• Title/Summary/Keyword: Construction Performance

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A Study in the construction of the system of knowledge management and human resources management in the Korean firm (한국기업의 지식경영 구축과 인적자원 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Heo Kap-Soo
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.17
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    • pp.191-214
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    • 2005
  • Recently, most enterprises are having a knowlege management boom. A number of books associated with the knowlege management are being published, countless public seminars are held, and many research councils have been organized studying it formally or informally as if not importing the system is like falling behind a fashion. However, there are not many cases that achieved success by constructing the system of knowledge management. Then, why the knowledge management is not so much effective despite so many voices wanting the change of management system and a lot of public lectures about it? I guess the reason is that most companies do not have concrete methodology. Seeing a result of a survey which reported that with spread of venture boom and successful examples being known widely, the outflow of precious human resources is accelerated and a large number of employees of conglomerates have already resigned or are considering separation from their positions, we can realize that are occurring a change which can be nearly called severance in an occupational view and an organization culture. The preference to a large enterprise or a public institution of labor is low today and the notion about a lifelong job is regarded as past remains. As for this, it could be said that the social atmosphere that pursued the stability of a job has been changed to the practical one that attaches importance to ability and pay. The way of thinking of employees has been changed while established organizations cannot satisfy their desire and this explains why important members of a company are flown out. The reason why superior human resources move to venture businesses is that they can do their likable work and also prove their ability as well as unconventional rewards. Although existing companies are trying to preserve important human resources through performance compensating stock option, temporary patching up of personnel management cannot retard the rushing wind of foundation and the outflow of labor. On the contrary, clumsy import of performance-based reward system not only fails to hire superior labor power but also can bring about a sense of incompatibility and conflicts among the remaining employees. Therefore, this thesis, focusing on how to choose, develop, and maintain the human resources, will suggest a future-aiming human resources management model of Korean enterprises after comparing and analyzing the actual condition of domestic companies and the trends of advanced corportaions.

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Analyses of the Railway Noise Transmission Characteristics of the Rooms in High-speed Train Stations Depending on Building Types (고속철도의 역사형식에 따른 철도소음의 실내 전달특성 분석)

  • Park, Chan-Jae;Haan, Chan-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.385-393
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    • 2015
  • The speed of train has rapidly been increased in accordance with the developed railway technology. Nowadays, high-speed trains were introduced which has the speed faster than 400 km/h. In Korea, a lots of efforts were undertaken to increase the speed of train faster than 350 km/h, however noise and vibration are still the main problems to solve for realization of the high-speed train. In the case of operation speed faster than 350 km/h, it can be easily presumed that the noise and vibration damages could be increased in the train stations which are close to the passing railway tracks. Thus, the noise in the five different types of high-speed train stations were analyzed including stations built on the ground, underground, under rail, and two types on rail. The present paper predicts noises inside the stations depending on the speed of the passing trains and analyze the noise comparing with noise criteria (NC). Sound insulation performance of each part of buildings was calculated using the transmission noise formula and computer modeling, Finally, a series of processes were introduced to satisfy the aural environment with the optimum interior noise criteria by changing interior finishing materials.

Experimental Study on Vibration Reduction Characteristics of Polymer Concrete (폴리머 콘크리트의 진동저감 특성에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Jin;Shim, Hak-Bo
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.58-65
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    • 2019
  • Polymer concrete is expected to be widely used as a building material because it has a shorter hardening time and excellent compression, tensile, bending, bond strength, frictional resistance and abrasion loss compared to general concrete. The polymer concrete has excellent vibration damping performance and research on the use of various reinforcing materials is being conducted. However, in order to completely replace the general concrete and the general anti-vibration reinforcement, such polymer concrete requires an overall review of vibration reduction performance considering physical properties, dynamic properties, productivity and field applicability. In this study, the physical and dynamic properties of polymer concrete by epoxy mixing ratio were compared with those of general concrete. It was appeared that compression, tensile, bending and bond strengths of polymer concrete by epoxy mixing were significantly higher than those of general concrete. Especially, the tensile strength was more than 4 ~ 6.5 times. Based on the basic physical properties of polymer concrete, the damping ratio, which is a dynamic characteristic according to the epoxy mixing ratio, was derived through analytical models and experiments. As a result, the dynamic stiffness of polymer concrete was 20% higher than that of general concrete and the loss rate was about 3 times higher.

Construction of Faster R-CNN Deep Learning Model for Surface Damage Detection of Blade Systems (블레이드의 표면 결함 검출을 위한 Faster R-CNN 딥러닝 모델 구축)

  • Jang, Jiwon;An, Hyojoon;Lee, Jong-Han;Shin, Soobong
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.80-86
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    • 2019
  • As computer performance improves, research using deep learning are being actively carried out in various fields. Recently, deep learning technology has been applying to the safety evaluation for structures. In particular, the internal blades of a turbine structure requires experienced experts and considerable time to detect surface damages because of the difficulty of separation of the blades from the structure and the dark environmental condition. This study proposes a Faster R-CNN deep learning model that can detect surface damages on the internal blades, which is one of the primary elements of the turbine structure. The deep learning model was trained using image data with dent and punch damages. The image data was also expanded using image filtering and image data generator techniques. As a result, the deep learning model showed 96.1% accuracy, 95.3% recall, and 96% precision. The value of the recall means that the proposed deep learning model could not detect the blade damages for 4.7%. The performance of the proposed damage detection system can be further improved by collecting and extending damage images in various environments, and finally it can be applicable for turbine engine maintenance.

Development of Green Template for Building Life Cycle Assessment Using BIM (건축물 LCA를 위한 BIM 친환경 템플릿 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sung Woo;Tae, Sung Ho;Kim, Tae Hyoung;Roh, Seung Jun
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to develope BIM Template according to major building material for efficiently and quantitatively evaluating greenhouse gas emission at the design stage. Template users consider various environmental impacts without connecting simulation tools for analyzing environmental impact and Template users who have no prior knowledge can Life Cycle Assessment by using The green template. For this study, Database which was reflected in template was constructed considering environmental performance. and 6 kinds of environmental impact categories and PPS standard construction codes were analyzed by major building material derived from literature. Based on this analyzed data, The major Material Family according to the main building material was developed. When users conduct modeling by utilizing Family established, evaluating result can be confirmed in the Revit BIM Modeling program by using the schedule function of the Revit. Users through the modeling, the decision-making environment performance possible. In addition, we propose to create a guideline for the steps required to build an additional established family.

Performance Evaluation for the A/O Pure-Oxygen Biofilm (POB) Process on the Removal of Organics and TKN in the Industrial Wastewater (혐기/호기 순산소 생물막공법에 의한 산업폐수의 유기물 및 TKN 제거 성능평가)

  • Jang, Am;Kim, Hong Suck;Kim, In S.
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.837-847
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    • 2000
  • For the treatment of wastewaters generated from beer industry and petrochemical company with high organic and nitrogen contents, laboratory scale of A/O Pure-Oxygen Biofilm (POB) process was developed and studied by means of the comparative economic analysis with extended aeration process. When the wastewater of beer company was initially treated by the A/O POB process in the ranges of 70 to 150 mg TOC/L diluted with tap water, higher than 92% of TOC removal was accomplished in the all ranges. In case of petrochemical wastewater, the initial TOC removal was as low as 52%, though, it increased to 86% after 32 days of operation and also the TKN removal marked 71% after 27 days. Continuous high removal rates were monitored in both the TOC and TKN parameters during the experimental period. Due to the cost for PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) setting and biomass supporting media installation, the initial construction cost of A/O POB process was 2.9 times higher than that of extended aeration process. However, the advantages such as low sludge production, no need for sludge recycling and low energy consumption allow the A/O POB process to have 2.5 times lower operation and maintenance costs. Consequently, in the long term of operation, it is likely that A/O POB process would show higher performance as well as cost effectiveness compared to extended aeration process.

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A Survey for the Construction of Nursing Theory According to Korean Culture -Traditional View of Human and Expectation of Sick Role- (한국문화에 따른 간호정립을 위한 기초조사연구 I -전통적인 인간관과 환자역할기대를 중심으로-)

  • 박정숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.782-798
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    • 1996
  • This study was a survey done for the purpose of constructing a nursing theory according to Korean culture and to identify the traditional Korean view of humans and the expectations of the sick role, and to confirm changes from the traditional view of humans and expectations of the sick role according to general characteristics of the population. The subjects were all adults over 18 years old. 517 who lived in six large cities and 191 who lived in five rural communities. Data collection was done from November 19th, 1994 to January 19th, 1995 using a tool to measure the traditional view of humans and expectations of the sick role which was developed by the investigator through a literature review. Collected data were analyzed using frequency, percent, Cronbach alpha, 1-test, F-test and Scheffe post hoc contrasts, with the SAS program. The results of this study are summerized as follows : 1. The Traditional view of human score for all subject was 49.92, which shows that Korean traditional view of human is moderate. High scored items were "human need to live by making harmony with nature, not by overcoming the nature" (3.44), "Filial duty to parents and elders is important" (3.31), "Think of family more than a individual" (2.96). 2. The differences in the traditional view of humans between residential districts showed that the residents of Chungbuk(56.00), Kyungbuk(55.26), Chonbuk(51.32), Taegu(50.59) had a more traditional view of humans than those in Pusan(45.42) and Seoul (47.27). 3. The differences in the traditional view of humans according to general characteristics showed that rural community residents, males, older people, people with lower levels of education, married and house-resident groups had a significantly higher traditional view of humans than urban residents, females, younger people, people with a higher levels of education, single and apartment-resident groups. There were differences according to religion and job. Buddhism had a higher traditional view of humans than those of atheism, Christianity and Catholicism and physical workers, a significantly highers score, than technicians and professional workers. 4. Daily expected task performance during illnesses was lowest for patients with stroke (2.16) and psychosis(2.40), in which case almost no daily general tasks were expected, followed by arthritis 4.06, peptic ulcer 4.79, headache 4.99 and cough 5.58. The amount of expected role exemption during illnesses was also highest for stroke(2.25), followed by psychosis(2.08), arthritis(1.64), peptic ulcer(1.29), headache(1.16) and cough(1.09). The amount of daily task performance in the acute stage(3.05) was significantly lower than that of convalescent stage(4.95). 5. Total expectation of role exemption according to general characteristics showed that there was no significant differences in urban /rural community, marriage, level of education and religion. By sex, women showed higher expectation of role exemption during illnesses than men. By age, the 31-40 year old group showed lower expectation of role exemption than the 41-50 year old group or over the 61 year old group.or over the 61 year old group.

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Transformation of Text Contents of Engineering Documents into an XML Document by using a Technique of Document Structure Extraction (문서구조 추출기법을 이용한 엔지니어링 문서 텍스트 정보의 XML 변환)

  • Lee, Sang-Ho;Park, Junwon;Park, Sang Il;Kim, Bong-Geun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.31 no.6D
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    • pp.849-856
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    • 2011
  • This paper proposes a method for transforming unstructured text contents of engineering documents, which have complex hierarchical structure of subtitles with various heading symbols, into a semi-structured XML document according to the hierarchical subtitle structure. In order to extract the hierarchical structure from plain text information, this study employed a method of document structure extraction which is an analysis technique of the document structure. In addition, a method for processing enumerative text contents was developed to increase overall accuracy during extraction of the subtitles and construction of a hierarchical subtitle structure. An application module was developed based on the proposed method, and the performance of the module was evaluated with 40 test documents containing structural calculation records of bridges. The first test group of 20 documents related to the superstructure of steel girder bridges as applied in a previous study and they were used to verify the enhanced performance of the proposed method. The test results show that the new module guarantees an increase in accuracy and reliability in comparison with the test results of the previous study. The remaining 20 test documents were used to evaluate the applicability of the method. The final mean value of accuracy exceeded 99%, and the standard deviation was 1.52. The final results demonstrate that the proposed method can be applied to diverse heading symbols in various types of engineering documents to represent the hierarchical subtitle structure in a semi-structured XML document.

Construction and Performance Evaluation of Digital Radiographic System (이동형 디지털 X선 촬영장치의 구축 및 성능평가)

  • Cho, Hyo-Min;Nam, So-Ra;Lee, Chang-Lae;Jung, Ji-Young;Kim, Hee-Joung
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.144-148
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    • 2007
  • Current digital radiography systems are rapidly glowing in clinical applications. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of a mobile digital radiographic system. The performance of the mobile DR system was evaluated by measuring the modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectrum (NPS), and detective quantum efficiency (DQE). Measurements were made on a LISTEM Mobix-1000 generator and a Teleoptic PRA Alpha-R4000 detector. Imaging characteristics were measured for these two systems using the IEC-61267 defined RQA5 (kVp: 74, additional filtration: 21 mmAl) radiographic condition. The MTF at 10% was measured as 2.4 cycles/mm and the DQE(0) values for radiation exposure 0.19, 0.5, and 1.3 mR were measured as 54%, 55%, and 76%, respectively. The NPS curves gradually decreased at high spatial frequencies. This high DQE at low frequencies, may be useful for low frequency information. The results suggested that mobile DR system could be integrated with emergency ambulance system in teleradiologic imaging applications.

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Comparison and analysis of data-derived stage prediction models (자료 지향형 수위예측 모형의 비교 분석)

  • Choi, Seung-Yong;Han, Kun-Yeun;Choi, Hyun-Gu
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.547-565
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    • 2011
  • Different types of schemes have been used in stage prediction involving conceptual and physical models. Nevertheless, none of these schemes can be considered as a single superior model. To overcome disadvantages of existing physics based rainfall-runoff models for stage predicting because of the complexity of the hydrological process, recently the data-derived models has been widely adopted for predicting flood stage. The objective of this study is to evaluate model performance for stage prediction of the Neuro-Fuzzy and regression analysis stage prediction models in these data-derived methods. The proposed models are applied to the Wangsukcheon in Han river watershed. To evaluate the performance of the proposed models, fours statistical indices were used, namely; Root mean square error(RMSE), Nash Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient(NSEC), mean absolute error(MAE), adjusted coefficient of determination($R^{*2}$). The results show that the Neuro-Fuzzy stage prediction model can carry out the river flood stage prediction more accurately than the regression analysis stage prediction model. This study can greatly contribute to the construction of a high accuracy flood information system that secure lead time in medium and small streams.