• Title/Summary/Keyword: Conservation Strategies

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Environmental Characteristics and Nature-friendly Planning Strategies for an Urban Stream - The Case of Chuncheon's Gongji Stream - (도시하천의 환경특성과 친자연적 계획전략 - 춘천시 공지천을 대상으로 -)

  • Jo Hyun-Kil;Ahn Tae-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.3 s.116
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2006
  • This study analyzed characteristics of natural and human environments in Chuncheon's Gongji stream, and suggested nature-friendly planning strategies for self-purification of water quality, biodiversity improvement and conservative waterfront recreation. The environmental analysis included streambed structures, floodplain soils, water quality, vegetation, wildlife, and human facilities. Natural colonization of vegetation for the middle section of the study stream was obstructed by a straightened concrete revetment of baseflow channel, and vehicle movement and concrete parking lots across the floodplain. These human disturbances also deteriorated the naturalness of the stream landscape and limited habitation of bird species. However, natural sedimented wetlands in half of the channel width for the lower section of the stream contributed to a desirable vegetational landscape and greater bird occurrence. Based on BOD measurements, water quality of the stream fell under class $II{\sim}III$ of the stream water-quality standard, but it was worse around sewage outlets due to incomplete sewage collection especially during the dry season. Dominant fish species included typical inhabitants of good water-quality streams that are tolerant of adverse habitat changes. Nature-friendly planning strategies were established based on analysis of the environmental characteristics. They focused on not merely spatial zoning and layout divided into four zones - preservation, partial preservation, conservation and use -, but close-to-nature channel revetment techniques, natural water-purification facilities, biotope diversification, and water-friendly recreation and circulation. Strategies pursued both renewal of stream naturalness and hydraulic stability of streamflow by minimizing transformation of natural channel micro-topography and biotope, and by reflecting natural traces of streambed structures such as revetment scour and sedimentation.

Habitats Environmental and Population Characteristics of Cypripedium japonicum Thunb., a Rare Species in Korea (희귀식물 광릉요강꽃 자생지 환경 및 개체군 특성)

  • Pi, Jung-Hun;Jung, Ji-Young;Park, Jeong-Geun;Yang, Hyung-Ho;Kim, Eun-Hye;Suh, Gang-Uk;Lee, Cheul-Ho;Son, Sung-Won
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.253-262
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    • 2015
  • The sustainability of Cypripedium japonicum, a rare plant designated by the Korea Forest Service, is threatened due to artificial factors such as habitat loss and climate change etc. and internal factors such as changes in biological properties of the habitat etc. but conservation research has not been performed in South Korea. The objective of this study is to establish the species conservation strategies by analyzing the characteristics of their habitats, including: 1) Population characteristics, and 2) habitat analysis of the vegetation and abiotic environments. From April to September, 2014, population characteristics [density (stems $m^{-2}$), flowering rate (%), and leaf area ($cm^2$)] in Cypripedium japonicum habitats such as Chuncheon (CC), Hwacheon (HC), Muju (MJ), and Gwangyang (GY) and vegetation characteristics (plant sociological research and ordination analysis), and abiotic environments [temperature ($^{\circ}C$), relative humidity (%), transmitted light ($mol{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}d^{-1}$) and canopy openness (%)] were measured. Cypripedium japonicum was mainly distributed at elevation 450 to 990 m and 5 to $30^{\circ}$ slope. Slope direction was shown as 0 to $110^{\circ}$. Habitats temperature (mean $18.94^{\circ}C$) was well matched to seasonal changes. Differences among sites showed greater level according to latitude difference. It showed the highest in habitat, GY located in the South. On the other hand, relative humidity (77.38%) didn't show much difference among sites. The average degree of canopy openness was 18.17%. It showed the highest at HC (22.1%) and the lowest at MJ (16.1%). The average degree of transmitted light was $9.1mol{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}d^{-1}$. It showed the highest at CC ($10.6mol{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}d^{-1}$) and the lowest at GY ($6.87mol{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}d^{-1}$). Chlorophyll content showed average 26.12 SPAD. It showed the highest at MJ (30.64 SPAD value) and the lowest at HC (23.69 SPAD value). Leaf area was average $253.35cm^2$. It showed the highest at CC ($281.51cm^2$) and the lowest at HC ($238.23cm^2$).

Towards efficient policies for soil pollution prevention and remediation of contaminated sites in Korea

  • Hwang, Sang-Il;Park, Eung-Ryeol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2003
  • The objectives of this paper are to overview present status of soil pollution in Korea, to review the current policies and management strategies for soil pollution prevention and remediation of contaminated sites, and to suggest some recommendations to be considered toward more efficient policies. Soils in Korea are contaminated mainly by industrial facilities, landfills, underground storage tanks, abandoned/inactive mines, military camps, and other sources. Concentrations of most of soil pollutants were similar to the background levels, except for a few heavily contaminated sites such as industrial sites or abandoned/inactive mines. The Soil Environment Conservation Act (SECA), which was effective from 1995, provides a comprehensive legal framework for both preventing soil pollution and remedying contaminated sites in Korea. The Act includes various management policies such as the designation of standards and soil pollution policy area, soil monitoring networks, management of suspected contamination sources, and extended 'polluter-pays' principle. To make current policies more efficient and reasonable, some policies or strategies such as the establishment of national priority list, more detailed standards, risk-based cleanup goal, fund raise, soil erosion problem, and finally, integrity between soil and groundwater management frameworks may need to be pursued in the long term.

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Analyzing the Co-occurrence of Endangered Brackish-Water Snails with Other Species in Ecosystems Using Association Rule Learning and Clustering Analysis (연관 규칙 학습과 군집분석을 활용한 멸종위기 기수갈고둥과 생태계 내 종 간 연관성 분석)

  • Sung-Ho Lim;Yuno Do
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2024
  • This study utilizes association rule learning and clustering analysis to explore the co-occurrence and relationships within ecosystems, focusing on the endangered brackish-water snail Clithon retropictum, classified as Class II endangered wildlife in Korea. The goal is to analyze co-occurrence patterns between brackish-water snails and other species to better understand their roles within the ecosystem. By examining co-occurrence patterns and relationships among species in large datasets, association rule learning aids in identifying significant relationships. Meanwhile, K-means and hierarchical clustering analyses are employed to assess ecological similarities and differences among species, facilitating their classification based on ecological characteristics. The findings reveal a significant level of relationship and co-occurrence between brackish-water snails and other species. This research underscores the importance of understanding these relationships for the conservation of endangered species like C. retropictum and for developing effective ecosystem management strategies. By emphasizing the role of a data-driven approach, this study contributes to advancing our knowledge on biodiversity conservation and ecosystem health, proposing new directions for future research in ecosystem management and conservation strategies.

A Study on Development of Village Wetlands Inventory Using GIS and Establishment of Management Methods in Asan City, Korea (GIS를 이용한 아산시 마을습지 인벤토리 구축 및 관리 방안 연구)

  • Park, Mi Ok;Yang, Seung Bin;Koo, Bon Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.167-177
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to establish an inventory and propose conservation strategies for 'village wetlands' in Asan city, Korea, using GIS. As results, the village wetlands are defined as such places as 'palustrine' wetland, village embankment, agricultural reservoir or small reservoirs located in or near the village and related to everyday life or farming. Firstly 807 provisional village wetlands(draft) were identified in Asan by using Arc-GIS 10.1, then 196 wetlands(final) were defined finally as village wetlands and listed the inventory of Asan Village Wetlands after being validated through office works and field survey. The office works analyzed minimum area(greater than $625m^2$), satellite images, the Korea Land Information System, land use map and land coverage map. To evaluate the function and conservation values, the 37 wetlands were selected for detailed surveying and function assessment based on the following criteria : 1) doubled code both wetland and reservoir at digital map, 2) located less than 100m from village and 3) ecologically connected to such ecological resources as seaside mudflats, mountains and green area and ecological passages for small size wildlifes. As the result of the wetland function assessments by the RAM method, 7 wetlands were found to have 'high' wetland function (conservation) 18 wetlands were 'medium' (enhancement) and 12 wetlands were 'low' (restoration or enhancement). Enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem services through ecological management of wetlands in Asan and connecting with the Ecological Natural Degree were proposed.

Pilot-Project Design on Introduction of Payment of Forest Landscape Service (산림경관서비스 지불제 도입을 위한 시범사업 설계)

  • Choi, Jaeyong;Lee, Dongkun;Lee, Hochul;Ko, Jaechun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.112-122
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    • 2009
  • Payment of Forest Landscape Service (PFLS) is based on the value of landscape conservation and is a positive forest policy inducing the owners of mountains to improve environmental service quality with economic incentives. The purpose of this study is to test the feasibility of PFLS and find out the elements related to PFLS such as associated statutes, target applications, eligible owner's requirements, and applicable environmental services. Research sites were selected in designated reserved forests by law and surveys were carried out with 28 professional forestry engineers and 10 owners of reserved forests located in Chungnam Province in November, 2008. As a result, the owners are willing to participate pilot-project of PFLS if they could have tax incentives. Preferred activities in their forestry are eco-tourism and carbon emission trading as PFLS business model. Although they expect low economic benefit from the PFLS, respondents answered introducing PFLS will give good opportunities for owners of a reserved forest to enhance willingness to manage their forestry properly for the landscape conservation. In this study, PFLS evaluation indicators and policy directions are established and recommends the strategies to cope with changing needs of forestry conservation by inducing the owners' active participation in the sustainable forest landscape management.

Flora and Present Vegetation Status of Minjujisan and Its Adjacent Regions (민주지산 및 그 인근지역에 분포하는 관속식물상과 주요 식생 현황)

  • Kim Yoon-Young;Ji Seong-Jin;Ko Eun-Mi;Jang Chang-Gee;Oh Byoung-Un
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.15-28
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    • 2006
  • The flora of vascular plants and the present vegetation status of Minjujisan and its adjacent regions were investigated from 2000 to 2004, total 27 times. The plant taxa of these areas consist of 764 taxa totally; 172 families, 397 genera, 631 species, 3 subspecies, 105 varieties and 25 forms. There were many useful plants such as 35 taxa of Korean endemics, 12 taxa of rare and endangered plants, and 101 taxa of specially designated plants which were determined by the Ministry of Environment. Furthermore, 46 taxa of naturalized alien plants were also investigated in the boundary of developing areas. The vegetation status of investigated area was comparatively well conserved, but the degree of damage was increasing rapidly by development, deforestation, and tramp which were induced by the disturbances of human beings. Therefore, more active conservation strategies such as expanded designation of conservation area. should be established, and carried out continuously based on the results of long-term monitoring studies.

Variations in the Seed Production of Pinus densiflora Trees

  • Kang, Hye-Soon
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 1999
  • Current data on reproductive characters of endemic and native species are essential to provide a strategy for the conservation of these species. Red pine (Pinus densiflora Sieb. & Zucc.) is one of the dominant, native tree species in Korea, but its reproductive ecology is not well-known. In 1997, the pattern of variation in cone and seed yields contributing to the conservation of declining populations of red pines was examined. Plant height and dbh were measured, and several new cones were collected from each tagged tree after counting the number of cones on each tree. For a subset of cones sampled, the number of fertile scales, the number of seeds at three development stages (early/late aborted, and filled seed), seed wing size, wing color, and individual filled seed mass were measured. The three sites which differed significantly in mean plant size also differed in mean cone and seed production per plant. However further analyses showed that most variation in characters examined occurred among plants within sites, but not among sites. An average of 90% of the potential seeds on the cones aborted at an early developmental stage, demonstrating that early abortion is a major factor affecting the number of filled seeds per cone. Individual seed mass was the only character which exhibited significant variations among sites as well as among trees within sites. Individual seed mass was overall negatively correlated with both the percentage of late abortion and the number of old cones per plant, suggesting that both the past and current years' reproductive activities have caused variations in seed mass. The potential dispersal distance of red pine seeds is quite large. However, wing loading was correlated with seed mass and number in a complex pattern across the sites. Distribution of seeds with varied colored wings differed among sites and among trees within sites. These results suggest that red pines at different sites might possess different strategies to cope with selection pressures acting during the final phase of reproduction, from seed dispersal to establishment. Then the ‘fitted’ red pine trees at each site should be identified and managed to conserve or restore populations.

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Vegetation characteristics, conservation and ecotoursim strategies for water spider(Argyroneta aquatica) in small marsh, Korean Natural Monument (물거미가 서식하는 천연기념물 습지의 식생학적 특성과 보전 및 생태관광화 방안)

  • You, Young-Han;Yi, Hoon-Bok
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2009
  • Water spider(Argyroneta aquatica Clerck) is only spider that live under aquatic water. In korea, water spider distributed only in Undari Wetland, Yeochon County, Kyongii Proviance, where it is designated as Natural Monument. I counted the population density, analysed the ecological traits such as actual vegetation map, and suggested conservation strategy and eco-tourism planning for water spider. The population mean density of water spider was one individual/$m^2$ and 8,000 individuals/ha. The wetland inhabited by water spider was characterized by high water level fluctuation between rainy season and dry ones. Wetland plant community was dominated by Phragmites australis and Leersia oryzoides var. japonica with submersed plant, Utricularia japonica. It is need to supply water for inhibiting terrestial succession trend during the dry season and to connect three fragmented wetlands through ecological corridor. Also, It was suggested that ecotourism planning is important for conserving this wetland.

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Bryophyte flora of algific slopes in the Korean Peninsula (한반도 풍혈지의 선태식물상)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun;An, Ji-Hong;Lee, Byoung Yoon;Kim, Jin-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.508-525
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    • 2019
  • Algific talus slopes provide microclimates suitable for disjunct or relict populations of northern plant species at low elevation habitats in the temperate zones. The propose of this study was to assess the phytogeographical significance and produce a strategy for the comprehensive conservation of the vegetation on algific talus slopes. Therefore, we studied the floristics of bryophytes on 15 algific talus slopes in Korea. The bryophytes on the algific talus slopes in Korea consisted of 59 families, 138 genera, 226 species, two subspecies, and five varieties, totaling 233 taxa. Peculiarly, many northern bryophytes, such as Andreaea rupestris var. fauriei (Besch.) Takaki., Buxbaumia minakatae S. Okamura, Racomitrium lanuginosum (Hedw.) Brid., Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) Schimp., and Pleurozium schreberi (Willd. ex Brid.) Mitt. were found on the algific talus slopes. Of them, unrecorded species from south Korea numbered 14 taxa and unrecorded species from the Korean peninsula numbered seven taxa. A similarity analysis based on the bryophyte flora showed that the index of similarity between regions with similar environmental factors was high. This means that the bryophyte flora composition on each algific talus slopes was affected by topography and microclimate. Algific talus slopes are phytogeographically significant microhabitats where northern plant species that advanced southward during the latest glacial age have been isolated and adapted. However, algific talus slopes have constantly been destroyed or damaged by humans without consideration of conservation. Conservation strategies to ensure the biodiversity and effective management of algific talus slopes in Korea are discussed in detail.