• 제목/요약/키워드: Correlations between

검색결과 6,859건 처리시간 0.033초

대학도서관 직원규모에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구 (A study on factors affecting staff size of university libraries in Korea)

  • 손정표
    • 한국도서관정보학회지
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    • 제21권
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    • pp.159-193
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    • 1994
  • This study is to analyze correlations between 14 factors related to university libraries and the number of professional staff, nonprofessional staff, and total library staff. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. In the case of 1992, there are high positive correlations between the number of library staff and 10 of 14 variables : the number of undergraduate enrollments, graduate enrollments, departments, faculty members, school employees and volumes in library, size of library building, total university expenditure and library materials expenditure (coefficient: 0.70-0.99). However, there are little significant correlations between the number of library staff and 2 variables : library open hours and university expenditure per student. Among the above factors, the correlations of the total university expenditure and the library expenditure show a significant difference more than ones of the other factors. 2. In the case of the analysis by 3 years interval in 1984-1992, there are high positive correlations between the number of total library employees and 7 of the above 9 variables, excepted to library open hours and 4 factors related to expenditure (coefficient : 0.73-0.93 in 1984;0.77-0.88 in 1988;0.70-0-92 in 1992). But there are little significant differences among the correlation coefficients by each year. 3. In the results of the correlation analysis between the professional staff and the nonprofessional staff, the number of graduate enrollments, departments, volumes in library and school employees, library expenditure and total university expenditure show higher positive correlation to the professional staff than the nonprofessional staff. However, the number of undergraduate enrollments, faculty members, volumes added in library and volumes loaned, size of library building and library materials expenditure show little significant differences in the correlation coefficients between the professional staff and the nonprofessionalstaff.

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만성비염 환아의 수면의 질과 성장에 관한 임상적 연구 (A Study on the Growth, Quality of Sleep of Children with Chronic Rhinitis)

  • 이민정;장규태;한윤정
    • 대한한방소아과학회지
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.125-139
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    • 2008
  • Objectives : The study was designed to find out the relationships between rhinitis, quality of sleep, growth among children with chronic rhinitis. Methods : This research was performed in 50 children from November 2007 to May 2008. We measured height, weight, body mass index of those children and asked to answer to the questionnaires that consist of nasal symptoms, period of time with rhinitis, sleep symptoms, parent's height, present illness, and medical history. We also analyzed correlations with this factors obtained from questionnaires. Results : 1. In 50 subjects, there were significant correlations between nasal obstruction, the quality of sleep, and the between quality of sleep and growth. But, there were not significant correlations between nasal symptoms and growth. 2. In 24 preschool children, frequency of waking up during sleeping and the number of snorers were higher and quality of sleeping was worse than those in the children who were attending school. And there were significant correlations between quality of sleep and nasal obstruction. An average of RH-MPH(Recent Height-Mid-Parental Height) is $-7.74{\pm}36.51(%)$ which means they aren't as tall as MPH(Mid-Parental Height). 3. In 26 school children, there were significant correlations between symptoms and period of rhinitis, quality of sleep and growth. Conclusions : Children with chronic rhinitis have low quality of sleep and low growth. But more studies are needed.

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Survival in Fry and Juvenile Stages of Masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou : Estimates of Heritabilities and Correlations

  • Choe, Mi-Kyung
    • 한국양식학회지
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.185-191
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    • 1999
  • A genetic analysis for survival in fry and juvenile stages of masu salmon was described. Data from two year-classes of masu salmon were analyzed to estimate the heritability for survival during the fresh water-rearing period. The overall survival for each year-class during 8 months of freshwater rearing were 17.8 and 11.6%, respectively. Whirling disease virus (WDV) was the main cause of death in all year-classes. Survival data obtained for offspring of 42 sires and 60 dams of masu salmon (two year classes of data) was analyzed. Average survival rates in the observation period ranged 2-87% for 1994; 0-98% for 1995, repectively. In both year-classes, heritabilities for survival derived from the sire components of variance were low(0.13-0.18), except one. Heritabilities derived from the dam components of variance ranged 0.14-0.61, including non-additive genetic and /or common enviromental effects. Correlations between survival in two long-term periods were all positive and medium to high in magnitude(0.345-0.918). Correlations between survival in non-succeeding periods were, in general, low and insignificant. Correlation between long-term survival and growth rate was found in masu salmon. The corresponding correlation in masu salmon was not significantly different from zero. Correlations between sire survival and body weight, length and condition factor of slaughter were not significant, but varied.

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체지방량 추정을 위한 초음파피지후계와 Caliper의 비교 (Comparison of Caliper and Ultrasound Measurement for the Estimation of Body Fat)

  • 정진욱
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.282-290
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    • 1995
  • Subcutaneous fat thickness of 74 young male was measured at six sites(biceps, triceps, subscapula, suprailiac, abdomen, thigh). The present study compared caliper with ultrasound measurements for the estimation of body fat. Caliper measurements subcutaneous at six sites had higher coefficient variation than did the ultrasound measures. Caliper measurements subcutaneous at six sites had higher ratio (caliper/ultrasound) than did the ultrasound measures. Compared to other body sites, the correlations between caliper and ultrasound measurements were high for the subscapula(r=0.7327), abdomen(r=0.7355) and thigh (r=0.7207) sites. the correlations between caliper and ultrasound measurements were high for the suprailiac(r=0.6616) site by lean group. the correlations between caliper and ultrasound measurements were high for the abdomen(r=0.7636) site by normal group. The correlations between caliper and ultrasound measurements were high for the subscapula (r=0.8959) and abdomen(r=0.8237) sites by obese group. Ultrasound measurement of biceps(r=-0.4459), abdomen9r=-0.4469), thigh(r=-0.4348) had the highest correlation with body density. Caliper measurement of triceps(r=-0.4017), subscapula(r=-0.4454), abdomen(r=-0.4293) had the highest correlation with body density. Ultasound measurements subcutaneous fat at lean group, obese group had higher coefficients of correlation with body density than did the caliper measurement. Caliper measurements subcutaneous fat at normal group had higher coefficients of correlation with body density than did the ultrasound measures. Ultrasound showed to be superior to the caliper technique in measuring subcutaneous fat of obese persons.

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한.미 대학도서관의 구성요소와 직원규모와의 관계에 관한 비교 연구 (A comparative study on correlations between the related factors and the staff size of university libraries in Korea and United States of America)

  • 손정표
    • 한국도서관정보학회지
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    • 제24권
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    • pp.1-44
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    • 1996
  • This study is to analyze correlations between 10 factors related to university libraries and the number of professional staff, nonprofessional staff, and total library staff of university libraries in Korea and United States of America. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. In the case of Korea, there are high positive correlations between the number of total library staff and 7 of 10 variables (coefficient : 0.76-0.99) ; between the number of professional staff and 7 of 10 variables, same as the above (coefficient : 0.76-0.99) ; between the number of nonprofessional staff and 4 of 10 variables (coefficient 0.73-0.93). In the case of America, there are high positive correlations between the number of total library staff and 6 of 10 variables (coefficient : 0.74-0.97) ; between the number of professional staff and 5 of 10 variables (coefficient : 0.78-0.87): between the number of nonprofessional staff and 6 of 10 variables (coefficient : 0.73-0., 96). 2. All the. rank orders of correlation coefficients of two countries show little significant difference, by the results of the Spearman's Rank Order Correlation analysis (coefficient : total staff, 0.9152: professional staff, 0.8667 ; nonprofessional staff, 0.9030) 3. In the case of Korea, among the above factors, correlations of the total university expenditure and the library expenditure show a significant difference more than ones of the other factors. On the other hand, in the case of American professional staff, the correlations of the library expenditure, the library materials expenditure and the volumes in library show a significant difference more than ones of the other factors, while in the case of American nonprofessional staff, only the library expenditure shows a significant difference more than the others. 4. In the results of the correlation analysis between the professional staff and nonprofessional staff in Korea, the number of graduate enrollments, volumes in library, library expenditure and total university expenditure show higher positive correlation to the professional staff than the nonprofessional staff. However, in the case of America, the library expenditure and the library materials expenditure show higher positive correlation to the nonprofessional staff than the professional staff, while the university expenditure per student shows higher positive correlation to the professional staff. 5. In the results of the correlation analysis between Korea and America, in the case of the total library staff, the undergraduate enrollments, the total university expenditure and the library expenditure show higher positive correlation to Korea than America, and in the case of the professional staff, the graduate, enrollments, the volumes in library and the above 3 factors also show higher positive correlation to Korea than America. But in the case of the nonprofessional staff, the graduate enrollments, the volumes in library and library materials expenditure show higher correlation to America than Korea, while the total university expenditure shows the o n.0, pposit phenomenon of the above. And the other factors by the type of staff are little significant difference between two countries.

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PCCS Analysis Model for the Passively Cooled Steel Containment

  • Hwang, Y.D.;Chung, B.D.;Cho, B.H.;Chang, M.H.;Jeong, Ik
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.26-39
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    • 1998
  • The containment pressure and temperature transient analysis computer code CONTEMPT4/MOD5 is modified to incorporate the passive containment cooling models. The correlations are selected from the existing experimental heat transfer correlations to model the natural and mixed convection in annular space between the containment shell and the shield building. The evaporative heat transfer of the water film on the outer shell of the containment is modeled using the correlations derived from the analogy between the heat and mass transfer. The modified code is applied to the Ap600 containment transient analysis for the model verification and the results are compared to the results of GOTHIC calculation done by Westinghouse. Also, d series of parametric sensitivity studies of heat transfer correlations, water film ratio and delay time of the wet cooling on the containment peak pressure and temperature following LOCA are performed for the containment of 1000MWe passive plant, KP1000.

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An experimental study and new correlations of viscosity of ethylene glycol-water based nanofluid at various temperatures and different solid concentrations

  • Bidgoli, Mahmood Rabani;Kolahchi, Reza;Karimi, Mohammad Saeed
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제58권1호
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2016
  • This article presents an experimental study on the effect of temperature and solid volume fraction of nanoparticles on the dynamic viscosity for the CuO/EG-water nanofluid. Nanoparticles with diameter of 40 nm are used in the present study to prepare nanofluid by two-step method. A "Brookfield viscometer" has been used to measure the dynamic viscosity of nanofluid with solid volume fraction up to 2% at the temperature range between 20 to $60^{\circ}C$. The findings have shown that dynamic viscosity of nanofluid increases with increasing particle volume fraction and decreasing temperature. Nine different correlations are developed on experimental data point to predict the relative dynamic viscosity of nanofluid at different temperatures. To make sure of accuracy of the proposed correlations, margin of deviation is presented at the end of this study. The results show excellent agreement between experimental data and those obtained through the correlations.

여대생의 가정환경과 결혼생활계획과의 관련연구 (A Study on Correlations between Socioeconomical Environments of the College Girls and their Marriage Life Plannings)

  • 김혜선
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 1979
  • A statistical study was carried out in order to find out the correlation between various factors affecting the attitude of young college girls to their marriages, such as their environment and the degree of their parent's satisfaction in their marriage life. For the study, 264 college girls were sampled at random from the population of college girls in Daejeon area. The instruments used in the research are questioning paper , which the investigators made. Following correlations were found as a result. (1) a significant correlation between the birth order of girls and those of male mate and earlier marriage in the bigger residential district. (2) Preferrence in larger family planning tendency in the group of girls from large family and vice versa in the group of girls little educated mothers. (3) More traditional attitude to future marriage planning in the group of girls of lower birth order and with better economical background. (4)There were no significant correlations between the degree of their parent's satisfaction and their marriage life planning.

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Correlations between Users' Characteristics and Preferred Features of Web-Based OPAC Evaluation

  • Kim, Hee-Sop;Chung, Hyun-Soo;Hong, Gi-Chai;Moon, Byung-Ju;Park, Chee-Hang
    • ETRI Journal
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 1999
  • This paper examines the correlations between user characteristics and their perferences for two selected features of Web-based OPAC systems. User characteristics identified in this study were age, gender, educational status, computer skills and OPAC experience. Usability features included interaction styles, character and image on screen, browsing and navigating style, screen layout, and ease of learning, whereas availability features attended to availability of information, quality of information and up-to-date information. Individual variables and features are described, and the correlation between the variables and the features are explored using Pearson's correlation coefficient(r). Although based on a small-scale sample survey, a considerably large number of statistically significant correlations were found between the users' characteristics and the selected evaluation features of interactive Web-based OPACs. From these observations, it seems to be suitable to recommend that system designers should make a more considered appraisal of the users' demographic characteristics in the design of the new generation of OPAC such as in user-tailored interactive Web-based OPAC systems.

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강원도에 분포하는 화강토의 다짐특성 및 토질정수의 상관관계에 관한 연구 (A Study on Correlations between Compaction Properties and Soil Constants of Granite Soil in the Kangwon Province)

  • 유남재;박병수;홍영길
    • 산업기술연구
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    • 제18권
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 1998
  • This study is to provide the useful data for the design and construction of the geotechnical engineering works by collecting and analyzing the soil properties of granite soil in the Kangwon Province. Data base was obtained from 92 field sites in the Kangwon province divided into 15 areas based on administration district. Total numbers of data were 478. Correlations between soil constants, especially compaction properties, were obtained by performing statistical analysis. Analyzed results were as follows. 1. Most of granite soil consists of SM and GM based on United Soil Classification System. 2. Mean gravity of granite soil is 2.65 3. High correlations between optimum moisture content and the maximum dry density, plasticity index and liquid limit are obtained. 4. Analyzed results between other soil constants show relatively low correlation. However, they show consistent trends matchable to geotechnical engineering senses.

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