• Title/Summary/Keyword: Coil Design

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The Design and Performance Test of Miniaturized Sled Type Dual-Servo Actuator (초소형 Sled-type 이중 서보 엑추에이터 설계 및 특성 분석)

  • 강동우;김기현;정재화;권대갑
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.357-360
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    • 2002
  • Nowadays, the improvement and development of Multi-media, information and communication technology are rapidly processed. And many products, for example, digital camera, digital camcorder, and PDA, are used for them. They need large data storage capacity and small size, light storage system. Due to that, many studies and researches in data storage system have been carried out. Especially, micro drive system was presented by IBM.(1) However, its system is expensive and uneasy to be portable. In ODD technologies, 1 inch drive system is not yet or in processing status.(2) If to be possible and to be come up, it is cheap than HDD system and easy to transfer information. In this paper, a miniaturized actuator(about linch) is designed and tested for ODD system. Specially, it is adapted for NFR(Near-field Recoding) system using SIL(Solid Immersion Lens). It is the dual-servo actuator which consists of a coarse actuator and fine actuator. Its actuating force generation method is VCM(Voice Ceil Motor). The fine actuator has 4-wire suspensions and bobbin wrapped by coil and includes focusing motion as well as tracking motion. The coarse actuator has an actuating coil and V-grooved guide mechanism. Also, the characteristics of the designed actuator is estimated by sine-swept mode and LDV(Laser Doppler Vibro-meter).

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Analysis on the Temperature Distribution Characteristics of Insulating oil of Transformer Using the Vegetable oil and Mineral oil (식물성 절연유와 광유가 사용된 유입변압기의 온도분포 특성)

  • An, Jung-Sik;Shim, Meoung-Seop;Jung, Joong-Il;Kim, Nam-Ryul;Huh, Chang-Su
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2009.07a
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    • pp.1215_1216
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    • 2009
  • Most transformer use insulating and cooling fluids derived from petroleum crude oil, but mineral oil is some possibility of environmental pollution and fire with explosion. vegetable oil fluids extracted from seed has superior biodegradation and fire-resistant properties including an exceptionally high fire point enhancing fire safety. In this study, it is aimed at the practicality of substituting natural ester dielectric fluid for mineral oil in liquid insulation system of transformers. As a rise in coil winding temperature has a direct influence on transformer life time, it is important to evaluate the temperature rise of coil winding in vegetable oil in comparison with mineral oil. Three transformers for the test are designed with 10KVA, 13.2KV, one phase unit. The temperature are directly measured in insulating oil of these transformers with the two sorts of natural ester and mineral oil dielectric fluid respectively. Temperature of vegetable oil transformers was similar to temperature of mineral oil transformer in the same design at 80% load and above.

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Cell Balancing Method in Flyback Converter without Cell Selection Switch of Multi-Winding Transformer

  • Kim, Jin-Woong;Ha, Jung-Ik
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.367-376
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents a cell balancing method for a single switch flyback converter with a multi-winding transformer. The conventional method using a flyback converter with a multi-winding transformer is simple and easy to control, but the voltage of each secondary winding coil might be non-uniform because of the unequal effective turn-ratio. In particular, it is difficult to control the non-uniform effect using turn-ratios because secondary coil has a limited number of turns. The non-uniform secondary voltages disturb the cell balancing procedure and induce an unbalance in cell voltages. Individual cell control by adding a switch for each cell can reduce the undesirable effect. However, the circuit becomes bulky, resulting in additional loss. The proposed method here uses the conventional flyback converter with an adjustment made to the output filters of the cells, instead of the additional switch. The magnitude of voltage applied to a particular cell can be reduced or increased according to the adjusted filter and the selected switching frequency. An analysis of the conventional converter configuration and the filter design method reveals the possibility of adequate cell balancing control without any additional switch on the secondary side.

The utilities of U-shape EM sensor in stress monitoring

  • Wang, Guodun;Wang, Ming L.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.17 no.3_4
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    • pp.291-302
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, load monitoring technologies using U-shape Magnetoelastic (EM or ME) sensors have been exploited systemically for the first time. The steel rod to be tested is the Japan 7 mm piano steel rod. The load dependence of the magnetic properties of the piano steel rod was manifested. Two experimental designs of U-shape magnetoelastic sensors were introduced, one with double pick-up concentric coils wound on the rod to be tested, the other with pick-up coil on one yoke foot. The former design is used to derive the correlation of the relative permeability with elastic tension, while the latter is aimed to reflect the stress induced magnetic flux variation along the magnetic circuit. Magnetostatic simulations provide interpretations for the yoke foot sensing technology. Tests with double pick-up coils indicate that under proper working points (primary voltages), the relative permeability varies linearly with the axial load for the Japan 7 mm piano steel rod. Tests with pick-up coil on the yoke foot show that the integrated sensing voltage changes quadratically with the load, and error is more acceptable when the working point is high enough.

Design and Fabrication of EMAT for Excitation of SAW (SAW 여기를 위한 EMAT의 설계 및 제작에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Heung-Ki;Lee, Jae-Seung;Jun, Kye-Suk
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.24-30
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    • 1990
  • In this paper, meander line type EMAT(Electro-Magnetic Acoustic Transducer) has been designed and fabricated with effective properties for detecting flaw existing within one wavelength in depth, and its characteristics have been analyzed. For the purpose of getting effective dynamic and static magnetic intensity, the coil has been arrayed using wire with interval of 0.75 mm and width of 0.65 mm and permanent magnets with 1500 Gauss have been constructed respectively. The center frequency and fractional bandwidth of the fabricated EMAT was 2 MHz and 36% respectively and its impulse response has been measured by non-contacting technique(the distance between the conducting media and the coil was 0.15mm). In the measuring results, it has been shown that Insertion Loss(IL) was 45.46dB and it was good agreement with theoretical result.

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Design and Characteristic Analysis of Moving Coil type Linear Oscillatory Actuator Considering Unbalanced Magnetic Circuit (불평형 자기회로를 고려한 가동 코일형 리니어 진동 엑추에이터의 설계 및 특성해석)

  • Kim, Duk-Hyun;Eum, Sang-Joon;Kang, Gyu-Hong;Hong, Jung-Pyo;Kim, Gyu-Tak
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers B
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.403-410
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    • 2000
  • This paper deals with a study to improve the performance of Moving Coil type Linear Oscillatory Actuator (MC-LOA) considering unbalanced magnetic circuit. MC-LOA has an unbalanced magnetic circuit due to its asymmetric structure. In this type of LOA, the airgap flux density tends to have different magnitude along mover's displacement and the current directions. The above property causes eccentric of displacement center and interferes with the proper oscillation of LOA. Therefore, this paper presents two models having the unbalanced magnetic circuit and the other balanced by the saturated core. In order to compare the characteristics between the two models, a characteristic analysis for both the basic model and the improved model is performed by their dynamic analysis composed of kinetic and electric equations and Finite Element Method (FEM). The propriety of the improved model is verified through the experimental results.

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Fabrication of HTS SQUID Sensors for the Application to a High S/N Ratio Magnetocardiograph System (저잡음 심자도측정시스템 개발을 위한 고온초전도 SQUID 센서의 제작)

  • Kim I. S;Yu K. K;Park Y. K
    • Progress in Superconductivity
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.19-23
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    • 2004
  • YBCO do superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometers based on bicrystal Josephson junctions on 10 mm ${\times}$ 10 mm $SrTiO_3$ substrates have been fabricated. The pickup coil of the device was designed to have 16 parallel loops with 50-fm-wide lines. We could obtain optimised direct coupled YBCO SQUID magnetometer design with field sensitivity $B_{N}$ $\Phi$/ of $4.5 nT/\Phi_{0}$ and magnetic field noise $B_{N}$ of about $22 fT/Hz^{1}$2/ with an I/f corner frequency of 2 Hz measured inside a magnetically shielded room. Preliminary results of magnetocardiograph measurement using the HTS SQUID magnetometers show signal to noise ratio of about 110, which is comparable to the quality of a commercial MCG system based on Nb-SQUIDs.

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A Study for Optimum Design and Fabrication of Microscale Solenoid RF Chip Inductors (극소형 솔레노이드 RF 칩 인덕터의 설계 및 제작에 대한 연구)

  • 윤의중;정영창
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers C
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    • v.52 no.11
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    • pp.501-507
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    • 2003
  • In this study, microscale, high-performance, solenoid-type RF chip inductors were investigated. The size of the RF chip inductors fabricated in this work was 1.0${\times}$0.5${\times}$0.5㎣. 96% $Al_2$ $O_3$and I-type were used as the material and shape of the core, respectively. The copper (Cu) wire with 6 turns was employed as the coils. The diameter (40${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$) and position (middle) of the coil and the length (0.35mm) of solenoid were determined by a high-frequency structure simulator (HFSS) to maximize the performance of the inductors. High frequency characteristics of the inductance (L) and quality-factor (Q) of developed inductors were measured using an RF Impedance/Material Analyzer (HP4291B with HP16193A test fixture). The inductors developed have inductances of 10.8nH and quality factors of 25.2 to 50 over the frequency ranges of 250MHz to l GHz, and show results comparable to those measured for the inductors prepared by CoilCraf $t^{Tm}$ . The simulated data predicted the high-frequency data of the L and Q of the inductors developed well.l.

Fabrication of RFID TAG Micro Pattern Using Ultrasonic Convergency Vibration (초음파 융합진동을 이용한 미세패턴성형 기술 연구)

  • Lee, Bong-Gu
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.175-180
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we developed a micropattern technology in the shape of RFID TAG antenna using ultrasonic micropattern manufacturing system developed to enable micropattern technology. The ultrasonic tool horn in longitudinal vibration mode was installed in the micropattern manufacturing system to develop the ultrasonic press technology for the micropattern antenna shape of the RFID TAG antenna shape on the insulating sheet surface. The ultrasonic shaping technology was manufactured by applying the resonance design technique to a 60kHz tool horn, and by using the micropattern manufacturing system, the coil wire having a thickness of 25㎛ can be ultrasonically press-molded on an insulating sheet of 200㎛ or less. In ultrasonic press technology, the antenna shape having a minimum line width of 150㎛ could be molded without disconnection, peeling, or twisting of the coil wire.

Effect of Process Parameters in Electromagnetic Forming Apparatus on Forming Load by FEM (유한요소해석을 통한 전자기 성형장비 공정변수의 성형력에 미치는 영향)

  • Noh, Hak Gon;Park, Hyeong Gyu;Song, Woo Jin;Kang, Beom Soo;Kim, Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.30 no.7
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    • pp.733-740
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    • 2013
  • The high-velocity electromagnetic forming (EMF) process is based on the Lorentz force and the energy of the magnetic field. The advantages of EMF include improved formability, wrinkle reduction, and non-contact forming. In this study, numerical simulations were conducted to determine the practical parameters for the EMF process. A 2-D axis-symmetric electromagnetic model was used, based on a spiral-type forming coil. In the numerical simulation, an RLC circuit was coupled to the spiral coil to measure various design parameters, such as the system input current and the electromagnetic force. The simulation results show that even though the input peak current levels were at the same level in each case, the forming condition varied due to differences in the frequency of the input current. Thus, the electromagnetic forming force was affected by the input current frequency, which in turn, determined the magnitude of the current density and the magnetic flux density.