• 제목/요약/키워드: Competition Strategy

검색결과 838건 처리시간 0.022초

온·오프라인 서비스 기업의 비즈니스모델 인식 차이에 관한 연구 (A Study of the Perception Difference on Business Model - Focused on On-Offline Service Companies)

  • 김인섭;전성현
    • 디지털산업정보학회논문지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.209-223
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    • 2015
  • Google was established an online service company. Lately, Google has widened to the business area until manufacturing industry. Apple was established a computer manufacturing company. So, new business models should develop and should be innovation in order to adapt to industry environments. New business model's development and innovation are attracted on strategy to expect the high performance at companies. In particular, it is important to companies facing a variety of problems. Therefore, the purposes of this study are as follows : First, there understand the perception difference on online service company, offline service company, manufacturing company. Second, there provide for the use of strategy on online service company, offline service company, manufacturing company. The results of this study are customer factor, strategy factor, revenue factor have been statistically significant differences using ANOVA analysis in industry field, and customer factor has been statistically significant difference using t-test in business field. Then, it will expect to increase business competition through the business model.

Late Movers' MarketEntry Strategies in the Chinese Retail Market: The Case of a Korean Company

  • Kim, Byoung-Goo;Kim, Gyu-Bae
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제10권11호
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2012
  • Purpose - This study aimed to analyze the strategy of late domestic entrants into the Chinese retail market, focusing on the case of Lotte-Mart, given that there are few studies on market entry strategies of domestic retail companies in China. Research Design, data, methodology - The methodology of this paper is a case study approach, focusing on literature reviews and a few interviews. We conducted a survey by disseminating questionnaires and conducting interviews focusing on the Chinese retail market, and analyzed Lotte-Mart's market entry strategy in China. Results - Lotte-Mart chose M&A as the mode of entry, pursuing quick market entry and rapid expansion. It chose small to medium size cities with relatively less competition. Subsequently, Lotte-Mart devoted significant effort towards localization, attempting to organize stores and assorting products to fit the Chinese consumers' preferences. It operated CSR programs to increase its brand awareness and to create a favorable brand image. Conclusions - Lotte-Mart now needs to devise alternative corporate strategies for business expansion and growth. An understanding of the Chinese retail market and the case study analysis of Lotte-Mart's market entry strategy offers significant insights for domestic retail companies looking to expand into China.

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CSF 분석을 통한 인터넷쇼핑몰 전략 -고객과 기업의 인식차이를 중심으로- (Developing Internet Shopping Mall Strategy through CSF Analysis Based on Cognitive gap between Customers and Managers)

  • 서영호;채영일;이현수
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.160-172
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a successful strategy that can satisfy customer needs effectively based on the recognition of cognitive gaps toward the Internet shopping mall between managers and customers. Internet shopping mall becomes a main cyber space for future shopping, Despite some pessimistic view on the future of cyber shopping, the amount of purchase in Internet shopping has increased continuously and dramatically. In order to compare and analyze the cognitive difference between managers and customers, this study investigates the view of managers as Internet shopping mall operators as well as that of customers. Questionnaires and brief interviews were carried out to collect empirical data. Empirical results find the significant cognitive gap in the perception of importance of factors affecting shopping malls between managers and customers. After analysing the empirical data with statistical methods, this study finds that six of nine factors show significantly different views in perception of Internet shopping mall between managers and customers. The findings of this study can be employed to implement an Internet shopping mall strategy to better serve customer needs and requirements to gain competitive advantage in this emerging market with growing competition.

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통계기법을 이용한 SCM 시스템 구축 전략에 관한 연구 (A Study on SCM System Construction Strategy Using a Statistical Method)

  • 서장훈;김용범;김우열
    • 한국국방경영분석학회지
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2002
  • Recently, To define an enterprise's survival strategy is a difficult task, because the competition of a business is a complexity. The reason is the original research uses a statistical survey method. On a conceptual point of SCM, - as an order of development, physical distribution, logistics management, basic supply chain management and advanced supply chain management etc - a supervisor is magnifying gradually as well as confusing with information and analysis techniques which seems possible. On executing this, however, it has many problems since it is hard and wide; therefore, The Manager don't aware a total executable solution even though the enterprise knows necessity of SCM. On this paper focus on a proposal of alternatives with reasonableness of manufacturing and making a profit of sales department like most of enterprises are willing to overcome such as carelessness and unready strategy of investment additionally, the thesis should effort to find an element through an analysis of cases, a statistical method of effective SCM, and actual survey to propose an alternative; moreover, this paper proved the facts that it could be a guiding company, which has an ability of cooperation with entities through the founding of supply chain. As a conclusion, this essay showed the variation that influences the capacity entities and alternative to define an element which basically influence for a cause and effect.

광양항 활성화를 위한 포트얼라이언스 전략 (Port Alliance Strategy for Promotion of Gwangyang Port)

  • 이성우;최용석
    • 한국항해항만학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국항해항만학회 2006년도 추계학술대회 논문집(제1권)
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    • pp.235-240
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    • 2006
  • 글로벌 생산네트워크의 변화로 인해 광양항은 새로운 전략의 수립이 요구된다. 특히, 무역의 패턴이 중국, 일본, 한국을 포함한 아시아의 경제적 성장에 따라 동북아지역 집중됨에 따라 가격과 서비스 경쟁력을 가진 광양항은 동북아 포트얼라이언스의 요구에 대처해야하며, 변화하는 무역환경에서 다른 국가들과 경쟁해야 한다. 그러므로 본 연구의 목적은 광양항의 성장을 촉진하기 위한 포트얼라이언스 전략을 제안하는 것이다. 광양항의 물류비즈니스 모델에 대한 목적에 맞도록 동북아 포트얼라이언스의 진행방향과 중국과 일본의 대상 항만을 제공하였다.

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G-ASPOO-L: The Technopreneurship-Based Supply Chain Management Model for Souvenirs MSMEs to Reach Customer Value Creation

    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제20권12호
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: The purpose of this research is to identify and design a model for the integration between marketing and supply chain management (SCM) of technopreneurship-based souvenirs MSMEs to fulfil customer value creation. Research design, data and methodology: This research method uses the system development life cycle method. This study draws its insights and conclusions from a literature review in several fields followed by an interactive research approach that helps identify, validate, and implement a theoretical framework so that the modelling results can be adopted in applicative manner for souvenir MSMEs. Result: Implementing the "G-ASPOO-L" supply chain management integration model based on technopreneruship to fulfil value creation in the 5.0 society era created three perspectives: an inter-functional perspective, a process perspective, and an integrated business concept perspective. The supply chain management involves enterprise integration, strategic customer integration, strategic supplier integration, and marketing strategy integration. Conclusion: The proposed model framework leads to managerial problems of supply chain management strategy, which urgently requires an interaction approach that challenges the traditional view of demand creation and implementation of supply chain management to fulfil value creation. This research leverages existing knowledge and advances our understanding of the strategic integration issues companies face in digital-based competition.

온라인쇼핑몰에서 구매의도에 미치는 영향: 가치창조요소 중심으로 (Effect on Purchase Intention in Online Shopping Malls: Focusing on Value Creation Factors)

  • 좌인열;박광호
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제45권2호
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    • pp.56-64
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    • 2022
  • Many studies have suggested that e-commerce value creation potential depends on four interdependent factors Lock-In, Complementarity, Efficiency, and Novelty. In order to survive in the recent fierce competition, companies have also secured e-Trust that strengthens long-term business relationships by reducing consumer uncertainty. This study, while analyzing the value creation factors (Lock-in, Complementarity, Efficiency, Novelty, e-Trust) of recent e-commerce (online shopping mall) companies from the point of view of purchase intention, customer value (Functional value, Emotional value, Social value) We present an academic proposition that can also examine the mediating effect of value). First, through previous studies on value-based strategy and value creation in e-commerce, various discussions on the theoretical background necessary for effective value-based strategy establishment and strategy execution of e-commerce (online shopping mall) companies were reviewed. Second, it provides academic discussion and practical implications by presenting academic propositions on the value creation factors of e-commerce (online shopping mall) companies, purchase intentions, and customer value, and confirming the basis through empirical analysis.

An Investigation of Brand Communication in Small and Medium-sized Cities in China Based on Grounded Theory

  • QunQing Zhang;XueHua Jin
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.162-179
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    • 2024
  • With the acceleration of China's urbanization process, the economic development and market potential of small and medium-sized cities have been constantly enhanced, with the urbanization competition having been caught in the vortex of homogenization. However, small and medium-sized cities are exposed to limited resources and funds, and therefore need to be more flexible and innovative in the strategy implementation, while urban brand communication is one of the key factors to promote the competitiveness of cities. Taking the small and medium-sized cities in China as the research objects, this study, based on the domestic and foreign theories about the brand communication of small and medium-sized cities, as well as other city-related theories, analyzes textual materials about the current situation and new changes in brand communication of small and medium-sized cities with grounded theory, reflecting on the problems in brand communication in China's small and medium-sized cities. Combining the basic elements of urban brand communication, a model for constructing brand communication strategies for small and medium-sized cities is further proposed, so as to provide the differentiated and distinctive strategies for the construction and communication of urban brands in small and medium-sized cities in China, as well as provide a new perspective and strategy on how to enhance the competitiveness and contribute to the sustainable economic development of small and medium-sized.

의료기관의 식자재 공급자 선정기준에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석 (Analysis of Factors Influencing on Food Supplier Selection Criteria in the Health-care Foodservice Operations)

  • 김정리;최성경;곽동경
    • 대한영양사협회학술지
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.372-386
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    • 2002
  • The purposes of this study were to find factor which influence on the selection criteria of food supplier. Questionnaire were distributed to 52 general hospitals with more than 400 beds located in Seoul and Kyongin province, and responded questionnaires were collected from 44 dietetic departments (84.6%) and 18 purchasing departments (34.6%). The main results of this study can be summarized as follows: (1) supplier selection criteria include quality, service, cost and supplier competency. (2) With having been met with tight competition and market opening, hospitals plan a strategy to improve quality, service and they tend to have more interest in various supplier selection criteria. (3) Purchasing departments estimate more highly the rate of reflection in considering supplier selection criteria than the rate of importance about cost criteria, which reveals that purchasing departments sensitively respond to cost cutdown. (4) When selecting suppliers, a significant(p<.01) influence of stability of supplier industry environment on the selecting criteria such as the importances of quality, service, and supplier quality are recognized only after recognizing the stability of food delivery industry. Food supplier industry secures stability more quickly through major companies' participation in food distribution industry and this will reveal the importance of supplier selection criteria. (5) Suppliers which are selected by the quality criteria, service criteria, supplier quality criteria make efforts to communicate with foodservice departments, to give more proper information about substitute food, new product, and to make commitments, while suppliers which are decided by cost criteria do not establish supportive relationships with foodservice departments.

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유통기업의 온-오프라인 통합마케팅 전략 -(주)Barokosa 사례를 중심으로- (On the on and off line integrated marketing strategy for retail firms empirical models for BAROKOSA)

  • 김창호
    • 정보학연구
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.151-168
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    • 2003
  • 본 연구는 기본적으로 온라인과 오프라인의 통합마케팅을 설명하고 이에 관한 경험적 사례를 개발하기 위한 목적으로 진행되었다. 특히 중소 유통영역의 공생적 기반 위에 전개되는 온-오프라인의 경험적 사례를 개발하고 바람직한 마케팅방향을 방향을 제시하였다. 본 연구는 문헌연구와 사례연구를 병행하여 연구를 진행하였다. 사례는 인터넷 도매유통의 공생협력을 추진한 (주)Barokosa이다. 온-오프라인의 협력적 통합마케팅의 전략을 전개하기 위해서는 무엇보다도 온-오프라인의 뚜렷한 목표를 설정하고 성장방향에 대한 비전을 공유하고 나아가 온-오프라인의 사명을 감당하는 것이다. 실천적으로는 (1)항상 고객(customer)기반의 의사결정을 이루며 (2)철저한 협력적 돕는경쟁(competition) 의식과 (3)구성원 자신의 일에 대한 자신감(confidence)을 지니고 (4)실천을 위한 용기(courage)를 가지고 (5)혁신하여 변화(change)를 선도하는 것이다.

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