• Title/Summary/Keyword: Color System

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Fabric Dyeing with Lichen Parmotrema austrosinence and Improvement of Dyeability by Chitosan Treatment (Parmotrema austrosinence(지의류)를 이용한 직물염색과 키토산 처리에 의한 염색성 향상)

  • Yoo, Hye-Ja;Lee, Hye-Ja;Rhie, Jeon-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.882-889
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    • 2008
  • Three fabrics, 100% silk, nylon and cotton each, were dyed with a lichen dye solution prepared by a fermentation method under conditions of varying dyebath pH and temperature. To verify the effect of chitosan on fabric dyeing, the 100% cotton fabric was treated with a chitosan solution before dyeing. The K/S, CIE $L^*$, $a^*$, $b^*$, ${\Delta}E$ and Munsell values of the dyed samples were measured. Colorfastness of each sample was also investigated. The maximum K/S value was measured at 520nm wavelength for the dyed silk fabric and at 480nm for the dyed cotton and nylon. The K/S values for the dyed silk fabric were much greater than those of the other fabrics. The dyed silk fabric showed a red tone on the Munsell color system, and the dyed nylon and cotton fabrics a yellowish red tone. Dye affinity to fabrics was better in a neutral or acidic dyebath. As dyeing temperature increased, K/S values increased for the dyed nylon and cotton fabrics but not for the silk. Dyeability of cotton fabrics could improve by Chitosan treatment. As for most natural dyes, colorfastness of all dyed samples was poor. The silk fabric showed an excellent dry cleaning fastness of Grade 5.

Case Study of Ancient City Wall Renewal in Gongju, a Historic Cultural City (역사문화도시 공주의 고도담장정비 사례 연구)

  • Ohn, Hyoungkeun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.254-269
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to propose guidance for wall renewal that is appropriate for an ancient city wall through application of advanced research and theories in wall design. It is a streetscape improvement project which forms part of the "Ancient City Image Finding Project". Study methods consist of advanced research classification, wall design theory contemplation, and analysis of the significance of designated ancient city areas and the "Ancient City Image Finding Project" status. Based on these methods, case study candidates were selected, case status and problems were identified, and improvement proposals were analyzed by comparing various features. Advanced wall research was classified into six categories including analysis of wall characteristics; wall design principle applications; wall structure, color, shape, and application; modern reinterpretation; palace walls; and house, temple, and village walls. The wall is an element of the streetscape improvement component of the "Ancient City Image Finding Project", with the characteristic of providing preceding experience in visual and cognitive awareness than interior structure. Case candidates for ancient city wall improvement are based on the composition distribution of the special conservation district in each ancient city as well as the conservation promotion district. Ultimately, the surrounding village of Gongju-si Geumseong-Dong Songsanri-gil, adjacent to the Royal Tomb of King Muryeong, was selected as the candidate. The "Ancient City Image Finding Project" of the surrounding village of Gongju-si Geumseong-Dong Songsanri-gil began with new Hanok construction. However, wall maintenance did not begin concurrently with that new Hanok construction. Support and maintenance took place afterwards as an exterior maintenance project for roadside structures. If the Hanok and wall were evaluated and constructed at the same time, the wall would have been built in unison with the size and design of the Hanok. The layout of the main building and wall of the Hanok is deemed to be a structure that is closed tightly because of its spatial proximity and tall height. Songsan-ri-gil's wall design should create a calm, subtle, and peaceful atmosphere with shapes, colors, and materials that express ancient city characteristics, but it is in an awkward position due to its sharpness and narrowness. The cause of the problem at Gongju-si Geumseong-dong Songsanri-gil, the case candidate, is that it is lacking significantly in terms of the aesthetic factors that traditional walls should possess. First, aesthetic consciousness seems to have disappeared during the selection and application process of the wall's natural materials. Second, the level of completion in design and harmony is absent. Maintenance guidance after analyzing the cause of problems in ancient city wall maintenance at Gongju-si Geumseong-dong Songsanri-gil, the subject area of research, is as follows: First, the Hanok design and layout of the wall and main gate should be reviewed simultaneously. Second, the one-sided use of natural stone wall in the Hanok wall design should be reexamined. Third, a permanent system to coordinate the opinions of citizens and experts during the planning and design phases should be employed. Fourth and finally, the Hanok's individuality shall be collectivized and its value as a cultural asset representing the identity of the community shall be increased.

Studies on the Performance of Korean Native Chickens I. Effect of Various Feeding Systems on Performance of Korean Native Chickens (한국재래닭의 능력에 관한 연구 I. 서로 다른 사료 급여가 한국재래닭의 능력에 미치는 영향)

  • 김상호;이상진;강보석;최철환;장병귀;오봉국
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.169-175
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    • 1998
  • A feeding trial was carried out to evaluate optimum feeding system to Korean Native Chicken (KNC) with various feeding programs for 64 weeks. Eight hundreds and ten KNC'one day birds were assigned to three feeding systems, NRC(T1), Japanese Feeding Standard(T2), Korean Feeding Standard(T3). Each treatment had three replicates of 90 birds a replicate. Data were obtained growing performance to 20 week of age and laying performance from twenty one to sixty four week. Viability to 20 week of age was similar to treatments. Growth characteristics by feeding systems were not significantly difference on body weight, feed intake and 50% egg production days. However, body weight was less about 100g in T2. There were no different on egg production, egg weight, and egg mass during laying period. Feed intake of T1 was 104g daily and showed lower than other treatments, but was not different significantly. Feed conversion was significantly improved in T2(P <0.05) compared to other treatments(P<0.05). Egg production of all treatments was the highest between 27 to 30 week of age. ME intake of T1 was significantly maximized, whereas CP intake was the lowest of all treatments(P < 0.05). Nutrient requirements for egg mass tended to depend on nutrients intake. Interior egg and eggshell characteristics were not different among treatments except yolk color. Fertility and hatchability were similar to treatments, and the results at 39 week of age were higher than at 62 week in all treatments. In conclusion, treatments fed three or four phase feeding would be superior to other treatments during the growing period and suggest 2,800 ㎉/kg ME, 15% CP for Korean native laying hen.

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Effect of Packaging Systems with High CO2 Treatment on the Quality Changes of Fig (Ficus carica L) during Storage (저장 중 무화과(Ficus carica L) 선도유지를 위한 고농도 이산화탄소 처리된 포장 시스템 적용 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Soo;Chung, Dae-Sung;Lee, Youn Suk
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.799-806
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    • 2012
  • This experiment was conducted to establish the optimum conditions for high $CO_2$ gas treatment in combination with a proper gas-permeable packaging film to maintain the quality of fig fruit (Ficus carica L). Among the fig fruits with different high $CO_2$ treatments, the quality change was most effectively controlled during storage in the 70%-$CO_2$-treated fig fruit. Harvested fig fruit was packaged using microperforated oriented polypropylene (MP) film to maintain the optimum gas concentrations in the headspace of packaging for the modified-atmosphere system. MP film had an oxygen transmission rate of about $10,295cm^3/m^2$/day/atm at $25^{\circ}C$. The weight loss, firmness, soluble-solid content (SSC), acidity (pH), skin color (Hunter L, a, b), and decay ratio of the fig fruits were monitored during storage at 5 and $25^{\circ}C$. The results of this study showed that the OPP film, OPP film + 70% $CO_2$, and MP film+70% $CO_2$ were highly effective in reducing the loss rate, firmness and decay occurrence rate of fig fruits that were packaged with them during storage. In the case of using treatments with packages of OPP film and OPP film+70% $CO_2$, however, adverse effects like package bursting or physiological injury of the fig may occur due to the gas pressure or long exposure to $CO_2$. Therefore, the results indicated that MP film containing 70% $CO_2$ can be used as an effective treatment to extend the freshness of fig fruits for storage at a proper low temperature.

Taxonomical Classification of Namweon Series, Black Volcanic Ash Soils (흑색 화산회토인 남원통의 분류)

  • Song, Kwan-Cheol;Hyun, Byung-Geun;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Lim, Han-Cheol;Lee, Shin-Chan
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.385-392
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to reclassify Namweon series, black volcanic ash soils, in Jeju Island based on the second edition of Soil Taxonomy : A Basic System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys. Morphological properties of typifying pedon of Namweon series were investigated and physicochemical properties were analyzed according to Soil Survey Laboratory Methods Manual. The typifying pedon of Namweon series has black (10YR 2/1) silt loam Ap horizon (0~11 cm) and black (10YR 2/1) silt loam BA horizon (11~72 cm). Bw horizon (72~100 cm) is very dark brown (10YR 2/2) silt loam. That occurs on lava plain derived from volcanic ash materials. The typifying pedon contains 5.2~6.4% oxalate extractable (Al + 1/2 Fe), over 85% phosphate retention, and lower bulk density than $0.90Mg\;m^{-3}$. Ap, BA, and Bw horizons of the pedon have andic soil properties. That can be classified as Andisol. The typifying pedon has an udic soil moisture regime and has a 1,500 kPa water retention of 15% or more on air-dried samples throughout all horizons, and can be classified as Udand. Ap and BA horizons (0~72 cm) have a color value, moist, and chroma of 2 or less, melanic index of 1.70 or less, and 6% or more organic carbon. That meets the requirements of melanic epipedon. That keys out as Melanudand. That has more than 6.0% organic carbon and the colors of mollic epipedon throughout a layer 50 cm or more thick within 60 cm of the mineral soil surface.. Thus, that keys out as Pachic Melanudand. The pedon has a fine-earth fraction that has a water content at 1,500 kPa tension of 12% or more on air-dried samples and has less than 35% (by volume) rock fragments. Thus, the substitute for particle-size class is medial. That has a sum of 8 times the Si (percnt by weight extracted by acid oxalate) plus 2 times the Fe (percnt by weight extracted by acid oxalate) of 5 or more, and 2 times the Fe is more than 8 times the Si. Thus, the mineralogy class is ferrihydritic. Namweon series can be classified as medial, ferrihydritic, thermic family of Pachic Melanudands, not as ashy, thermic family of Typic Melanudands.

Physico-chemical, Nutritional, and Enzymatic Characteristics of Shiitake Spent Mushroom Substrate (SMS) (표고버섯 수확 후 배지의 이화학적, 영양적, 효소적 특성)

  • Sung, Hwa-Jung;Pyo, Su-Jin;Kim, Jong-Sik;Park, Jong-Yi;Sohn, Ho-Yong
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.28 no.11
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    • pp.1339-1346
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    • 2018
  • In Korea, edible mushrooms are produced largely on commercial artificial media, so the annual production of spent mushroom substrate (SMS), as a by-product of the mushroom industry, is estimated at over 200 million tons. This SMS is assumed to contain abundant fungal mycelia and pre-fruiting bodies, as well as various nutritive and bioactive compounds that are presently discarded. This study examined the physico-chemical, nutritional, and enzymatic characteristics of uninoculated sterilized medium (USM) and SMS of shiitake mushrooms with the aim of developing a high-value added product from SMS. The contents of crude protein, crude lipid, and ash were higher after the third SMS harvest ($SMS-A-3^{rd}$) than in USM or $SMS-A-1^{st}$. The contents of Ca, Mg, and P in $SMS-A-3^{rd}$ were 2.95, 2.35, and 2.1-fold higher compared than in USM. No As or Cd was detected in USM or SMS. The pH, Brix, and acidity were 4.6, 20.0, and 1.4, respectively in $SMS-A-3^{rd}$, but 5.6, 6.0, and 0.0, respectively, in USM. These results suggest a highly active production of soluble components and organic acids in $SMS-A-3^{rd}$. The distinct color differences noted for USM, $SMS-A-1^{st}$, and $SMS-A-3^{rd}$ could be used as a mycelial growth indicator. Enzyme activity assays using the APIZYM system showed that SMS is a potent source of hydrolysis-related enzymes, especially esterase (C4) and ${\beta}$-glucuronidase. Our results suggested that the SMS of shiitake has a high potential for use in environmental, agricultural, and stock-breeding industries, for example, as active ingredients for sewage treatment, waste-polymer degradation, and feed additives.

Application of Terrestrial LiDAR for Reconstructing 3D Images of Fault Trench Sites and Web-based Visualization Platform for Large Point Clouds (지상 라이다를 활용한 트렌치 단층 단면 3차원 영상 생성과 웹 기반 대용량 점군 자료 가시화 플랫폼 활용 사례)

  • Lee, Byung Woo;Kim, Seung-Sep
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.177-186
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    • 2021
  • For disaster management and mitigation of earthquakes in Korea Peninsula, active fault investigation has been conducted for the past 5 years. In particular, investigation of sediment-covered active faults integrates geomorphological analysis on airborne LiDAR data, surface geological survey, and geophysical exploration, and unearths subsurface active faults by trench survey. However, the fault traces revealed by trench surveys are only available for investigation during a limited time and restored to the previous condition. Thus, the geological data describing the fault trench sites remain as the qualitative data in terms of research articles and reports. To extend the limitations due to temporal nature of geological studies, we utilized a terrestrial LiDAR to produce 3D point clouds for the fault trench sites and restored them in a digital space. The terrestrial LiDAR scanning was conducted at two trench sites located near the Yangsan Fault and acquired amplitude and reflectance from the surveyed area as well as color information by combining photogrammetry with the LiDAR system. The scanned data were merged to form the 3D point clouds having the average geometric error of 0.003 m, which exhibited the sufficient accuracy to restore the details of the surveyed trench sites. However, we found more post-processing on the scanned data would be necessary because the amplitudes and reflectances of the point clouds varied depending on the scan positions and the colors of the trench surfaces were captured differently depending on the light exposures available at the time. Such point clouds are pretty large in size and visualized through a limited set of softwares, which limits data sharing among researchers. As an alternative, we suggested Potree, an open-source web-based platform, to visualize the point clouds of the trench sites. In this study, as a result, we identified that terrestrial LiDAR data can be practical to increase reproducibility of geological field studies and easily accessible by researchers and students in Earth Sciences.

A study on development and nutrient analysis of traditional food in the Sunchang area (순창지역의 전통음식 개발 및 영양평가)

  • Jo, Gye-Beom;Park, Sang-Hee;Ryu, Doo-Young;Choi, Hyun-Sook;Choi, Dubok;Chung, Dong-Ok
    • Food Science and Industry
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.82-91
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate development and nutrient analysis of traditional food in the Sunchang area. A total 6 kinds of set tables was excavated from storytelling. Among set tables, taste and season food were the best in Sunchang gochujang hanjeongsik and Sunchang arirang season table. Shape color, smell, and commercialization possibility and differentiation were best in Sunchang arirang season table. Mole Ratio of sodium and potassium was 1:1 in Sunchang gochujang hanjeongsik and Sunchang arirang season table. The calcium contents in Sunchang gochujang hanjeongsik and Sunchang arirang season table were higher than other traditional foods. This result indicated that Sunchang gochujang hanjeongsik and Sunchang arirang season table are useful for traditional functional food. Also, it is highly suggested to make a database system about local food and standardization of traditional foods cookery.

Effects of Light Intensity, Light Quality and Photoperiod for Growth of Perilla in a Closed-type Plant Factory System (완전제어형 식물공장에서 광량과 광질, 광주기가 들깨의 생장에 미치는 영향)

  • Sul, Seonggwan;Baek, Youngtaek;Cho, Young-Yeol
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.180-187
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    • 2022
  • In order to select suitable light in a plant factory, electric energy use efficiency and light use efficiency should be considered simultaneously to consider operating costs as well as quantitative and functional aspects. The growth characteristics, electric energy use efficiency, light use efficiency by light intensity, LED ratio, and photoperiod conditions were compared together. Light intensity is 60, 130, 230, and 320 µmol·m-2·s-1 treatments, and light quality is the mixing ratio of red light and blue light 8:2, 6:4, 4:6, and 2:8 treatments. Photoperiod is 9, 12, 15, and 18 hours treatments based on the daytime. In the light intensity experiment, the growth rate increased as the light intensity increased, but there was no significant difference in the light use efficiency. When comparing the leaf fresh weight per power consumption, only the 320 µmol·m-2·s-1 treatment group showed significantly low efficiency, and there was no significant difference in the other treatments, so 230 µmol·m-2·s-1, which produced the most, was the most efficient. In the light quality experiment, the ratio of red light and blue light was measured to be high at the same time as the growth rate and light use efficiency in RB 8:2, and there was no significant difference in color difference and flavonoids content, so a Red:Blue ratio of 8:2 was the most suitable condition. In the photoperiod experiment, the longer the photoperiod, the higher the growth rate. However, there was no significant difference in the growth rate over 12 hours of daytime, so 12 hours considering the light consumption efficiency was a suitable condition. Based on the above results, LED light environmental conditions for perilla growth in plant factories were light intensity, light quality, and day length of 230 µmol·m-2·s-1 or more, 8:2, and 12 hours or more, respectively.

Influence of Artificial Rainfall on Wheat Grain Quality During Ripening by Using the Speed-breeding System (세대단축시스템을 이용한 국내 밀 품종의 등숙기 강우에 의한 품질변이 평가)

  • Hyeonjin Park;Jin-Kyung Cha;So-Myeong Lee;Youngho Kwon;Jisu Choi;Ki-Won Oh;Jong-Hee Lee
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    • v.68 no.3
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    • pp.188-196
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    • 2023
  • Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is an important crop in Korea, with a per capita consumption of 31.6 kg in 2019. In the southern region, wheat is grown after paddy rice, and it is harvested during the rainy season in mid-June. This timing, in combination with high humidity and untimely rainfall, activates the enzyme alpha-amylase, which breaks down starch in the wheat grains. As a result, sprouted grains have lower quality and value for flour. However, seeds that absorb water before sprouting are expected to maintain better quality. The aim of the study was to identify the critical period during wheat maturation when rainfall has the greatest impact on grain quality, to prevent price declines due to quality deterioration. Two wheat cultivars, Jokyoung and Hwanggeumal, were grown in a speed breeding room, and artificial rainfall was applied at different times after heading (30, 35, 40, 45, 50, and 55 days). The proportion of vitreous grains decreased from 40 to 55 days after heading (DAH). Both cultivars had chalky grain sections from 35 DAH, with Hwanggeumal having a higher proportion of vitreous grains. Starch degradation was observed using FE-SEM (Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope) at 40 DAH for Jokyoung and 50 DAH for Hwanggeumal. Color measurements indicated increased L and E values from 40 DAH, with rain treatment at 55 DAH leading to a significant increase in L values for both cultivars. Ash content increased at 45 DAH, whereas SDSS decreased at 35 DAH. Overall, grain quality from 40 DAH until harvest was found to be affected to the greatest extent by direct exposure of the spikes to moisture. Red wheat showed better quality than white wheat. These findings have implications for the cultivation of high-quality wheat and can guide future research efforts in this area.