• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cooperative Policy

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An Integrated Inventory Model for a Single Product and its Raw Materials in Just-In-Time Purchasing (JIT구매 하에서의 단일제품의 통합재고모형에 관한 연구)

  • 김대홍
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.50-57
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we consider an integrated inventory system where a single supplier purchases and processes raw materials in order to deliver finished goods to a single buyer for effective implementation of Just-In-Time purchasing. An integrated JIT lot-splitting model of facilitating multiple shipments in small lots is developed in a JIT purchasing environment. Also, an iterative solution procedure is developed to find the order quantity for the finished goods and raw materials, and the number of shipments between buyer and supplier. We show by example that the integrated policy adopted by both buyer and supplier in a cooperative manner can provide them a greater economic benefit than seeking the local optimal inventory policy independently.

Looking for a New Perspective on School Health Promotion (학교건강증진의 새로운 방향 모색)

  • Park, Youn-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.157-166
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This review aimed to provide a new perspective on School Heath Promotion (SHP) in the context of Korea's school system. Methods: Relevant literature and reports on SHP were investigated. On the basis of the analysis, this review closely examined how SHP had been developed, and what has been happening in the recent years of SHP in advanced nations. Results: Major findings from this review in terms of finding a new perspective on SHP in Korea were to: 1) share awareness of the fundamentals of SHP; 2) establish a national framework for school-based SHP; 3) build a cooperative SHP governance; 4) strengthen a SHP monitoring and evaluation system; 5) integrate health and education. Conclusion: Recently, serious student health threats have been putting pressure on schools in Korea. This review will serve as a critical implication of how to effectively implement SHP in Korea.

Real Options Analysis of Groundwater Extraction and Management with Water Price Uncertainty

  • Lee, Jaehyung
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.639-666
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    • 2018
  • This paper analyses the investment options of groundwater development project under water price uncertainty. The optimal investment threshold price which trigger the investment are calibrated base on monopolistic real options model. Stochastic dynamic model is set to reflect the uncertainty of water price which follows the GBM (Geometric Brownian Motion) process. Our finding from non-cooperative investment decision model is that uncertainty of water price could deter the groundwater investment by considering the existence of option values. For policy markers, it is easy to manage 'charges for utilization of groundwater' rather than 'performance guarantee ratio' when managing groundwater investment with pricing policy. And it is necessary to make comprehensive and well-designed policies considering the characteristics of regional groundwater reservoir and groundwater developers.

A Study on the Social Welfare Library Policy for the Information Alienated Groups (정보소외계층을 위한 도서관의 문화복지 정책에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Yeoun
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.27-39
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    • 2011
  • This study analyzed the policy of culture welfare in libraries for the information alienated groups. This study suggested several improvements as a conclusion. Research analyzed organizational tasks and policies for Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Planning Group for Library and Information Policy and the policies for libraries. First, library service for alienated class was centered in short term period projects. Second, it is hardware oriented such as building small libraries, places for disabled person, multi-cultural libraries. Due to the decentralization of policies for the groups with alienated information, and lack of public supportive policies for private library for the disabled, developing cooperative system is difficult. Third, we revealed that policies for quantitative production of alternative material were achieved. So, this study suggested professional policy in integrative cooperation in accordance with each domain and creation of a separate welfare library policy department and its activity.

The Effects of the Utilization of External Resources on the Technological Innovation Performance Along the Stages of Growth in Korean Ventures (국내 벤처기업의 성장단계별 외부자원 활용이 기술혁신 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Won-Jin;Lee, Byung-Heon;Oh, Wang-Geun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2012
  • This study empirically analyzed how technological innovation performance of venture business is affected by utilization of external resources, especially utilization of external cooperative network, government's policy funds and venture capital funds, using '2008 Venture Business Investigation'. This study further analyzed how the effect of utilization of external resources on technological innovation performance varies according to growth stage. Analysis results show that all variables related to utilization of external resources, i.e. external cooperative network, government's policy funds and venture capital funds, were observed as affecting positively to technological innovation performance. However, adjustment effect was not observed as statistically meaningful according to growth stage of venture business. Further analysis just observed that the effect on technological innovation performance at each growth stage varies according to type of utilization of external resources.

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Policy Plans for the Maintenance of Public Security of Living During the War (전시 국민생활안정 유지방안)

  • Kil, Byung-Ok
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.5
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    • pp.131-172
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    • 2007
  • Government duties in the cases of crisis are aimed at supporting efficient military operations in the fields of non-military affairs and resource mobilization, maintenance of government functions, and search for the public security of living during the war. In crisis, the government must change its functions into the total-war system with all resources available for the efficient performance of military operations, war economy, public safety and security as well as government continuance. The main contents of "Chung-Mu Plan" include the alternative measures to control the circulation of life necessities, emergency electricity, water and gas; recover public facilities from the disaster; and accommodate the wounded and refugees. Governments have practiced Ul-chi and ChungMoo exercises to improve government's management capabilities and master standard operating procedures including systematic distribution plans in the national and local level. However, such plans have not yet sufficient enough for the maintenance of public security of living. In addition to the conceptual ambiguity, major problems are the inappropriate system of the war economy, legal institutions, and administrative SOPs for the efficient maintenance of it. Thus, for the betterment of national crisis management system, the government should have the manual stated from every step and level dealing with crisis to the legal institutions. It is important to empower the National Emergency Planning Commission for the policy consistency and efficient/effective implementation. The comprehensive plans must have an integrated cooperative system of the central/local governments, military and civil society with actual practices and exercises for the maintenance of the public security of living.

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A Study on the Coordination Mechanism of Agri-food Cluster Network -A Case Study on Muan Loess Sweet Potato Cluste- (농식품클러스터 네트워크의 조정 메커니즘에 관한 연구 -무안황토고구마클러스터를 중심으로-)

  • Nam, Gi Pou
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.206-223
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    • 2015
  • Korea government has established 67 agri-food clusters for 10 years. In recent years, the criticism of this policy has significantly increased due to trials and errors. The purpose of this study is to suggest some policy implications for the focal firm and governance mechanism through the case study of Muan Loess Sweet Potato Cluster. The concept of netchain was used as an analysis framework. Muan Loess Sweet Potato Cluster doesn't operate an integrated production organization and focal firm doesn't exercise its influence as well. The cluster agency, focal firm of Cluster, is important for a Agri-food Cluster to grow continuously. it must have a great influence on organizing networks and an enough capacity for forming coordination mechanism. Also, Local governments must actively be involved in the network formation and coordination and inform the vision and plan for development.

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Government Visual Arts Support Policy (정부의 시각예술 지원정책)

  • Hyun, Young-ran
    • Journal of Communication Design
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    • v.60
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    • pp.402-412
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    • 2017
  • Since the 1990s, the role of the government has been shifting towards governance. This new governance emphasizes government's role in establishing a cooperative system with private organizations through network structure and interaction. In the 1990s, Korean Government support for artists and exhibitions increased unprecedentedly. In the 2000s, support for the arts shifted in ways so as to integrate genres. Simultaneously, in order to strengthen the creative capacities of artists, support for new artists, multi-art and fusion arts have increased. From 2010, 'visual arts' business support was provided. In addition, 'visual arts' was supported by a joint planning project from 2013 Also, an overseas residence program has actively supported exhibitions through international exchanges. Since 2005, it has expanded to cooperation with India, Iran and Asian countries as well as with the Betani Studio in Germany. In addition local government supported for artists and the Biennale, residences, regional cooperative business through the local cultural foundation.

The study on the cooperation between public and school libraries (공공도서관과 학교도서관의 상호협력에 관한 연구)

  • 김병주
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.27
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    • pp.573-599
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this research was to study the merits and barriers to successful school and public library cooperation in the city of Seoul and to obtain perspective and the basic data used to implement practical cooperative measures. A questionnaire survey was conducted for 22 public libraries in city of Seoul concerning both positive and negative aspect of cooperation between two types of libraries. Based on the survey results, the following conclusions and recommendations are made ; 1) The librarians recognized the necessity of cooperation that promote efficiency of library operation and also contribute toward local community development. 2) The librarians are agreeable to the cooperative service and the institutional cooperation will prevent redundancy of collection development and will make variety of book selection possible. 3) The cooperation will not result in manpower reduction or budget saving. 4) Inconvenience due to distance between two types of library is anticipated. 5) In order to develop the skills and capabilities of the librarians, it is desirable to offer reeducational program and o n.0, pportunities to attend conferences and meetings. 6) The library user orientation program is to be held regularly. 7) It is necessary to make policy statement of library cooperation in order to maintain autonomy of each library. 8) The establishment of branch libraries and moving libraries under the educational district is recommended.

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A Study on Resource Sharing in Korean Special Libraries (전문도서관의 정보자원 공동활용에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Eun-Ja;Oh, Kyung-Mook
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.32 no.3_4
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    • pp.56-72
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    • 2001
  • Special libraries have purchased materials in only one or two specific subject areas which their mother institutions are concerned. Therefore, special libraries need to develop a well-defined collection development policy for themselves. Special libraries purchase items that are frequently used by their users, and provide access to low-use titles through document delivery services. It is a reasonable solution that the library should Join the cooperative special libraries' association which provides document delivery services in Korea. It is because special libraries' association has achieved document delivery service successfully, when compared with the general(non-special) libraries association. It is expected that special libraries' association can do cooperative acquisition better than other groups.

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