• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cover-image

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Visual Tracking Using Snake Algorithm Based on Optical Flow Information

  • Kim, Won;Lee, Ju-Jang
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.13-16
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    • 1999
  • An active contour model, Snake, was developed as a useful segmenting and tracking tool lot rigid or non-rigid (i.e. deformable) objects by Kass in 1987 In this research, Snake is newly designed to cover this large moving case. Image flow energy is proposed to give Snake the motion information of the target object. By this image flow energy Snake's nodes can move uniformly along the direction of the target motion in spite of the existences of local minima. Furthermore, when the motion is too large to apply image flow energy to tracking, a jump mode is proposed for solving the problem. The vector used to make Snake's nodes jump to the new location can be obtained by processing the image flow. The effectiveness of the proposed Snake is confirmed by some simulations.

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Quantitative Evaluation of Fabric Drape Using Image Analysis (화상처리기법을 활용한 천의 드레이프성의 정량적 평가방법)

  • Park, Chang-Kyu
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.284-288
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    • 2002
  • In this research, a new quantitative fabric drape evaluation system has been developed using image processing technology. The purpose of this research is to get the more detailed information of fabric drapability quantitatively from digital images captured with a digital camera generally commercialized. The shape parameters of a 3-dimensional geometric drape model were defined as the number of nodes, frequency and amplitude. Also, various statistical information of drape shapes can be obtained using image processing technology and frequency analysis as well as traditional drape coefficients. Hardware system to capture drape images is simply composed of three parts including a digital USB (Universal Serial Bus) camera, a frame cover and a stand for camera to attach to traditional drape tester. The evaluation software coded with the MS Visual C++ is operated under the MS windows 9x above.

A Novel DWT-SVD Canny-Based Watermarking Using a Modified Torus Technique

  • Lalani, Salima;Doye, D.D.
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.681-687
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    • 2016
  • Today's modern world requires a digital watermarking technique that takes the redundancy of an image into consideration for embedding a watermark. The novel algorithm used in this paper takes into consideration the redundancies of spatial domain and wavelet domain for embedding a watermark. Also, the cryptography-based secret key makes the algorithm difficult to hack and help protect ownership. Watermarking is blind, as it does not require the original image. Few coefficient matrices and secret keys are essential to retrieve the original watermark, which makes it redundant to various intentional attacks. The proposed technique resolves the challenge of optimizing transparency and robustness using a Canny-based edge detector technique. Improvements in the transparency of the cover image can be seen in the computed PSNR value, which is 44.20 dB.

A Data Hiding Method of Binary Images Using Pixel-value Weighting (이진 이미지에 대한 픽셀값 가중치를 이용한 자료 은닉 기법 연구)

  • Jung, Ki-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.68-75
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes a new data hiding method for binary images using the weighting value of pixel-value differencing. The binary cover image is partitioned into non-overlapping sub-blocks and find the most suitable position to embed a secret bit for each sub-block. The proposed method calculates the weighted value for a sub-block to pivot a pixel to be changed. This improves the image quality of the stego-image. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieves a good visual quality and high capacity.

Support Vector Machine and Spectral Angle Mapper Classifications of High Resolution Hyper Spectral Aerial Image

  • Enkhbaatar, Lkhagva;Jayakumar, S.;Heo, Joon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.233-242
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents two different types of supervised classifiers such as support vector machine (SVM) and spectral angle mapper (SAM). The Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) high resolution aerial image was classified with the above two classifier. The image was classified into eight land use /land cover classes. Accuracy assessment and Kappa statistics were estimated for SVM and SAM separately. The overall classification accuracy and Kappa statistics value of the SAM were 69.0% and 0.62 respectively, which were higher than those of SVM (62.5%, 0.54).

Comparison of Visual Interpretation and Image Classification of Satellite Data

  • Lee, In-Soo;Shin, Dong-Hoon;Ahn, Seung-Mahn;Lee, Kyoo-Seock;Jeon, Seong-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.163-169
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    • 2002
  • The land uses of Korean peninsula are very complicated and high-density. Therefore, the image classification using coarse resolution satellite images may not provide good results for the land cover classification. The purpose of this paper is to compare the classification accuracy of visual interpretation with that of digital image classification of satellite remote sensing data such as 20m SPOT and 30m TM. In this study, hybrid classification was used. Classification accuracy was assessed by comparing each classification result with reference data obtained from KOMPSAT-1 EOC imagery, air photos, and field surveys.

Analysis of Land Cover Characteristics with Object-Based Classification Method - Focusing on the DMZ in Inje-gun, Gangwon-do - (객체기반 분류기법을 이용한 토지피복 특성분석 - 강원도 인제군의 DMZ지역 일원을 대상으로 -)

  • Na, Hyun-Sup;Lee, Jung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.121-135
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    • 2014
  • Object-based classification methods provide a valid alternative to traditional pixel-based methods. This study reports the results of an object-based classification to examine land cover in the demilitarized zones(DMZs) of Inje-gun. We used land cover classes(7 classes for main category and 13 classes for sub-category) selected from the criteria by Korea Ministry of Environment. The average and standard deviation of the spectrum values, and homogeneity of GLCM were chosen to map land cover types in an hierarchical approach using the nearest neighborhood method. We then identified the distributional characteristics of land cover by considering 3 topographic characteristics (altitude, slope gradient, distance from the Southern Limited Line(SLL)) within the DMZs. The results showed that scale 72, shape 0.2, color 0.8, compactness 0.5 and smoothness 0.5 were the optimum weight values while scale, shape and color were most influenced parameters in image segmentation. The forests (92%) were main land cover type in the DMZs; the grassland(5%), the urban area (2%) and the forests (broadleaf forest: 44%, mixed forest: 42%, coniferous forest: 6%) also occupied mostly in land cover classes for sub-category. The results also showed that facilities and roads had higher density within 2 km from the SLL, while paddy, field and bare land were distributed largely outside 6 km from the SLL. In addition, there was apparent distinction in land cover by topographic characteristics. The forest had higher density at above altitude 600m and above slope gradient $30^{\circ}$ while agriculture, bare land and grass land were distributed mainly at below altitude 600m and below slope gradient $30^{\circ}$.

Updating Land Cover Classification Using Integration of Multi-Spectral and Temporal Remotely Sensed Data (다중분광 및 다중시기 영상자료 통합을 통한 토지피복분류 갱신)

  • Jang, Dong-Ho;Chung, Chang-Jo F.
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.39 no.5 s.104
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    • pp.786-803
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    • 2004
  • These days, interests on land cover classification using not only multi-sensor data but also thematic GIS information, are increasing. Often, although we have useful GIS information for the classification, the traditional classification method like maximum likelihood estimation technique (MLE) does not allow us to use the information due to the fact that the MLE and the existing computer programs cannot handle GIS data properly. We proposed a new method for updating the image classification using multi-spectral and multi-temporal images. In this study, we have simultaneously extended the MLE to accommodate both multi-spectral images data and land cover data for land cover classification. In addition to the extended MLE method, we also have extended the empirical likelihood ratio estimation technique (LRE), which is one of non-parametric techniques, to handle simultaneously both multi-spectral images data and land cover data. The proposed procedures were evaluated using land cover map based on Landsat ETM+ images in the Anmyeon-do area in South Korea. As a result, the proposed methods showed considerable improvements in classification accuracy when compared with other single-spectral data. Improved classification images showed that the overall accuracy indicated an improvement in classification accuracy of $6.2\%$ when using MLE, and $9.2\%$ for the LRE, respectively. The case study also showed that the proposed methods enable the extraction of the area with land cover change. In conclusion, land cover classification produced through the combination of various GIS spatial data and multi-spectral images will be useful to involve complementary data to make more accurate decisions.

Spectral Mixture Analysis Using Hyperspectral Image for Hydrological Land Cover Classification in Urban Area (도시지역의 수문학적 토지피복 분류를 위한 초분광영상의 분광혼합분석)

  • Shin, Jung-Il;Kim, Sun-Hwa;Yoon, Jung-Suk;Kim, Tae-Geun;Lee, Kyu-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.565-574
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    • 2006
  • Satellite images have been used to obtain land cover information that is one of important factors for hydrological analysis over a large area. In urban area, more detailed land cover data are often required for hydrological analysis because of the relatively complex land cover types. The number of land cover classes that can be classified with traditional multispectral data is usually less than the ones required by most hydrological uses. In this study, we present the capabilities of hyperspectral data (Hyperion) for the classification of hydrological land cover types in urban area. To obtain 17 classes of urban land cover defined by the USDA SCS, spectral mixture analysis was applied using eight endmembers representing both impervious and pervious surfaces. Fractional values from the spectral mixture analysis were then reclassified into 17 cover types according to the ratio of impervious and pervious materials. The classification accuracy was then assessed by aerial photo interpretation over 10 sample plots.

A Spatial Change Analysis of Water Quality Pollutant using GIS and Satellite Image (GIS와 위성영상을 이용한 수질 오염인자의 공간 변화 분석)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Kwon, Bong-Kyum;Bu, Ki-Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.60-70
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the spatial change of water quality pollutant in the upper-stream of Kumho River basin. For this purpose, it compared with ground survey data of water quality measurement, using GIS and Landsat TM image, and then constructed a database of water quality pollutants in the watershed by Arc/Info. Also the land cover classification maps of 1985 and 1997 were prepared using maximum likelihood classification. This study detected and analysed the classified images to produce the area of land cover change per sub-basin. In addition, choropleth maps were prepared with spatial change value of water quality pollutants, and overlay analysis was carried out with weight score for each layer. The results of this study revealed that population, animals and fruit orchards were main factors in the spatial change of water pollution of Kumho River basin. The Comparision of pollutions by sub-basins showed a high pollution value in Daechang-chun and Omok -chun stream which follows through the urban area.

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