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Specifying the Characteristics of Tangible User Interface: centered on the Science Museum Installation (실물형 인터렉션 디자인 특성 분석: 과학관 체험 전시물을 대상으로)

  • Cho, Myung Eun;Oh, Myung Won;Kim, Mi Jeong
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.553-564
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    • 2012
  • Tangible user interfaces have been developed in the area of Human-Computer Interaction for the last decades, however, the applied domains recently have been extended into the product design and interactive art. Tangible User Interfaces are the combination of digital information and physical objects or environments, thus they provide tangible and intuitive interaction as input and output devices, often combined with Augmented Reality. The research developed a design guideline for tangible user interfaces based on key properties of tangible user interfaces defined previously in five representative research: Tangible Interaction, Intuitiveness and Convenience, Expressive Representation, Context-aware and Spatial Interaction, and Social Interaction. Using the guideline emphasizing user interaction, this research evaluated installation in a science museum in terms of the applied characteristics of tangible user interfaces. The selected 15 installations which were evaluated are to educate visitors for science by emphasizing manipulation and experience of interfaces in those installations. According to the input devices, they are categorized into four Types. TUI properties in Type 3 installation, which uses body motions for interaction, shows the highest score, where items for context-aware and spatial interaction were highly rated. The context-aware and spatial interaction have been recently emphasized as extended properties of tangible user interfaces. The major type of installation in the science museum is equipped with buttons and joysticks for physical manipulation, thus multimodal interfaces utilizing visual, aural, tactile senses etc need to be developed to provide more innovative interaction. Further, more installation need to be reconfigurable for embodied interaction between users and the interactive space. The proposed design guideline can specify the characteristics of tangible user interfaces, thus this research can be a basis for the development and application of installation involving more TUI properties in future.

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Development and Application of an After-school Program for an Astronomy Observation Club in a Highschool: Standardized Coefficient Decision Program in Consideration of the Observation Site's Environment (고등학교 천체 관측 동아리를 위한 방과 후 학교 프로그램 개발 및 적용: 관측지 주변 환경을 고려한 표준화 계수 결정 프로그램)

  • Kim, Seung-Hwan;Lee, Hyo-Nyong;Lee, Hyun-Dong;Jeong, Jae-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.495-505
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    • 2008
  • The main purposes of this study are to: (1) to develop astronomy observation program based on a standardized coefficient decision program; and (2) to apply the developed program to after-school or club activities. As a first step, we analyzed activities related to astronomy in the authorized textbooks that are currently adopted in high schools. based on the analysis, we developed an astronomy observation program according to the standardized coefficient decision program, and the program was applied to students' astronomical observations as part of the club activities. Specifically, this program used a 102 mm refracting telescope and digital camera. we took into account the observation site's environment of the urban areas in which many school were located and then developed a the computer program for observation activities. The results of this study are as follows. First, the current astronomical education in schools was based off of the textbooks. Specifically, it was mostly about analyzing the materials and making simulated experiments. Second, most schools participated in this study were located in urban areas where students had more difficulty in observation than in rural areas. Third, an exemplary method was investigated in order to make an astronomical observation efficiently in urban areas with the existing devices. In addition, the standardized coefficient decision program was developed to standardize the magnitude of stars according to the observed value. Finally, based on the students' observations, we found that there was no difference between the magnitude of a star in urban sites and in rural sites. The current astronomical education in schools lacks an activity of practical experiments, and many schools have not good observational sites because they are located in urban areas. However, use of this program makes it possible to collect significant data after a series of standardized corrections. In conclusion, this program not only helps schools to create an active astronomy observation activity in fields, but also promotes students to be more interested in astronomical observation through a series of field-based activities.

Usefulness of Data Mining in Criminal Investigation (데이터 마이닝의 범죄수사 적용 가능성)

  • Kim, Joon-Woo;Sohn, Joong-Kweon;Lee, Sang-Han
    • Journal of forensic and investigative science
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.5-19
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    • 2006
  • Data mining is an information extraction activity to discover hidden facts contained in databases. Using a combination of machine learning, statistical analysis, modeling techniques and database technology, data mining finds patterns and subtle relationships in data and infers rules that allow the prediction of future results. Typical applications include market segmentation, customer profiling, fraud detection, evaluation of retail promotions, and credit risk analysis. Law enforcement agencies deal with mass data to investigate the crime and its amount is increasing due to the development of processing the data by using computer. Now new challenge to discover knowledge in that data is confronted to us. It can be applied in criminal investigation to find offenders by analysis of complex and relational data structures and free texts using their criminal records or statement texts. This study was aimed to evaluate possibile application of data mining and its limitation in practical criminal investigation. Clustering of the criminal cases will be possible in habitual crimes such as fraud and burglary when using data mining to identify the crime pattern. Neural network modelling, one of tools in data mining, can be applied to differentiating suspect's photograph or handwriting with that of convict or criminal profiling. A case study of in practical insurance fraud showed that data mining was useful in organized crimes such as gang, terrorism and money laundering. But the products of data mining in criminal investigation should be cautious for evaluating because data mining just offer a clue instead of conclusion. The legal regulation is needed to control the abuse of law enforcement agencies and to protect personal privacy or human rights.

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A Study on the Health Insurance Management System; With Emphasis on the Management Operating Cost (의료보험 관리체계에 대한 연구 - 관리비용을 중심으로 -)

  • 남광성
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.23-39
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    • 1989
  • There have been a lot of considerable. discussion and debate surrounding the management model in the health insurance management system and opinions regarding the management operating cost. It is a well known fact that there have always been dissenting opinions and debates surrounding the issue. The management operating cost varies according to the scale of the management organization and component members characteristics of the insurance carrier. Therefore, it is necessary to examine and compare the management operating cost to the simulated management models developed to cover those eligible for the health insurance scheme in this country. Since the management operating cost can vary according to the different models of management, four alternative management models have been established based on the critical evaluation of existing theories concerned, as well as on the basis of the survey results and simulation attempts. The first alternative model is the Unique Insurance Carrier Model(Ⅰ) ; desigened to cover all of the people with no classification of insurance qualifications and finances from the source of contribution of the insured, nationwide. The second is the Management Model of Large-scale District Insurance Carrier(Ⅱ) ; this means the Korean society would be divided into 21 large districts; each having its own insurance carrier that would cover the people in that particular district with no classification of insurance qualifications arid finances as in Model I. The third is the Management Model of Insurance Carrier Divided by Area and Classified with Occupation if Largescale (Ⅲ) ; to serve the self-employed in the 21 districts divided as in Model Ⅱ. It would serve the employees and their dependents by separate insurance carriers in large-scale similar to the area of the district-scale for the self-employed, so that the insurance qualifications and finances would be classified with each of the insurance carriers: The last is the Management Model of the Multi - insurance Carrier (Ⅳ) based on the Si. Gun. Gu area which will cover their own self- employed people in the area with more than 150 additional insurance carriers covering the employees and their dependents. The manpower necessary to provide services to all of the people according to the four models is calculated through simulation trials. It indicates that the Management Model of Large-scale District Insurance Carrier requires the most manpower among the four alternative models. The unit management operating costs per the insured individuals and covered persons are leveled with several intervals based on the insurance recipients. in their characteristics. The interval levels derived from the regression analysis reveal that the larger the scale of the insurance carriers is in the number of those insured and covered. the more the unit management operating cost decreases. significantly. Moreover. the result of the quadratic functional formula also shows the U-shape significantly. The management operating costs derived from the simulated calculation. on the basis of the average salary and related cost per staff- member of the Health Insurance Societies for Occupational Labours and Korean Medical Insurance Corporation for the Official Servants and Private School Teachers in 1987 fiscal year. show that the Model of Multi-insurance Carrier warrants the highest management operating cost. Meanwhile the least expensive management operating cost is the Management Model of Unique Insurance Carrier. Insurance Carrier Divided by Area and Classified with Occupation in Large-scale. and Large-scale District Insurance Carrier. in order. Therefore. it is feasible to select the Unique Insurance Carrier Model among the four alternatives from the viewpoint of the management operating cost and in the sense of the flexibility in promoting the productivity of manpower in the human services field. However. the choice of the management model for health insurance systems and its application should be examined further utilizing the operation research analysis for such areas as the administrative efficiency and factors related to computer cost etc.

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A Dynamic Management Method for FOAF Using RSS and OLAP cube (RSS와 OLAP 큐브를 이용한 FOAF의 동적 관리 기법)

  • Sohn, Jong-Soo;Chung, In-Jeong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.39-60
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    • 2011
  • Since the introduction of web 2.0 technology, social network service has been recognized as the foundation of an important future information technology. The advent of web 2.0 has led to the change of content creators. In the existing web, content creators are service providers, whereas they have changed into service users in the recent web. Users share experiences with other users improving contents quality, thereby it has increased the importance of social network. As a result, diverse forms of social network service have been emerged from relations and experiences of users. Social network is a network to construct and express social relations among people who share interests and activities. Today's social network service has not merely confined itself to showing user interactions, but it has also developed into a level in which content generation and evaluation are interacting with each other. As the volume of contents generated from social network service and the number of connections between users have drastically increased, the social network extraction method becomes more complicated. Consequently the following problems for the social network extraction arise. First problem lies in insufficiency of representational power of object in the social network. Second problem is incapability of expressional power in the diverse connections among users. Third problem is the difficulty of creating dynamic change in the social network due to change in user interests. And lastly, lack of method capable of integrating and processing data efficiently in the heterogeneous distributed computing environment. The first and last problems can be solved by using FOAF, a tool for describing ontology-based user profiles for construction of social network. However, solving second and third problems require a novel technology to reflect dynamic change of user interests and relations. In this paper, we propose a novel method to overcome the above problems of existing social network extraction method by applying FOAF (a tool for describing user profiles) and RSS (a literary web work publishing mechanism) to OLAP system in order to dynamically innovate and manage FOAF. We employed data interoperability which is an important characteristic of FOAF in this paper. Next we used RSS to reflect such changes as time flow and user interests. RSS, a tool for literary web work, provides standard vocabulary for distribution at web sites and contents in the form of RDF/XML. In this paper, we collect personal information and relations of users by utilizing FOAF. We also collect user contents by utilizing RSS. Finally, collected data is inserted into the database by star schema. The system we proposed in this paper generates OLAP cube using data in the database. 'Dynamic FOAF Management Algorithm' processes generated OLAP cube. Dynamic FOAF Management Algorithm consists of two functions: one is find_id_interest() and the other is find_relation (). Find_id_interest() is used to extract user interests during the input period, and find-relation() extracts users matching user interests. Finally, the proposed system reconstructs FOAF by reflecting extracted relationships and interests of users. For the justification of the suggested idea, we showed the implemented result together with its analysis. We used C# language and MS-SQL database, and input FOAF and RSS as data collected from The implemented result shows that foaf : interest of users has reached an average of 19 percent increase for four weeks. In proportion to the increased foaf : interest change, the number of foaf : knows of users has grown an average of 9 percent for four weeks. As we use FOAF and RSS as basic data which have a wide support in web 2.0 and social network service, we have a definite advantage in utilizing user data distributed in the diverse web sites and services regardless of language and types of computer. By using suggested method in this paper, we can provide better services coping with the rapid change of user interests with the automatic application of FOAF.

Pyrite Content using Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction Analysis and Its Application to Prediction of Acid Rock Drainage (정량 X-선회절분석을 이용한 황철석 함량 결정과 산성 암반 배수 발생 평가에의 응용)

  • Chon, Chul-Min;Kim, Jae-Gon;Lee, Gyoo-Ho
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.2 s.48
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2006
  • We examined the mineralogical composition of pyrite-bearing rocks by quantitative powder X-ray diffraction analysis using the matrix-flushing method and ROCKJOCK (a full pattern fitting computer program). The neutralization potential (NP) and acid generating potential (AP) were calculated on the basis of mineralogical compositions. The mineralogical AP was compared with the conventional AP calculated from bulk sulfur concentration to assess the applicability to the prediction of acid rock drainage(ARD). The pyrite content calculated by matrix-flushing method showed a high positive correlation(r2=0.95) with those by ROCKJOCK. The pyrite contents by matrix-flushing method was 1.45 times larger than those by ROCKJOCK. The pyrite content and mineralogical AP obtained by the matrix-flushing method had a better correlation(r2=0.98) with those by the total sulfur concentrations in the all samples except KB sample. The mineralogical NPs of YJ sample were 23.0 and 34.0(kg CaCO3 equivalent per tonne) by matrix-flushing method and ROCKJOCK, respectively. The AP calculated by matrix-flushing method and ROCKJOCK program were 47% and 72% of those by the conventional ABA test. We hereby suggested that the quantitative analysis using XRD data can be applied to prediction of ARD. For more reliable calculation of the mineralogical NP and AP, other sulfide and carbonate minerals such as pyrrhotite, dolomite, ankerite, siderite, rhodochrosite which can affact the mineralogical NP and AP should be considered.

The Evaluation of Reconstructed Images in 3D OSEM According to Iteration and Subset Number (3D OSEM 재구성 법에서 반복연산(Iteration) 횟수와 부분집합(Subset) 개수 변경에 따른 영상의 질 평가)

  • Kim, Dong-Seok;Kim, Seong-Hwan;Shim, Dong-Oh;Yoo, Hee-Jae
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: Presently in the nuclear medicine field, the high-speed image reconstruction algorithm like the OSEM algorithm is widely used as the alternative of the filtered back projection method due to the rapid development and application of the digital computer. There is no to relate and if it applies the optimal parameter be clearly determined. In this research, the quality change of the Jaszczak phantom experiment and brain SPECT patient data according to the iteration times and subset number change try to be been put through and analyzed in 3D OSEM reconstruction method of applying 3D beam modeling. Materials and Methods: Patient data from August, 2010 studied and analyzed against 5 patients implementing the brain SPECT until september, 2010 in the nuclear medicine department of ASAN medical center. The phantom image used the mixed Jaszczak phantom equally and obtained the water and 99mTc (500 MBq) in the dual head gamma camera Symbia T2 of Siemens. When reconstructing each image altogether with patient data and phantom data, we changed iteration number as 1, 4, 8, 12, 24 and 30 times and subset number as 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 times. We reconstructed in reconstructed each image, the variation coefficient for guessing about noise of images and image contrast, FWHM were produced and compared. Results: In patients and phantom experiment data, a contrast and spatial resolution of an image showed the tendency to increase linearly altogether according to the increment of the iteration times and subset number but the variation coefficient did not show the tendency to be improved according to the increase of two parameters. In the comparison according to the scan time, the image contrast and FWHM showed altogether the result of being linearly improved according to the iteration times and subset number increase in projection per 10, 20 and 30 second image but the variation coefficient did not show the tendency to be improved. Conclusion: The linear relationship of the image contrast improved in 3D OSEM reconstruction method image of applying 3D beam modeling through this experiment like the existing 1D and 2D OSEM reconfiguration method according to the iteration times and subset number increase could be confirmed. However, this is simple phantom experiment and the result of obtaining by the some patients limited range and the various variables can be existed. So for generalizing this based on this results of this experiment, there is the excessiveness and the evaluation about 3D OSEM reconfiguration method should be additionally made through experiments after this.

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A Study on Protection Performance of Radiation Protective Aprons classified by Manufacturers and Lead Equivalent using Over Tube Type Fluoroscopy (Over Tube Type의 투시촬영장치를 이용한 제조사별, 납당량별 엑스선방어 앞치마의 Protection 성능 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Jong-Nam;Seol, Gwang-Wook;Hong, Seong-Il;Choi, Jeong-Gu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.135-141
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    • 2011
  • If protective performance of apron cannot be good, radiation exposure of an guardian or a patient, a person engaged in radiation related industry cannot rise. Therefore, It will be evaluated protection performance to radiation protection aprons by manufacturers and lead equivalent more than 0.25mm lead equivalent. And, will show in the direction of application to clinic. The new aprons by manufacturers(H, X, I, J company) and lead equivalent(0.50mmPb, 0.35mmPb, 0.25mmPb) measured transmitted dose rate and shielding rate, uniformity under fluoroscopy and general radiography using to fluoroscopy system and digital radiography system, x-ray multifunction meter. The shielding rate measurement results, 0.5mmPb apron was Shielding rate of apron of a I company(fluoroscopy : 97.96%) was the best under six companies, and shielding rate of apron of a J company(fluoroscopy : 96.25%) was worst. 0.35mmPb Apron was Shielding rate of a I company(fluoroscopy : 96.79%) was the best under the three companies, and shielding rate of an H company(fluoroscopy : 95.81%) was the worst. 0.25mmPb Apron was Shielding rate of X company apron(fluoroscopy : 90.908%) was better than H company apron(fluoroscopy : 88.82%) than two companies. The uniformity measurement results, 0.5mmPb Aprons of X company(fluoroscopy : 0.13) and I company(fluoroscopy : 0.19) was the best under the six companies, and J company apron(fluoroscopy : 0.45) was the worst. 0.35mmPb. Along a manufacturer and lead equivalent performance of apron protection is distinguished certainly. Therefore, a patient, guardian or a person engaged in radiation related industry shall enforce experiment of a lot of ways defined or evaluation so that the maximum reduces radiation exposure. Buy the apron that protective performance is good, It will be performed through experiment and evaluation.

Participant Characteristic and Educational Effects for Cyber Agricultural Technology Training Courses (사이버농업기술교육 참가자의 특성과 교육효과)

  • Kang, Dae-Koo
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.35-82
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    • 2014
  • It was main objectives to find the learners characteristics and educational effects of cyber agricultural technology courses in RDA. For the research, it was followed by literature reviews and internet based survey methods. In internet based survey, two staged stratified sampling method was adopted from cyber training members database in RDA along with some key word as open course or certificate course, and enrollment years. Instrument was composed through literature reviews about cyber education effects and educational effect factors. And learner characteristics items were added in survey documents. It was sent to sampled persons by e-mail and 316 data was returned via google survey systems. Through the data cleaning, 303 data were analysed by chi-square, t-test and F-test. It's significance level was .05. The results of the research were as followed; First, the respondent was composed of mainly man(77.9%), and monthly income group was mainly 2,000,000 or 3,000,000 won(24%), bachelor degree(48%), fifty or forty age group was shared to 75%, and their job was changed after learning(12.2%). So major respondents' job was not changed. Their major was not mainly agriculture. Learners' learning style were composed of two or more types as concrete-sequential, mixing, abstract-random, so e-learning course should be developed for the students' type. Second, it was attended at 3.2 days a week, 53.53 minutes a class, totally 172.63 minutes a week. They were very eager or generally eager to study, and attended two or more subjects. The cyber education motives was for farming knowledge, personal competency development, job performance enlarging. They selected subjects along with their interest. A subject person couldn't choose more subjects for little time, others, non interesting subject, but more subject persons were for job performance benefits and previous subjects effectiveness. Most learner was finished their subject, but a fourth was not finished for busy (26.7%). And their entrying behavior was not enough to learn e-course and computer or internet using ability was middle level as software using. And they thought RDA cyber course was comfort in non time or space limit, knowledge acquisition, and personal competency development. Cyber learning group was composed of open course only (12.5%), certificate only(25.7%), both(36.3%). Third, satisfaction and academic achievement of e-learning learners were good, and educational service offering for doing job in learning application category was good, but effect of cyber education was not good, especially, agricultural income increasing was not good because major learner group was not farmer, so they couldn't apply their knowledge to farming. And content structure and design, content comprehension, content amount were good. The more learning subject group responded to good in effects, and both open course and certificate course group satisfied more than open course only group. Based on the results, recommendation was offered as cyber course specialization before main course in RDA training system, support staff and faculty enlargement, building blended learning system with local RDA office, introducing cyber tutor system.

A Study on Necessity and Demands of Teachers and Students for Housing Contents in Technology.Home Economics Curriculum of the Middle School (중학교 기술.가정 교과의 주생활 영역 교과내용에 대한 교사와 학생의 필요성 및 요구도 -울산광역시를 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Hye-Mi;Kim, Sun-Joong
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.75-89
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    • 2007
  • This study has its aim at suggesting new direction of our education to search different ways in housing contents by comparing the necessity perception and demands between teachers and students for housing contents in Technology Home Economics curriculum of middle school. To achieve this aim, I chose middle school teachers in charge of Technology Home Economics and male and female students who are in the first grade in high school in Ulsan. I sent e-mail, mail, and visited researcher to gather the data. I used SPSS +12 statistical package for frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test to analyze the data. Here is the result. First, In the part of application of living place, teachers had necessity perception in use and placement of furniture, and arrangement of objects. Students had necessity perception in the use and placement of furniture, the kind and choice of furniture. Also in the indoor environment and equipment part, both teachers and students had necessity perception in controlling of ventilation, temperature, and humidity. In the part of maintenance repair of housing, teachers had necessity perception in the need for maintenance management but students had necessity perception in house equipments and repair had high necessity perception Second, In housing-related general part, teachers demanded housing for elderly, disabled people, information about future housing and students demanded environmentally friendly living environment, housing for elderly, disabled people. In interior design part, teachers demanded in the expression of interior places through computer, the kind and characteristic of housing material and students demanded the way to reuse old furniture, kind and characteristic of housing material. In the part of housing preparation and occupation, teachers demanded the kind of housing-related occupation and students demanded the housing tax and the process of house purchase or concerned matter. Third, there were some difference of necessity perception and degree of demand between teachers and students. Teachers had higher necessity perception and demand in all part except in demand for housing equipment, maintenance, and environmentally friendly living environment.

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