• 제목/요약/키워드: Contact Characteristics

검색결과 3,357건 처리시간 0.029초

차세대 고속전철 팬터그래프 팬 헤드의 압상력 변화 해석 (Analysis of Change of Contact Force in the Pantograph Pan Head of Next Generation High Speed Train)

  • 강형민;권혁빈
    • 한국유체기계학회 논문집
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 2017
  • In order to investigate the change of contact force of pantograph pan head due to the change of aerodynamic force, three dimensional flow around the pan head were calculated. For this, the aerodynamic modeling of pan head of CX pantograph was performed and the standard deviation of the contact force of the simulation results were compared with those of the experimental results of wind tunnel tests. From the comparison, it was confirmed that the current grid system and the numerical methodologies can be utilized to calculate the aerodynamic characteristics of the pantograph pan head. By using these grid system and the methodologies, the standard deviations of the contact force of pan head were calculated with velocities as 200, 250, 300, 350, and 400 km/h. The maximum standard deviation of the aerodynamic contact force of pan head was 92 N at 400 km/h and statistical minimum contact force was more than 0 N. Therefore, it was confirmed that and the pan head of CX pantograph was statistically contacted with the catenary system with the train speed of 350 km/h though the aerodynamic contact force was changed.

Projection Method에 의한 주조 해석용 접촉 요소망 생성 기법 (Contact Element Generation Method for Casting Analysis by using Projection Method)

  • 남정호;곽시영
    • 한국주조공학회지
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    • 제40권6호
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    • pp.146-150
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    • 2020
  • In general, hot metal castings contract and molds expand during the cooling step of a casting process. Therefore, it is important to consider both the casting and mold at the same time in a casting process analysis. For a more accurate analysis that includes the contact characteristics, matching each node of the casting and mold in the contact area is recommended. However, it is very difficult to match the nodes of the casting and the mold when generating elements due to the geometric problem of CAD model data. The present study proposes a mesh generation technique that considers mechanical contact between the casting and the mold in a casting analysis (finite element analysis). The technique focuses on the fact that the mold surrounds the casting. After generating the 3D elements for the casting, the surface elements of the casting in contact with the mold are projected inside the mold to create contact elements that coincide with the contact surface of the casting. It was confirmed that high-quality contact element information and a 3D element net can be automatically generated by the method proposed in this study.

태양열이용 직접접촉 열교환기내의 열전달 특성연구 (Heat Transfer Characteristics of Direct Contact Heat Exchanger Using Solar Energy)

  • 강용혁;전명석;윤환기;천원기
    • 한국에너지공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국에너지공학회 1995년도 춘계학술발표회 초록집
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    • pp.78-81
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    • 1995
  • In the present study, the spray column type of direct contact heat exchangers are studied experimentally to analyze heat transfer characteristics for solar energy utilization. These experiments are carried out in the line of solar heating system, major results are as follows ; 1) the flow and aspect of working fluid drop for maxium heat transfer 2) efficiency and volumetric heat transfer coefficient of D. C. H. X. with a heavier working fluid are higher than those of D. C. H. X. with a lighter working fluid

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초고압급 가스차단기용 노즐 및 아크접점의 내아크 특성시험 (Tests of the arc-resistant characteristics of nozzle and arcing contact for EHV class GCB)

  • 송기동;정진교;박경엽;권기영
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 1997년도 하계학술대회 논문집 A
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    • pp.89-93
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    • 1997
  • Various types of nozzles and arcing contacts for EHV class GCB have been made to investigate the arc-resistant characteristics of them during short-circuit tests. The tested results are presented and analyzed to give useful information for GCB nozzle and contact manufacturers.

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Correlation between the Annealing Effect and the Electrical Characteristics of the Depletion Region in ZnO, SnO2 and ZTO Films

  • Oh, Teresa
    • Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.104-108
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    • 2016
  • To research the correlation between oxygen vacancy and the electrical characteristics of ZTO, which is made by using a target mixed ZnO:SnO2=1:1, the ZnO, SnO2 and ZTO were analyzed by PL, XPS, XRD patterns and electrical properties. It was compared with the electron orbital spectra of O 1s in accordance with the electrical characteristics of ZnO, SnO2 and ZTO. The electrical characteristics of ZTO were improved by increasing the annealing temperatures, due to the high degree of crystal structures at a high temperature, and the physical properties of ZTO was similar to that of ZnO. The amorphous structure of SnO2 was increased with increasing the temperature. The Schottky contact of oxide semiconductors was formed using the depletion region, which is increased by the electron-hole combination due to the annealing processes. ZnO showed the Ohmic contact in spite of a high annealing temperature, but SnO2 and ZTO had Schottky contact. As such, it was confirmed that the electrical properties of ZTO are affected by the molecules of SnO2.

인벌류우트-圓弧 合成齒形의 諸特性 (Mechanical characteristics of involute-circular arc composite tooth profile)

  • 변준형;최상훈;윤갑영
    • 대한기계학회논문집
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    • 제10권6호
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    • pp.870-875
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    • 1986
  • 본 연구에서는 랙의 이끝부분을 full-rounded tip으로 설계한 후, 이에 의하 여 창성되는 피니언의 이뿌리곡선을 구하여 전체치형을 완성하였다. 그리고 합성치 형기어의 미끄름율, 유효이뿌리원에서의 공칭굽힘응력과 두쌍접촉호의 길이대 원호부 분접촉호의 길이의 비인 접촉계수를 해석적인 방법으로 구하였다.또한 이들 특성들 과 물림율등 제특성을 비교.검토하여 공구압력각, 인벌류우트부분의 크기를 나타내는 물림각 및 원호반경등의 변화에 대한 제특성의 변화를 고려한 합성치형의 성능을 향상 시킬 수 있는 설계방법을 구하였으며, 합성치형과 표준인버류우트치형을 비교하였다.

접수 탱크 구조물의 진동특성에 관한 연구 - 종횡비 변화와 압력분포 - (A Study on Vibration Characteristics in Water Tank Structures -Change of Aspect Ratio and Pressure Distribution-)

  • 배성용
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제40권6호
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    • pp.80-87
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    • 2003
  • Tank structures in ships are in contact with various fluid. The vibration characteristics of those structures are strongly affected by the added mass due to containing fluid. It is important to predict vibration characteristics of tank structures, but it is difficult to do. That's because the interaction problem concerned with the free surface, the variation of water depth and stiffener is to be considered between the fluid and the structure. Many authors have studied vibration of rectangular tank structures containing water. Kito studied added mass effect of water in contact with thin elastic flat plates. Kim et al. studied flexural vibration of stiffened plates in contact with water. However, few researches on dynamic interaction tank walls with water are reported in the vibration of rectangular tanks recently. in the present report, the coupling effect of added mass of fluid and structural constraint between panels on each vibration mode changing breadth of elastic plate, and dynamic pressure distribution have investigated numerically and discussed.

트리거형 초전도한류기의 접점구성에 따른 전류제한 및 회복특성 분석 (Analysis on Current Limiting and Recovery Characteristics of a Trigger Type SFCL as the Composition of the Contact)

  • 최종수;김명후;유일경;김진석;임성훈;김재철
    • 조명전기설비학회논문지
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    • 제24권9호
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    • pp.159-164
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    • 2010
  • We experiment to analyze on current limiting and recovery characteristics of trigger type SFCL as the composition of the contact. Generally, some superconductor of SFCL is relatively largely loaded due to limit the fault current by oneself and recovery time is affected until the fault cleared. However, in the fault, the proposal trigger type SFCL transfer the fault current to current limiting reactor(CLR) using power switch so it could reduce the recovery time and load of the superconductor. However, because of applying the additional power switches, that could generate some power loss. Therefore, to solve this problem, we proposed the composition method of the double contact for a trigger type SFCL and analyzed on current limiting and recovery characteristics for ones.

가선계의 동특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on Dynamic Characteristics of a Catenary System)

  • 김정수;최병두
    • 소음진동
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.317-323
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    • 1999
  • Dynamic characteristics of catenary that supplies electrical power to high-speed trains are investigated. A simple catenary is composed of the contact and messenger wires connected by droppers possessing bi-directional stiffness properties. For slender, repeating structures such as catenary, both the wave propagation and vibration properties need to be understood. The influence of parameters that determine catenary dynamics are investiaged through numerical simulations involving finite element models. The effects of the tension and flexural rigidity of the contact wire is first investigated. The effects of dropper characteristics are then investigated. For linear droppers wave propagation as well as modal properties are determined. For large catenary motion, droppers can be modeled as bi-directional elements possessing low stiffness in compression and high stiffness in tension. For this case, impulse response is computed and compared with the cases of linear droppers. It is found that the catenary dynamics are primarily determined by contact wire tension and dropper properties, with large responses observed in 5∼40 Hz frequency range. In particular, the dropper stiffness and spacing are found to have dominant influence on the response frequency and the wave transmission characteristics.

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전기콘센트의 사용환경과 전류값에 따른 열적특성 및 절연저항 분석 (Analysis of Thermal Characteristics and Insulation Resistance based on Usage Environment and Current Value of Electrical Socket Outlet)

  • 김경천;김두현;김성철
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제34권5호
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    • pp.22-30
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    • 2019
  • In 2018, overload, overcurrent, insulation aging, and a contact failure caused 659 electric fires. There is almost no failure of electrical socket outlets during their manufacturing or installation period. After several months or several years, overload or overcurrent of electrical socket outlets leads to a contact failure or short circuit which causes an electric fire. Therefore, this paper analyzed for thermal characteristics based on a current value and the change in insulation resistance along with a temperature rise caused by electrical socket outlets and the state of laboratory use in workplaces. As a results, regarding the thermal characteristics based on the current value of each installation year, a temperature increase was related to a current value, an installation year, and whether the contact unit is corroded. Insulation resistance began to decrease when a temperature increased to a certain level. With a lapse of installation year, the temperature at which insulation resistance began to decrease was lowered. This paper can be applicable for the survey data about electrical socket outlet induced fire accidents and management guidelines.