• 제목/요약/키워드: Color Coordinate

검색결과 267건 처리시간 0.023초

Color Image Compensation Method using Advanced Image Formation Model and Adaptive Filter (개선된 영상생성 모델과 적응적 필터를 이용한 칼라 영상 보정방법)

  • Choi, Ho-Hyung;Yun, Byoung-Ju
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제9권12호
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    • pp.10-18
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    • 2009
  • Color rendition method is necessary for improving the low contrast images which are achieved by PDA, mobile phone camera or PC camera. There are some methods for color rendition. However, after correcting the color, image quality degradations, such as graying-out, halo-artifact and color noise, may occur. In order to overcome these problems, this paper proposes a retinex-based color rendition method. The proposed method uses the HSV color coordinate system to avoid the graying-out, and the advanced image formation model to reduce the halo-artifact in which the image is divided into three components as the global illumination, the local illumination, and reflectance. The experiment results show that the proposed method yields better performance of color correction over the conveniently method.

Analysis of Color Difference in Facial Reconstruction used Various Flaps (안면부 재건술에서 사용되는 다양한 피판의 색조 비교)

  • Park, Jang Wan;Kim, Eui Sik;Hwang, Jae Ha;Kim, Kwang Seog;Lee, Sam Yong
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제36권4호
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    • pp.365-371
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: Good color match holds a key position in facial reconstruction for good aesthetic result. To correct the wide facial soft tissue defect were usually used the tissue expanded cheek flap, deltopectoral flap or radial forearm free flap. This study is aimed to analyse the color difference after flap surgery by using chromameter. Method: From August 1995 to December 2006, 30 patients underwent flap operations were chosen randomly and evaluated color differences between flap site and adjacent skin. Reconstructive procedures included tissue expanded cheek flap(n = 10), deltopectoral flap(n = 10), and radial forearm free flap(n = 10). The measured sites were flap center within a radius of 1 ㎝ and four points of adjacent skin along the flap margin. The color was quantified in a three dimensional coordinate system $L^*$ (brightness), $a^*$ (redness), $b^*$ (yellowness). Results: There was no significant color difference between the pedicled flaps(tissue expanded cheek flap and deltopectoral flap) and adjacent skin area. On the other hand, color values of the radial forearm free flap were statistically different from those of adjacent skin area. Total color difference(${\Delta}E$) of tissue expanded cheek flap and deltopectoral flap were $7.45{\pm}5.78$ versus $9.41{\pm}7.09$, and that of radial forearm free flap was $11.74{\pm}3.85$. They suggest that pedicled flaps have a potential of better color match than radial forearm free flap. Conclusion: Thus, better esthetic result and satisfaction is more likely to be expected in pedicled flaps as long as it could be applied comparing radial forearm free flap.

Color Formation Mechanism of Ceramic Pigments Synthesized in the TiO2-SnO-ZnO Compounds

  • Kim, Soomin;Kim, Ungsoo;Cho, Woo-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • 제55권4호
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    • pp.368-375
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    • 2018
  • This study deals with the color formation of ceramic pigment in the $TiO_2$-SnO-ZnO system. We designed compounds to control the color formation depending on the composition using the Design of Experiment. The color coordinate values of synthesized pigments, $L^*a^*b^*$ were measured and statistically analyzed color for changing elements depending on its composition. The relationship between the major crystalline phases and chromaticity was examined using XRD, and the oxidation states of each element were analyzed by XPS. The synthesized pigments based on the compound design exhibited various color changes ranging from yellow-orange to green-blue and brown. The statistical analysis on the spectrophotometer results shows that $a^*$ and $b^*$ values decreased with $TiO_2$ content, and increased with SnO content. Yellow-orange color was detected with the main peak of SnO, and the green-blue color developed with the main peak of $Zn_2TiO_4$. The $a^*$ and $b^*$ values increased with increased SnO peak intensity, and decreased with increased $Zn_2TiO_4$ peak intensity. The results revealed that pigment color formation was influenced by changes in the main crystalline phases and crystalline intensity. However, XPS analysis of the oxidation states of each element showed little correlation with the pigment chromaticity result.

Estimation of 3D Rotation Information of Animation Character Face (애니메이션 캐릭터 얼굴의 3차원 회전정보 측정)

  • Jang, Seok-Woo;Weon, Sun-Hee;Choi, Hyung-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • 제16권8호
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2011
  • Recently, animation contents has become extensively available along with the development of cultural industry. In this paper, we propose a method to analyze a face of animation character and extract 3D rotational information of the face. The suggested method first generates a dominant color model of a face by learning the face image of animation character. Our system then detects the face and its components with the model, and establishes two coordinate systems: base coordinate system and target coordinate system. Our system estimates three dimensional rotational information of the animation character face using the geometric relationship of the two coordinate systems. Finally, in order to visually represent the extracted 3D information, a 3D face model in which the rotation information is reflected is displayed. In experiments, we show that our method can extract 3D rotation information of a character face reasonably.

A Study on the Harmony for Contrast Coloration of Clothing and Makeup (의복과 메이크업의 콘트라스트 배색에 따른 조화감 연구)

  • Jeong, Su-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.601-613
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    • 2007
  • In this research, 128 stimuli of contrast coloration of lipstick and clothing were evaluated to the degree of harmony in the coordination of makeup and clothing color depending on the combination of eyeshadow color(brown, violet), lipstick color(red, orange, and purple), lipstick tone(vivid, light, dull, and dark), clothing style(formal, casual), and clothing tone(vivid, light, dull, and dark). Sets of stimulus and response scales were used as experimental materials. The subjects were 768 female undergraduates living in Gyeongsangnam-do. As to the brown eyeshadow, dull lipstick and light, dull clothing, vivid, dull, dark lipstick and dark clothing among the combinations of red lipstick and blue green clothing, dull lipstick and light, dull, dark clothing, dark lipstick and dull, dark clothing among the combinations of orange lipstick and purplish blue clothing were evaluated as harmonious coloration regardless of the clothing style. As to the violet eyeshadow, combinations of red lipstick and blue green clothing and combinations of red purple lipstick and yellow green clothing wide come out range of disharmony. Thus, the degree of harmony in the contrast coloration can be perceived to be different depending on how the color and tone of clothing and lipstick are coordinate.

Emission Characteristics of White PHOLEDs with Different Emitting Layer Structures (발광층 구조에 따른 백색 인광 OLED의 발광 특성)

  • Seo, Jung-Hyun;Paek, Kyeong-Kap;Ju, Sung-Hoo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • 제25권6호
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    • pp.456-461
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    • 2012
  • We studied the emission characteristics of white phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes (PHOLEDs), which were fabricated using a two-wavelength method. To optimize emission characteristics of white PHOLEDs, white PHOLEDs with red/blue, blue/red and red/blue/red emitting layer (EML) structures were fabricated using a host-dopant system. In case of white PHOLEDs with red/blue structure, the best efficiency was obtained at a structure of red (15 nm)/blue (15 nm). But the emission color was blue-shifted white. In case of white PHOLEDs with blue/red structure, the better color purity and efficiency were observed at a blue (29 nm)/red (1 nm) structure. For additional improvement of color purity in white PHOLEDs with blue (29 nm)/red (1 nm) EMLs, we fabricated white PHOLEDs with red (1 nm)/blue (28 nm)/red (1 nm) structure. The current efficiency, external quantum efficiency, and CIE (x, y) coordinate were 27.2 cd/A, 15.1%, and (0.382, 0.369) at 1,000 $cd/m^2$, respectively.

Fluorescent White OLEDs with a High Color-rendering Index Using a Silicon-Cored Anthracene Derivative as a Blue Host

  • Kwak, Jeong-Hun;Lyu, Yi-Yeol;Lee, Hyun-Koo;Char, Kook-Heon;Lee, Chang-Hee
    • Journal of Information Display
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.123-127
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    • 2010
  • Fluorescent white organic light-emitting diodes showing high color-rendering indices (CRIs) of up to 81 was demonstrated, with a silicon-cored anthracene derivative (PATSPA) doped with DPAVBi utilized as the deep-blue host and dye materials, and the commercial dyes rubrene and DCM2 utilized as the orange- and red-light-emitting dyes. The devices, consisting of three emissive layers, showed bright-white-light emission, but the ratio of the blue peak to the orange and red peaks changed with the current density and the thickness of the blue emissive layer. A high CRI was achieved with the use of a deep-blue emitter doped in a novel host and by optimizing the blue-layer thickness. The device with a blue-layer thickness of 10 nm showed the Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE) color coordinate of (0.33, 0.35), a high CRI of 81, and a moderate external quantum efficiency of 2% at a current density of $2.5\;mA/cm^2$.

Human Face Recognition System Based on Skin Color Informations and Geometrical Feature Analysis of Face (피부색 정보와 얼굴의 구조적 특징 분석을 통한 얼굴 영상 인식 시스템)

  • Lee Eung- Joo
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.42-48
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, we propose the face image recognition algorithm using skin color information, face region features such as eye, nose, and mouse, etc., and geometrical features of chin line. In the proposed algorithm, we used the intensity as well as skin color information in the HSI color coordinate which is similar to human eye system. The experimental results of proposed method shows improved extraction quality of face and provides adaptive extraction methods for the races. And also, we used chin line information as well as geometrical features of face such as eye, nose, mouse information for the improvement of face recognition quality, Experimental results shows the more improved recognition as well as extraction quality than conventional methods.

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Selection of Apple Ground Color for Maturity Index Using Color Machine Vision (컬러 컴퓨터 시각에 의한 사과 선별 기준색깔 선정)

  • 서상룡;성제훈
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.210-216
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    • 1997
  • A study to select ground colors of Fuji apple for maturity index which are needed to standardize grading of the apples is presented. Two extreme colors of immature and fully mature Fuji and Zonagold apples produced in Korea were determined. Various ground colors of Fuji apple between the two extreme colors were collected and classified by human vision and colors of Fuji apple for maturity index were selected from the classification. Coordinates of the selected colors in xy chromaticity diagram were determined by spectrophotometers to define them in a standard coordinate system. Coordinates of the colors in r-g chromaticity diagram using a color machine vision system were also determined to use the colors in apple grading by the machine vision system. Grading Fuji apples using the machine vision system was performed and result of the grading was compared with Ending results of human vision and colorimeter. The comparison was performed with the same Fuji apple samples and showed 65% md 75% of same grades, respectively, as the grades determined by the machine vision system. Differences of fading performance between the compared three grading methods were explained as mainly because of the differences of observation area of the grading methods.

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A Study on the Expression of Clothing and Textiles Recorded in $\mathbb{\ulcorner}$Eigamonokatary(영화물언)$\mathbb{\lrcorner}$ -Focus on Colors and Dyeing- ($\mathbb{\ulcorner}$영화물언$\mathbb{\lrcorner}$에 나타난 복식자료 연구 -색채와 염색을 중심으로-)

  • 문광희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • 제43권
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    • pp.97-108
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    • 1999
  • This paper is a study on the expression of Clothing and Textiles recorded in $\boxDr$Eigamonokatary$\boxUl$ focus on Color and Dying. $\boxDr$Eigamonokatary$\boxUl$is a novel described the life style of Royal Court from 883 till 1107. The discoveries of this paper were as follows. 1. The materials of colors and dyeing which are described in this book reflect the features of the age well. We can assume that the point of its chic might rest on colors and dyeing than design or pattern. 2. Sine they enjoyed wearing lots of clothes which are in the same design but in different colors with the underwear. When color coordinate was fashioned we call them "Kasanenoirome". This type of dressing was in vogue in the age of Heian when there were several devices of showing chic in dressing. 3. The color of clothes at that time might represent one's official position the black the highest class following the purple the red and the blue or green. The black color was made from the purple or blue. The Japanese Emperor would wear reddish yellow or blue clothes according to the nature of his office work. 4. Some of Japanese fashion might be influenced by Korean styles in the respects of coordinating colors and adjusting Buddhist fashion etc. It is required that the turther studies of comparing Korean fashion styles with Japanese ones should be deepened. deepened.

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