• Title/Summary/Keyword: Correlated Signals

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Characteristics of EMG Median Frequency and Torque During Isometric Back Extension Exercises (등척성 요추 신전운동 시 중앙주파수와 토크의 특성)

  • Kang, S. J.;Park, S. J.;Jang, K.;Park, K. H.;Kwon, O. Y.;Kim, Y. H.
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2002
  • Localized muscle fatigue can be identified by a downward shift of the EMG frequency typically represented by a fall in the median frequency The Present experimental study was Performed to investigate the time change of the median frequency and the muscle torque during maximal isometric back extension exercises at different exercise angles (0$^{\circ}$, 12$^{\circ}$, 36$^{\circ}$and 72$^{\circ}$) Twenty heath subjects (mean age : 24.35 $\pm$ 2.70) were Participated in this study Median frequency was extracted from EMG signals by employing the fast Fourier transform. Initial median frequency and the slope of median frequency was not significantly correlated with the muscle torque. Pearson's Product moment correlation was used to quantify the relationship between slopes of median frequency and torque. The results may suggest that the exorcise angle during maximal isometric back extension exercises does not affect the slopes of the median frequency and torque, and y-intercept of the median frequency among exercise angles There was no significant correlation between slopes of median frequency and torque. But there was a moderate correlation between median frequency and torque at each exercise angle. In conclusion, the exercise angle during maximal isometric back extension exercise is not a direct effect on slopes of median frequency and torque. But results showed that the shift of median frequency and torque shift were highly correlated in all subjects.

Effects of Column Diameter on the Holdups of Bubble, Wake and Continuous Liquid Phase in Bubble Columns with Viscous Liquid Medium (점성액체 기포탑에서 탑의 직경이 기포, wake 및 연속액상 체류량에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Dae Ho;Jang, Ji Hwa;Kang, Yong;Jun, Ki Won
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.582-587
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    • 2011
  • Holdup characteristics of bubble, wake and continuous liquid phases were investigated in bubble columns with viscous liquid media. Effects of column diameter(0.051, 0.076, 0.102 and 0.152 m ID), gas velocity($U_G$=0.02~0.16 m/s) and liquid viscosity(${\mu}_L$=0.001~0.050 $Pa{\cdot}s$) of continuous liquid media on the holdups of bubble, wake and continuous liquid phases were discussed. The three phase such as bubble, wake and continuous liquid phases were classified successfully by adapting the dual electrical resistivity probe method. Compressed filtered air and water or aqueous solutions of CMC(Carboxy Methyl Cellulose) were used as a gas and a liquid phase, respectively. To detect the wake as well as bubble phases in the bubble column continuously, a data acquisition system(DT 2805 Lab Card) with personal computer was used. The analog signals obtained from the probe circuit were processed to produce the digital data, from which the wake phase was detected behind the multi-bubbles as well as single bubbles rising in the bubble columns. The holdup of bubble and wake phases decreased but that of continuous liquid media increased, with an increase in the column diameter or liquid viscosity. However, the holdup of bubble and wake phases increased but that of continuous media decreased with an increase in the gas velocity. The holdup ratio of wake to wake to bubble phase decreased with an increase in the column diameter or gas velocity, however, increased with an increase in the viscosity of con-tinuous liquid media. The holdups of bubble, wake and continuous liquid media could be correlated in terms of operating variables within this experimental conditions as: ${\varepsilon}_B=0.043D^{-0.18}U_G^{0.56}{\mu}_L^{-0.13}$, ${\varepsilon}_W=0.003D^{-0.85}U_G^{0.46}{\mu}_L^{-0.10}$, ${\varepsilon}_C=1.179D^{0.09}U_G^{-0.13}{\mu}_L^{0.04}$.

Expression of the Circadian Clock Genes in the Mouse Gonad (생쥐 생식소의 발달 단계에 따른 일주기성 유전자 발현에 관한 연구)

  • Chung Mi-Kyung;Choi Yoon-Jeong;Jung Kyenng-Hwa;Kim Eun-Ah;Chung Hyung-Min;Lee Sook-Hwan;Yoon Tae-Ki;Chai Young-Gyu
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2004
  • This study was carried out to examine the expression of the circadian clock genes in the mouse ovary and testis at different developmental stages. Expression of Period1(Per 1), Period2(Per2), Period3(Per3), Cryptochrome1(Cry1), Cyptochrome2(Cry2), Clock Small and Prokineticin1 and Prokineticin2 receptor(Prok1r, Prok2r) genes in mouse ovary was explored by semiquantitative reverse transcription Polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) according to the developmental stage(post partum day; ppd 1, 7, 10, 21 and 35). Immunohistochemistry using PER1 antibody was also analyzed. The differential expression pattern of clock genes was presented according to stages of the mouse ovarian development (ppd 1, 7, 10, 21 and 35). In the cases of ovaries, at the starting point of follicle growth at ppd 7 and 10, the clock gene expression patterns were changed vastly. According to the developmental stages, the clock genes were highly expressed at ppd 7 and 10 in mouse testis also. Receptors for Prok2, the circadian output molecule of SCN, were also expressed in ovary at ppd 7 and in testis at ppd 1 and 7, respectively. Immnunohistochemical analysis of PER1 showed positive signals in the cytoplasm of oocytes and granulosa cells. The level or PER1 expression was increased in cells at the spermatogonia and the condensing spermatids. The expression pattern of Perl and localization of PER1 were showed similar patterns according to the developmental stages in ovary and testis. Taken together, it could be observed that the expression of clock genes was highly correlated with gonadal development and germ cell differentiation in mice. Therefore, in this study, circadian programming of the genes in the ovary and testis is strongly imposed across a wide range of core reproductive cycles and normal development of gametes. Although the existence of circadian genes is clearly investigated, further studies on the direct evidence is required for the understanding of the relationship between circadian genes and regulation of gonadal differentiation and germ cell development.

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Development of $^1H-^{31}P$ Animal RF Coil for pH Measurement Using a Clinical MR Scanner (임상용 MR에서 pH 측정을 위한 동물 실험용 $^1H-^{31}P$ RF 코일 개발)

  • Kim, Eun Ju;Kim, Daehong;Lee, Sangwoo;Heo, Dan;Lee, Young Han;Suh, Jin-Suck
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.52-58
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    • 2014
  • Purpose : To establish a pH measurement system for a mouse tumor study using a clinical scanner, to develop the $^1H$ and 31P radio frequency (RF) coil system and to test pH accuracy with phantoms. Materials and Methods: The $^1H$ and the $^{31}P$ surface coils were designed to acquire signals from mouse tumors. Two coils were positioned orthogonally for geometric decoupling. The pH values of various pH phantoms were calculated using the $^1H$ decoupled $^{31}P$ MR spectrum with the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. The calculated pH value was compared to that of a pH meter. Results: The mutual coil coupling was shown in a standard $S_{12}$. Coil coupling ($S_{12}$) were -73.0 and -62.3 dB respectively. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) obtained from the homogeneous phantom $^1H$ image was greater than 300. The high resolution in vivo mice images were acquired using a $^{31}P$-decoupled $^1H$ coil. The pH values calculated from the $^1H$-decoupled $^{31}P$ spectrum correlated well with the values measured by pH meter ($R^2$=0.97). Conclusion: Accurate pH values can be acquired using a $^1H$-decoupled $^{31}P$ RF coil with a clinical scanner. This two-surface coil system could be applied to other nuclear MRS or MRI.

Edge to Edge Model and Delay Performance Evaluation for Autonomous Driving (자율 주행을 위한 Edge to Edge 모델 및 지연 성능 평가)

  • Cho, Moon Ki;Bae, Kyoung Yul
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.191-207
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    • 2021
  • Up to this day, mobile communications have evolved rapidly over the decades, mainly focusing on speed-up to meet the growing data demands of 2G to 5G. And with the start of the 5G era, efforts are being made to provide such various services to customers, as IoT, V2X, robots, artificial intelligence, augmented virtual reality, and smart cities, which are expected to change the environment of our lives and industries as a whole. In a bid to provide those services, on top of high speed data, reduced latency and reliability are critical for real-time services. Thus, 5G has paved the way for service delivery through maximum speed of 20Gbps, a delay of 1ms, and a connecting device of 106/㎢ In particular, in intelligent traffic control systems and services using various vehicle-based Vehicle to X (V2X), such as traffic control, in addition to high-speed data speed, reduction of delay and reliability for real-time services are very important. 5G communication uses high frequencies of 3.5Ghz and 28Ghz. These high-frequency waves can go with high-speed thanks to their straightness while their short wavelength and small diffraction angle limit their reach to distance and prevent them from penetrating walls, causing restrictions on their use indoors. Therefore, under existing networks it's difficult to overcome these constraints. The underlying centralized SDN also has a limited capability in offering delay-sensitive services because communication with many nodes creates overload in its processing. Basically, SDN, which means a structure that separates signals from the control plane from packets in the data plane, requires control of the delay-related tree structure available in the event of an emergency during autonomous driving. In these scenarios, the network architecture that handles in-vehicle information is a major variable of delay. Since SDNs in general centralized structures are difficult to meet the desired delay level, studies on the optimal size of SDNs for information processing should be conducted. Thus, SDNs need to be separated on a certain scale and construct a new type of network, which can efficiently respond to dynamically changing traffic and provide high-quality, flexible services. Moreover, the structure of these networks is closely related to ultra-low latency, high confidence, and hyper-connectivity and should be based on a new form of split SDN rather than an existing centralized SDN structure, even in the case of the worst condition. And in these SDN structural networks, where automobiles pass through small 5G cells very quickly, the information change cycle, round trip delay (RTD), and the data processing time of SDN are highly correlated with the delay. Of these, RDT is not a significant factor because it has sufficient speed and less than 1 ms of delay, but the information change cycle and data processing time of SDN are factors that greatly affect the delay. Especially, in an emergency of self-driving environment linked to an ITS(Intelligent Traffic System) that requires low latency and high reliability, information should be transmitted and processed very quickly. That is a case in point where delay plays a very sensitive role. In this paper, we study the SDN architecture in emergencies during autonomous driving and conduct analysis through simulation of the correlation with the cell layer in which the vehicle should request relevant information according to the information flow. For simulation: As the Data Rate of 5G is high enough, we can assume the information for neighbor vehicle support to the car without errors. Furthermore, we assumed 5G small cells within 50 ~ 250 m in cell radius, and the maximum speed of the vehicle was considered as a 30km ~ 200 km/hour in order to examine the network architecture to minimize the delay.