• Title/Summary/Keyword: Color-Image

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Content based Video Segmentation Algorithm using Comparison of Pattern Similarity (장면의 유사도 패턴 비교를 이용한 내용기반 동영상 분할 알고리즘)

  • Won, In-Su;Cho, Ju-Hee;Na, Sang-Il;Jin, Ju-Kyong;Jeong, Jae-Hyup;Jeong, Dong-Seok
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.1252-1261
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we propose the comparison method of pattern similarity for video segmentation algorithm. The shot boundary type is categorized as 2 types, abrupt change and gradual change. The representative examples of gradual change are dissolve, fade-in, fade-out or wipe transition. The proposed method consider the problem to detect shot boundary as 2-class problem. We concentrated if the shot boundary event happens or not. It is essential to define similarity between frames for shot boundary detection. We proposed 2 similarity measures, within similarity and between similarity. The within similarity is defined by feature comparison between frames belong to same shot. The between similarity is defined by feature comparison between frames belong to different scene. Finally we calculated the statistical patterns comparison between the within similarity and between similarity. Because this measure is robust to flash light or object movement, our proposed algorithm make contribution towards reducing false positive rate. We employed color histogram and mean of sub-block on frame image as frame feature. We performed the experimental evaluation with video dataset including set of TREC-2001 and TREC-2002. The proposed algorithm shows the performance, 91.84% recall and 86.43% precision in experimental circumstance.

Hand Gesture Recognition Algorithm Robust to Complex Image (복잡한 영상에 강인한 손동작 인식 방법)

  • Park, Sang-Yun;Lee, Eung-Joo
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.1000-1015
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for hand gesture recognition. The hand detection method is based on human skin color, and we use the boundary energy information to locate the hand region accurately, then the moment method will be employed to locate the hand palm center. Hand gesture recognition can be separated into 2 step: firstly, the hand posture recognition: we employ the parallel NNs to deal with problem of hand posture recognition, pattern of a hand posture can be extracted by utilize the fitting ellipses method, which separates the detected hand region by 12 ellipses and calculates the white pixels rate in ellipse line. the pattern will be input to the NNs with 12 input nodes, the NNs contains 4 output nodes, each output node out a value within 0~1, the posture is then represented by composed of the 4 output codes. Secondly, the hand gesture tracking and recognition: we employed the Kalman filter to predict the position information of gesture to create the position sequence, distance relationship between positions will be used to confirm the gesture. The simulation have been performed on Windows XP to evaluate the efficiency of the algorithm, for recognizing the hand posture, we used 300 training images to train the recognizing machine and used 200 images to test the machine, the correct number is up to 194. And for testing the hand tracking recognition part, we make 1200 times gesture (each gesture 400 times), the total correct number is 1002 times. These results shows that the proposed gesture recognition algorithm can achieve an endurable job for detecting the hand and its' gesture.

A Study on the Influence of Consumer Type on Consumer Intention to Purchase Eco-friendly Vehicles in the Service Management of Convergence Industry (융복합 산업의 서비스경영에서 소비자 유형이 소비자의 친환경자동차에 대한 구매의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Yim, Ki-Heung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.221-232
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    • 2017
  • In recent years, the development and market participation of major makers of next-generation eco-friendly vehicles has been accelerating. Consumer interest has also increased. Consumer characteristics, consumption type, characteristics of next-generation eco-friendly vehicles, and government policies on next-the results of this study are as follows. As a result of this study, it was found that the characteristics of consumers (by sex, age, monthly average income), types of consumers (price value pursuit type, individual value pursuit type), There was no significant difference between the consumers, and the purchasing intention was not significantly different by gender, age, and monthly income, but there was a significant difference in purchase intention according to the type of consumer. The positive effects of consumer purchase behavior on brand image, color, design, etc, have positive (+) effect on eco - friendly vehicles. And social environment value seeking type among consumer types are significant in relation to purchase intention. To have three support the government's carbon dioxide (per ton of 5,000 won, per ton of 10,000 won), national or local government vehicle price support directly gasolin tax, disel tax, carbon taxes, such as fuel-related tax relief, etc. was found to have positive effect.

No-Reference Visibility Prediction Model of Foggy Images Using Perceptual Fog-Aware Statistical Features (시지각적 통계 특성을 활용한 안개 영상의 가시성 예측 모델)

  • Choi, Lark Kwon;You, Jaehee;Bovik, Alan C.
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.131-143
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    • 2014
  • We propose a no-reference perceptual fog density and visibility prediction model in a single foggy scene based on natural scene statistics (NSS) and perceptual "fog aware" statistical features. Unlike previous studies, the proposed model predicts fog density without multiple foggy images, without salient objects in a scene including lane markings or traffic signs, without supplementary geographical information using an onboard camera, and without training on human-rated judgments. The proposed fog density and visibility predictor makes use of only measurable deviations from statistical regularities observed in natural foggy and fog-free images. Perceptual "fog aware" statistical features are derived from a corpus of natural foggy and fog-free images by using a spatial NSS model and observed fog characteristics including low contrast, faint color, and shifted luminance. The proposed model not only predicts perceptual fog density for the entire image but also provides local fog density for each patch size. To evaluate the performance of the proposed model against human judgments regarding fog visibility, we executed a human subjective study using a variety of 100 foggy images. Results show that the predicted fog density of the model correlates well with human judgments. The proposed model is a new fog density assessment work based on human visual perceptions. We hope that the proposed model will provide fertile ground for future research not only to enhance the visibility of foggy scenes but also to accurately evaluate the performance of defog algorithms.

3D Visual Attention Model and its Application to No-reference Stereoscopic Video Quality Assessment (3차원 시각 주의 모델과 이를 이용한 무참조 스테레오스코픽 비디오 화질 측정 방법)

  • Kim, Donghyun;Sohn, Kwanghoon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.110-122
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    • 2014
  • As multimedia technologies develop, three-dimensional (3D) technologies are attracting increasing attention from researchers. In particular, video quality assessment (VQA) has become a critical issue in stereoscopic image/video processing applications. Furthermore, a human visual system (HVS) could play an important role in the measurement of stereoscopic video quality, yet existing VQA methods have done little to develop a HVS for stereoscopic video. We seek to amend this by proposing a 3D visual attention (3DVA) model which simulates the HVS for stereoscopic video by combining multiple perceptual stimuli such as depth, motion, color, intensity, and orientation contrast. We utilize this 3DVA model for pooling on significant regions of very poor video quality, and we propose no-reference (NR) stereoscopic VQA (SVQA) method. We validated the proposed SVQA method using subjective test scores from our results and those reported by others. Our approach yields high correlation with the measured mean opinion score (MOS) as well as consistent performance in asymmetric coding conditions. Additionally, the 3DVA model is used to extract information for the region-of-interest (ROI). Subjective evaluations of the extracted ROI indicate that the 3DVA-based ROI extraction outperforms the other compared extraction methods using spatial or/and temporal terms.

Automatic Titration Using PC Camera in Acidity Analyses of Vinegar, Milk and Takju (PC 카메라를 이용한 식초, 우유 및 탁주의 산도 적정 자동화)

  • Lee, Hyeong-Choon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.36 no.12
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    • pp.1583-1588
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    • 2007
  • PC-camera based automatic titration was executed in the acidity analyses of vinegar, milk and Takju. The average hue value (Havg) of 144 pixels in the image of the sample solution being titrated was computed and followed up at regular time intervals during titration in order to detect the titration end point. The Havg increase of 5 degrees from the first Havg was regarded as reaching at the end point in the cases of vinegar and milk. The Havg increase set up to detect the end point was 70 degrees in the case of Takju. In the case of vinegar, the volume of added titrant (0.1 N NaOH) was $21.409{\pm}0.066mL$ in manual titration and $21.403{\pm}0.055mL$ in automatic titration (p=0.841). In the case of milk, it was $1.390{\pm}0.025mL$ in manual titration and $1.388{\pm}0.027mL$ in automatic titration (p=0.907). In the case of Takju, it was $4.738{\pm}0.028mL$ in manual titration and $4.752{\pm}0.037mL$ in automatic titration (p=0.518). The high p values suggested that there were good agreements between manual and automatic titration data in all three food samples. The automatic method proposed in this article was considered to be applicable not only to acidity titrations but also to most titrations in which the end points can be detected by color change.

A Hybrid Approach of Efficient Facial Feature Detection and Tracking for Real-time Face Direction Estimation (실시간 얼굴 방향성 추정을 위한 효율적인 얼굴 특성 검출과 추적의 결합방법)

  • Kim, Woonggi;Chun, Junchul
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we present a new method which efficiently estimates a face direction from a sequences of input video images in real time fashion. For this work, the proposed method performs detecting the facial region and major facial features such as both eyes, nose and mouth by using the Haar-like feature, which is relatively not sensitive against light variation, from the detected facial area. Then, it becomes able to track the feature points from every frame using optical flow in real time fashion, and determine the direction of the face based on the feature points tracked. Further, in order to prevent the erroneously recognizing the false positions of the facial features when if the coordinates of the features are lost during the tracking by using optical flow, the proposed method determines the validity of locations of the facial features using the template matching of detected facial features in real time. Depending on the correlation rate of re-considering the detection of the features by the template matching, the face direction estimation process is divided into detecting the facial features again or tracking features while determining the direction of the face. The template matching initially saves the location information of 4 facial features such as the left and right eye, the end of nose and mouse in facial feature detection phase and reevaluated these information when the similarity measure between the stored information and the traced facial information by optical flow is exceed a certain level of threshold by detecting the new facial features from the input image. The proposed approach automatically combines the phase of detecting facial features and the phase of tracking features reciprocally and enables to estimate face pose stably in a real-time fashion. From the experiment, we can prove that the proposed method efficiently estimates face direction.

A Quality-control Experiment Involving an Optical Televiewer Using a Fractured Borehole Model (균열모형시추공을 이용한 광학영상화검층 품질관리 시험)

  • Jeong, Seungho;Shin, Jehyun;Hwang, Seho;Kim, Ji-Soo
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.17-30
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    • 2020
  • An optical televiewer is a geophysical logging device that produces continuous high-resolution full-azimuth images of a borehole wall using a light-emitting-diode and a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor image sensor to provide valuable information on subsurface discontinuities. Recently, borehole imaging logging has been applied in many fields, including ground subsidence monitoring, rock mass integrity evaluation, stress-induced fracture detection, and glacial annual-layer measurements in polar regions. Widely used commercial borehole imaging logging systems typically have limitations depending on equipment specifications, meaning that it is necessary to clearly verify the scope of applications while maintaining appropriate quality control for various borehole conditions. However, it is difficult to directly check the accuracy, implementation, and reliability for outcomes, as images derived from an optical televiewer constitute in situ data. In this study, we designed and constructed a modular fractured borehole model having similar conditions to a borehole environment to report unprecedented results regarding reliable data acquisition and processing. We investigate sonde magnetometer accuracy, color realization, and fracture resolution, and suggest data processing methods to obtain accurate aperture measurements. The experiment involving the fractured borehole model should enhance not only measurement quality but also interpretations of high-resolution and reliable optical imaging logs.

A Study on the Characteristics of Smartphone Camera as a Medical Radiation Detector (의료 방사선 검출기로써 스마트폰 카메라의 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Han Gyu;Kim, Ho Chul
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.143-151
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study is to investigate the optimal algorithm to extract medical radiation induced pixel signal from complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) sensors of smartphones camera. The pixel intensity and pixel number of smartphone camera were measured as the X-ray dose was increased. The front camera of the smartphone camera has low noise property and excellent dose response as compared to the back camera of the smartphone. The indirect method which uses scintillation crystal in front of the smartphone camera, couldn't improve the X-ray detection efficiency as compared to the direct method which does not use any scintillator in front of the smartphone camera. When we used the algorithm which employing threshold level on the pixel intensity and pixel number, the dose linearity was more higher for the pixel intensity rather for the pixel number. The use of pixel intensity of Y color component which represents the grey scale, would be efficient in terms of the radiation detection efficiency and reducing the complexity of the image processing. We expect that the radiation dose monitoring can be managed effectively and systematically by using the proposed radiation detection algorithm, thus eventually will contribute to the public healthcare.

A Difference of Clothing Behavior of Jean's Wearer According to the Gender (성별에 따른 청바지 착용자의 의복행동 차이)

  • Lee, Joung-Suk;Sung, Su-Kwang
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.336-340
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    • 2004
  • This is the result of the comparison of the number of jeans, colors, images, opinions when it was purchased, shapes according to the gender of persons in jeans. According to the gender, male students had 1.64 jeans(46.3%) and female students had 2.09 jeans(53.7%) on the average. Male students selected colors of jeans which they don't have, but want to wear once in the order of blue(3.7%), red(21.0%), white(24.1%), black(25.6%), and others(25.6%). Female students selected colors in the order of blue(3.2%), black(15.6%), red(24.8%), white(27.7%) and others(25.6%). In case of the general image about jeans, male students thought the jeans as masculine(1.2%), sexy(3.1%), unisexual(3.2%), active(23.6%), young(29.8%), and comfortable(36.5%) and female students thought it as masculine(0.3%), sexy(3.5%), unisexual(10.4%), young(21.9%), comfortable(28.1%) and active(35.8%). Male students considered torn or holed jeans ill-mannered(10.7%), delinquent, (20.7%)trendy(21.0%), comfortable(22.9%), and dandy(24.7%). Female students think it ill-mannered(3.4%), delinquent7.1%, trendy(17.4%), comfortable(21.1%), and dandy(50.9%). When they purchase jeans, male students choose according to trends(17.9%), don't consider design(19.5%) and look for their own styles(62.6%), female students didn't consider design(5.2%), choose according to trends(22.0%), and look for their own styles(72.5%). The designs of jeans which they usually wear were bell bottom(1.5%), wide-shaped(7.4%), baggy(17.5%), straight-shaped(73.6%) in case of male students. on the other hand, in case of female students, baggy(10.2%), wide-shaped(11.0%), bell bottom(17.0%), and straight-shaped(61.8%). The designs of jeans which they didn't have but want to wear once are wide-shaped(10.1%), bell bottom(13.2%), baggy(20.9%), and straight-shaped(55.2%) in case of male students. On the other hand, females students want to wear baggy(11.6%), wide-shaped(15.0%), straight-shaped(27.6%), and bell bottom(45.8%). The above-mentioned findings illustrated that both male and female students regarded blue as the original color of jeans, but they wanted to wear jeans in colors other than blue. In the past, jeans were considered masculine and unisex, but they viewed jeans as an apparel that was comfortable to wear and made it easier to move. Female students had a higher tendency to be fashionable than male students, and their preference for jeans was consequently different. Jeans manufacturers should take those characteristics into account to produce products in different colors and form.