• 제목/요약/키워드: Cortical hyperintensity

검색결과 2건 처리시간 0.014초

MR Findings of Seizure-Related Cerebral Cortical Lesions during Periictal Period

  • Kim, Na Yoon;Baek, Hye Jin;Choi, Dae Seob;Ha, Jee Young;Shin, Hwa Seon;Kim, Ju Ho;Choi, Ho Cheol;Kim, Ji Eun;Park, Mi Jung
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.82-90
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: This study investigated the MRI, MR angiography (MRA) and MR perfusion findings of seizure-related cerebral cortical lesions during the periictal period. Materials and Methods: From a retrospective review of the institutional database between 2011 and 2014, a total of 21 patients were included in this study. Two radiologists assessed periictal MRI, including MRA and MR perfusion, in patients with seizure-related cortical lesions. The parameters examined include: location of cortical abnormality, multiplicity of the affected cortical region, cerebral vascular dilatation, perfusion abnormality and other parenchymal lesions. Results: All patients showed T2 hyperintense cerebral cortical lesions with accompanying diffusion restriction, either unilateral (18/21, 85.7%) or bilateral (3/21, 14.3%). Of the 21 patients enrolled, 10 (47.6%) had concurrent T2 hyperintense thalamic lesions, and 10 (47.6%) showed hippocampal involvement. Of the 17 patients (81%) who underwent MRA, 13 (76.5%) showed vascular dilatation with increased flow signal in the cerebral arteries of the affected cortical regions. On MR perfusion, all 5 patients showed cortical hyperperfusion, corresponding to the region of cortical abnormalities. Conclusion: Seizure-related cerebral cortical lesions are characterized by T2 and diffusion hyperintensities, with corresponding cerebral hyperperfusion and vascular dilatation. These findings can be helpful for making an accurate diagnosis in patients with seizure.

알쯔하이머 치매 환자의 뇌자기공명영상(腦磁氣共鳴影像)에 나타난 뇌위축(腦萎縮)과 뇌백질병변(腦白質病變)에 대한 연구 (Brain Atrophy and White Matter Lesions on Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Alzheimer's Disease)

  • 우종인;김주한
    • 생물정신의학
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.203-210
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    • 1996
  • 알쯔즈하이머형 치매 환자의 뇌자기공명영상(腦磁氣共鳴影像)에 나타난 뇌위축(腦萎縮) 및 백질병변(白質病變)과 치매 발병연령(發病年齡)과의 상관관계(相關關係)를 밝히기 위해, NINCDS-ADRDA 진단기준(診斷基準)에 의한 조발성(早發性)(n=9) 및 만발성(慢發性)(n=18) 알쯔하이머형 치매군과 각각의 정상대조군(n=10 : n=11)에서 뇌위축(腦萎縮)은 대뇌피질위축(大腦皮質萎縮)과 뇌실확장(腦室擴張)의 체적(體積)을 계측(計測)하고 백질병변(白質病變)은 뇌실주변, 심부백질, 기저핵 및 천막하영역의 백질(白質) 신호(信號) 고강도(高剛度)의 반정량적(半定量的) 평가척도(評價尺度)로 측정하였다. 조발성(早發性) 환자군의 뇌위축(腦萎縮)은 대조군보다 유의하게 컸고(p<0.05) 백질병변(白質病變)에서는 모든 영역에서 차이가 없었으며, 만발성(慢發性) 환자군은 뇌위축(腦萎縮) 정도에서는 대조군과 차이가 없었으나 백질병변(白質病變)은 심부백질 및 시상에서 유의한 차이(p<0.05)를 보였고 나머지 모든 영역에서도 대조군보다 심한 경향을 보였다. 알쯔하이머형 치매가 (1) 뇌위축(腦萎縮)을 주로 보이고 백질병변(白質病變)은 심하지 않은 조기발병군(早期發病郡)과, (2) 백질병변(白質病變)이 두드러지고 뇌위축(腦萎縮)은 심하지 않은 만기발병군(晩期發病郡)으로 나누어질 가능성과 양군의 병태생리(病態生理)가 상이(相異)할 가능성이 시사되었다.

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