• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cover-image

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Watermarking Based on Complemented MLCA and 2D CAT

  • Li, Xiao-Wei;Yun, Jae-Sik;Cho, Sung-Jin;Kim, Seok-Tae
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.212-216
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    • 2011
  • Digital watermarking has gained importance in recent years in copyright protection and multimedia. This paper proposes a secure and novel watermarking system based on complemented Maximum Length Cellular Automata (MLCA) and Two-Dimension Cellular Automata Transform (2D CAT). In this watermarking scheme, the original watermark is first encrypted by complemented MLCA with the private keys, and then the encrypted watermark is embedded into the CAT domain of the cover image, at last use the inverse CAT for the transformed image, the watermarked image is obtained. Experiment results show that this new method is more secure and provides robust performance against watermarking attacks.

Coupled Line Cameras as a New Geometric Tool for Quadrilateral Reconstruction (사각형 복원을 위한 새로운 기하학적 도구로서의 선분 카메라 쌍)

  • Lee, Joo-Haeng
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.357-366
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    • 2015
  • We review recent research results on coupled line cameras (CLC) as a new geometric tool to reconstruct a scene quadrilateral from image quadrilaterals. Coupled line cameras were first developed as a camera calibration tool based on geometric insight on the perspective projection of a scene rectangle to an image plane. Since CLC comprehensively describes the relevant projective structure in a single image with a set of simple algebraic equations, it is also useful as a geometric reconstruction tool, which is an important topic in 3D computer vision. In this paper we first introduce fundamentals of CLC with reals examples. Then, we cover the related works to optimize the initial solution, to extend for the general quadrilaterals, and to apply for cuboidal reconstruction.

Development of the integration information search reference system for a Test-bed area

  • Lee, D.H.;Lee, Y.I.;Kim, D.S.;Kim, Yoon-Soo;Kim, I.S.;Kim, Y.S.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1418-1420
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    • 2003
  • This presentation summarizes the development of the integration information search system for a Test-bed area located in Daejeon. It will be used for the validation of software components developed for the high resolution satellite image processing. The system development utilizes the Java programming language and implements the web browse capabilities to search, manage, and augment the satellite image data, the Ground Control Point(GCP) data, the spectral information on land cover types, the atmospheric data, and the topographical map.

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A Reliable SVD Based Watermarking Scheme Resistant to Geometric Attacks (기하학적 공격에 강한 고신뢰성 SVD 기반 워터마킹방안)

  • Dung, Luong Ngoc Thuy;Sohn, Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2018.11a
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    • pp.87-89
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    • 2018
  • We proposed an improved reliable SVD-based watermarking scheme resistant to geometric attacks while having high fidelity with no false-positive problem. Principal components of a watermark image are embedded into singular values of LL, LH, HL, and HH sub-bands of a transformed cover image by RDWT(redundant discrete wavelet transform) with optimal scale factors. Each scale factor is generated by trading-off fidelity and robustness using Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm. Zernike Moment (ZM) is used to estimate the geometric distortion and to correct the watermarked image before extracting watermark. The proposed scheme improves fidelity and robustness of existing reliable SVD based watermarking schemes while resisting to geometric attacks.

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Deep Learning Machine Vision System with High Object Recognition Rate using Multiple-Exposure Image Sensing Method

  • Park, Min-Jun;Kim, Hyeon-June
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.76-81
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we propose a machine vision system with a high object recognition rate. By utilizing a multiple-exposure image sensing technique, the proposed deep learning-based machine vision system can cover a wide light intensity range without further learning processes on the various light intensity range. If the proposed machine vision system fails to recognize object features, the system operates in a multiple-exposure sensing mode and detects the target object that is blocked in the near dark or bright region. Furthermore, short- and long-exposure images from the multiple-exposure sensing mode are synthesized to obtain accurate object feature information. That results in the generation of a wide dynamic range of image information. Even with the object recognition resources for the deep learning process with a light intensity range of only 23 dB, the prototype machine vision system with the multiple-exposure imaging method demonstrated an object recognition performance with a light intensity range of up to 96 dB.

Extraction of SAR Imagery Informations for the Classification Accuracy Enhancement - Using SPOT XS and RADARSAT SAR Imagery (광학영상의 토지피복분류 정확도 향상을 위한 SAR 영상 정보의 처리에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Byoung-Jun;Park, Min-Ho;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.8 no.1 s.15
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    • pp.121-130
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    • 2000
  • For the land-cover classification we have usually used imagery of the optical sensors only. But currently a number of the satellite with various sensors are operating and the availability of using the data acquired from them are increasing. SAR sensors, in particular, can produce additional informations on the land-cover which has not been available from optical sensors. On this study, I have applied the SAR Image to the SPOT XS image in the classification procedures, and analysed the classified results. In this procedure I have extracted texture informations from SAR intensity images, then applied both intensity and texture informations. From the accuracy analysis, overall accuracy are increased slightly when the SAR texture was applied. In case of the Built-up class the results showed higher accuracy than those of when only the SPOT XS image was used. From this result I can show that overall accuracy was increased slightly but the spatial distribution of classes was visibly improved.

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SAR Clutter Image Generation Based on Measured Speckles and Textures (지표면 별 영상잡음과 영상질감을 이용한 SAR 클러터 영상 생성)

  • Kwon, Soon-Gu;Oh, Yi-Sok
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.375-381
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) clutter images are simulated based on the extensive analyses for radar backscatter characteristics of various earth surfaces, and the simulated images are compared with measured SAR images. At first, the surface parameters including soil moisture content and surface roughness parameters and other parameters for vegetation canopies are measured for various surfaces. The backscattering coefficients for the surfaces are computed using theoretical and empirical models for surface scattering and the radiative transfer for vegetation-canopy scattering. Then, the digital elevation map (DEM) and land cover map (LCM) are used for the SAR image generation. The SAR impulse response (correlation function) is also employed to simulated reliable SAR images. Finally, the appropriate speckle and texture parameters for various earth surfaces are used for generating the SAR clutter images.

Research on the Visual Image of Blue Jeans - Focusing on Korean and Chinese Women in Their 20s - (블루 진의 시각적 이미지에 관한 연구 - 한국과 중국 20대 여성을 중심으로 -)

  • Han-Xu Deng;Jeong-Mee Kim
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to investigate the differences in blue jean styles and the visual images associated with them. To achieve this, literature reviews, case studies, and surveys were conducted. The results are as follows. 1) Based on previous studies, it was found that the design elements influencing the style of blue jeans and their visual images include waistline position, silhouette, details, decorations, and color. Additionally, differences in the preferences and visual evaluations of Korean and Chinese individuals regarding the style of blue jeans were confirmed. 2) Skinny blue jeans are typically characterized by a high waistline and a length that reaches the ankles, featuring a snug fit with stretchy fabric. Straight blue jeans, on the other hand, usually have a natural or high waistline and cover the instep, with a straight silhouette descending from the thigh to the hem. Bell-bottom blue jeans are primarily high-waisted and cover the instep with a silhouette forming a bell shape from the knee to the hem. 3) Korean and Chinese women in their 20s evaluated skinny, straight, and bell-bottom styles of blue jeans as having a 'casual' image. However, they also associated bell-bottom style blue jeans with 'unique' and 'attractive' images. Interestingly, Korean women described skinny-style blue jeans as making someone look 'youthful', while Chinese women perceived them as 'sophisticated', 'making the waist look thicker', and 'unassuming'. As for straight-style blue jeans, Korean women saw them as 'well-fitting', while Chinese women described them as 'making one appear taller', 'desirable', and 'free-spirited'.


  • Kikuchi, Yuki;Takeshi, Miyata;Masataka, Takagi
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.727-731
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    • 2003
  • ASTER image has some advantages for classification such as 15 spectral bands and 15m ${\sim}$ 90m spatial resolution. However, in the classification using general remote sensing image, shadow areas are often classified into water area. It is very difficult to divide shadow and water. Because reflectance characteristics of water is similar to characteristics of shadow. Many land cover items are consisted in one pixel which is 15m spatial resolution. Nowadays, very high resolution satellite image (IKONOS, Quick Bird) and Digital Surface Model (DSM) by air borne laser scanner can also be used. In this study, mixed pixel analysis of ASTER image has carried out using IKONOS image and DSM. For mixed pixel analysis, high accurated geometric correction was required. Image matching method was applied for generating GCP datasets. IKONOS image was rectified by affine transform. After that, one pixel in ASTER image should be compared with corresponded 15×15 pixel in IKONOS image. Then, training dataset were generated for mixed pixel analysis using visual interpretation of IKONOS image. Finally, classification will be carried out based on Linear Mixture Model. Shadow extraction might be succeeded by the classification. The extracted shadow area was validated using shadow image which generated from 1m${\sim}$2m spatial resolution DSM. The result showed 17.2% error was occurred in mixed pixel. It might be limitation of ASTER image for shadow extraction because of 8bit quantization data.

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A Study on Land Cover Map of UAV Imagery using an Object-based Classification Method (객체기반 분류기법을 이용한 UAV 영상의 토지피복도 제작 연구)

  • Shin, Ji Sun;Lee, Tae Ho;Jung, Pil Mo;Kwon, Hyuk Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2015
  • The study of ecosystem assessment(ES) is based on land cover information, and primarily it is performed at the global scale. However, these results as data for decision making have a limitation at the aspects of range and scale to solve the regional issue. Although the Ministry of Environment provides available land cover data at the regional scale, it is also restricted in use due to the intrinsic limitation of on screen digitizing method and temporal and spatial difference. This study of objective is to generate UAV land cover map. In order to classify the imagery, we have performed resampling at 5m resolution using UAV imagery. The results of object-based image segmentation showed that scale 20 and merge 34 were the optimum weight values for UAV imagery. In the case of RapidEye imagery;we found that the weight values;scale 30 and merge 30 were the most appropriate at the level of land cover classes for sub-category. We generated land cover imagery using example-based classification method and analyzed the accuracy using stratified random sampling. The results show that the overall accuracies of RapidEye and UAV classification imagery are each 90% and 91%.