• 제목/요약/키워드: Constant Amplitude Fatigue

검색결과 164건 처리시간 0.02초

철강구조물 부재의 강도평가 및 피로균열진전거동 (The behaviour of strength and fatigue crack propagation of various steels in steel bridges)

  • 한승호;김정규
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제21권10호
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    • pp.1694-1701
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    • 1997
  • The residual safety assessment of steel structures, an important subject in practice, is given to much attention. Life prediction in the planning course of steel structures under fatigue loading is mainly based on fatigue design criteria resulting from S-N curves. But for any reason cracks have to be assumed due to fabrication failures or fatigue loading in service which can lead total fracture of structures. The life prediction can be carried out by means of fracture mechanics using Paris-Erdogan equation($da/dN=C {\cdot}{\Delta}K^m$). The paper presents results from charpy test to interpret transition behaviour of charpy energy($A_V$) in a wide temperature range and from constant-load-amplitude test to measure fatigue crack growth of various steels widely used in steel bridges since beginning of 20 centuries in Europe. In the normal service temperature range of steel bridges, the steel S355M shows higher maximum charpy energy($A_{Vmax}$) and lower transition temperature($T_{AVmax/2}$) than other steels considered. The C and m of Paris-Erdogan equation on the steels appear to be correlated, and to be affected by the R-ratios due to crack closure, especially at a low fatigue crack growth rate. Scanning electron microscopy analysis was carried out to interpret an influence of the crack closure effects on the correlation of C and m.

316L 스테인리스 강의 고온 저주기 피로 수명식 개발 (Development of a New LCF Life Prediction Model of 316L Stainless Steel at Elevated Temperature)

  • 홍성구;이순복
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.521-527
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, tensile behavior and low cycle fatigue behavior of 316L stainless steel which is currently favored structural material for several high temperature components such as the liquid metal cooled fast breeder reactor (LMFBR) were investigated. Research was performed at 55$0^{\circ}C$, $600^{\circ}C$ and $650^{\circ}C$ since working temperature of 316L stainless steel in a real field is from 40$0^{\circ}C$ to $650^{\circ}C$. From tensile tests performed by strain controls with $1{\times}10^{-3}/s,\; l{\times}10^{ -4}/s \;and\; 1{\times}10/^{ -5}/ s $ strain rates at each temperature, negative strain rate response (that is, strain hardening decreases as strain rate increases) and negative temperature response were observed. Strain rate effect was relatively small compared with temperature effect. LCF tests with a constant total strain amplitude were performed by strain control with a high temperature extensometer at R.T, 55$0^{\circ}C$, $600^{\circ}C$, $650^{\circ}C$ and total strain amplitudes of 0.3%~0.8% were used and test strain rates were $1{times}10^{-2} /s,\; 1{times}10^{-3} /s\; and\; 1{times}10^{-4} /s$. A new energy based LCF life prediction model which can explain the effects of temperature, strain amplitude and strain rate on fatigue life was proposed and its excellency was verified by comparing with currently used models.

고온하 304 스테인레스강의 작은 표면구열의 성장거동에 관한 연구 (A Study on Growth Behavior of Small Fatigue Crack in 304 Stainless Steel at Elevated Temperatures)

  • 서창민;김영호
    • 대한기계학회논문집
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 1990
  • 본 연구에서는 고온기기의 구조용 부재로 널리 사용되고 있는 304스테인리스 강을 선택하여 상온, $538^{\circ}C$($1000^{\circ}$ F) 및 $593^{\circ}C$($1100^{\circ}C$ F) 고온하의 작은 표면노치 시험편 에서 발생한 표면 피로 균열의 성장거동을 레플리카법에 의하여 상세히 관찰측정하여 파괴역학적으로 해석 연구하고자 한다. 즉 피로균열의 성장특성을 ....$\DELTA\sigma^{n}$a의 매 개변수를 도입하여 정량적으로 평가하고, 수명예측을 실시하여 그 유용성을 비교검토 하였다. 또한 피로균열의 성장에 관한 실험결과 자료들을 PC를 이용하여 전산하고 도식화함으로써 파괴역학적 설계에 유용한 기초적 자료를 제시하고자 하였다.

Prediction of stress intensity factor range for API 5L grade X65 steel by using GPR and MPMR

  • Murthy, A. Ramachandra;Vishnuvardhan, S.;Saravanan, M.;Gandhi, P.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제81권5호
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    • pp.565-574
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    • 2022
  • The infrastructures such as offshore, bridges, power plant, oil and gas piping and aircraft operate in a harsh environment during their service life. Structural integrity of engineering components used in these industries is paramount for the reliability and economics of operation. Two regression models based on the concept of Gaussian process regression (GPR) and Minimax probability machine regression (MPMR) were developed to predict stress intensity factor range (𝚫K). Both GPR and MPMR are in the frame work of probability distribution. Models were developed by using the fatigue crack growth data in MATLAB by appropriately modifying the tools. Fatigue crack growth experiments were carried out on Eccentrically-loaded Single Edge notch Tension (ESE(T)) specimens made of API 5L X65 Grade steel in inert and corrosive environments (2.0% and 3.5% NaCl). The experiments were carried out under constant amplitude cyclic loading with a stress ratio of 0.1 and 5.0 Hz frequency (inert environment), 0.5 Hz frequency (corrosive environment). Crack growth rate (da/dN) and stress intensity factor range (𝚫K) values were evaluated at incremental values of loading cycle and crack length. About 70 to 75% of the data has been used for training and the remaining for validation of the models. It is observed that the predicted SIF range is in good agreement with the corresponding experimental observations. Further, the performance of the models was assessed with several statistical parameters, namely, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Coefficient of Efficiency (E), Root Mean Square Error to Observation's Standard Deviation Ratio (RSR), Normalized Mean Bias Error (NMBE), Performance Index (ρ) and Variance Account Factor (VAF).

과대하중비가 균열성장지연에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Effect of the Overload Ratio on the Fatigue Crack Growth Retardation)

  • 김경수;김성찬;심천식;박진영;조형민
    • 한국해양공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국해양공학회 2003년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.306-311
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    • 2003
  • A growing fatigue crack is known to be retarded on application of an overload cycle. The retardation may be characterized by the total number of cycles involved during retardation and the retarded crack length. The overload ratio plays an important role to influence the retardation behavior. The objective of the present investigation is to study the effect of different overload ratio on the retardation behavior. For DENT(double edge notched tension) specimens and ESET(eccentrically-loaded single edge crack tension) specimens, fatigue crack growth tests are conducted under cyclic constant-amplitude loading including a single tensile overloading with different overload ratios. The proposed crack retardation model predicts crack growth retardation due to a single tensile overloading. The predictions are put into comparison with the experimental results to confirm the reliability of this model.

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순수 티타늄 판재의 피로균열 전파거동에 관한 연구 (A Study on Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior with Pure-Ti Plate)

  • 오세욱;김태형;김득진;임만배
    • 한국해양공학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.92-100
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    • 1995
  • The effect of different anisotropy and stress ratio on fatigue crack propagation behavior was investigated under various stress ratio(R=-0.4, -0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4) using pure titanium sheet used in aerospace, chemical and food industry. The rack closure behavior under constant load amplitude fatigue crack propagation test was examined. Fatigue crack propagation rate da/dN was estimated in terms of effective stress intensity factor range, $\Delta$K$_{eff}$, regardless of various stress ratio but was influenced by anisotropy. Also, it was found that the effect of anisotropy was considerably decreased but still not negligible when he da/dN was evaluated by a conventional parameter, $\Delta$$K_{eff}$/E and when the modified da/dN.$\sqrt{\varepsilon}_f$ was evaluated by $\Delta$$K_{eff}$/E. On the other hand, da/dN could be evaluated uniquely by effective new parameter, $\Delta$K$_{eff}$/$sigma_{ys}$, regardless of anisotropy, as int he following equation da/dN=C''[\frac{{\Delta}K_{eff}}{{\sigma}_{ys}}]^{n''}. And effective stress intensity factor range ratio, U was estimated by the following equation with respect to the ratio of reversed plastic zone size, $\Delta r_{p}$ to monotonic plastic zone size, $r_p$ regardless of stress ratio and anisotropy. U=-4.45$(\Delta r_{p}/r_{p})^{2}$+4.1$(\Delta r_{p}/r_{p})$+0.245_{p})$+0.245

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Influence of some key factors on material damping of steel beams

  • Wang, Yuanfeng;Pan, Yuhua;Wen, Jie;Su, Li;Mei, Shengqi
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제49권3호
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    • pp.285-296
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    • 2014
  • Material damping affects the dynamic behaviors of engineering structures considerably, but up to till now little research is maintained on influence factors of material damping. Based on the damping-stress function of steel, the material damping of steel beams is obtained by calculating the stress distribution of the beams with an analytical method. Some key influence factors of the material damping, such as boundary condition, amplitude and frequency of excitation, load position as well as the cross-sectional dimension of a steel beam are analyzed respectively. The calculated results show that even in elastic scope, material damping does not remain constant but varies with these influence factors. Although boundary condition affects material damping to some extent, such influence can be neglected when the maximum stress amplitude of the beam is less than the fatigue limit of steel. Exciting frequency, load position and cross-section dimension have great effects on the material damping of the beam which maintain the similar changing trend under different boundary conditions respectively.

블완전용입 맞대기 용접재의 용입깊이에 따른 피로강도특성 및 잔류수명의 산출 (Investigation of Fatigue Strength and Prediction of Remaining Life in the Butt Welds Containing Penetration Defects)

  • 한승호;한정우;신병천
    • 한국강구조학회 논문집
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    • 제10권3호통권36호
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    • pp.423-435
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    • 1998
  • 본 연구에서는 기존의 강교에서 흔하게 발견되고 있는 맞대기 용접부의 용입불량으로 인한 부재의 피로강도 저하도를 정량적으로 평가하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 강교량의 재료로 널리 사용되고 있는 SWS490강으로 제작된 완전용입 및 용입깊이가 서로 다른 불완전용입 맞대기 용접시험편을 대상으로 일정진폭하중시험을 수행하여 S-N선도를 산출하고 이를 비교 검토하였으며, 파괴역학적 방법을 이용하여 불완전용입 용접재의 피로수명을 계산하였다. 본 연구의 결과로서, 완전용입 용접재의 경우 AASHTO의 피로강도등급선도와의 비교에서 피로한도값은 A등급보다 높은 값을 보였고, S-N선도의 기울기는 5.57로 매우 높게 나타났다. 불완전용입 용접재의 경우 불완전용입깊이 D가 증가함에 따라 피로강도가 감소하는데, D=14.7mm인 경우 AASHTO의 E'등급보다 낮게 나타난다. 불완전용입 용접재의 파손거동에서 피로균열은 내부 용접루트 선단부에서 a/c가 매우 작은 반타원형 표면균열의 형태로 발생하고, 시험체의 두께방향으로 진전하여 최종파손을 유발한다. 파괴역학적 방법을 이용한 불완전용입 용접재의 피로수명을 평가하기 위하여 3차원 반타원형 균열형상에 대한 응력확대계수 K를 유한요소해석으로 구하였다. 여기서 얻어진 K값과 실험으로 얻어진 Paris식의 상수를 이용하여 불완전용입 용접재의 피로수명을 계산하여 비교하였다. 그리고 실제 불완전용입 맞대기용접부의 파손으로 붕괴사고가 발생한 성수대교의 수직재에 본 연구결과를 적용하여 피로수명을 계산해 보았다.

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유한요소법을 이용한 피로하중을 받는 균열선단의 소성영역크기에 대한 연구 (A Study on Plastic Zone at the Crack Tip under Cyclic Loading by FEM)

  • 김경수;심천식;이재욱;조형민
    • 한국해양공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국해양공학회 2002년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.151-154
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, the effect of the crack growth length on the plastic zone size at the crack tip and the crack growth lives of the DENT specimen under constant amplitude cyclic loading were studied. The plastic zone size was calculated by nonlinear static method in commercial finite element analysis program, MSC/NASTRAN and the crack growth lives were also calculated by using compliance function considering geometric shape in MSC/FATIGUE. The calculated plastic zone size increased proportional to the crack length. And comparison of calculated plastic zone size and crack growth lives with the experimental results shows a good agreement.

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5083-H113 A1 합금의 피로균열진전거동에 미치는 균열형태의 영향 (Influence of crack geometry on fatigue crack growth behavior in 5083- H113 aluminium alloy)

  • 김정규;신용승;윤의박
    • 대한기계학회논문집
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.781-789
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    • 1988
  • 본 연구에서는 용접성이 좋고 강도도 적당하며 부식에 대한 저항성이 좋아 해 양구조물 및 용접구조용재로서 널리 사용되고 있는 5083-H113 Al 합금을 준비하고 이 재료의 균열형태에 따른 피로균열진전거동을 밝히기 위하여 관통균열과 포면균열의 진 전거동에 미치는 응력비의 영향을 균열닫힘과 함께 검토하였다.