• Title/Summary/Keyword: Construction Labor

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Delay Factors in Building Construction Projects in Rwanda

  • Umuhoza, Esperance;An, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.467-475
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    • 2019
  • Delay is one of the most critical issues for construction projects and leads to huge losses in both developing and industrialized countries. The construction sector in Rwanda, a rapidly-developing nation, is no exception. Delays can be mitigated only once we have identify their primary causes, and these may not be the same in each region. This study aims to ascertain the main critical factors responsible for delays in building construction in Rwanda through an intensive literature review and questionnaire survey. A total of 40 delay causative factors were obtained from a literature review and were further classified into nine major categories. The questionnaire survey was distributed to about 80 respondents from clients, contractors, and consultants. From the list of 40 different factors, the top twelve most critical causes were identified as stoppage of work due to cash flow constraints, delay in approving design documents, confidentiality of physical plan, price fluctuations and delay in approving significant change, change orders, delay in performing inspections, Ineffective project planning, inadequate drawing details, unqualified labor, lack of materials on the market and dishonesty.


  • Ji yun Lee;Young woong Song;Yoon ki Choi
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.1199-1202
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    • 2005
  • Knowledge has been considered one of the important elements that determine our future. Competitive power of an enterprise has also been transformed from labor, capital, and technology-oriented to knowledge-oriented. Current construction environment is experiencing overall decrease of number of construction contracts due to opening of domestic construction market and economic slump, problems on methods of receiving orders/bidding, and change of costumers' attitude, which intensify competition, therefore many companies consider adopting knowledge management to secure their competitive power. However, there are difficulties in adopting knowledge management and increasing the use by establishing management plan, Performance Measurement, and knowledge maintenance system in reality. Therefore, this study is to provide assistance to successful realization of knowledge management by suggesting development plan of knowledge management that enables knowledge management more efficient with certain goals.

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Strategies for developing the Appropriation Method of the Construction Quality Cost (건설공사 품질관리비용의 구성요소 및 현실화를 위한 계상방법에 대한 고찰)

  • Park, Kyeong-Geun;Park, Yun-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.101-111
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    • 2011
  • Clients ought to Appropriate the cost of quality management for contractors based on Construction Technology Management Act. The costs of safety management and environment reservation are separately estimated. and the quality management cost is added up to secure the construction quality required on sites. However, the sufficient cost for quality management was not allowed to the contractors, due to the viewpoints of the clients that the quality management should be one of the duties of contractors. In addition, an Account-related legislation enacted a provision of the labor cost of quality management as the one that should be included in the indirect labor cost. From the continuous survey the quality management cost is currently estimated by 0.2% of the total project cost and the contractors protest the portion of the quality management cost is insufficient. Thus, this paper aimed to provide the bases of estimation of the actualized quality management cost considering the viewpoint of contractors.

Analysis of Factors for Improvement of Economic Feasibility of Construction Cost to Spread Application of OSC Construction Method for Apartment Housing (공동주택 OSC공법 적용 확산을 위한 공사비 분야 경제성 개선 요인 분석 - PC 부재 설계, 제작, 운송, 시공을 중심으로 -)

  • Yun, WonGun;Shin, Eun-Young;Kang, Tai-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2021
  • Recently, as the problem of the traditional on-site labor-intensive construction production method has been raised due to changes in construction work labor and site conditions, the OSC method is gradually spreading as an alternative to this. Even in apartment houses, the application of the PC method is expanding centered on the underground parking lot, but the high cost structure is a problem compared to the conventional formwork method. In this study, factors affecting the calculation of construction cost in the economic evaluation, which are the core of determining the construction method for apartment buildings, are derived through domestic and foreign literature review and expert advice, the importance was analyzed through an opinion survey targeting industry experts. The measures to reduce construction cost were mainly derived from the improvement of the design and manufacturing process. It is expected that the factors affecting the construction cost and improvement measures of the PC method derived from this study will serve as a direction for technology development to spread the application of the PC method for apartment houses in the future.

Improvement of CM Fee Estimation Criteria for Efficient CM Service (건설사업관리업무 효율화를 위한 대가 산출기준 개선방향)

  • Cho, Youngjun;Sung, Youngmo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 2019
  • As the Construction Technology Promotion Act was revised in 2015, the term of Supervision was removed and Construction Management was included instead. The consideration of Construction Management shall be based on the cost plus fee method specified in the Criteria for the Cost of Construction Technology Services of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. Nevertheless, it is based on the construction cost ratio in accordance with the Economy and Finance Ministry's Detailed Guidelines for Preparing the 2018 Budget Plan and Fund Management Plan (Manual for Business Type and Item). As a result, it has been expected that Construction Management consideration will be calculated according to a single government standard and that the Criteria will be applied reasonably. In addition, although the change in the Labor Standard Act has a significant effect on the working environment of the construction site, the nature of the construction site is not considered in this Act. Based on these problems, the study suggested that the government should apply a single standard after consultation with the relevant agencies when calculating the consideration for Construction management, that the scope of the Criteria for the Cost of Construction Technology Services should be clear, that the amount of input by the Construction Manager should be considered for the capability of engineers and the number of working days, and that construction characteristics should be considered when determining the number of working days and hours.

Cutting-edge Technologies to Achieve a Higher Level of Modular Construction - Literature Review

  • Lee, Seungtaek;Choi, Jin Ouk;Song, Seung
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2022.06a
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    • pp.536-542
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    • 2022
  • Cost overruns, schedule delays, and a shortage of skilled labor are common problems the construction industry is currently experiencing. Modularization and standardization strategies have the potential to resolve the various problems mentioned above and have been applied for various construction applications for a long time. However, the level of modularization remains low, and modular construction projects have not been getting the full benefits. Thus, this review investigated the cutting-edge technologies currently being utilized to develop the modular construction field. For this paper, qualified research papers were identified using predetermined keywords from previous related research papers. Identified literature was then filtered and analyzed. According to the included reviews, several technologies are being developed for modular construction. For example, automated design and monitoring systems for modularization were developed. In addition, research labs are utilizing robotic arms for modular construction to achieve a high level of completion in the construction industry, as is seen in the manufacturing industry. Despite these efforts, more research and development are necessary because some automation technologies still require manual activities. Thus, there is great potential for further development of modularization techniques, and further research is recommended to achieve high levels of modularization.

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A Study on the Regional Labor Market Experiences of Young Women in Jeollanam-do Province: Focusing on the Labor Mobility (전남지역 대졸 청년여성의 지역노동시장 경험연구: 노동이동을 중심으로)

  • Jun, Myung-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Labor Studies
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.215-245
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to provide policy implications on the settlement of regional labor market of young women through detailed study on the experience of regional labor market in Jeollanam-do Province. For this purpose, this study analyzed the labor mobility experience in the regional labor market of young women, which lacked specific case studies. In this study, we have identified the causes of job changes by dividing the labor mobility of young women into intra-career moves and inter-career moves. For the causes of labor mobility we divided into two aspects: problems in preparation for employment and employment conditions. The inter-career moves included more diverse factors than intra-career moves. In the inter-career moves, problems in preparation for employment were highlighted as the causes of job changes. In the case of moving within the career, young women would leave because of the employment conditions such as the expiration of the employment period, but the turnover appears to be the way of retaining their previous career. On the other hand, in the case of intra-career moves, the strong desire to maintain the career was shown, and at the same time, the possibility of leaving the region was also high. Based on the case study, this study proposed systematic career counseling for career match, and construction of career management system to support continuous career development.

Improvement of Personnel Cost and Placement Scale of Quality Manager for Construction (건설공사 품질관리자의 인건비 및 배치규모 개선)

  • Lee, Chang-Hyo;Kim, Byung-Soo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.327-335
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    • 2018
  • In order to calculate the quality management cost of construction work, the process must conform to relevant laws and regulations. In details, the cost of the various items such as quality test fee and quality control activity cost are required to be calculated. Regarding the quality management costs, the labor cost is applied to the quality examination fee and the calculation unit quantity in the construction quality management duties. The application of the unit price of the labor cost stipulates that Construction Association of Korea and Korea Engineering & Consulting Association apply the unit price which is surveyed and published. However, in the related laws and regulations, the standard of the quality manager and quality tester is not clear. This accounts for the confusion in the cost of construction management and the cost of labor. In the current law, the allocation standard of quality control personnel is specified according to the size of the construction, but the standard of placement of quality testers is not specified. At the construction site, there is no assignment criteria manpower for quality testers except quality managers, or very little work is being done. The quality control personnel conducts the quality test work to be carried out by the quality tester, and this carrying out heavy work. Therefore, it is difficult to maintain quality control activities. In this study, the labor cost of quality management expenses and the allocation criteria of quality managers and quality testers are established and presented for the purpose of securing the quality of the construction work and preventing the construction work. It is stipulated that the standards of the relevant laws and regulations, which are not clear, should be classified into quality control personnel and quality testers according to the size of the construction. Based on the unit price of Korea Engineering & Consulting Association, the personnel expenses of quality managers and quality testers are proposed to apply the unit price of engineer (professional engineer, specialist, advanced, intermediate, beginner) and skilled technicians (advanced, intermediate, beginner).

Priority Derivation of Modular House Cost Reduction Factors through Case Analysis (시공사례 분석을 통한 모듈러 주택 원가절감 우선순위 항목 도출)

  • Ryu, Kuk-Mu;Moon, Ye-Ji;Cho, Byoung-Hoo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.66-67
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    • 2016
  • Modular construction is attracting attention as the solution of recent problems in construction site. Such as lack of construction workforce, increasing labor costs, work delay due to extreme weather events and strengthening government regulations. However, despite the many advantages, Modular construction has not been activated dueto high construction costs compared to other construction methods. Accordingly, the object of this study is priority derivation of prefabricated house cost reduction factors and use as basic research data. For research performance, we have analyzed the blueprint and bill of quantities of a modular construction based public dormitory which was built in 2013. In result, the proportion of modular construction and on-site construction is 66% and 34%, and the construction cost proportion by activity was devided in to construction(79%), machinery(7%), electricity(5%) and civil(9%). Among these results in order to reduce costs, interior finishing(19.4) steel-frame(16.9%), metal works(13.5%), RC(11.8%), joinery(7.3%) is the order requires focused management.

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Construction Projects Productivity in West African country of Benin: Case of Ground Earthworks

  • Akogbe, Romuald Kokou;Feng, Xin;Zhou, Jing
    • Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.16-23
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, a survey related to excavation construction activities among national and international construction companies was conducted to evaluate site productivity in construction industry. To analyze the respective productivity levels of each construction company, a benchmarking measures analysis that featured calculations of the performance ratio (PR) and performance management index (PMI) was performed. As a result of these analyses, it has been found that the work performed by local companies was marked by lower productivity and that of international companies was characterized by good productivity. Further analysis of construction workforce resources P% revealed that a construction company's productivity is largely dependent on production capacity and consumption resources, which means that the retention of skilled workers and utilization of high-quality resources yields the highest level of productivity. These results suggest that for a local construction company to be competitive in the construction work market, it must retrain skilled craftspeople, foremen, engineers, and project managers, and strengthen its building capability by leveraging new equipment and technologies.