• Title/Summary/Keyword: Community Markers

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What is the Appropriate Kettlebell Mass for a Kettlebell Swing? (케틀벨 스윙 시 적당한 케틀벨의 무게는 얼마일까?)

  • Kim, Bo Kyeong;Thau, Dao Van;Yoon, Sukhoon
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.308-313
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    • 2021
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different kettlebell mass (30%, 40%, and 50% of the body mass) on kinematics and kinetic variables of kettlebell swing. Method: Total of 16 healthy male who had at least 1 year of kettlebell training experience were participated in this study (age: 31.69 ± 3.46 yrd., height: 173.38 ± 4.84 cm, body mass: 74.53 ± 6.45 kg). In this study, a 13-segments whole-body model (upper trunk, lower trunk, pelvis, both side of forearm, upperarm, thigh, and shank) was used and 26 reflective markers were attached to the body to identify the segments during the movement. A 3-dimensional motion analysis with 8 infrared cameras and 4 channeled EMG was performed to find the effect of kettlebell mass on its swing. To verify the kettlebell mass effect, a one-way ANOVA with a repeated measure was used and the statistical significance level was set at 𝛼=.05. Results: Firstly, in all lower extremity joints and thoracic vertebrae, a statistically significant change in angle was shown according to an increase in kettlebell mass during kettlebell swing (p<.05). Secondly, in both the up-swing and down-swing phases, the knee joint and ankle joint ROM showed a statistically significant increase as the kettlebell mass increased (p<.05) but no statistically significant difference was found in the hip joint and thoracic spine (p>.05). Lastly, the hamstrings muscle activity was statistically significantly increased as the kettlebell mass increased during up-swing phases (p<.05). Also, as the kettlebell mass increased in P4 of the down swing phase, the gluteus maximus showed a statistically significantly increased muscle activation, whereas the rectus femoris showed a statistically significantly decreased muscle activation (p <.05). Conclusion: As a result of this study, hip extension decreased and knee extension increased at 40% and 50% of body mass, and the spine also failed to maintain neutrality and increased flexion. Also, when kettlebell swings are performed with 50% of body mass, synergistic muscle dominance appears over 30% and 40% of body mass, which is judged to have a risk of potential injury. Therefore, it is thought that for beginners who start kettlebell exercise, swing practice should be performed with 30% of body mass. In addition, even in the case of experienced seniors, as the weight increases, the potential injury risk may increase, so it is thought that caution should be exercised when performing swings with 40% and 50% of body mass. In conclusion, it is thought that increasing the weight after sufficiently training with 30% of the weight of all subjects performing kettlebell swing is a way to maximize the exercise effect as well as prevent injury.

Effect of Tiger Step on Lower Extremities during Uphill Walking (오르막보행 시 타이거스텝 하지 움직임에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Jihyuk;Yoon, Sukhoon
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2022
  • Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect Tiger-step walking on the movement of the lower extremities during walking. Method: Twenty healthy male adults who had no experience of musculoskeletal injuries on lower extremities in the last six months (age: 26.85 ± 3.28 yrs, height: 174.6 ± 3.72 cm, weight: 73.65 ± 7.48 kg) participated in this study. In this study, 7-segments whole-body model (pelvis, both side of thigh, shank and foot) was used and 29 reflective markers and cluster were attached to the body to identify the segments during the gait. A 3-dimensional motion analysis with 8 infrared cameras and 7 channeled EMG was performed to find the effect of tigerstep on uphill walking. To verify the tigerstep effect, a one-way ANOVA with a repeated measure was used and the statistical significance level was set at α=.05. Results: Firstly, Both Tiger-steps showed a significant increase in stance time and stride length compared with normal walking (p<.05), while both Tiger-steps shown significantly reduced cadence compared to normal walking (p<.05). Secondly, both Tiger-steps revealed significantly increased in hip and ankle joint range of motion compared with normal walking at all planes (p<.05). On the other hand, both Tiger-steps showed significantly increased knee joint range of motion compared with normal walking at the frontal and transverse planes (p<.05). Lastly, Gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, medial gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior of both tiger-step revealed significantly increased muscle activation compared with normal walking in gait cycle and stance phase (p<.05). On the other hand, in swing phase, the muscle activity of the vastus medialis, biceps femoris, tibialis anterior of both tiger-step significantly increased compared with those of normal walking (p <.05). Conclusion: As a result of this study, Tiger step revealed increased in 3d range of motion of lower extremity joints as well as the muscle activities associated with range of motion. These findings were evaluated as an increase in stride length, which is essential for efficient walking. Therefore, the finding of this study prove the effectiveness of the tiger step when walking uphill, and it is thought that it will help develop a more efficient tiger step in the future, which has not been scientifically proven.

Spatial Genetic Structure at a Korean Pine (Pinus koraiensis) Stand on Mt. Jumbong in Korea Based on Isozyme Studies (점봉산(點鳳山) 잣나무임분(林分)의 개체목(個體木) 공간분포(空間分布)에 따른 유전구조(遺傳構造))

  • Hong, Kyung-Nak;Kwon, Young-Jin;Chung, Jae-Min;Shin, Chang-Ho;Hong, Yong-Pyo;Kang, Bum-Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.1
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2001
  • Genetic differentiation of populations is resulted from the environmental and the genetic effects, and the interactions between them. Whereas, the major factors influencing to the genetic differentiation within populations are the gene flow induced by seed or pollen dispersial, the microsite heterogeneity, and the density-dependent distribution of individuals. For the purpose of studying spatial genetic structure and the distribution pattern of Korean pines(Pinus koraiensis), we set up one $100{\times}100m$ plot at a Korean pine stand in Quercus mongolica community on Mt. Jumbong in Korea. To estimate the coefficient of spatial autocorrelation as Moran's index and an analogue, simple block distance, isozyme markers were analyzed in 325 Korean pines. For 11 polymorphic loci observed in 9 enzyme systems, the average percentage of polymorphic loci, the observed and expected heterozygocity were 72.2% 0.200, and 0.251, respectively. It was revealed the excess of homozygotes was observed in the plot, which suggests that here may be more number of consanguineous trees than expected. On the basis of isozyme genotypes observed in this study, 325 trees were classified into 147 groups in which the maximum number of trees for one group was 34. From the distance class of 24-32m, the genetic heterogeneity began to increase. The variation of simple block distance against the growth performance by tree height and diameter also showed the same trend at 24~32m class. According to high fixation index(F=0.204), the spatial genetic structure within a stand, the analysis of the growth performance, and the distribution patterns of identical genotypes, we inferred that the genetic structure of a Korean pine stand in Mt. Jumbong has been maintained rather density-dependent mechanism than the gene flow, such as the pollen dispersial or the heavy input of seeds following the forest gaps. The genetic patchy size was determined between 24~32m, which suggests that the selection of individuals for the ex situ conservation of Korean pine in Mt. Jumbong may be desirable to be made with the spatial distance over 37 meters between trees.

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