• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cover-image

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A Study of Runoff Curve Number Estimation Using Landsat Image (LANDSAT 영상을 이용한 CN값 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Hong-Je;Kim, Gwang-Seop;Lee, Chung-Hui
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.735-743
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    • 2001
  • CN procedure has been proven to be useful method for evaluating the effects of changes in land-use and treatment on hydrology. In this study, the use of Landsat multi-spectral image was investigated for analyzing the land-use distribution. From the Landsat data, forest areas were classified according to the density of trees. Watershed CN's were calculated to analyze the effects of the density of trees and soil cover types on direct runoff. According to the results, the density of trees had a little effect while soil cover types had a large effect on CN, From the comparison of estimated runoffs from CN method with observed runoffs, detailed soil cover map provides improved results.

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Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis of Landsat Imagery for Wetland land-Cover Classification in Paldang Reservoir and Vicinity

  • Kim, Sang-Wook;Park, Chong-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 2004
  • Wetlands are lands with a mixture of water, herbaceous or woody vegetation and wet soil. And linear spectral mixture analysis (LSMA) is one of the most often used methods in handling the spectral mixture problem. This study aims to test LSMA is an enhanced routine for classification of wetland land-covers in Paldang reservoir and vicinity (paldang Reservoir) using Landsat TM and ETM+ imagery. In the LSMA process, reference endmembers were driven from scatter-plots of Landsat bands 3, 4 and 5, and a series of endmember models were developed based on green vegetation (GV), soil and water endmembers which are the main indicators of wetlands. To consider phenological characteristics of Paldang Reservoir, a soil endmember was subdivided into bright and dark soil endmembers in spring and a green vegetation (GV) endmember was subdivided into GV tree and GV herbaceous endmembers in fall. We found that LSMA fractions improved the classification accuracy of the wetland land-cover. Four endmember models provided better GV and soil discrimination and the root mean squared (RMS) errors were 0.011 and 0.0039, in spring and fall respectively. Phenologically, a fall image is more appropriate to classify wetland land-cover than spring's. The classification result using 4 endmember fractions of a fall image reached 85.2 and 74.2 percent of the producer's and user's accuracy respectively. This study shows that this routine will be an useful tool for identifying and monitoring the status of wetlands in Paldang Reservoir.

Land Cover Classifier Using Coordinate Hash Encoder (좌표 해시 인코더를 활용한 토지피복 분류 모델)

  • Yongsun Yoon;Dongjae Kwon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_3
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    • pp.1771-1777
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    • 2023
  • With the advancements of deep learning, many semantic segmentation-based methods for land cover classification have been proposed. However, existing deep learning-based models only use image information and cannot guarantee spatiotemporal consistency. In this study, we propose a land cover classification model using geographical coordinates. First, the coordinate features are extracted through the Coordinate Hash Encoder, which is an extension of the Multi-resolution Hash Encoder, an implicit neural representation technique, to the longitude-latitude coordinate system. Next, we propose an architecture that combines the extracted coordinate features with different levels of U-net decoder. Experimental results show that the proposed method improves the mean intersection over union by about 32% and improves the spatiotemporal consistency.

An Application of Artificial Intelligence System for Accuracy Improvement in Classification of Remotely Sensed Images (원격탐사 영상의 분류정확도 향상을 위한 인공지능형 시스템의 적용)

  • 양인태;한성만;박재국
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 2002
  • This study applied each Neural Networks theory and Fuzzy Set theory to improve accuracy in remotely sensed images. Remotely sensed data have been used to map land cover. The accuracy is dependent on a range of factors related to the data set and methods used. Thus, the accuracy of maps derived from conventional supervised image classification techniques is a function of factors related to the training, allocation, and testing stages of the classification. Conventional image classification techniques assume that all the pixels within the image are pure. That is, that they represent an area of homogeneous cover of a single land-cover class. But, this assumption is often untenable with pixels of mixed land-cover composition abundant in an image. Mixed pixels are a major problem in land-cover mapping applications. For each pixel, the strengths of class membership derived in the classification may be related to its land-cover composition. Fuzzy classification techniques are the concept of a pixel having a degree of membership to all classes is fundamental to fuzzy-sets-based techniques. A major problem with the fuzzy-sets and probabilistic methods is that they are slow and computational demanding. For analyzing large data sets and rapid processing, alterative techniques are required. One particularly attractive approach is the use of artificial neural networks. These are non-parametric techniques which have been shown to generally be capable of classifying data as or more accurately than conventional classifiers. An artificial neural networks, once trained, may classify data extremely rapidly as the classification process may be reduced to the solution of a large number of extremely simple calculations which may be performed in parallel.


  • Yoon, Bo-Yeol;Kim, Youn-Soo
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.76-79
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    • 2008
  • This study presents the use of multi-temporal JERS-1 SAR images to the land cover classification. So far, land cover classified by high resolution aerial photo and field survey and so on. The study site was located in Non-san area. This study developed on multi-temporal land cover status monitoring and coherence information mapping can be processing by L band SAR image. From July, 1997 to October, 1998 JERS SAR images (9 scenes) coherence values are analyzed and then classified land cover. This technique which forms the basis of what is called SAR Interferometry or InSAR for short has also been employed in spaceborne systems. In such systems the separation of the antennas, called the baseline is obtained by utilizing a single antenna in a repeat pass

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  • Yoon, Bo-Yeol;Kim, Youn-Soo
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.475-478
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    • 2007
  • This study presents the use of multi-temporal JERS-1 SAR images to extract the land cover information and possibility. So far, land cover information extracted by high resolution aerial photo and field survey. The study site was located in Non-san area. This study developed on multi-temporal land cover status monitoring and coherence information mapping can be processing by L band SAR image. From July, 1997 to October, 1998 JERS SAR images (9 scenes) coherence values are analyzed and then extracted land cover information factors, so on. This technique which forms the basis of what is called SAR Interferometry or InSAR for short has also been employed in spaceborne systems. In such systems the separation of the antennas, called the baseline is obtained by utilizing a single antenna in a repeat pass

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Comparison of Snow Cover Fraction Functions to Estimate Snow Depth of South Korea from MODIS Imagery

  • Kim, Daeseong;Jung, Hyung-Sup;Kim, Jeong-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.401-410
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    • 2017
  • Estimation of snow depth using optical image is conducted by using correlation with Snow Cover Fraction (SCF). Various algorithms have been proposed for the estimation of snow cover fraction based on Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI). In this study we tested linear, quadratic, and exponential equations for the generation of snow cover fraction maps using data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Aqua satellite in order to evaluate their applicability to the complex terrain of South Korea and to search for improvements to the estimation of snow depth on this landscape. The results were validated by comparison with in-situ snowfall data from weather stations, with Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) calculated as 3.43, 2.37, and 3.99 cm for the linear, quadratic, and exponential approaches, respectively. Although quadratic results showed the best RMSE, this was due to the limitations of the data used in the study; there are few number of in-situ data recorded on the station at the time of image acquisition and even the data is mostly recorded on low snowfall. So, we conclude that linear-based algorithms are better suited for use in South Korea. However, in the case of using the linear equation, the SCF with a negative value can be calculated, so it should be corrected. Since the coefficients of the equation are not optimized for this area, further regression analysis is needed. In addition, if more variables such as Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), land cover, etc. are considered, it could be possible that estimation of national-scale snow depth with higher accuracy.

A Study on Classification of Halophytes-based Blue Carbon Cover and Estimation of Carbon Respiration Using Satellite Imagery - Targeting the Gwangseok-gil Area in Muan-gun, Jeollanam-do - (위성영상을 이용한 연안지역 염생식물 중심 블루카본 피복 분류 및 탄소호흡량 산정 연구 - 전남 무안군 광석길 일대를 대상으로 -)

  • Park, Jae-Chan;Nam, Jinvo;Kim, Jae-Uk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to estimate the cover classification and carbon respiration of halophytes based on the issues of utilising blue carbon in recent context of climate change. To address the aims, the study classified halophytes(Triglochin maritimum L and Phragmites australis), Intertidal(non-vegetated tidal flats) and Supratidal(sandy tidal flats) to measure carbon respiration and classify cover. The results are revealed that first, the carbon respiration in vegetated areas was less than that in non-vegetated areas. Second, the cover classification could be divided into halophyte communities(Triglochin maritimum L, Phragmites australis), Intertidal and Supratidal by NDWI(Moisture Index, Normalized Difference Water Index) Third, the total carbon respiration of blue carbon was calculated to be -0.0121 Ton km2 hr-1 with halophyte communities at -0.0011 Ton km2 hr-1, Intertidal respiration at -0.0113 Ton km2 hr-1 and Supratidal respiration at 0.0003 Ton km2 hr-1. As this challenge is a fundamental study that calculates the quantitative net carbon storage based on the blue carbon-based marine ecosystem, contributing to firstly, measuring the carbon respiration of cordgrass communities, reed communities, and non-vegetated tidal flats, which are potential blue carbon candidates in the study area, to establish representative values for carbon respiration, secondly, verifying the reliability of cover classification of native halophytes extracted through image classification technology, and thirdly, challenging to create a thematic map of carbon respiration, calculating the area and carbon respiration for each classification category.

Steganographic Method Based on Interpolation and Improved JPEG Prediction (보간법과 개선된 JPEG 예측을 통한 스테가노그래픽 기법 연구)

  • Jeon, Byoung-Hyun;Lee, Gil-Jae;Jung, Ki-Hyun;Yoo, Kee-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.185-190
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    • 2013
  • The previous steganographic methods by using the interpolation were difficult to estimate the distortion because the size of cover image is extended by interpolation algorithms. In this paper, to solve the problems of previous methods proposed the improved steganographic method based on the pixel replacement algorithms. In our method, we cannot extend a cover image, but also can estimate exactly the distortion of the stego-images. In the experimental results, the estimated distortion and embedding capacity of stego-image are shown on three pixel replacement methods.

Information Hiding Application Method Using Steganography (스테가노그라피를 활용한 정보은닉 응용기법 연구)

  • Lee, Cheol;Kim, Yong-Man;Yoo, Seung-Jae
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2010
  • In this study, we try to make up for the vulnerability in steganography that it is easily revealed the hidden logo image in cover image by bit-plane extraction. For this, we apply some methods, the permutation which shift the scattered pieces of logo image to one side, bit-plane dispersion insertion method and pack-type compressor.