• Title/Summary/Keyword: Construction e-Business

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Design and Implementation of Agent Systems based on Case Markup Language for e-Leaning (e-Learning을 위한 사례 마크업 언어 기반 에이전트 시스템의 설계 및 구현 :사례 기반 학습자 모델을 중심으로)

  • 한선관;윤정섭;조근식
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.63-80
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    • 2001
  • The construction of the students knowledge in e-Learning systems, namely the student modeling, is a core component used to develop e-Learning systems. However, existing e-Learning systems have many problems to share the knowledge in a heterogeneous student model and a distributed knowledge base. Because the methods of the knowledge representation are different in each e-Learning systems, the accumulated knowledge cannot be used or shared without a great deal of difficulty. In order to share this knowledge, existing systems must reconstruct the knowledge bases. Consequently, we propose a new a Case Markup Language based on XML in order to overcome these problems. A distributed e-Learning systems fan have the advantage of easily sharing and managing the heterogeneous knowledge base proposed by CaseML. Moreover students can generate and share a case knowledge to use the communication protocol of agents. In this paper, we have designed and developed a CaseML by using a knowledge markup language. Furthermore, in order to construct an intelligent e-Learning systems, we have done our research based on the design and development of the intelligent agent system by using CaseML.

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The e-Business Component Construction based on Distributed Component Specification (분산 컴포넌트 명세를 통한 e-비즈니스 컴포넌트 구축)

  • Kim, Haeng-Gon;Choe, Ha-Jeong;Han, Eun-Ju
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.8D no.6
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    • pp.705-714
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    • 2001
  • The computing systems of today expanded business trade and distributed business process Internet. More and more systems are developed from components with exactly reusability, independency, and portability. Component based development is focused on advanced concepts rater than passive manipulation or source code in class library. The primary component construction in CBD. However, lead to an additional cost for reconstructing the new component with CBD model. It also difficult to serve component information with rapidly and exactly, which normalization model are not established, frequency user logging in Web caused overload. A lot of difficult issues and aspects of Component Based Development have to be investigated to develop good component-based products. There is no established normalization model which will guarantee a proper treatment of components. This paper elaborates on some of those aspects of web application to adapt user requirement with exactly and rapidly. Distributed components in this paper are used in the most tiny size on network and suggest the network-addressable interface based on business domain. We also discuss the internal and external specifications for grasping component internal and external relations of user requirements to be analyzed. The specifications are stored on Servlets after dividing the information between session and entity as an EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans) that are reusable unit size in business domain. The reusable units are used in business component through query to get business component. As a major contribution, we propose a systems model for registration, auto-arrange, search, test, and download component, which covers component reusability and component customization.

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Design Aesthetics of Ralph Rucci

  • Yim, Eunhyuk;Istook, Cynthia
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2017
  • Ralph Rucci, the first American designer who presented official collections at Paris Couture since Mainbocher, is known for his innovative dressmaking techniques and sculptural forms. Accompanied by literature survey, this study examines the aesthetics of Ralph Rucci's designs by content analysis of his works, Rucci's designs since his debut collection of 1994 until he left the Chado Ralph Rucci label in 2014 and his returning collection under the new label, RR331, in 2016. Ralph Rucci developed his creative designs by the following strategies: First, he reinvents the couture tradition of Balenciaga and $Gr{\grave{e}}s$ into progressive and functional American couture in that he gives consideration to a wearer's movements and comforts. Second, Rucci constructs architectural volume based on human anatomy and architectonic strategies, with the attention to three-dimensional quality of the space built between the body and a garment. Third, he conducts engineered construction summarized by his original 'suspension' techniques, which function as both ornamentation and construction.

Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) for Project Management of Thermal Power Plant Construction

  • KIM, Namjoon;JUNG, Youngsoo
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.415-419
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    • 2015
  • Engineering is a value-adding process applying knowledge and skills in the construction industry that includes the planning, feasibility study, project management (PM), front end engineering and design (FEED), detail design, procurement, construction, supervision, and operation. Among these engineering activities, FEED is defined as a comprehensive design practice in the early design phase focused on conceptual design and basic design. It is a particularly influencing area that determines the competitiveness of procurement and construction capability of construction firms (KNIN 2013). Nevertheless, previous studies in FEED have been limited to the design process, deliverable, or particular management technique (e.g. system engineering, collaboration, information etc.). In this context, the purpose of this study is to propose a comprehensive FEED business process structure for project management of thermal power plant construction projects encompassing the entire project life cycle. And an assessment methodology for FEED functions was developed. It is expected that the proposed structure of FEED functions and FEED evaluation methodology will contribute to improvement of competitive capability of engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) companies.

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An Analysis of Technology Architecture and Application Factors for Electronic Commerce Implementation (전자상거래 구현을 위한 기술체계와 적용요인 분석)

  • 임춘성;이승창;박형근;이광희
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.31-54
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    • 1997
  • While Electronic Commerce is believed to provide new opportunities and environments toward the information society, not many companies have achieved successful construction of Electronic Commerce systems regarding their own technology factors and business process types. This work provides a brief review of Electronic Commerce information infrastructure based on the technology architecture developed. Three major technologies-telecommunication, information processing, and process enhancement - support the architecture, and each major technology consists of its technical enablers. Also, the application factors of Electronic Commerce are defined and analyzed in term of inter-enterprise, intra-enterprise, and enterprise-consumer interactivity. Finally, the implementation strategy is drawn with respect to the technology architecture and three application types.

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A Stduy on the Development of XML Schemata and STEP Model for Sharing Construction Drawings Information (건설도면정보 공유를 위한 XML 스키마 개발 및 STEP 연계기술에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, In-Han;Choi, Jung-Sik;Jo, Chan-Won
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.57-77
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    • 2004
  • The main purpose of this study is to develop XML schemata and related STEP model for sharing construction drawings information. To achieve this purpose, the authors have developed a drawing information model based on STEP/AP202, the data searching mechanism based on STEP, and XML schemata for sharing and exchanging information between vector data and non-shape attribute information. Finally, the authors have suggested the way of sharing drawing information through linked STEP data and a XML schema using test cases of construction material information and code checking. The study shows a way of optimized managing and sharing construction information through the drawing information and external data for the whole building life-cycle, from early design stage to the construction stage.

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A Study on the Construction of RosettaNet Multi-PIP Environment with Contents- Based Document Routing System (컨텐츠 기반 문서 라우팅 시스템을 이용한 로제타넷 다중-PIP환경의 구축에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Soo
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.113-126
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    • 2006
  • The scope of e-Commerce process becomes wider as the emphasis on the enterprise collaboration grows. It has expanded from its initial settings of order management or billing processes to cover various collaborative processes in the company's value-chain. In order for those collaborative e-Commerce processes to be successful, corresponding business processes should be fully supported by standard bodies. The RosettaNet consortium, one of the most representative international B2B standard bodies, has steadily provided new PIPs to support those expansions. Since individual RosettaNet PIPs correspond to unit tasks that are executed separately in or between companies, multiple PIPs have to be integrally used to properly handle larger business cases. RosettaNet implementation, however, has suffered from the lack of standard guidelines or deliverables to refer under this multi-PIP environment. In this research, a contents-based document routing system is implemented. By applying this routing system to the RosettaNet e-Logistics program where multi-PIP environment is inevitable, we verified our contents-based document routing system is effective to support multi-PIP environment flexibly.

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BIM Automatic Design and the Optimization of the Tunnel Blasting Patterns (터널 발파패턴 최적화를 위한 BIM 설계자동화)

  • Eunji Jo;Woojin Kim;Jaeho Jung;Sanghyuk Bang
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.461-476
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    • 2024
  • As the paradigm of urban development has recently changed to development of underground space, the road tunnels and railway tunnels are increasing to relieve traffic congestion. This technical notes is related to the development of underground spaces using NATM (New Austrian Tunneling Method). Limitations of conventional 2D blasting pattern design method were analyzed, and BIM-based automatic design method was developed to overcome them. Since it was developed to facilitate modeling of all safety facilities along a alignment using coordinates and GIS data, it can overcome the limitations of the number of safety facilities that can be considered and time required for conventional design. In the conventional design, the results of borehole test blasting were used to predict the blasting impact. However, the developed technology is possible to recalculate by applying the measurement results obtained from actual tunnel blasting, enabling rapid re-evaluation of the blasting impact on all safety facilities during construction, leading economical design. As a result of applying it to GTX-A5 and 6 sites, it took about 5 minutes, which is 1/480 compared to the conventional design method. In addition, the construction cost was reduced by about 8 billion won/km and the period was reduced by about 41 days/km. It is expected to be used as technical basis for calculating the optimal blasting pattern in the BIM-based design and construction management process.

Implementation Strategy of Knowledge Management System to the Construction Industry (건설산업 지식관리체계 구현 전략)

  • 김승균;조문영;정인수
    • Proceedings of the CALSEC Conference
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    • 2000.08a
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    • pp.35-47
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    • 2000
  • ■지식관리 이론고찰, 국내ㆍ외 사례분석, 설문 및 면담조사를 통한 문제점 도출 ■문제점 개선을 위한 최종목표 설정 및 다각적 추진방향 제시 ■건설산업 지식관리체계 구현 전략(안) 제시 ■구체적인 방법론 및 프로토타입 시스템 개발은 단계별 연구 (중략)

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Platform Based of The Major Attribute Research for The Service Ecosystem Construction (플랫폼 기반의 서비스 생태계 구축을 위한 주요 속성 연구)

  • Kwon, Hyeog-In;Na, Yun-Bin;Park, Jong-Suk
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.461-472
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    • 2013
  • Today, In the Service Industry are more getting a lot of convergence of IT utilization. And global IT companies are strengthening that platform based Services Ecosystems. These business in the field, Ecosystem Competitive strategy is difficult to imitate. And this strategy is generated organic Business Model that a by Competitive-Predominance to brings. In addition, the added value of the Service Industry is taken, a new type of job creation by the ripple-effect is huge. However, existing the Ecosystem Theory of Business is a lack of research on the use. Thus, Ecosystem Construction conditions is very difficult. This study is try to successful Platform Case's Analysis such as Apple, Google, Amazon, eBay's. These Ecosystems is that want to know the Major attributes. At first, would be analyzing to previous research, the Service and Knowledge Services' major attributes and Ecosystem studies' major attributes to grasp. Then, from a Group of Experts is to assess the importance. Finally, according to each Platform, examined the Correlation of Major Attributes.