• Title/Summary/Keyword: Content-based approach

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Fraud Risk Management Model: A Content Analysis Approach

  • MADAH MARZUKI, Marziana;NIK ABDUL MAJID, Wan Zurina;AZIS, Nur Kamaliah;ROSMAN, Romzie;HAJI ABDULATIFF, Nik Kamaruzaman
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.10
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    • pp.717-728
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    • 2020
  • The objective of this study is to explore the whole process of fraud risk management strategies that should be implemented by the organizations. Secondly, this study discusses the governance issues that arise at each stage of the process. For the purpose of this study, a content analysis of previous literatures is used as a technique for gathering data. This process usually involves codifying qualitative and quantitative information into pre-defined categories in order to derive patterns in the presentation and reporting of information. Based on our content analysis, we found that the fraud risk management process should be made of at least five stages which are inculcating the culture of managing risks in an organization, identifying the risks, evaluating the risks, determining preventive actions and implementing and reviewing stages. Our extended analysis of the fraud risk management process finds that a lot of governance issues arise in the fraud risk management process that should be solved by regulators and companies in order to ensure that fraud risk management process is embedded as corporate culture, not merely as a process. Among them are how to create the risk culture in an organization and whether auditors and risk management committees identify risks from each available source.

An Exploratory Study on the Effects of Psychological Distance and Message Type on Word-of-Mouth in Firm's Facebook (회사 페이스북 메시지의 심리적 거리와 메시지 유형이 구전에 미치는 영향에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Lee, Seongwon
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.71-94
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    • 2020
  • Purpose With the development of Social Network Service(SNS) and mobile devices, many companies have been using the Facebook as a Word-of-Mouth(WOM) channel. This study examines the effects of psychological distance and message type on WOM using the Facebook's real messages. And the moderating effect of the message type on the relationship between psychological distance and WOM was also analyzed. Design/methodology/approach A content analysis was used as a research method. A total 7,483 messages were collected from 50 companies' Facebook Fanpage (based on the ranking of socialbakers.com) and content analysis was conducted using human coding. As the influencing variables, the message type and psychological distance and the number of 'Likes', 'Share', and 'Comment' were used as the dependent variable. The R3.4.4 was used to perform descriptive statistics, cross-tab analysis, and analysis of variance(ANOVA). Findings First, a larger proportion of Facebook messages have close psychological distance for all message types(information, advertisement, event, and customer relationship). Second, 'Like' and 'Comment' number were significantly higher in messages of close psychological distance. Third, the effects of psychological distance on 'Like', 'Share', and 'Comment' number were different according to message type. However, 'advertisement' message type had significantly more numbers for all WOMs('Like', 'Share', and 'Comment') in messages with close psychological distance.

Object oriented linking of GIS to assess ground water quality in Dharmapuri district, India

  • Devi, K.K.Manjula;M, Prashanthi Devi.;Kumar, D. Nandha;Balasubramanian, S
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1439-1441
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    • 2003
  • The World Health Organisation has identified ‘Fluorosis’as a serious bone disease caused by groundwater. Though the fluoride content in groundwater is a natural phenomenon, when the permissible limit of fluoride is exceeded the consequences may be fatal. This study is identified areas of high fluoride content in the Dharmapuri district of India, which is one of the major districts severely affected by fluorosis (WHO). The approach to this problem is by using GIS as a tool to locate areas of high risk. Ground Water samples collected from 35 randomly located wells (open / bore wells) in the district were analysed for fluoride content. The results were compared with the standards of WHO (World Health Organisation ), ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research ), BIS (Bureau of Indian Standard) and PHE (Public Health Engineering) and interpolated using IDW and spline methods using Arcview GIS 3.2 a. A computer based automated information system was developed in Arcview Avenue 3.2a, so as to enable the user to visit the risk areas at his desktop and to remediate measures as and when required.

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Development of Educational Content for Nurses to Prevent Safety Accidents of Hospitalized Children: Delphi Approach

  • Lee, Yun Sil;Oh, Won-Oak
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.74-84
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop content for safety education to prevent hospital safety accidents among hospitalized children and to investigate the status of safety education performed by nurses. Methods: First, the Delphi method was used, with 18 experts, to develop educational contents for preventing safety accidents. Second, an exploratory survey was performed of the actual status of safety education for preventing safety accidents among hospitalized children using a questionnaire developed based on the Delphi method. The participants of this study were 159 nurses with at least 6 months of work experience. Results: The educational content developed through the Delphi method for preventing safety accidents among hospitalized children contained seven domains (falls, injury, electric shocks/burns, suffocation/aspiration, poisoning/abuse, kidnapping, medical devices) with 44 topics. The item mean of nurses'perceptions of the importance of child safety education was 4.18, and the actual performance score was 3.72, which was a statistically significant difference (t=11.58, p<.001). Conclusion: These seven comprehensive domains of accident prevention education for hospitalized children are expected to be useful for interventions to support the safety of hospitalized children.

A Study on the Precedent Factors of WOM Intention in the Context of OTT Service: Focusing on Emotional Factors (OTT 서비스 이용자의 구전의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 감정요인을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Yoo Jung
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.63-85
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    • 2023
  • Purpose According to a recent survey, more than 90% of customers make purchase or use decisions for their products and services, primarily based on word-of-mouth(WOM) information (reviews, recommendations, ratings, etc.). However, few studies have explored what factors influence user's WOM intention in the context of OTT service. To address this gap, this study investigates the antecedent factors of WOM intention by adopting stimulus-organism-response (SOR) theory and pleasure arousal dominance (PAD) theory as a theoretical basis. Design/methodology/approach The research model consists of stimulus factors (diversity of original content, aesthetics, interactivity, personalization quality), emotional factors (pleasure, excitement, dominance), and behavioral factor (WOM intention). The research hypothesis was tested using the survey data collected from OTT service users of 305. Findings The result reveals that diversity of original content significantly affects on pleasure and arousal whereas it is not associated with dominance. Findings indicate that aesthetics positively influences pleasure, and interactivity is not associated with arousal. It is also proven that personalization quality has a positive effect on dominance. In addition, pleasure, arousal, and domination are proven to be positively and significantly related to WOM intention.

An Investigation of the Objectiveness of Image Indexing from Users' Perspectives (이용자 관점에서 본 이미지 색인의 객관성에 대한 연구)

  • 이지연
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.123-143
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    • 2002
  • Developing good methods for image description and indexing is fundamental for successful image retrieval, regardless of the content of images. Researchers and practitioners in the field of image indexing have developed a variety of image indexing systems and methods with the consideration of information types delivered by images. Such efforts in developing image indexing systems and methods include Panofsky's levels of image indexing and indexing systems adopting different approaches such as thesauri-based approach, classification approach. description element-based approach, and categorization approach. This study investigated users' perception of the objectiveness of image indexing, especially the iconographical analysis of image information advocated by Panofsky. One of the best examples of subjectiveness and conditional-dependence of image information is emotion. As a result, this study dealt with visual emotional information. Experiments were conducted in two phases : one was to measure the degree of agreement or disagreement about the emotional content of pictures among forty-eight participants and the other was to examine the inter-rater consistency defined as the degree of users' agreement on indexing. The results showed that the experiment participants made fairly subjective interpretation when they were viewing pictures. It was also found that the subjective interpretation made by the participants resulted from the individual differences in terms of their educational or cultural background. The study results emphasize the importance of developing new ways of indexing and/or searching for images, which can alleviate the limitations of access to images due to the subjective interpretation made by different users.

Content-based Video Information Retrieval and Streaming System using Viewpoint Invariant Regions

  • Park, Jong-an
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2009
  • This paper caters the need of acquiring the principal objects, characters, and scenes from a video in order to entertain the image based query. The movie frames are divided into frames with 2D representative images called "key frames". Various regions in a key frame are marked as key objects according to their textures and shapes. These key objects serve as a catalogue of regions to be searched and matched from rest of the movie, using viewpoint invariant regions calculation, providing the location, size, and orientation of all the objects occurring in the movie in the form of a set of structures collaborating as video profile. The profile provides information about occurrences of every single key object from every frame of the movie it exists in. This information can further ease streaming of objects over various network-based viewing qualities. Hence, the method provides an effective reduced profiling approach of automatic logging and viewing information through query by example (QBE) procedure, and deals with video streaming issues at the same time.

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A Robust Video Fingerprinting Algorithm Based on Centroid of Spatio-temporal Gradient Orientations

  • Sun, Ziqiang;Zhu, Yuesheng;Liu, Xiyao;Zhang, Liming
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.7 no.11
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    • pp.2754-2768
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    • 2013
  • Video fingerprints generated from global features are usually vulnerable against general geometric transformations. In this paper, a novel video fingerprinting algorithm is proposed, in which a new spatio-temporal gradient is designed to represent the spatial and temporal information for each frame, and a new partition scheme, based on concentric circle and rings, is developed to resist the attacks efficiently. The centroids of spatio-temporal gradient orientations (CSTGO) within the circle and rings are then calculated to generate a robust fingerprint. Our experiments with different attacks have demonstrated that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of robustness and discrimination.

A Home Economics Curriculum Development for High School Students Based on Practical Problems Focusing on Food and Nutrition (실천적 문제 중심의 고등학교 가정과 교육과정 개발에 관한 연구 -식생활 내용을 중심으로-)

  • 유지연;신상옥
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.53-69
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a Home Economics curriculum for high school students based on practical problems focusing on Food and Nutrition. This study developed practical-problem based approach to curriculum development. This curriculum provided a series of the objectives, contents, learning activities, and assessments. The objectives were divided into process objectives and content objectives. The objectives focused on three systems of action which were technical action, communicative action, and emancipatory action. The contents of this curriculum focused on three practical problems; 1) What should I do regarding my well-being\ulcorner ; 2) What should I do regarding my family’s well-being\ulcorner ; 3) What should I do regarding my society’s well-being\ulcorner The cooperative learning strategies were mainly used in this curriculum. Students were assessed through learning experiences and achievement.

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Mathematical Thinking and Developing Mathematical Structure

  • Cheng, Chun Chor Litwin
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.33-50
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    • 2010
  • The mathematical thinking which transforms important mathematical content and developed into mathematical structure is a vital process in building up mathematical ability as mathematical knowledge based on structure. Such process based on students' recognition of mathematical concept. Developing mathematical thinking into mathematical structure happens when different cognitive units are connected and compressed to form schema of solution, which could happen through some guided problems. The effort of arithmetic approach in problem solving did not necessarily provide students the structure schema of solution. The using of equation to solve the problem is based on the schema of building equation, and is not necessary recognizing the structure of the solution, as the recognition of structure may be lost in the process of simplification of algebraic expressions, leaving only the final numeric answer of the problem.