• Title/Summary/Keyword: Concentration Map

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  • Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Water Engineering Research
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2001
  • A grid-based KIneMatic wave soil-water EROsion and deposition Model(KIMEROM) that predicts temporal variation and spatial distribution of sediment transport in a watershed was developed. This model uses ASCII-formatted map data supported from the regular gridded map of GRASS (U.S. Army CERL, 1993)-GIS(Geographic Information Systems), and generates the distributed results by ASCII-formatted map data. For hydrologic process, the kinematic wave equation and Darcy equation were used to simulated surface and subsurface flow, respectively (Kim, 1998; Kim et al., 1998). For soil erosion process, the physically-based soil erosion concept by Rose and Hairsine (1988) was used to simulate soil-water erosion and deposition. The model adopts single overland flowpath algorithm and simulates surface and subsurface water depth, and sediment concentration at each grid element for a given time increment. The model was tested to a 162.3 $\textrm{km}^2$ watershed located in the tideland reclaimed ares of South Korea. After the hydrologic calibration for two storm events in 1999, the results of sediment transport were presented for the same storm events. The results of temporal variation and spatial distribution of overland flow and sediment areas are shown using GRASS.

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Grid-Based Soil-Water Erosion and Deposition Modeling sing GIS and RS

  • Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2001
  • A grid-based KIneMatic wave soil-water EROsion and deposition Model (KIMEROM) that predicts temporal variation and spatial distribution of sediment transport in a watershed was developed. This model uses ASCII-formatted map data supported from the regular gridded map of GRASS (U.S. Army CERL, 1993)-GIS (Geographic Information Systems), and generates the distributed results by ASCIIl-formatted map data. For hydrologic process, the kinematic wave equation and Darcy equation were used to simulate surface and subsurface flow, respectively (Kim, 1798; Kim et al., 1993). For soil erosion process, the physically-based soil erosion concept by Rose and Hairsine (1988) was used to simulate soil-water erosion and deposition. The model adopts sing1e overland flowpath algorithm and simulates surface and subsurface water depth, and sediment concentration at each grid element (or a given time increment. The model was tested to a 162.3 km$^2$ watershed located in the tideland reclaimed area of South Korea. After the hydrologic calibration for two storm events in 1999, the results of sediment transport were presented for the same storm events. The results of temporal variation and spatial distribution of overland flow and sediment areas are shown using GRASS.

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Spatial distribution of particulate matters in comparison with land-use and traffic volume in Seoul, Republic of Korea (서울시 토지이용과 교통량에 따른 미세먼지의 공간분포)

  • Jeong, Jong-Chul;Lee, Peter Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.123-138
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    • 2018
  • To sustainably monitor air pollution in Seoul, the number of Air Pollution Monitoring Station has been gradually increased by Korea's Ministry of Environment. Although particulate matters(PM), one of the pollutants measured at the stations, have an significant influence on human body, the concentration of PM in Korea came in second among 35 OECD member countries. In this study, using the data of PM concentration from the stations, distribution maps of PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations over Seoul were generated, and spatial factors potentially related to PM distribution were investigated. Based on a circumscribed hexagon about a circle in radius of 500 meters created as a basic unit, Seoul was sectionalized and PM concentration map was generated using the interpolation technique of 'inverse distance weighting'. The distributions of PM concentrations were investigated with commuting time by administrative district and the outcome was related with land-use type and volume of traffic. Results from this analysis indicated distribution pattern of PM10 concentration was different from that of PM2.5 by administrative district and time. The distribution of PM concentration was strongly related to not only the size of business and trafficked areas among the land-use type, but also the existence of urban green. Further analysis of the relationship between the PM concentration and detailed land-use and urban green maps can be helpful to identify spatial factors which have an impact on the PM concentration on the regional scale.

Application of SOM for the Detection of Spatial Distribution considering the Analysis of Basic Statistics for Water Quality and Runoff Data (수질 및 유량자료의 기초통계량 분석에 따른 공간분포 파악을 위한 SOM의 적용)

  • Jin, Young-Hoon;Kim, Yong-Gu;Roh, Kyong-Bum;Park, Sung-Chun
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.735-741
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    • 2009
  • In order to support the basic information for planning and performing the environment management such as Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), it is highly recommended to understand the spatial distribution of water quality and runoff data in the unit watersheds. Therefore, in the present study, we applied Self-Organizing Map (SOM) to detect the characteristics of spatial distribution of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) concentration and runoff data which have been measured in the Yeongsan, Seomjin, and Tamjin River basins. For the purpose, the input dataset for SOM was constructed with the mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis values of the respective data measured from the stations of 22-subbasins in the rivers. The results showed that the $4{\times}4$ array structure of SOM was selected by the trial and error method and the best performance was revealed when it classified the stations into three clusters according to the basic statistics. The cluster-1 and 2 were classified primarily by the skewness and kurtosis of runoff data and the cluster-3 including the basic statistics of YB_B, YB_C, and YB_D stations was clearly decomposed by the mean value of BOD concentration showing the worst condition of water quality among the three clusters. Consequently, the methodology based on the SOM proposed in the present study can be considered that it is highly applicable to detect the spatial distribution of BOD concentration and runoff data and it can be used effectively for the further utilization using different water quality items as a data analysis tool.

Assessment of Trophic State for Yongdam Reservoir Using Satellite Imagery Data (인공위성 영상자료를 이용한 용담호의 영양상태 평가)

  • Kim, Tae Geun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.121-127
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    • 2006
  • The conventional water quality measurements by point sampling provide only site specific temporal water quality information but not the synoptic geographic coverage of water quality distribution. To circumvent these limitations in temporal and spatial measurements, the use of remote sensing is increasingly involved in the water quality monitoring research. In other to assess a trophic state of Yongdam reservoir using satellite imagery data, I obtained Landsat ETM data and water quality data on 16th September and 18th October 2001. The approach involved acquisition of water quality samples from boats at 33 sites on 16th September and 30 sites on 18th October 2001, simultaneous with Landsat-7 satellite overpass. The correlation coefficients between the DN values of the imagery and the concentrations of chlorophyll-a were analyzed. The visible bands(band 1,2,3) and near infrared band(band 4) data of September image showed the correlation coefficient values higher than 0.9. The October image showed the correlation coefficient values about 0.7 due to the atmospheric effect and low variation of chlorophyll-a concentration. Regression models between the chrophyll-a concentration and DN values of the Landsat imagery data have been developed for each image. The regression model was determined based on the spectral characteristics of chlorophyll, so the green band(band 2) and near infrared band(band 4) were selected to generate a trophic state map. The coefficient of determination(R2) of the regression model for 16th September was 0.95 and that of the regression model for 18th October was 0.55. According to the trophic state map made based on Aizaki's TSI and chlorophyll-a concentration, the trophic state of Yongdam reservoir was mostly eutrophic state during this study.

Recovery of high quality external carbon sources using crystallization from pretreated excess activated sludge by alkali and ozone (알칼리-오존 동시 전처리된 잉여슬러지로부터 결정화를 이용한 고품질 외부탄 소원 회수)

  • Seo, In S.;Kim, Hong S.;Kim, Byung G.;Kim, Youn K.
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.641-646
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    • 2008
  • In this research, recovery of high quality organics from excess activated sludge and its potential as a external carbon sources for BNR process was studied. By simultaneous treatment of alkali and ozone, TSS concentration was reduced by 32%, and RBDCOD fraction was increased by 76.2%, and major constitute of produced organic were acetic acid and propionic acid. Also, nitrogen and phosphorus were greatly solubilized. However, because acid-hydrolyzable phosphorus(AHP) was major part of solubilized phosphorus, $NH_4{^+}-N$ and $PO_4{^3}-P$ concentration were insufficient for effective formation of crystal like as MAP(Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate) and hydroxyapatite. By placing BPR reactor before alkali-ozone treatment reactor, $PO_4{^3}-P$ concentration in pretreated sludge was increased by 1.8 times, and improved potential of phosphorus recovery by crystallization. In experiment of crystallization, hydroxyapatite formation was more easily applied than MAP. By hydroxyapatite formation, $SCOD/PO_4-P$ ratio was greatly increased from 32.7 at control to 141.9 at $Ca^{2+}/PO{_4}^{3-}-P$ mole ratio of 2.4. The results based on this study indicated that the proposed system configuration has potential to reduce the excess sludge production, to recover phosphorus in usable forms as well as utilize organics as a external carbon source in BNR process.

Effect of BMP-7 on osteoblastic differentiation of rat periodontal ligament cells (백서 치주인대세포의 분화에 대한 Bone morphogenetic protein-7의 영향)

  • Lee, Ho-Jae;Kim, Young-Jun;Chung, Hyun-Ju
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.747-760
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    • 2005
  • Periodontal therapy has dealt primarily with attempts at arresting progression of disease. however, more recent techniques have focused on regenerating the periodontal ligament having the capacity to regenerate the periodontium. Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-7(rhBMP-7) can differentiate the osteoprogenitor cells and induce bone formation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of BMP-7 on rat periodontal ligament cells differentiation, in vitro. In the control group, cells was cultured with DMEM media. In the experimental groups, cells were cultured with rhBMP-7 in concentration of 10, 25, 50 and 100 ng/ml. Each group was characterized by examining alkaline phosphatase activity at 3 and 5 days of culture and the ability to produce mineralized nodules of rat calvarial cells at 14 days of culture. Synthesis of type I collagen(COL-I), osteocalcin(OCN), and bone sialoprotein(BSP) was evaluated by RT-PCR at 7 days of culture. Activation of Smad proteins and p38 MAP kinase was determined by western blot analysis of the cell lysates. Alkaline phosphatase activity was significantly increased in the concentration of BMP-7 50 ng/ml and 100 ng/ml compared to the control(p<0.05). The mineralized bone nodule formation was greater with addition of 50 ng/ml and 100 ng/ml BMP-7 than the control(p<0.01). In 7 days' culture, the expressions of COL-I, BSP, and OCN was increased by BMP-7 in concentration of 10 $ng/ml{\sim}100$ ng/ml. In western blot analysis, BMP-7 treated culture cells expressed Smad 1,5,8 in dose-dependent manner, whereas BMP-7 did not activate phosphorylated form of p38 MAP kinase. These result suggested that BMP-7 stimulate rat periodontal ligament cells to differentiate toward osteoblast phenotype and increase bone matrix production by activation of BMP-Smad pathway.

A Study on the Distributions of VOC Concentrations in Shiwha Area (시화지구에서 발생되는 VOCs 농도분포 특성 연구)

  • Kim Jin-Yong;Lee Hyo-Song;Yu Jae-Keun;Kil In-Sub;Kim Duk-Hyun;Rhee Young-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.613-624
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    • 2005
  • In this study, we investigated the characteristic of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) concentrations in Shiwha area, which were measured using the Open-path FTIR Gas Analyzer. The passive samplers were set for a certain period of time to obtain the average concentration of toluene, ethylbenzene, o-xylene and styrene. In addition, VOCs concentration contour maps were constructed using the Tecplot program to illustrate the VOCs concentration distribution. The residential area showed higher concentrations than the industrial area. And the summer had higher concentration value than the winter. Also, we confirmed that the VOCs concentrations ranged from 2 to several tens ppb in the vicinity of an industry than diffused VOC concentration, whereas those ranged from 0 to 5 ppb in most other areas. It was conferred that the wind change with seasons significantly affects the distribution of VOCs concentrations such as a northwesterly wind in the winter or a southwestern wind in the summer.

Effect of 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) Treatment and MAP on Quality Changes of Peach 'Daehong' during Cold Storage (1-Methylcyclopropene(1-MCP)와 MAP 처리가 저온 저장 중 복숭아 '대홍'의 품질 변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoo Han Roh;Joo Hwan Lee;Yong Beom Kwon;In-Lee Choi;Haet-nim Jeong;Ho-Min Kang
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.267-277
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    • 2023
  • This study is in order to the effect of 1-methlycyclopropene (1-MCP) treatment and film package as modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on the changes in fruit quality factors of 'Daehong' peaches during cold storage. The concentrations of 1-MCP were treated at 1µL·L-1 and 2µL·L-1, and peaches in film package were stored for 28 days in cold storage at 5±1℃ and 85±5% RH. The fruits stored carton box were used as a control of MAP, and 1-MCP free fruits were used as the control of both packages. Rate of fresh weight loss during storage was not significantly different between groups with and without 1-MCP treatment, but was higher in the box package than in the MAP. The control group had a higher incidence of both gases with the 1-MCP treatment group showing statistically significantly low. Carbon dioxide in the package was lowered by about 12% compared to the non-treated group, and the ethylene concentration was maintained at 1µL·L-1, showing a significance low compared to other treated groups. As the storage period elapsed, the firmness of 1-MCP and MAP treated fruits remained significant at 5-9% compared to the control group. Regardless of the packaging method Hunter a* values of exocarp and mesocarp were significantly higher in fruit treated with 1-MCP 1µL·L-1 treatment than in the control group, and anthocyanin was significantly higher in the fruit during the storage period, especially high in MAP. In summary, fruits of MAP group with 1-MCP 1µL·L-1 had rate of lower respiration and ethylene production, and little changes in firmness, Hunter a* values of exo-carp and meso-carp, and anthocyanin, which is considered the most suitable method for preserving postharvest quality of the peach cultivar during the storage.

Analytical Methods for Spatial Distribution of Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs)

  • Amagai, Takashi
    • Proceedings of the Korea Air Pollution Research Association Conference
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.41-44
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    • 2010
  • Hazardous air pollutants such as benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), benzene, formaldehyde have been concerned about the adverse health effect of long-term exposure. Contour map is useful for finding high-concentration region, emission source, and distributions of HAPs in the ambient air. To make a contour map, we have developed simple analytical method for selected HAPs; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons such as BaP, benzene and its derivatives such as toluene and xylene, and aldehydes and ketones. We have applied these methods to investigate air pollution by HAPs in some cities in Japan. The results show that these methods reveal actual emission sources if the PRTR emission report was not submitted.

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