts of development on the natural environment and the people's livelihood. This paper presents the results of mapping wetland cover types using multi-polarimetric radar for an area of the north-western corner of the Tonle Sap basin with data acquired from the AIRSAR Mission in September 2000. The implementation of a newly developed segmentation classification routine used to derive the image classification is described and the results of a fieldwork campaign to check the classification is presented.

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An Assessment of Environmental Changes in an Alluvial Low Land Using Multitemporal Landsat TM Data

  • M.A., Mohammed Aslam;Harada, I.;Kondoh, A.;;Y, Shen;Tj, Ferry L.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.712-714
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    • 2003
  • The modifications taking place within the alluvial plains impart a larger extent of disturbances to hydrologic systems. The objective of the present investigation is to detect the sensitivity of multi-temporal image data from Landsat TM (Thematic Mapper) for finding out the land-cover/land-use changes associated with alluvial low land. The eastern coast of Chiba Prefecture, Japan, forms a very important geographic unit owing to the existence of a unique alluvial landform. The alluvial plain occupied in the study area is widely known as 'Kujukuri Plain'. The TM images have been classified by means of maximum likelihood supervised classifier and the extent of changes has been estimated.

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Water Quality Management System at Mok-hyun Stream Watershed Using RS and GIS

  • Lee, In-Soo;Lee, Kyoo-seock
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to develop Water Quality Management System(WQMS), which performs calculating pollutant discharge and forecasting water quality with water pollution model. Operational water quality management requires not only controlling pollutants but acquiring and managing exact information. A GIS software, ArcView was used to enter or edit geographic data and attribute data, and MapObject was used to customize the user interface. PCI, a remote sensing software, was used for deriving land cover classification from 20 m resolution SPOT data by image processing. WQMS has two subsystems, Database Subsystem and Modelling subsystem. Database subsystem consisted of watershed data from digital map, remote sensing data, government reports, census data and so on. Modelling subsystem consisted of NSPLM(NonStorm Pollutant Load Model)-SPLM(Storm Pollutant Load Model). It calculates the amount of pollutant and predicts water quality. This two subsystem was connected through graphic display module. This system has been calibrated and verified by applying to Mokhyun stream watershed.

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Spectral Mixture Analysis using Hyperspectral Image for Hydrological Land Cover/Use Classification (수문학적 토지피복/이용 분류를 위한 초분광영상의 분광혼합분석)

  • Shin Jung-Il;Lee Kyu-Sung
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2006.03a
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    • pp.206-209
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    • 2006
  • 강우-유출 모델링에 있어 토지피복/이용 상태는 중요한 입력변수로 사용되지만 기존의 다중분광영상을 이용한 분류에는 한계가 있다. 본 연구에서는 위성탑재 초분광영상인 Hyperion 영상의 분광혼합분석을 통해 도시지역의 수문학적 토지피복/이용 분류를 실시하였으며 분류등급의 기준은 널리 사용되고 있는 SCS 토지피복/이용 등급을 이용하였다. 정확도분석을 위해 항공사진을 디지타이징하여 불투수면적의 비율을 비교하였으며 분광혼합분석 결과와 항공사진에서 불투수면적의 비율은 유사하게 나타났다. 그러나 SCS의 분류등급은 미국을 기준으로 개발되었기 때문에 임계치를 이용하여 분류된 등급과 실제 항공사진판독의 결과가 일부 다르게 나타나는 것을 알 수 있었다.

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  • Jeon, Young Ju;Kim, Chang Il
    • The Pure and Applied Mathematics
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.329-337
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we show that every compactification, which is a quasi-F space, of a space X is a Wallman compactification and that for any compactification K of the space X, the minimal quasi-F cover QFK of K is also a Wallman compactification of the inverse image ${\Phi}_K^{-1}(X)$ of the space X under the covering map ${\Phi}_K:QFK{\rightarrow}K$. Using these, we show that for any space X, ${\beta}QFX=QF{\beta}{\upsilon}X$ and that a realcompact space X is a projective object in the category $Rcomp_{\sharp}$ of all realcompact spaces and their $z^{\sharp}$-irreducible maps if and only if X is a quasi-F space.

Water bottom seismic refraction survey for engineering applications

  • Cha Young Ho;Jo Churl-Hyun
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.449-454
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    • 2003
  • The accurate mapping of the basement is one of the most crucial factors in construction of harbour facilities and bridges in the coastal areas. In shallow waters, the seismic reflection method often fails to image the basement geometry beneath the sediment cover in many cases. We present the result of a shallow marine seismic refraction survey using two ships, l2-channel hydrophone arrays deployed on the bottom and a borehole sparker or percussion powder as sources. Velocity structure could be computed by tomography algorithm since more than 6 different source points had been applied for one spread. The comparison of the results of the refraction survey with drilling logs demonstrates remarkable consistency in basement geometry. It thus appears that the refraction method in this study is an efficient and cost-effective way to investigate the basement structure in coastal area, river, and lake.

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    • Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we propose a new method for template matching, patch ratio, to inpaint unknown pixels. Before this paper, many inpainting methods used sum of squared differences(SSD) or sum of absolute differences(SAD) to calculate distance between patches and it was very useful for closest patches for the template that we want to fill in. However, those methods don't consider about geometric similarity and that causes unnatural inpainting results for human visuality. Patch ratio can cover the geometric problem and moreover computational cost is less than using SSD or SAD. It is guaranteed about finding the most similar patches by Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. For ignoring unnecessary process, we compare only selected candidates by priority calculations. Exeperimental results show that the proposed algorithm is more efficent than Criminisi's one.

From Blemish to Decoration: the Landscape of Municipal Facilities in Urban Green Space

  • Yu, Dong-Ming;Piao, Yong-Ji;Cho, Tae-Dong;Park, Gab-Soon
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2014
  • As the combination of technique and art, environmental facilities have the function to improve the image of urban green space. Among these facilities, some can be designed and arranged reasonably. But to the facilities of sewage, electricity and sanitation and so on, are usually ignored and become the blemish in the green space. Based on the analysis of the status, taking the design of well cover of sewage as an example, the landscape approaches are discussed from form, material, color and artistic technique and so on.