• Title/Summary/Keyword: Construction operation process

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Productivity Analysis of Tunnel Muck Hauling Operations (터널 버력처리 공정의 생산성 분석;경부고속철도 원효터널을 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Ho-Jung;Kang, Chan-Sung;Kim, Kyoung-Min;Kim, Kyong-Ju
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.827-831
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    • 2007
  • For applying simulation to the construction process, much effort is needed to collect input data and to build the model including the characteristics of site. This study introduces the methodology to collect operation data of construction equipment and build the simulation model, then verifies the model with the operation data. In addition, this study identifies main factors to determine the cycle time of the muck hauling system and offers reasonable decision making data using the simulation based planning of construction equipment operation.

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A Study on the Production of Wood Members and the Estimation of Raw Woods at the Government Managed Building Construction in the Late Chosun Dynasty (조선후기(朝鮮後期) 관영건축공사(官營建築工事)의 목부재(木部材) 생산(生産)과 물양산정(物量算定)에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kweon-Yeong
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.10 no.1 s.25
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    • pp.25-40
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    • 2001
  • Since the 17th century, the society of Chosun Dynasty belonged to a period of rapid transition in many fields. As the building is a result produced on the basis of a society and economy, the general transition in a society is to be reflected into a process of building construction. Therefore an understanding or estimate of a building can be guaranteed by research of a process of building construction. Economic base factors in its process consist of material, cost, manpower, and operation system, etc. to be committed to the construction. On the premise, this paper is to examine the production of wood members and the calculation of the amount of raw woods in a process of woodwork in the construction of the government managed buildings in the late of Chosun dynasty. Construction reports, job slips, written estimates, and other documents in those days are examined for the study. To classify raw woods according to a standard size was aimed to a material management appropriately to apply each them to building size or its member size. The way to select a list of raw woods applicable to each member size, and to calculate the amount of the demanded wood was much more improved with 'Injungjeon-yeongkweon' in the year 1805 at the turning point than 'Hwaseong-seongyuk' in the year 1796. The improvement of material management brought to overcome a shortage of the amount supplied from forest preserve, and to a rationalization of building construction.

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Standard Work Process to Reduce a Risk of Track Exchange Work for Railroad (철도 운행선 변경작업의 리스크 저감을 위한 표준작업 프로세스 도출)

  • Yoon, Chang Geun;Park, Su Yeul;Kim, Seok
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.131-137
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    • 2021
  • Since many resources are put into the work of changing the railway operation within limited time, it is important to have a specific work plan and safety management. For this reason, the work schedule is shared in advance, and parallel work is being carried out simultaneously by rail system, such as tracks, trolly wires, and signals. However, due to the nature of the transfer work, the work is carried out at night when the railway operation is finished, and many resources are put into the limited area of the operating line, so the risk of safety accidents and failure to change the operating line is recognized as high. Nevertheless, there is still not enough research done in korea regarding the operation line change construction. Therefore, this study is conducted a survey on the track exchange work of railroad for working people, and analyzed the results of the survey. Finally, a standard work process was suggested to reduce the risk of track exchange work.

A Methodology for Global ERP Implementation Based on GSI(Global Single Instance) and Its Application (GSI(Global Single Instance)기반의 Global ERP 구축 방법론 및 적용 사례)

  • Lee, Jae-Kwang;Cho, Min-Ho
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.97-114
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    • 2008
  • Many companies have implemented ERP systems to enhance their process competitiveness. Since most ERP systems down to date are implemented and managed on each separated business-unit or company level, such systems run short of the consideration about global business processes and global system managements. In order to integrate a successful global ERP, it is essential to apply the well-systematic implementation methodology which considers global standardization and global IT requirements. It is, however, the actual circumstance that such well-structured methodologies for global ERP implementation are hardly shown not only from domestic site but from foreign one. This paper indicates the global ERP implementation guideline with integrated approach including; the standard process design for efficient execution of global business; the ERP implementation method considering global IT requirements; and, the management method for global system operation. GSI ERP methodology is composed of 3 Phase:Global Strategy Planning, Global Template Construction and Global Roll-Out. Phase1; Global Strategy Planning contains Environment Analysis, GSI direction and Implementation Plan. Phase2; Global Template Construction contains Business blueprint, GSI operation design and Global template implementation. Phase3; Global Roll-out contains local business analysis, local ERP implementation and Global ERP Operation.

Comparison of Operation Performance of LNG Reliquefaction Process according to Reverse Brayton Cycle and Claude Cycle

  • Shin, Young-Gy;Seo, Jung-A;Lee, Yoon-Pyo
    • International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.135-140
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    • 2009
  • A dynamic model to simulate LNG reliquefaction process has been developed. The model was applied to two candidate cycles for LNG reliquefaction process, which are Reverse Brayton and Claude cycles. The simulation was intended to simulate the pilot plant under construction for operation of the two cycles and evaluate their feasibility. According to the simulation results, both satisfy control requirements for safe operation of brazed aluminum plate-fin type heat exchangers. In view of energy consumption, the Reverse Brayton cycle is more efficient than the Claude cycle. The latter has an expansion valve in addition to the common facilities sharing with the Reverse Brayton cycle. The expansion valve is a main cause to the efficiency loss. It generates a significant amount of entropy associated with its throttling and increases circulation flow rates of the refrigerant and power consumption caused by its leaking resulting in lowered pressure ratio. It is concluded that the Reverse Brayton cycle is more efficient and simpler in control and construction than the Claude cycle.

A Benchmarking Tool to Assess the Role of the Construction Manager in terms of Project Teamwork Supports

  • Kim, Chan-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.200-207
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    • 2011
  • Construction management services have been adopted for more than a decade and are continuously growing; however, the advantages of utilizing a construction management service are still not quite clear, regardless of many arguments can be made in their favor. The construction manager, as a coordinator, is supposed to smoothly facilitate the project teamwork in order to deliver a profitable and satisfactory project, not only for the owner's interests but also for the success of all project participants. This study has focused on the teamwork supports a construction manager can provide during project operations. This study developed a benchmarking tool to assess the construction manager's role in terms of its project teamwork supports, by utilizing the evaluation model and several case studies. In addition, this study also attempted to set the industry average and higher performance so that both the owner and the construction manager can self-assess, and more importantly, can improve project operation. The actual implementation of the benchmarking tool into on-going projects can allow the construction manager to understand the current operation and to make a better project process through teamwork.

Construction Processing Analysis of Domestic Bridges Crossing Navigable Waterways and Improvements (국내 항만횡단 해상교량의 건설 절차 분석 및 개선방안)

  • Lee, Yun-Sok;Cho, Ik-Soon;Park, Young-Soo;Park, Jin-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.119-125
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    • 2009
  • Recently the construction of bridges crossing navigable waterways is being promoted aiming at expanding social infrastructure and optimizing the overland routes through private investment. The construction, however, tends to focus on more the commercial requirements than the marine safety and efficient port management that it has a big risk not only to fail in ensuring the safety of ship traffic, but also to muse some severe conflicts between the parties concerned. These problems result from the lacking of standards about the design guidelines and discussing process considering the marine traffic safety when designing bridges. This research attempts to show the problems mused by bridge construction and suggest the standard discussing process through the survey and process analysis on Kwangyang Bridge and Incheon Bridge.

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An Analysis on the Data Distribution of Construction Equipment Operations - A Case on Muck Hauling System - (건설 장비 운영 데이터 분포 특성에 관한 연구 - 버력 처리 시스템을 중심으로 -)

  • Seo, Hyeong Beom;Jung, Won Ji;Kim, Kyoungmin;Kim, Kyong Ju
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.4D
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    • pp.661-670
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    • 2006
  • The utilization of simulation has been limited in planning construction process because it is difficult to collect data and build a model using simulation method. This study collects construction operation data and analyzes the characteristics of its distribution. Through the statistical analysis on the empirical data, this study identifies Beta distribution functions is one of the most proper in duplicating the characteristics of construction equipment operation data into a computer simulation. The information obtained in this study can support preparing input data for another simulation.


  • Tae-Kyung Lim;Han-Seong Gwak;Won-Sang Shin;Chang-Baek Son;Dong-Eun Lee
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2013.01a
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    • pp.583-586
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    • 2013
  • Construction processes are highly repetitive. A resource entity continuously cycles through work tasks that processes or uses resources. Web-CYCLONE (Halpin 1992) has been accepted as a useful tool for modeling and analyzing a specific operation. However the system has a lack of practicality as follows: (1) it does not efficiently record and keep track of operation models in a database; (2) it does not provide the functions which facilitate to retrieve corresponding model and to update local variables of the model using observed data; (3) it does not automate the complex process that executes simulation experiment, analyzes simulation outputs and generates a report on behalf of the practitioners. Therefore, practitioners have a difficulty in reusing, modifying and analyzing the existing operation models. This study introduces a Client/Server based CYCLONE that improves above-mentioned limitations in the existing Web-CYCLONE. The system was illustrated by revising CSPU in practice.

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SaaS-based construction process transfer and Safety Management System (SaaS기반의 건설공정전송 및 안전관리 시스템)

  • Kim, Eui-ryong;Jung, Soo-Sung;Kim, Young-Gon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.735-737
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, SaaS (Software as a Service) based transport and construction process safety management systems by utilizing the construction work process management and safety management and schedule, and results for various types of construction process, achieved through high-speed wireless Internet access by applying to ensure a systematic means for safety and can quickly and accurately manage all made within the process control system. The operator should be indicated by using a smart phone to work as a supervisor report the current status and results of the operation. Also be reported to the supervisor immediately in an emergency situation and there is no vibration occurs over a period of time the smartphone is to check the danger to the operator. If the commissioner is directed to specific business processes that establish and verify the results obtained and the result is satisfied by presenting the part down the measures insufficient command of the field workers risk situations. In the case of software (server) to store all the data relating to the operation member in charge of management and security.

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