• Title/Summary/Keyword: Control Module

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Development of Location/Safety Tracking System for Construction Site Workers by Using MEMS Sensors (MEMS 센서를 활용한 건설현장 작업자 위치/안전 정보 추적 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Jin-Young;Ahn, Sung-Soo;Kang, Joon-Hee
    • 전자공학회논문지 IE
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.12-17
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    • 2012
  • Fast development of ubiquitous technology prompted the broadening of the related application area. Application of ubiquitous techniques and system into the construction sites may give us many benefits. There are always a lot of hazard situations in construction sites, and the falling is known to have the high accident rate. To prevent the falling, there has been a lot of efforts including safety education and use of safety gears. In this study, we designed, fabricated and tested a system that can monitor the worker's safety and location informations in real time by using the wireless technology of TOA and RSSI. We used ATmegal28 that is popular in the industrial equipments as MCU and NanoPan 5357 module from Nanotron and CC2500 chipset from TI for radio circuits. We also used 3-axis accelerometer and pressure MEMS sensors to obtain the environmental information, and therefore to aquire the informations of the worker's movement and altitude. We used Labview software from National Instrument to monitor and control the system. We developed the system to send the warning alarms to the server operator and the workers when the workers in the danger zone did not wear the safety hook.

Low Performance Electronics Evolved into Smart Appliances (스마트 가전으로 진화된 저사양 생활가전)

  • Back, Jonghui;Kim, Kyosun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.9
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2013
  • Smart appliances with multi-media and telecommunication equipments provide users complicated convenience functions. On the contrary, 8-bit controller-based low performance electronics still cannot afford such multimedia and telecommunication. If we find a way to have low-end electronics connected and provide complicated functions, they can be also made "smart". Fortunately, 8-bit controllers used in low-end appliances have UART, which can be connected to any of BlueTooth, Wi-Fi and ZigBee communication modules which can, in turn, communicate with smart devices. Any communication module can be attached to the low-end electronics due to the variety of smart devices' connectivity at the other side. Although the convenience functions seem complicated, they are actually macros in a script form composed of micro commands which implement the base functions of appliances. Since the kinds of the base functions are not that many, the low-end electronic appliances will become "smart" if their control program can be extended to execute sequentially the micro commands in any combination. Such simple innovation has not seen the world, until now due to the overhead of the additionally required hardware such as display devices and buttons. The high-quality display and touch screen functionalities of smart devices can replace the required hardware, and remove the overhead completely. In fact, the low-end appliances become smart as if an "evolution kit" is newly equipped.

A Study on Low Power Energy Transfer Circuits of the Non Contact Method by means of Solar Generation (태양광 발전에 의한 비접촉 방식 저 전력 에너지 전송회로에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Lark-Hoon;Na, Seung-Kwon;Kim, Jong-Rae;Choi, Gi-Ho;Kim, Jin-Seon
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, it is about to non-contact wireless power transmission according to various conditions of self induction principle between the two planar coils at a transmission unit and a receiving unit based on the theory of wireless power transmission. The experiments are occurred in order to power transfer of noncontact method from designed wireless circuits in the primely coil and secondary coil, and the applying to Half Bridge Resonant converter transmission unit and receiving unit. and that were able to prepared circumstance to calculate of the output voltage and power source. The main power of the inductive coupling the resonant converter at the transmission unit is converted electrical energy using the solar cell module and artificial light source (halogen lamp) as a replace light and received 24 V power supply from solar power was used a input power source for the wireless power transmission device. Experimental results, to received of power is used to illuminate the lighting and to charge the battery in receiving circuit.And the wireless power transmission efficiency measured at the output side of the transmission unit is obtained about 70% to 89% compared to input power of receiving unit.In addition, efficiency were tested through ID verification method and comparing the phase difference between the voltage when foreign substances interfere with wireless power transmission.

Sensing the Stress: the Role of the Stress-activated p38/Hog1 MAPK Signalling Pathway in Human Pathogenic Fungus Cryptococcus neoformans

  • Bahn, Yong-Sun;Heitman, Joseph
    • Proceedings of the Microbiological Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.120-122
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    • 2007
  • All living organisms use numerous signal-transduction pathways to sense and respond to their environments and thereby survive and proliferate in a range of biological niches. Molecular dissection of these signalling networks has increased our understanding of these communication processes and provides a platform for therapeutic intervention when these pathways malfunction in disease states, including infection. Owing to the expanding availability of sequenced genomes, a wealth of genetic and molecular tools and the conservation of signalling networks, members of the fungal kingdom serve as excellent model systems for more complex, multicellular organisms. Here, we employed Cryptococcus neoformans as a model system to understand how fungal-signalling circuits operate at the molecular level to sense and respond to a plethora of environmental stresses, including osmoticshock, UV, high temperature, oxidative stress and toxic drugs/metabolites. The stress-activated p38/Hog1 MAPK pathway is structurally conserved in many organisms as diverse as yeast and mammals, but its regulation is uniquely specialized in a majority of clinical Cryptococcus neoformans serotype A and D strains to control differentiation and virulence factor regulation. C. neoformans Hog1 MAPK is controlled by Pbs2 MAPK kinase (MAPKK). The Pbs2-Hog1 MAPK cascade is controlled by the fungal "two-component" system that is composed of a response regulator, Ssk1, and multiple sensor kinases, including two-component.like (Tco) 1 and Tco2. Tco1 and Tco2 play shared and distinct roles in stress responses and drug sensitivity through the Hog1 MAPK system. Furthermore, each sensor kinase mediates unique cellular functions for virulence and morphological differentiation. We also identified and characterized the Ssk2 MAPKKK upstream of the MAPKK Pbs2 and the MAPK Hog1 in C. neoformans. The SSK2 gene was identified as a potential component responsible for differential Hog1 regulation between the serotype D sibling f1 strains B3501 and B3502 through comparative analysis of their meiotic map with the meiotic segregation of Hog1-dependent sensitivity to the fungicide fludioxonil. Ssk2 is the only polymorphic component in the Hog1 MAPK module, including two coding sequence changes between the SSK2 alleles in B3501 and B3502 strains. To further support this finding, the SSK2 allele exchange completely swapped Hog1-related phenotypes between B3501 and B3502 strains. In the serotype A strain H99, disruption of the SSK2 gene dramatically enhanced capsule biosynthesis and mating efficiency, similar to pbs2 and hog1 mutations. Furthermore, ssk2, pbs2, and hog1 mutants are all hypersensitive to a variety of stresses and completely resistant to fludioxonil. Taken together, these findings indicate that Ssk2 is the critical interface protein connecting the two-component system and the Pbs2-Hog1 pathway in C. neoformans.

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A study on the brittle characteristics of fused silica header driven by piezoelectric actuator for laser assisted TC bonding (레이저 열-압착 본딩을 위한 압전 액추에이터로 구동되는 용융실리카 헤더의 취성특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Won;Ha, Seok-Jae;Park, Jeong-Yeon;Yoon, Gil-Sang
    • Design & Manufacturing
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.10-16
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    • 2019
  • Semiconductor chip is bonded to the substrate by melting solder bumps. In general, the chip bonding is applied by a Reflow process or a Thermo-Compression(TC) bonding process. In this paper, we introduce a Laser Assisted Thermo-Compression bonding (LATCB) process to improve the anxiety of the existing process(Reflow, TC bonding). In the LATCB process, the chip is bonded to the substrate by irradiating a laser with a uniform energy density in the same area as the chip to melt only the solder bumps and press the chip with a Transparent Compression Module (TCM). The TCM consists of a fused silica header for penetrating the laser and pressurizing the chip, and a piezoelectric actuator (P.A.) coupled to both ends of the header for micro displacement control of the header. In addition, TCM is a structure that can pressurize the chip and deliver it to the chip and solder bumps without losing the energy of the laser. Fused silica, which is brittle, is vulnerable to deformation, so the header may be damaged when an external force is applied for pressurization or a displacement differenced is caused by piezoelectric actuators at both ends. On the other hand, in order to avoid interference between the header and the adjacent chip when pressing the chip using the TCM, the header has a notch at the bottom, and breakage due to stress concentration of the notch is expected. In this study, the thickness and notch length that the header does not break when the external force (500 N) is applied to both ends of the header are optimized using structural analysis and Coulomb-Mohr failure theory. In addition, the maximum displacement difference of the P.A.s at both ends where no break occurred in the header was derived. As a result, the thickness of the header is 11 mm, and the maximum displacement difference between both ends is 8 um.

Construction and Verification of Useful Vectors for Ectopic Expression and Suppression of Plant Genes. (식물 유전자의 과발현 및 발현 억제를 위한 유용 벡터의 제조 및 확인)

  • Lee, Young-Mi;Seok, Hye-Yeon;Park, Hee-Yeon;Park, Ji-Im;Han, Ji-Sung;Bang, Tae-Sik;Moon, Yong-Hwan
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.809-817
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    • 2009
  • The phenotypes associated with a gene function are often the best clue to its role in the plant. Transgenic plants ectopically expressing or suppressing a gene can provide useful information related to the gene function. In this study, we constructed three vectors - pFGL571, pFGL846 and pFGL847 - for the Agrobacterium-mediated ectopic expression of plant genes using pPZP211 and modified CaMV 35S, UBQ3 or UBQ10 promoters. The three vectors have several merits such as small size, high copy in bacteria, enough restriction enzyme sites in multi cloning sites and nucleotide sequence information. Analysis of transgenic plants containing GUS or sGFP reporter genes under the control of modified CaMV 35S, UBQ3 or UBQI0 promoter revealed that all of the three promoters showed high activities during most developmental stages after germination and in floral organs. Furthermore, we generated a RNAi module vector, pFGL727, to suppress plant gene expressions and confirmed that pFGL727 is useful for the suppression of a gene expression using rice transgenic plants. Taken together, our new vectors would be very useful for the ectopic expression or the suppression of plant genes.

Development of Optical Molecular Imaging System for the Acquisition of Bioluminescence Signals from Small Animals (소동물 발광영상 측정을 위한 광학분자영상기기의 개발)

  • Lee, Byeong-Il;Kim, Hyeon-Sik;Jeong, Hye-Jin;Lee, Hyung-Jae;Moon, Seung-Min;Kwon, Seung-Young;Choi, Eun-Seo;Jeong, Shin-Young;Bom, Hee-Seung;Min, Jung-Joon
    • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.344-351
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: Optical imaging is providing great advance and improvement in genetic and molecular imaging of animals and humans. Optical imaging system consists of optical imaging devices, which carry out major function for monitoring, tracing, and imaging in most of molecular in-vivo researches. In bio-luminescent imaging, small animals containing luciferase gene locally irradiate light, and emitted photons transmitted through skin of the small animals are imaged by using a high sensitive charged coupled device (CCD) camera. In this paper, we introduced optical imaging system for the image acquisition of bio-luminescent signals emitted from small animals. Materials and Methods: In the system, Nikon lens and four LED light sources were mounted at the inside of a dark box. A cooled CCD camera equipped with a control module was used. Results: We tested the performance of the optical imaging system using effendorf tube and light emitting bacteria which injected intravenously into CT26 tumor bearing nude mouse. The performance of implemented optical imaging system for bio-luminescence imaging was demonstrated and the feasibility of the system in small animal imaging application was proved. Conclusion: We anticipate this system could be a useful tool for the molecular imaging of small animals adaptable for various experimental conditions in future.

A GaAs MMIC Multi-Function Chip with a Digital Serial-to-Parallel Converter for an X-band Active Phased Array Radar System (X-대역 능동 위상 배열 레이더 시스템용 디지털 직병렬 변환기를 포함한 GaAs MMIC 다기능 칩)

  • Jeong, Jin-Cheol;Shin, Dong-Hwan;Ju, In-Kwon;Yom, In-Bok
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.613-624
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    • 2011
  • An MMIC multi-function chip for an X-band active phased array radar system has been designed and fabricated using a 0.5 ${\mu}m$ GaAs p-HEMT commercial process. A digital serial-to-parallel converter is included in this chip in order to reduce the number of the control interface. The multi-function chip provides several functions: 6-bit phase shifting, 6-bit attenuation, transmit/receive switching, and signal amplification. The fabricated multi-function chip with a relative compact size of 24 $mm^2$(6 mm${\times}$4 mm) exhibits a transmit/receive gain of 24/15 dB and a P1dB of 21 dBm from 8.5 GHz to 10.5 GHz. The RMS errors for the 64 states of the 6-bit phase shift and attenuation were measured to $7^{\circ}$ and 0.3 dB, respectively over the frequency.

A Study on Strategic Approach to Expand Korean e-Government Export (한국 전자정부 해외진출 확대를 위한 전략적 접근방향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chae-Eon;Choi, Yong Lak;Shin, Yongtae
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest strategic approach to expand Korean e-government export. Korean e-government was evaluated as a top level by UN electronic government survey 2014. However its export is very limited. This study reviews the literature related to e-government, and analyze existing Korean e-government export. The results of this analysis are as follows: lack of a law related e-government export, decentralized organizations, insufficient export process, lack of e-government solution for sale, limited funds, deficiency of cooperation between large and small enterprises. This study suggests a strategic approach such as to clarify the purpose of e-government export, to decide government or civilian-oriented export, to establish driving strategy, to improve and develop e-government export related areas. There are many ways for improvement and development of e-government export as follows: to enact a basic law or to revise the e-government law, to integrate functions of separated organizations and establish control tower, to improve export process, to build information sharing system, to develop standardized solution module, and to expand fund to support. The author expects that this paper will contribute to enhance Korean e-government export.

Supply Network Analysis of Second and Third Outsourcing Firms with E-Invoice at Automobile Parts Industry: Focused to Brake Manufacturing Firms (자동차 부품산업의 전자세금계산서 기반 2차·3차 공급망 분석: 브레이크 업계를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Tae Jin;Lee, Jae Hoo;Hong, Jung Sik
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.79-99
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    • 2016
  • Supply network of automobile part is addressed with the e-invoices generated at real time. Automobile is composed of 8 modules. Firms which produce these modules are defined as the first outsourcing firm. Brake is the part of power control module and so, brake manufacturing firm is called the second outsourcing firm. In this paper, the third supply networks of brake manufacturing firms is analyzed with e-invoices and social network method. At the node-level, the third outsourcing firms are classified into 3 categories, interator, allocator and hub with respect to their role at the ego-network of each brake manufacturing firm. At the network level, A2, one of 3 brake manufacturing firms have more outsourcing firms and bigger centrality than the other brake manufacturing firms. Intre-firms trade patterns are, also, analyzed by using the degree of trade dedication with respect to the modes of business. It is shown that trade pattern of retail, commodity brokerage firm, rubber and plastic manufacturing firm are hierarchical trade because their degree of trade dedication is almost near to 1.