• Title/Summary/Keyword: Control Module

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Mobile phone payment system using a light signal (휴대폰의 광원을 이용한 디지털 카드 시스템)

  • Hu, Moon-Heang;Shin, Moon-Sun;Ryu, Kuen-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.1237-1244
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we proposed a mobile phone payment system using light signal containing payment related information. The digicard system we proposed creates virtual mobile card such as credit numbers and the created information is loaded in mobile phone. The virtual card information should be changed to pulse signal by light signal devices of mobile phone and the specific digicard system reader is able to read light signal. In recent years, a mobile phone payment system has been developed in order to provide user's convenience. But the mobile phone payment system has problems such as the production costs and complex and large size. In order to solve the aforementioned problems, we proposed mobile phone payment system being implemented by updating software without additional hardware modules. Therefore it is possible to apply the proposed digicard system to all kinds of mobile phone. Also encryption module is implemented to solve the problem of the security and privacy. According to an aspect of the present invention, there is provided a mobile phone payment system using a light signal containing payment-related information, comprising: a mobile phone; a photo receiver: and a control server.

Application of HSPF Model for Effect Analyses of Watershed Management Plans on Receiving Water Qualities (유역관리에 따른 수질개선 효과분석을 위한 HSPF 모델 적용)

  • Song, Hye-Won;Lee, Hye-Won;Choi, Jung-Hyun;Park, Seok-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.358-363
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    • 2009
  • The HSPF (Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran) model was applied to the Kyoungan stream watershed to analyze effects of watershed management plans on receiving water qualities. Utilizing BASINS 3.1 GIS program, the Kyoungan stream watershed was divided into 57 sub-basins and model input parameters were obtained, from DEM (Digital Elevation Model), land use type, stream map, and wastewater treatment facilities, etc.. The hydrologic module of the model was validated based on the measured meteorological data and stream flow data. Then the model was calibrated and verified against the field measurements of water qualities, including temperature, DO, BOD, $NO_3-N$, $NH_3-N$, Org-N, TN and TP. In most cases, there were reasonable agreements between measurements and predictions. The validated model was used to analyze the water quality improvements in the main stream of Kyoungan stream according to the watershed management plans in sub-basins, which are three different scenarios: water quality improvement in tributaries through watershed management activities, expansion and up-grade of wastewater treatment plants, and application of first and second scenarios together. It was concluded that expansion and upgrade of wastewater treatment plants would be more effective than watershed management activities. In order to improve water qualities to the satisfactory level, both watershed management and point source control must be required in the Kyoungan stream.

Remote Control of Network-Based Modular Robot (네트웍 기반 모듈라 로봇의 원격 제어)

  • Yeom, Dong-Joo;Lee, Bo-Hee
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2018
  • A modular robot that memorizes motion can be easily created and operated because it expresses by hand. However, since there is not enough storage space in the module to store the user-created operation, it is impossible to reuse the created operation, and when the modular robot again memorizes the operation, it changes to another operation. There is no main controller capable of operating a plurality of modular robots at the same time, and thus there is a disadvantage that the user must input directly to the modular robot. To overcome these disadvantages, a remote controller has been proposed that can be operated in the surrounding smart devices by designing web server and component based software using wired and wireless network. In the proposed method, various types of structures are created by connecting to a modular robot, and the reconstructed operation is performed again after storing, and the usefulness is confirmed by regenerating the stored operation effectively. In addition, the reliability of the downloaded trajectory data is verified by analyzing the difference between the trajectory data and the actual trajectory. In the future, the trajectory stored in the remote controller will be standardized using the artificial intelligence technique, so that the operation of the modular robot will be easily implemented.

Enhancement of Coupling between Soil Water and Groundwater in Integrated SWAT-MODFLOW Model (SWAT-MODFLOW 결합모형의 토양수-지하수 연결성 개선)

  • Kim, Nam-Won;Lee, Jeong-Woo;Chung, Il-Moon;Won, Yoo-Seung
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.9-19
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    • 2009
  • This study presents the effects of temporally varied groundwater table on hydrological components such as surface runoff, evapotranspiration, and soil water content. To this end, the SWAT-MODFLOW model in which the groundwater module of SWAT is replaced with MODFLOW model has been used with a modification to enhance the coupling between the water content in soil profile and the groundwater in shallow aquifer. The variable soil layer construction technique (VSLT) is developed in the present work to represent the direct interaction of soil water and groundwater more realistically, and then the VSLT is incorporated into SWAT-MODFLOW model. In VSLT, when the simulated groundwater table rises within the soil zone, the soil layers below the water table is regarded as a portion of the shallow aquifer, so that those layers are excluded from the initially defined soil zone and are governed by the MODFLOW. From the simulation tests for the Musim river basin, the improved SWAT-MODFLOW model with VSLT is found to correctly evaluate the spatial distributions of overland flow, soil moisture, evapotranspiration according to the groundwater table variation.

Screening for Patients with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Who Could Survive Long Term Chemotherapy

  • Wu, Xue-Yan;Huang, Xin-En
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.647-652
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    • 2015
  • Background: Lung cancer was one of the most common cancers in both men and women all over the world. In this study, we aimed to clarify who could survive after long term chemotherapy in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods: We enrolled 186 patients with stage IV NSCLC after long term chemotherapy from Jun 2006 to Nov 2014 diagnosed in Jiangsu Cancer Hospital. Multiple variables like age, gender, smoking, histology of adenocarcinoma and squamous-cell cancer, number of metastatic sites, metastatic sites (e.g. lung, brain, bone, liver and pleura), hemoglobin, lymphocyte rate (LYR), Change of LYR during multiple therapies, hypertension, diabetes, chronic bronchitis, treatments (e.g.radiotherapy and targeted therapy) were selected. For consideration of factors influencing survival and response for patients with advanced NSCLC, logistic regression analysis and Cox regression analysis were used in an attempt to develop a screening module for patients with elevated survival after long term chemotherapy become possible. Results: Of the total of 186 patients enrolled, 69 survived less than 1 year (short-term group), 45 one to two years, and 72 longer than 3 years (long-term group). For logistic regression analysis, the short-term group was taken as control group and the long-term group as the case group. We found that age, histology of adenocarcinoma, metastatic site (e.g. lung and liver), treatments (e.g. targeted therapy and radiotherapy), LYR, a decreasing tendency of LYR and chronic bronchitis were individually associated with overall survival by Cox regression analysis. A multivariable Cox regression model showed that metastatic site (e.g. lung and liver), histology of adenocarcinoma, treatments (e.g. targeted therapy and radiotherapy) and chronic bronchitis were associated with overall survival. Thus metastatic site (e.g. lung and liver) and chronic bronchitis may be important risk factors for patients with advanced NSCLC. Gender, metastatic site (e.g. lung and liver), LYR and the decreasing tendency of LYR were significantly associated with long-term survival in the individual-variable logistic regression model (P<0.05). On multivariate logistic regression analysis, gender, metastatic site (e.g. lung and liver) and the decreasing tendency of LYR associated with long-term survival. Conclusions: In conclusion, female patients with stage IV adenocarcinoma of NSCLC who had decreasing tendency of LYR during the course therapy and had accepted multiple therapies e.g. more than third-line chemotherapy, radiotherapy and/or targeted therapy might be expected to live longer.

The Discipline of the Dom-ino Frame and the Regulating Line - A Study of Le Corbusier's Villa La Roche-Jeanneret and Villa Stein-de Monzie - (르 꼬르뷔제 건축에서 돔-이노 프레임과 규준선의 기율 - 라 로쉬-잔느레 주택과 가르쉬 주택을 중심으로 -)

  • Pai, Hyung-Min;Hyun, Myung-Seok
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.12 no.1 s.33
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    • pp.25-41
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    • 2003
  • This paper is a study of Le Corbusier's trace regulateur of the 1920s, particularly its role in the design of the Villas La Roche-Jeanneret and Stein-de Monzie. It proceeds on the basis of the following three themes: first, the relation between the regulating line and the dom-ino frame; second, its status as a proportional device based not on a module system but one that defines relations; third, its function as an essential practical device in the design process. In the Villa La Roche-Jeanneret, the embedded horizontal planes of the dom-ino frame were constant, but the vortical lines of the columns were altered according to the changes in plan. Initially, a left-hand bay window formed a symmetry with the right-hand bay window, the only constant in the design process. With subsequent changes, mullion sections of the horizontal window and roof elements came to provide the reference points for the regulating line. Eventually, a regulating line different from the one that controlled the bay window and the elongated volume came to control the entrance hall of Villa La Roche, resulting in three different kinds of regulating lines in the final version. In contrast to the Villa La Roche-Jeanneret, a singular and consistent regulation line was anticipated in the earliest design stages of the Villa Stein-de Monzie. The repetition of its A:B grid and the standard $2.5m{\times}1.0m$ sliding window determined the proportions of both its plan and elevation, and thus the regulating line became 'automatic,' losing its viability as a practical tool. Though the regulating titles of the La Roche-Jeanneret look as if they were an afterthought, drawn after the design was complete, they were most active, requiring tenacity and discipline in their application. On the other hand, the seemingly 'redundant' regulating line of the Villa Stein-de Monzie gains its raison d'etre from the dom-ino frame. Its cantilevers and uninterrupted horizontal window could be used in decisive fashion because of the guarantee that the correct proportion would always be maintained. Thus we discover that Le Corbusier's discipline of the 1920s had a certain spectrum of flexibility. His 'parti' ranged from the extremely loose and malleable grid of the Villa La Roche-Jeanneret to the fixed grid of the Villa Stein-de Monzie. In different ways, these projects retain the tension between the dom-ino frame and the regulating line. For Le Corbusier, as much as the grid was an object with fixed attributes, it was also an active medium manipulated by the will of the architect.

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An Architecture of UPnP Bridge for Non-lP Devices with Heterogeneous Interfaces (다양한 Non-lP 장치를 위한 UPnP 브리지 구조)

  • Kang, Jeong-Seok;Choi, Yong-Soon;Park, Hong-Seong
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.32 no.12B
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    • pp.779-789
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents an architecture of UPnP Bridge for interconnecting Non-lP devices with heterogeneous network interfaces to UPnP devices on UPnP networks. The proposed UPnP Bridge provides a Virtual UPnP device that performs generic UPnP Device's functionalities on behalf of Non-lP device. This paper defines 3 types of descriptions, Device Description, Message Field Description, and Extended UPnP Service Description in order to reduce the amount of effort required to connect a non-lP device with a new interface or message format to UPnP network. By these three types of descriptions and Message conversion module, developers for Non-lP devices can easily connect the devices to UPnP network without additional programming. So UPnP control point controls Non-lP devices as generic UPnP device. Some experiments validate the proposed architecture, which are performed on a test bed consisting of UPnP network the proposed bridge, and non-lP devices with CAN and RS232 interfaces.

Study on the procedure to obtain an attainable speed in pack ice

  • Kim, Hyun Soo;Jeong, Seong-Yeob;Woo, Sun-Hong;Han, Donghwa
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.491-498
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    • 2018
  • The cost evaluation for voyage route planning in an ice-covered sea is one of the major topics among ship owners. Information of the ice properties, such as ice type, concentration of ice, ice thickness, strength of ice, and speed-power relation under ice conditions are important for determining the optimal route in ice and low operational cost perspective. To determine achievable speed at any designated pack ice condition, a model test of resistance, self-propulsion, and overload test in ice and ice-free water were carried out in a KRISO ice tank and towing tank. The available net thrust for ice and an estimation of the ice resistance under any pack ice condition were also performed by I-RES. The in-house code called 'I-RES', which is an ice resistance estimation tool that applies an empirical formula, was modified for the pack ice module in this study. Careful observations of underwater videos of the ice model test made it possible to understand the physical phenomena of underneath of the hull bottom surface and determine the coverage of buoyancy. The clearing resistance of ice can be calculated by subtracting the buoyance and open water resistance form the pre-sawn ice resistance. The model test results in pack ice were compared with the calculation results to obtain a correlation factor among the pack ice resistance, ice concentration, and ship speed. The resulting correlation factors were applied to the calculation results to determine the pack ice resistance under any pack ice condition. The pack ice resistance under the arbitrary pack ice condition could be estimated because software I-RES could control all the ice properties. The available net thrust in ice, which is the over thrust that overcomes the pack ice resistance, will change the speed of a ship according to the bollard pull test results and thruster characteristics (engine & propulsion combination). The attainable speed at a certain ice concentration of pack ice was determined using the interpolation method. This paper reports a procedure to determine the attainable speed in pack ice and the sample calculation using the Araon vessel was performed to confirm the entire process. A more detailed description of the determination of the attainable speed is described. The attainable speed in 1.0 m, 90% pack ice and 540 kPa strength was 13.3 knots.

Design and Implementation of Data Distribution Management Module for IEEE 1516 HLA/RTI (IEEE 1516 HLA/RTI 표준을 만족하는 데이터 분산 관리 모듈의 설계 및 구현)

  • Ahn, Jung-Hyun;Hong, Jeong-Hee;Kim, Tag-Gon
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2008
  • The High Level Architecture(HLA) specifies a framework for interoperation between heterogeneous simulators, and Run-Time Infrastructure(RTI) is a implementation of the HLA Interface Specification. The Data Distribution Management(DDM) services, one category of IEEE 1516 HLA/RTI management services, control filters for data transmission and reception of data volume among simulators. In this paper, we propose design concept of DDM and show its implementation for light-weighted RTI. The design concept of DDM is to minimize total amount of message that each federate and a federation process generate using the rate of RTI service execution. The design of our proposed DDM follows that a data transfer mechanism is differently applied as the rate of RTI service execution. A federate usually publishes or subscribes data when it starts. The federate constantly updates the data and modifies associated regions while it continues to advance its simulation time. Therefore, the proposed DDM design provides fast update or region modification in exchange of complex publish and subscribe services. We describe how to process the proposed DDM in IEEE 1516 HLA/RTI and experiment variable scenarios while modifying region, changing overlap ratio, and increasing data volume.

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