Purpose: Blow out fracture can present tenderness, swelling, enophthalmos, extraoccular muscle limitation, paresthesia, diplopia according to severity of injury, so reconstruction of blow out fracture is important. Orbital soft tissue should be in orbit and defected orbital wall should be corrected by autologus tissue or alloplastic implants. Every implants have their merits and faults, every implants are used various. This study was designed to compare the sequelae of blow-out fracture repair using the alloplastic implants: micro-titanium mesh(Micro Dynamic titanium mesh(R), Leibinger, Germany), porous polyethylene (Medpor(R), Porex, USA), absorbable mesh plate(Biosorb FX(R) . Bionx Implants Ltd, Finland). Methods: Between January 2006 and April 2008, 52 patients were included in a retrospective study analysing the outcome of corrected inferior orbital wall fracture with various kind of implants. Implants were inserted through subciliary incision. Twenty patients were operated with micro-titanium mesh, fourteen patients with porous polyethylene and eighteen patients with absorbable mesh plate. In comparative category, enophthalmos, diplopia, range of motion of extraoccular muscle, inferior orbital nerve injury were more on frequently statistically in patients. Results: Fourteen of 18 patients underwent surgical repair to improve diplopia, 11 of 17 patients to improve parasthesia, 11 of 15 patients to improve enophthalmos, 8 of 9 patients to improve extraoccular muscle limitation. Duration of follow-up time ranged from 6 months to 12 months(mean, 7.4 months). There was no statistic difference of sequelae between micro titanium mesh and porous polyethylene and absorbable mesh plate in blowout fracture, inferior wall. Conclusion: There is no difference of sequelae between micro-titanium mesh, porous polyethylene and absorbable mesh plate in blow-out fracture, inferior wall. The other factors such as defect size, location, surgeon's technique, may influence the outcome of blow-out fracture repair.
Mohammed Mousa H. Bakri;Faisal Hussain Alabdali;Rashed Hussain Mahzari;Thamer Jabril Rajhi;Norah Mohammed Gohal;Rehab Abdu Sufyani;Asma Ali Hezam;Ahtesham Ahmed Qurishi;Hamed Mousa Bakri;Fareedi Mukram Ali
Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
Objectives: Surgical intervention for removal of an impacted third molar can lead to significant pain and swelling. Corticosteroids show promise for mitigating postoperative sequelae across various surgical contexts. The use of corticosteroids following minor oral surgery, though controversial, has already been proven effective. However, little research has explored peroral prescription of corticosteroids despite its convenience for outpatients and for non-surgeons like implantologists and periodontists and others who don't have access to needle injections. The aim of this study was to address a void in the literature by comparing the effects of two styles of preoral administration of prednisolone after surgical removal of the mandibular third molar and to determine which style minimizes postoperative sequelae. Materials and Methods: A randomized, split-mouth clinical study was conducted to investigate the efficacy of two different styles of preoral prednisolone in mitigating postoperative sequelae following surgical extraction of impacted mandibular third molars. Fifteen participants were enrolled in the study. Random selection was used to determine the prescription style for the right and left mandibular arch. Group A included those who received a single dose of prednisolone 25 mg, while group B received prednisolone 5 mg postoperatively for a period of three days (5 mg three times/day on the first postoperative day, 5 mg twice/day on the second postoperative day; 5 mg once/day on the third postoperative day). Results: There was a significant difference in the distance between the corner of the mouth and tragus, which decreased with the time interval with respect to group B when compared to group A. Conclusion: The present study showed that a three-day tapered dose of prednisolone postoperatively was more effective in reducing post-extraction sequelae than a single-dose regimen.
Background and Objective : The evaluation of facial nerve function is a complex procedure. The House-Brackmann facial nerve grading system(H-B grade)and the Yanagihara grading system(Y-system) have been recommended as universal standards for assessing the degree of facial nerve palsy. The purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of Y-system and H-B system and to know the advantages of each system for each stage of incomplete recovery or sequelae of facial paralysis. Materials and Methods : A comparison between H-B grade and Y-system was studied with 137 evaluations of 61 cases of incomplete recovery or sequelae of peripheral facial paralysis. Each case was graded by using H-B system as a gross system and Y-system as a regional system before treatment, after 12 weeks and 6 months Results and Conclusions : The range of score in the Y-system 0-6, 8-16, 14-22, 24-34, 32-38, 38-40 were matched with grade VI, V, IV, III, II and I in the H-B system. The percentage of H-B grade III was the greatest among 137 evaluations and y-system showed the greatest score range. H-B system is easy to use but Y-system is more objective, quantitative and convenient to use in the incomplete recovery or sequelae state.
Objective : The aim of this study is to investigate the curative effect of Bee Venom Acupuncture Therapy for pain and limited R.O.M (range of motion) of shoulder in stroke patients. Methods : The subjects of this study were 6 patients with shoulder pain in stroke sequelae. Routine Oriental Medical programs (Acupunture, moxibustion, herbal medicine and physical therapy) were maintained for each subject throughout this study. Single subject ABABAB design was adopted. Each period was 4 days as a rule. Only during the treatment period, Bee Venom Acupuncture Therapy was provided as intervention at the acupoints of LI15(Gyeonu), TE14(Gyeollyo), GB21(Gyeonjeong), LI14(Bino). The change of pain was measured with a Visual Analogue Scale(VAS). The pain threshold was measured using pressure algometer at the same acupoints where Bee Venom Acupuncture Therapy was provided. And the R.O.M of shoulder joint (flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, external rotation, internal rotation) was measured as well. Analysis was performed by Bayesian analysis using WinBUGS for the comparison of treatment(Bee Venom Acupuncture Therapy) and non-treatment. Results : The median overall improvement for difference in VAS was -2.219(-3.213, -1.175), for difference in external rotation of shoulder R.O.M was 9.992(-2.298, 18.49), for difference in tenderness score of LI14(Bino) by pressure algometer was 5.05(0.6283, 7.762). 95% credibility intervals being shown in brackets. However, the median overall improvement for difference in the other measurements was not significant. Conclusion : This study suggests that Bee Venom Therapy may be applicable to decrease pain and improve R.O.M of shoulder in hemiplegia patients with stroke. Further elaborated single subject designs need to be accumulated to confirm the effects of Bee Venom Acupunture Therapy on shoulder pain in patients with stroke sequelae.
Objectives : This study was designed to evaluate the influence of postauricular pain on Bell's palsy patients. Methods : We investigated 71 cases of patients with Bell's palsy and classified them as existence of Postauricural pain, 71 patients were sequentially interviewed and examined. We evaluated the treatment effect of each group by using Gross Grading System of House-Brackmann(H-B grade) before treatment and after final treatment and we researched differences of sequelae of Bell's palsy, period of treatment, changing point -period from onset of Bell's palsy to the day which the change begins to be seen at the face- and improvement -period which Bell's palsy is improved from onset to H-B gradeII. Results : 1. In age, sex, lesion, duration of disease, we found that two groups have no significant differences. 2. In improvement and period of treatment, we found that two groups have significant differences. In changing-point, we found that two groups had the difference of the average, but they were not statistically significant. 3. As a result of evaluation by using H-B grade, treatment score after final treatment was marked higher than that before treatment within each group. 4. After final treatment, Non-postauricular pain group had significant difference(result) on H-B grade compared with Postauricular pain group. 5. In frequency of sequelae symptoms of Bell's palsy, Postauricular pain group had more higher compared with Non-postauricular pain group. Conclusion : These results suggested that Non postauricular pain group should be get better than Postauricular pain group.
Purpose: No consensus currently exists regarding the maximal pressure of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) therapy performed within 24 hours of acute carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. This study aimed to evaluate the difference in therapeutic effects according to the first HBO2 pressure (3.0 atmospheres absolute [ATA] vs. 2.8 ATA). Methods: We used prospectively collected registry data on CO poisoning at a tertiary academic hospital in the Republic of Korea. Adult patients with acute CO poisoning treated with HBO2 within 24 hours after arrival at the emergency department and without the use of additional HBO2 after 24 hours between January 2007 and February 2022 were included. Data from 595 patients were analyzed using propensity score matching (PSM). Patients with mild (non-intubated) and severe (intubated) poisoning were also compared. Neurocognitive outcomes at 1 month after CO poisoning were evaluated using the Global Deterioration Scale combined with neurological impairment. Results: After PSM, the neurocognitive outcomes at 1-month post-CO exposure were not significantly different between the 2.8 ATA (110 patients) and 3.0 ATA (55 patients) groups (p=1.000). Similarly, there was also no significant difference in outcomes in a subgroup analysis according to poisoning severity in matched patients (165 patients) (mild [non-intubated]: p=0.053; severe [intubated]: p=1.000). Conclusion: Neurocognitive sequelae at 1 month were not significantly different between HBO2 therapy pressures of 2.8 ATA and 3.0 ATA in patients with acute CO poisoning. In addition, the 1-month neurocognitive sequelae did not differ significantly between intubated and non-intubated patients.
Baek, Woon Il;Kim, Han Koo;Kim, Woo Seob;Bae, Tae Hui
Archives of Plastic Surgery
Background A blow-out fracture is one of the most common facial injuries in midface trauma. Orbital wall reconstruction is extremely important because it can cause various functional and aesthetic sequelae. Although many materials are available, there are no uniformly accepted guidelines regarding material selection for orbital wall reconstruction. Methods From January 2007 to August 2012, a total of 78 patients with blow-out fractures were analyzed. 36 patients received absorbable mesh plates, and 42 patients received titanium-dynamic mesh plates. Both groups were retrospectively evaluated for therapeutic efficacy and safety according to the incidence of three different complications: enophthalmos, extraocular movement impairment, and diplopia. Results For all groups (inferior wall fracture group, medial wall fractrue group, and combined inferomedial wall fracture group), there were improvements in the incidence of each complication regardless of implant types. Moreover, a significant improvement of enophthalmos occurred for both types of implants in group 1 (inferior wall fracture group). However, we found no statistically significant differences of efficacy or complication rate in every groups between both implant types. Conclusions Both types of implants showed good results without significant differences in long-term follow up, even though we expected the higher recurrent enophthalmos rate in patients with absorbable plate. In conclusion, both types seem to be equally effective and safe for orbital wall reconstruction. In particular, both implant types significantly improve the incidence of enophthalmos in cases of inferior orbital wall fractures.
Background: Epidural neural blockade with local anesthetics combined with steroids has been in clinical trials for patients with low back pain. But pain treatment of low back pain remains somewhat problematic. Many patients with low back pain have epidural fibrosis and adhesions proved with magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) examination. These findings might play an important role in the origin of back pain. Present study was aims to investigate the effect of epidural adhesiolysis in patients with low back pain. Methods: We investigated 76 patients suspected with epidural fibrosis and adhesion was suspected. Nerve pathology was demonstrated and epidural fibrosis suspected or proved with MRI examination. 17G needle specially designed by Racz was inserted at sacral hiatus and catheter was inserted untill its tip was located at lesion site under fluoroscopic guidance. Injection of contrast dye was achieved and prospected spread of agents. Injection of 0.25% bupivacaine, triamcinolone, and 10% hypertonic saline via catheter were carried out daily for 3 days. Evaluation included assessment of pain relief (Numerical Rating Scale; NRS) post-epidural adhesiolysis 3 days, 1 week, and 3 months. We also looked for complication of epidural adhesiolysis. Results: Statistical analysis(Friedman nonparametric repeated measures test and Dune's multiple comparison test) demonstrated NRS was significantly less during 3 months after epidural adhesiolysis(P<0.05). Especially, there is a extremely significance in post-epidural adhesiolysis 3 days (P<0.001). Only four patients reported any complications the most common symptom among three persistent headache but disappeared after a few months without residual sequelae. Conclusion: We conclude epidural adhesiolysis is a safe and effective method of pain therapy for low back pain with proven lumbo-sacral fibrosis and adhesion. A direct visualization by epiduroscopy may be more useful to the resulting functional changes after epidural adhesiolysis.
The cerebral infarction arised from occulsion of cerebral artery has a high mortality rate and fatal sequelae. Sohabhyangwon(蘇合香元) is generally regarded to have a effect of walking up the patient from unconsiousness and promoting the flow of Qj(氣) by warming channel. METHOD The purpose of this study is to find out the effections of Sohabhyangwon(蘇合香元) on regional cerebral blood flow and relative cerebral infarction area in the experimentally induced infartion in rats In this experiment, 12 Spraque-Dawley rats weighting 280-350g were used. Cerebral ischemia induced by intraluminal suture technique of Kozumi's and Zea-Longer's method. Co2,O2, pH, arterial blood pressure in rats were checked by Blood Gas Analyzer every 30 minutes for 2 hours. And regional cerebral blood flow were checking by hydrogen clearance technique, cerebral infarcted area was megsured by Image Analysis System. RESULTS 1. During the experiment, CO2,O2, pH, arterial blood pressure in rats had no change in both sample group and control group. 2. Cortical cerebral blood flow decreased at same rate in both sample group and control group after inducing cerebral infarction. 3. On comparison of relative cerebral infarcted area, Sohabhyangwon(蘇合香元) perfused group showed a significant decrease. CONCLUSION According to the result above, Sohabhyangwon has a protection effect on cranial nerve and-has no effect on cerebral blood flow.
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- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.