• Title/Summary/Keyword: Complex images

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A Past Elimination Algorithm of Impossible Candidate Vectors Using Matching Scan Method in Motion Estimation of Full Search (전영역 탐색 방식의 움직임 예측에서 매칭 스캔 방법을 이용한 불가능한 후보 벡터의 고속 제거 알고리즘)

  • Kim Jone-Nam
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.8 no.8
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    • pp.1080-1087
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    • 2005
  • Significant computations for full search (FS) motion estimation have been a big obstacle in real-time video coding and recent MPEG-4 AVC (advanced video coding) standard requires much more computations than conventional MPEG-2 for motion estimation. To reduce an amount of computation of full search (FS) algorithm for fast motion estimation, we propose a new and fast matching algorithm without any degradation of predicted images like the conventional FS. The computational reduction without any degradation in predicted image comes from fast elimination of impossible candidate motion vectors. We obtain faster elimination of inappropriate motion vectors using efficient matching units from localization of complex area in image data and dithering order based matching scan. Our algorithm reduces about $30\%$ of computations for block matching error compared with the conventional partial distortion elimination (PDE) algorithm, and our algorithm will be useful in real-time video coding applications using MPEG-4 AVC or MPEG-2.

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FPGA Implementation of SURF-based Feature extraction and Descriptor generation (SURF 기반 특징점 추출 및 서술자 생성의 FPGA 구현)

  • Na, Eun-Soo;Jeong, Yong-Jin
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.483-492
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    • 2013
  • SURF is an algorithm which extracts feature points and generates their descriptors from input images, and it is being used for many applications such as object recognition, tracking, and constructing panorama pictures. Although SURF is known to be robust to changes of scale, rotation, and view points, it is hard to implement it in real time due to its complex and repetitive computations. Using 3.3 GHz Pentium, in our experiment, it takes 240ms to extract feature points and create descriptors in a VGA image containing about 1,000 feature points, which means that software implementation cannot meet the real time requirement, especially in embedded systems. In this paper, we present a hardware architecture that can compute the SURF algorithm very fast while consuming minimum hardware resources. Two key concepts of our architecture are parallelism (for repetitive computations) and efficient line memory usage (obtained by analyzing memory access patterns). As a result of FPGA synthesis using Xilinx Virtex5LX330, it occupies 101,348 LUTs and 1,367 KB on-chip memory, giving performance of 30 frames per second at 100 MHz clock.

Figuring the Social Condition: The Role of Allegory (사회적 상황의 표상: 알레고리의 역할)

  • Flores, Patrick D.
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.7
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    • pp.89-123
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    • 2009
  • The Philippines was colonized by Spain for about centuries, from 1521 to 1898, and ruled by America for around four decades, from 1899 to 1946. After recovering from the Second World War, the government started to harness human labor as export itself. In the present time the overseas Filipinos keep the economy afloat with their steady transfer of money to relatives and dependents. Through the art works, the issue which Filipinos were exploited and exported by its government has been reflected as the various allegories. As Filipinos traditionally follow and keep Catholic belief, themes of Christ's sacrifice has allegorically been represented as salvation, struggle, suppression, and emancipation of people. Through the allegory, we can interpret both the intrinsic and superficial texts. Also we can identity certain modes of the visuality of allegory in selected works from Philippine art history that in their complex mediations materialize the people and dignity of their predicament and their prevailing. Philippine art can be divided as three different features: passion, vagrancy, and mass formation. The passion stage was depicted as deep structure of Christian thought and devotional feeling, harsh capitalist system. In the pictures of vagrancy, under the regime of Ferdinand Marcos, the themes of drift, deprivation, and homelessness are reckoned through the images of pictures. The stories represented with allegory have been played an important role to bring local issues up as national ones. Those stages take us to the processes of mass formation or the depiction of the people as a moment in the totality of force. The allegorical sign refers to another sign that precedes it, but with which it will never able to coincide reach back to a previous stage and in this constant attempt at return incorporates a structural distance from its origin. The true people's art is one that radically generates transformative technologies and techniques so that it irrevocably breaks the plane of "art". In the painting, the truth is represented by functioning as foundation of a rhetoric of the image. And at this axis, the passional, the vagrant, and the mass formation tend to come together because they render the form of contingency that must be suffered and hopefully surpassed, a Filipino subjectivity that must be stitched in time.

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A Study of Ulegyria as Pathognomonic Aspects of Congenital Bilateral Perisylvian Syndrome (선천성 양측성 Sylvius 주위 피질 증후군의 병인론으로서의 뇌회반흔증에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Han-Woong;Cho, Kyu-Yong;Lee, Min-Cheol;Kim, Hyung-Ihl;Woo, Young-Jong;Kim, Myeong-Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.124-128
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    • 2005
  • Objective: Congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome(CBPS) has been defined as a characteristic malformative perisylvian polymicrogyria(PMG) in patients with clinical symptoms of pseudobulbar palsy and epileptic seizures. For the present study, we investigate clinicopathologic features of CBPS associated with timing of lesion formation. Methods: Clinicopathologic features of CBPS from 6 patients with surgical resection of the cerebral lesions due to medically intractable seizures were studied. Results: Seizure onset ranged from 1 to 10years (average 6.7years) of age, and average duration of seizure was 23years. All had complex partial seizures, and two patients had additional tonic clonic seizures. Magnetic resonance (MR) images showed polymicrogyria, atropic gyri with gliosis. In the histopathologic examination, the cortical lesions revealed features of ulegyria; atrophic and sclerotic gyri, laminar loss of neurons, extensive lobular gliosis throughout the gray and white matter, neuronoglial nodule formation, and many amyloid bodies. Unlayered or four-layered PMG was not identified. Conclusion: Above data suggest that CBPS might be caused by ulegyria resulting from developmental cortical defect during early fetal stage or acquired hypoxic/ischemic injury in prenatal or postnatal life.

A Study on Deformation Dipicted on Western Costumes of the Late 20th Century (세기말 서양복식에 표현된 Deformation에 관한 연구)

  • 이효진
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.13-30
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to analyzed the types of Deformation dipicted on the late 1990s western costumes. The late 20th century cultural experience or lifestyle is interpreted with 'popular culture' ,popular culture is described as cultural phenomenon in postmodern condition. Contemporary popular culture may no longer be strictly 'working-class' as the idealistic purists of political formalism would like to , but does emerge from subordinate cultures, from the inventive edges of the consensus, and from the previously ignored and suppressed. It gestured through a widening democratization of styles, sounds and images, to an important remarking , to new possibilities , new perpectives, new projects. The growing importance of popular culture as a source for change of expression in the art, expecially new desire and will of artists has been caused lots of ' Deformation' in their works. Deformation, doesn't mean to represent object faithfully as it were seen through the artist's eyes. In a sense it implies that artists deform it with conscious or unconscious form. So in this study , the phenomenon of the postmodern western costumes is to describe ' formative language' called 'Deformation.' and it is classified three types, that is, 'Deformation of human-body image.' , Deformation of silhouette.' 'Deformation of detail.'. First , Deformation of human-body image is represented by deconstructive , subversive image in western costumes, a lot of costumes types of deconstruction have been shown by fashion designers are emphasized empathy with Deformation of human-body image. Second, Deformation of silhouette is also represented subversion of traditional manner and ultiity, underwear and outwear structure and ugly image. parody image of postumodernism , and so on. Above all, the late 1990s western costumes with Deformation of silhouette was an infinitely larger and more complex world than it appeared from outside and has expressed as a rejection against the values which traditional aesthetic concept had pursued, And parody through the change of internal meaning is to bring about parodox, irony, contempt, satire , unexpectedness by applying the original to inapproporate subject through its substition, inversion. Third, Deformation of detail is represented overdecoration, exaggerative distortion of for , overlapping and fetish image, parody image, kitsch image, and so on , Once fetish achieve a certain' style factor' among trendsettler, they are picked up by internationally famous fashion designers, The characteristics of kitsch are overdecoration , unfitness , imitation , used western costumes.

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Clinical Implementation of 3D Printing in the Construction of Patient Specific Bolus for Photon Beam Radiotherapy for Mycosis Fungoides

  • Kim, Sung-woo;Kwak, Jungwon;Cho, Byungchul;Song, Si Yeol;Lee, Sang-wook;Jeong, Chiyoung
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 2017
  • Creating individualized build-up material for superficial photon beam radiation therapy at irregular surface is complex with rice or commonly used flat shape bolus. In this study, we implemented a workflow using 3D printed patient specific bolus and describe our clinical experience. To provide better fitted build-up to irregular surface, the 3D printing technique was used. The PolyLactic Acid (PLA) which processed with nontoxic plant component was used for 3D printer filament material for clinical usage. The 3D printed bolus was designed using virtual bolus structure delineated on patient CT images. Dose distributions were generated from treatment plan for bolus assigned uniform relative electron density and bolus using relative electron density from CT image and compared to evaluate the inhomogeneity effect of bolus material. Pretreatment QA is performed to verify the relative electron density applied to bolus structure by gamma analysis. As an in-vivo dosimetry, Optically Stimulated Luminescent Dosimeters (OSLD) are used to measure the skin dose. The plan comparison result shows that discrepancies between the virtual bolus plan and printed bolus plan are negligible. (0.3% maximum dose difference and 0.2% mean dose difference). The dose distribution is evaluated with gamma method (2%, 2 mm) at the center of GTV and the passing rate was 99.6%. The OSLD measurement shows 0.3% to 2.1% higher than expected dose at patient treatment lesion. In this study, we treated Mycosis fungoides patient with patient specific bolus using 3D printing technique. The accuracy of treatment plan was verified by pretreatment QA and in-vivo dosimetry. The QA results and 4 month follow up result shows the radiation treatment using 3D printing bolus is feasible to treat irregular patient skin.

A Study on the Characteristics of Graphics on Architectural Surfaces through Artistic Intervention (예술적 개입을 통한 건축표피의 그래픽 특성 연구)

  • Moon, Eun-Mi
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2010
  • This study investigates the examples of artistic intervention especially on the surface of architecture as a meeting place of art and architecture. Artistic intervention demonstrates the possibilities for the meaningful integration of arts into architectural spaces. This study summarizes the characteristics of artistic intervention on the surfaces of architectures as follow; first, the artistic intervention is applied to the broad ranges of designs including public art, architectural design and sign design that establish identities and unique characters to the spaces. Second, the artistic intervention on the surfaces is conducted by the participation of the various fields of artists, i.e. painters, installation artists, graphic designers and landscape designers. The artistic intervention is also conducted by individual collaboration between artists and architects as well as by the forms of public art of art-in-architecture program. Third, the artistic intervention on the surfaces is expressed using the complex combination of images, colors, patterns, and texts. They are applied to enhance the aesthetic and symbolic characters of buildings in public arts, to improve the visual characters of architectural design with graphics, colors, and patterns, as well as to increase communication skills and cognitive effects of sign design with letters and colors on walls and floor surfaces. Fourth, the artistic intervention is also applied on the surfaces to encourage people to communicate historic and symbolic meanings related to the locations and functions. Thus, graphics on the architectural surfaces could provide a public space, with which people could share common feeling on public arts. As a conclusion, the study finds that artistic intervention either as artworks or as elements of architectural design can not only enhance the aesthetic quality of architectural space but also expand the techniques of design representation. In addition, the artistic intervention can contribute to create a new realm of design where artists and architects work together to enrich our surroundings.

On Constructing Fractal Sets Using Visual Programming Language (Visual Programming을 활용한 Fractal 집합의 작성)

  • Geum Young Hee;Kim Young Ik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.177-182
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we present a mathematical theory and algorithm consoucting some fractal sets. Among such fractal sets, the degree-n bifurcation set as well as the Julia sets is defined by extending the concept of the Mandelbrot set to the complex polynomial $Z^n$+c($c{\epsilon}C$, $n{\ge}2$). Some properties of the degree-n bifurcation set and the Julia sets have been theoretically investigated including the symmetry, periodicity, boundedness, and connectedness. An efficient algorithm constructing both the degree-n bifurcation let and the Julia sets is proposed using theoretical results. The mouse-operated software called "MANJUL" has been developed for the effective construction of the degree-n bifurcation set and the Julia sets in graphic environments with C++ programming language under the windows operating system. Simple mouse operations can construct ann magnify the degree-n bifurcation set as well af the Julia sets. They not only compute the component period but also save the images of the degree-n bifurcation set and the Julia sets to visually confirm various properties and the geometrical structure of the sets. A demonstration has verified the useful versatility of MANJUL.of MANJUL.

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Character Region Detection Using Structural Features of Hangul & English Characters in Natural Image (자연영상에서 한글 및 영문자의 구조적 특징을 이용한 문자영역 검출)

  • Oh, Myoung-Kwan;Park, Jong-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1718-1723
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    • 2014
  • We proposes the method to detect the Hangul and English character region from natural image using structural feature of Hangul and English Characters. First, we extract edge features from natural image, Next, if features are not corresponding to the heuristic rule of character features, extracted features filtered out and select candidates of character region. Next, candidates of Hangul character region are merged into one Hangul character using Hangul character merging algorithm. Finally, we detect the final character region by Hangul character class decision algorithm. English character region detected by edge features of English characters. Experimental result, proposed method could detect a character region effectively in images that contains a complex background and various environments. As a result of the performance evaluation, A proposed method showed advanced results about detection of Hangul and English characters region from natural image.

Motion Estimation by Classification of Block Types (블록 유형 분류에 의한 움직임 추정)

  • Yoon Hyo-Sun;Yoo Jae-Myeong;Park Mi-Seon;Kim Mi-Young;Toan Nguyen Dinh;Lee Guee-Sang
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.13B no.6 s.109
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    • pp.585-590
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    • 2006
  • Although motion estimation Plays an important role in digital video compression, complex search procedure is required to find an optimal motion vector. To reduce the search time, the search start point should be set up properly md efficient search pattern is needed. If the overall motion of the torrent block can be predicted, motion estimation can be performed efficiently. In this paper. block types are classified using candidate vectors and the motion activity of the block is predicted which leads to the search start point close to the optimal motion vector. The proposed method proves to be about 1.5$\sim$7 times faster than existing methods with about 0.02$\sim$0.2(dB) improvement of picture quality in images with large movements.