• Title/Summary/Keyword: Consciousness of Filial Piety

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Factors Affecting the Family Life's Values in Seoul and Gyeonggi Area (가정생활관에 영향을 미치는 변인에 관한 연구 - 서울.경기 지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Yang-Hee;Kim, Hyo-Min
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to provide further direction to the culture program at the healthy family center by analyzinge its different concepts of family living culture, which is based on changes in the family values of an individual. This research was conducted on residents in the area of Seoul and Kung-gi from March 1, 2007 to March 30, 2007. The survey was distributed to 300 people, and 186 surveys were collected. Among those 186 surveyed, 179 were finally analyzed. Findings from the survey are as follows: First, age, gender, and marital status show differences in familism, consciousness of men's and women's equality, and recognition of family cultural ritual. As to planning the healthy family culture program, the program participants' age, gender, and marital status should be considered to successfully plan and operate the program. Second, regarding the view of family life from three aspects including the degree of recognition of family cultural ritual, familism, and the consciousness of men's and women's equality, all three variables show differences in the view of family life. Therefore, it will be highly effective to organize two separate groups: one presents lower recognition of family cultural ritual and family-based values, and another possesses a higher sense of equality. Third, the result of reviewing relative effectiveness to the proper family life value, wedding, consciousness of parents respect(=filial piety), and sacrificial rituals, funeral rites were founded to highly effective to family living view. Therefore, it will be highly effective to include these topics, when the family cultural living program is planned.

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A Study on the College Students' Behavior of Hyo(filial-piety) (대학생의 孝行에 관한 연구)

  • 고경미;서병숙
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.205-221
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    • 1988
  • The purpose of this study is to classify several variable which were assumed to have relationship with the college students behavior of Hyo, to see their possible correlation with demographic characteristics, and to proved some useful data for their possible correlation with demographic characteristics. and to provide some useful data for their sound value system. The data for this study was obtained form the survey of the 477 students who reside in the city of Seoul by using questionnaire methods. The frequency of variables was statistically analyzed to see the general character of the samples and factor analysis was made for classification of the college student's behavior of Hyo. In order to study th characteristic of demographic variables, t-test and ANOVA were conducted The major findings of this study can be summarized as follows. 1) As the result of factor analysis about behavior of Hyo, six factors (Which Eigen value was above 1.0) out of 64 questions were extracted : 'respect' familiarity' 'family consciousness' 'serve' self-preservation, establishmence of them-selves in life' and 'self-reliance' were selected. 2)In general, it can be said that the college students' behavior of Hyo varies by demographic variables. 3) By surveying the level of actualizing Hyo of the college students' all of factors ranged from 'the middle' to 'the high level'. The result confirmed that students fulfilled the behavior of Hyo to their parents in all items.

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A study of relation between Taoism and Sun-Si-Miao's Madical morals (도교(道敎) 윤리(倫理)와 손사막(孫思邈)의 의덕(醫德)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Kwon, Gyung-In;Lee, Byung-Uk;Kim, Eun-Ha
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.18 no.1 s.28
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2005
  • Mankind has had various medical treatments and theories as the result of steady researches about many diseases. Medical science has something to do with religions closely. That is, he tries to solve the problem connected with his life through medicine, while he tries to overcome the fear of death through the religion. Also I have tried to establish the relations between Oriental medicine. This research shows that the relation between Taoism and medical morals(醫德). The results of this research are following. The moral consciousness in medicine is the one of great traditions in Oriental medicine which comes to the front by Sun-Si-Miao(孫思邈). That is influenced by the ethical view that a moral act influences the long and the short of life. ${\ulcorner}$Tai-Ping-Jing(太平經)${\lrcorner}$ says that man enjoys longevity if he tends his parents with filial piety and then is aware of the principle of heaven and earth. Sun-Si-Miao teaches in Da-Yi-Jing-Cheng(大醫精誠) that 'Treat the patient impartially', 'Don't weigh the merits when treating the patient', 'Avoid the use of animal medicines as you can.', 'As a man sows, so he shall reap.', Don't be jealous and don't be proud.', which are closely related to main principles about act and taboo suggested in ${\ulcorner}$Bao-Piao-Zi(抱朴子)${\lrcorner}$

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Hogye Sinjukdo's thoughts of righteousness and its foundations (호계(虎溪) 신적도(申適道)의 의리사상과 그 사상적 토대)

  • Jang, Sookpil
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.33
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    • pp.97-129
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    • 2008
  • Sin-jeokdo (Hogye, 1574-1663) was a general of patriotic army who protected the region of Euseong at the time of Qing dynasty's invasion in 1627(Jungmyo) and 1636(Byongja). He was an prominent figure outside government as well as a faithful confucian who spent his life with reading and teaching junior scholars after disgraceful treaty in the year of Byongja. Hogye understood the neo-Confucianism in terms of the whole duty of men(綱常) and righteousness(義理) which was in the status of sole official academic subject and thought its practice only hinged upon the practice of filial piety and brotherly love together with loyalty and sincerity based on morals between sovereign and subject, father and son. He, therefore, emphasized that the righteousness only can be accomplished by dying of children and subjects for filial piety and fidelity respectively, at the time of commotion. This was his spirit of righteousness which repelled Japanese army in the Imjin War and he insisted on defeating Japanese army in accordance with this spirit. Hogye's practice of righteousness is grounded on the spirit of Chosun Confucianism which stressed actual practices of moral principles and duties. His practice of righteousness shows internalized cultural sinocentrism and moral-centric, ethic-centric characteristic of Chosun Confucianism. Moreover, the moral consciousness which was shown in Hogye's thought helped to keep Korean's pride and observe morality and it served itself as a basis of commencement of nationalistic military, religious movements afterwards.

Main Issues in Korean Moral Education and Eastern Moral Education (도덕교육의 쟁점과 동양윤리교육)

  • Ko, Dae-Hyuk
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.36
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    • pp.333-374
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    • 2009
  • Korean traditional education emphasizes moral education than any other country or culture. Education is recognized as practical task for self-realization and self-transcendence in traditional Confucian community. This study starts from two questions. First, how moral education in Korea from late in the 19th, when the modernized schooling started, to now can be classified according to social and political circumstances? Second, what is the main issue of moral education in the progress of Korean education after independence from Japanese imperialism? Especially, this study focuses on reflecting and reviewing these issues by context of Eastern moral education. After late in the 19th century, moral education in Korea is divided into three types: "Education for loyalty and filial piety and Moral cultivation", "Citizenship education and Education for anti-communism", and "Moral education and Character education". This study mainly insists these types of moral education distort the sprit by political interests rather than inherit and develop sprit or basic value of moral education. Furthermore, this study discusses characteristic of moral education and way to improve based on important two issues in Korean society; "Nationalism in moral education" and "Western biased education" Making individual's free will into group consciousness in accordance with political power group's interests rather than developing moral community based on each one's character building, nationalism in moral education deepens self-alienation. Western biased education makes self-negation as it considers western as core, and Korea and other traditional ideas as side. This study emphasizes reanalysis Eastern moral education and need effort for understanding of Eastern moral education to overcome Western biased education in Korean moral education.

Study on Space Composition Analysis of the Local Old Age Experience Hall (국내 노인생애체험전시관 공간구성에 관한 분석 연구)

  • Cho, Jung-Mi;Kim, Moon-Duck
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.173-178
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    • 2006
  • An increase in the proportion of Korean population in older age is much faster than the rest of the world. Along with rise of nuclear family due to rapid industrialization, informatization and materialization, ageing, on current situation in Korea that a reality of being diminished consciousness involving the sense of filial piety, and of respect or honor for the elders, does mean that such topics in ageing have become sociocultural issues that a nation should get more deeply involved in caring later life of the elderly population in an official and obligatory manner. Under this circumstance, an exhibition space in the hall intended for experiencing the later life of the elderly will surely play the role of locomotive in the respect of education to understand aging adults, and to promote development of health and welfare industry, especially for older population, also in creating and developing a positive and desirable culture and environment. To implement design project concerned with the space for the elderly population in a more careful and effective manner, the features of the Old Age Experience Hall that will satisfy the requirements thereof and the space compositions as well as characteristics of three exhibition halls having already been operated were analyzed examining closely the current facing issues in this aging society and also investigating the aging process related to physical functions of older adults. Based on those analyses, this study was aimed to prepare an efficient and systematic theoretical foundation for planning space composition of the Old Age Experience Hall further having extracted basic directions for design from, which should be meticulously considered and reflected so as to make the Old Age Experience Hall function properly.

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Jeongjae(正齋) Nam Dae-nyeon's(南大秊) Study and Thought (정재(正齋) 남대년(南大秊)의 학문과 사상)

  • Lim, Ok-kyun
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.53
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    • pp.63-100
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    • 2017
  • In this article, I researched Nam Dae-nyeon's(1887~1958) thought of Neo-confucian theories, interpretation of confucian canons, and evaluation of historical figures. First, from the side of Neo-confucian theories, he asserted that Qi(氣) had behaviors and Li(理) had not. About his teacher Jeon Wu's(田愚) theories, he thought that those were in tradition of Confucius(孔子) and Mencius(孟子), but not emphasized presidence of mind. And he criticized the theory of mind was Li(理). Second, from the side of interpretation of Confucian canons, Nam Dae-nyeon's study centered on Four Books(四書). This showed he was in tradition of Neo-confucianism. Through this studies he emphasized the importance of Confucian Ren(仁) and Filial piety(孝), self-consciousness as gentry(士). Third, from the side of evaluation of historical figures, Nam Dae-nyeon evaluated many Chinese and Korean scholars, for example, Qu Yuan(屈原), Lu Zhong-lian(魯仲連), Zhen De-xiu(眞德秀), Lu Long-qi((陸?其), Zhang Lu-xiang (張履祥) of China, and Jeong Mong-ju(鄭夢周), Zho Kwang-jo(趙光祖), Yi Hwang(李滉), Yi Yi(李珥), Jeon Wu(田愚) of Korea. And his criteria for evaluation of historical figures was fidelity and insight.

Human Mind Within and Beyond the Culture - Toward a Better Encounter between East and West - (문화속의 인간심성과 문화를 넘어선 인간심성 - 동과 서의 보다 나은 만남을 위하여 -)

  • Bou-Yong Rhi
    • Sim-seong Yeon-gu
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.107-138
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this article is to awaken our colleagues to the culture and mind issues that have been forgotten or neglected by contemporary psychiatry under the prevalence of materialistic orientation. Cultural psychiatry too, though it has been contributed a great deal to widen the mental vision of psychiatry, has revealed several limitations in its approach. In the course of one sided search for culture specific factors in relation to mental health, conventional cultural psychiatry has neglected an effort to explore the common root underlying the different cultures and the common foundation of human mind. Cross sectional comparisons of the cultures alone have inevitably prevented the global considerations to culutre and mind in historical aspects and the dynamic interactions between mind and culture more in depth. The author suggested that the total view of mind and total approach of analytical psychology of C.G. Jung might be capable to replenish those limitations. Author explained the ways of C.G. Jung's observations and experiences of non-western culture and his concepts of culture and mind. The author demonstrated Jung's view of culture with the example of Filial Piety, Hyo, the Confucian moral norm which can be regarded as components of the collective consciousness though connected with archetypal patterns of behavior of intimacy between parent and child. In regard to the coexistence of multi-religious cultures in Korea the author made a proposal of 'culture spectrum' model for understanding value orientations of person in religious cultures. He identified in case of the Korean 4 types of cultural spectrums: Person with predominantly the Buddhist culture; with the Confucian; with the Shamanist; and with the Christian culture. The author also made an attempt to depict the dynamic interactions of different religious cultures in historical perspectives of Korea. Concepts of mind from the Eastern thoughts were reviewed in comparison with Jung's view of mind. The Dao of Lao Zi, One Mind by Wonhyo, the Korean Zen master from the 7th century, the Diagram of the Heaven's Decree by Toegye, a renowned Neo-Confucianist of Korea from the 16th century and his theory of Li-Ki, were explored and came to conclusion that they represent certainly the symbol of the Self in term of C.G. Jung. The goal of healing is 'the becoming whole person'. Becoming whole person means bringing the person as an individual to live not only within the specific culture but also to live in the world beyond the culture which is deeply rooted in the primordial foundation of human mind.