• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cooperative control

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A Study on the Optimum Velocity of a Four Wheel Steering Autonomous Robot (4륜조향 자율주행로봇의 최적속도에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Mi-Ok;Lee, Jung-Han;Yoo, Wan-Suk
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.86-92
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    • 2009
  • A driver-vehicle model means the integrated dynamic model that is able to estimate the steering wheel angle from the driver's desired path based on the dynamic characteristics of the driver and vehicle. Autonomous driving robot for factory automation has individual four-wheels which are driven by electronic motors. In this paper, the dynamic characteristics of several four-wheel steering systems with the simultaneously steerable front and rear wheels are investigated and compared by means of the driver-vehicle model. A diver-vehicle model is proposed by using the PID control to velocity and trajectory of control autonomous driving robot. To determine the optimum speed of a autonomous driving robot, steady-state circle simulation is carried out with the ADAMS program and MATLAB control model.

Human-Robot Cooperative Control for Construction Robot (건설로봇용 인간-로봇 협업 제어)

  • Lee, Seung-Yeol;Lee, Kye-Young;Lee, Sang-Heon;Han, Chang-Soo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.31 no.3 s.258
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    • pp.285-294
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    • 2007
  • Previously, ASCI(Automation System for Curtain-wall Installation) which combined with a multi-DOF manipulator to a mini-excavator was developed and applied on construction site. As result, the operation by one operator and more intuitive operation method are proposed to improve ASCI's operation method which need one person with a remote joystick and another operating an excavator. The human-robot cooperative system can cope with various and untypical constructing environment through the real-time interacting with a human, robot and constructing environment simultaneously. The physical power of a robot system helps a human to handle heavy construction materials with relatively scaled-down load. Also, a human can feel and response the force reflected from robot end effecter acting with working environment. This paper presents the feasibility study regarding the application of the proposed human-robot cooperation control for construction robot through experiments on a 2DOF manipulator.

A Study on the Generation Method of Visual-Auditory Feedback for BCI Rhythm Game (BCI 리듬게임을 위한 시청각 피드백 생성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Cheol-Min;Kang, Gyeong-Heon;Kim, Eun-Seok
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2013
  • In recent years, studies in BCI game with popular BCI devices are progressing actively by the development of BCI(Brain Computer Interface) techniques. Most of BCI games have developed as experimental contents for researching. On the game control paradigm, it is insufficient to conduct a study about induced methods of proper barinwave to control the BCI game. In this study, we suggest a rhythm game using BCI which has a new play element that visualizes the rhythm of music and represents the notes of music in sound and a generation method of visual-auditory feedback through the synchronization of the tempo of music with brainwave. Experimental Results make certain that our suggestion is possible for the improvement of game score through the induction of brainwave that is necessary to control the game.

Robot soccer strategy and control using Cellular Neural Network (셀룰라 신경회로망을 이용한 로봇축구 전략 및 제어)

  • Shin, Yoon-Chul;Kang, Hoon
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.253-253
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    • 2000
  • Each robot plays a role of its own behavior in dynamic robot-soccer environment. One of the most necessary conditions to win a game is control of robot movement. In this paper we suggest a win strategy using Cellular Neural Network to set optimal path and cooperative behavior, which divides a soccer ground into grid-cell based ground and has robots move a next grid-cell along the optimal path to approach the moving target.

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The Effect of Grouping by Students' Communication Apprehension in Cooperative Learning (협동학습에서 학생의 의사소통 불안에 따른 소집단 구성의 효과)

  • Noh, Tae-Hee;Seo, In-Ho;Han, Jae-Young;Jeon, Kyung-Moon;Cha, Jeong-Ho
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.174-182
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    • 2000
  • In this study, the effects of grouping by communication apprehension level in cooperative learning strategy applied to general science class and the difference between high and low communication apprehension levels were investigated. Three classes (N=112) were randomly assigned to two cooperative and one traditional learning groups. Students in two cooperative learning classes were grouped into homogeneous and heterogeneous groups with respect to their communication apprehension levels based on the test score of students' communication apprehension. After the instructions concerning the matter for 11 class hours, achievement, self-esteem, motivation to learn science. and student's perception to lack about communication ability and expectation about receiving help in cooperative learning processes were examined. Two-way ANOVA results revealed that there were no main and interactive effects in the scores of the achievement test. However, significant main effect of the treatment was found in the scores of the relevance and the satisfaction among four motivation sub-categories. In post-hoc comparison, the scores of the heterogeneous group were found to be significantly higher than those of the control group. For expectation about receiving help in cooperative learning processes, the scores of the heterogeneous group were significantly higher than those of the homogeneous group. Students in high communication apprehension level had significantly lower self-esteem and more perception to lack about communication ability than students in low level.

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Pig Image Learning for Improving Weight Measurement Accuracy

  • Jonghee Lee;Seonwoo Park;Gipou Nam;Jinwook Jang;Sungho Lee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2024
  • The live weight of livestock is important information for managing their health and housing conditions, and it can be used to determine the optimal amount of feed and the timing of shipment. In general, it takes a lot of human resources and time to weigh livestock using a scale, and it is not easy to measure each stage of growth, which prevents effective breeding methods such as feeding amount control from being applied. In this paper, we aims to improve the accuracy of weight measurement of piglets, weaned pigs, nursery pigs, and fattening pigs by collecting, analyzing, learning, and predicting video and image data in animal husbandry and pig farming. For this purpose, we trained using Pytorch, YOLO(you only look once) 5 model, and Scikit Learn library and found that the actual and prediction graphs showed a similar flow with a of RMSE(root mean square error) 0.4%. and MAPE(mean absolute percentage error) 0.2%. It can be utilized in the mammalian pig, weaning pig, nursery pig, and fattening pig sections. The accuracy is expected to be continuously improved based on variously trained image and video data and actual measured weight data. It is expected that efficient breeding management will be possible by predicting the production of pigs by part through video reading in the future.

The Effect of Grouping Method in Cooperative Learning Strategy Applied to Concept Learning (개념 학습에 적용한 협동학습 전략에서 소집단 구성 방법의 효과)

  • Noh, Tae-Hee;Cha, Jeong-Ho;Jeon, Kyung-Moon;Jeong, Tae-Ho;Han, Jae-Young;Choi, Yong-Nam
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.400-408
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    • 1999
  • This study investigated the effect of the grouping method in cooperative learning applied to chemistry concept learning. Two grouping methods used were the HML (High-Medium-Low) and the HL/MM (High-Low/Medium-Medium) ability grouping. Three classes (N = 136) at a high school in Seoul were randomly assigned to the control and the treatment groups. Before instruction. the test of attitude toward science instruction, the perception questionnaire of learning environment consisting of three subtests (participation, conflict, and competition), and the questionnaire of self-esteem were administered, and a mid-term examination score was obtained. These scores were used as covariates. After instruction, the three tests administered before instruction and the conceptions test were administered. Two-way ANCOVA results revealed that there was a significant interaction between the treatment and the level of previous achievement. The low-level students in the HL/MM cooperative group performed better than those in the other groups. The cooperative groups, regardless of the grouping methods, exhibited more positive perception than the control group at participation subtest of the perception questionnaire of learning environment.

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Cooperative Priority-based Resource Allocation Scheduling Scheme for D2D Communications Underlaying 5G Cellular Networks (5G 셀룰러 네트워크 하의 D2D통신을 위한 협력적 우선순위 기반의 자원할당 스케줄링)

  • Lee, Chong-Deuk
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.225-232
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    • 2020
  • The underlaying communication scheme in 5G cellular network is a very promising resource sharing scheme, and it is an effective scheme for improving service performance of 5G and reducing communication load between a cellular link and a device to device (D2D) link. This paper proposes the algorithm to minimize the resource interference that occurs when performing 5G-based multi-class service on gNB(gNodeB) and the cooperative priority-based resource allocation scheduling scheme (CPRAS) to maximize 5G communication service according to the analyzed control conditions of interference. The proposed CPRAS optimizes communication resources for each device, and it optimizes resource allocation according to the service request required for 5G communication and the current state of the network. In addition, the proposed scheme provides a function to guarantee giga-class service by minimizing resource interference between a cellular link and a D2D link in gNB. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme is better system performance than the Pure cellular and Force cellular schemes. In particular, the higher the priority and the higher the cooperative relationship between UE(User Equipment), the proposed scheme shows the more effective control of the resource interference.

Effects of communication in learning middle grade school Mathematics (중학생을 대상으로 한 수학적 의사소통의 지도 효과에 관한 연구)

  • 김선희;이종희
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.145-162
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    • 1998
  • This study investigated the effect of teaching mathematical communication in mathematics learning. Cooperative learning, mathematics pin pals, and writing a mathematics diary were used to teach how to communicate mathematically. The experimental group was assigned to cooperate in class, to write a mathematics diary at the end of each class, and to exchange the mathematics pen pals once a week. The control group was taught by the traditional teaching method. The results were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The learning achievement between the two groups was performed with pretests and posttests. And after this study, mathematics pen pals, video protocol and open-ended test were analyzed. The results of this study are the following: 1. There were little differences in learning achievement test between the group taught through communication and those not. And there were little differences in the results of achievement test between the two groups-high and low level classes.2. Cooperative learning, writing a mathematics diary and mathematics pen pals were effective as methods of teaching communication mathematically. The analysis of mathematics pen pals which is to investigate student's writing abilities showed that pen pal partners were improved in QCAI communication levels. There was a significant difference between the two groups in open-ended test. This means that communication learning has an effect on the tests for mathematical thought, reasoning, and creative thought. The analysis of video protocol showed that four students in a cooperative group were improved in their speaking and listening abilities.

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A Cross-layer Link Adaptive HD Video Transmission Scheme in WiMedia D-MAC based UWB Systems

  • Joo, Yang-Ick
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.1464-1474
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we propose a QoS (Quality of Service)-aware and cooperative resource reservation scheme using cross-layer link adaptation for wireless high definition video transmission through UWB (Ultra Wide Band) network with D-MAC (Distributed Medium Access Control). A wireless high definition video transmission system usually requires stable high throughput even without line-of-sight, e.g., a destination device in another room separated by a wall. Since the WiMedia D-MAC supporting DRP (Distributed Reservation Protocol) scheme causes lots of DRP resource reservation conflicts due to failure of beacon detection in wireless channel environment, overall performances of the WiMedia D-MAC can be deteriorated. And the current WiMedia MAC standard has not considered QoS provisioning even though QoS parameters such as a range of service rates are provided to each traffic stream. Therefore, we propose Relay DRP protocol with QoS-based relay node selection criterion, which makes a relay path to avoid DRP resource reservation conflicts and guarantee QoS more stably through cross-layer link adaptation of cooperative relay transmission scheme and is compliant with the current WiMedia D-MAC protocol. Simulation results demonstrate performance improvements of the proposed method for throughput and QoS provisioning.